/************************************************* * EMSA1 Source File * * (C) 1999-2006 The Botan Project * *************************************************/ #include #include namespace Botan { /************************************************* * EMSA1 Update Operation * *************************************************/ void EMSA1::update(const byte input[], u32bit length) { hash->update(input, length); } /************************************************* * Return the raw (unencoded) data * *************************************************/ SecureVector EMSA1::raw_data() { return hash->final(); } /************************************************* * EMSA1 Encode Operation * *************************************************/ SecureVector EMSA1::encoding_of(const MemoryRegion& msg, u32bit output_bits) { if(msg.size() != hash->OUTPUT_LENGTH) throw Invalid_Argument("EMSA1::encoding_of: Invalid size for input"); if(8*msg.size() <= output_bits) return msg; u32bit shift = 8*msg.size() - output_bits; u32bit byte_shift = shift / 8, bit_shift = shift % 8; SecureVector digest(msg.size() - byte_shift); for(u32bit j = 0; j != msg.size() - byte_shift; ++j) digest[j] = msg[j]; if(bit_shift) { byte carry = 0; for(u32bit j = 0; j != digest.size(); ++j) { byte temp = digest[j]; digest[j] = (temp >> bit_shift) | carry; carry = (temp << (8 - bit_shift)); } } return digest; } /************************************************* * EMSA1 Decode/Verify Operation * *************************************************/ bool EMSA1::verify(const MemoryRegion& coded, const MemoryRegion& raw, u32bit key_bits) throw() { try { SecureVector our_coding = encoding_of(raw, key_bits); if(our_coding == coded) return true; if(our_coding[0] != 0) return false; if(our_coding.size() <= coded.size()) return false; u32bit offset = 0; while(our_coding[offset] == 0 && offset < our_coding.size()) ++offset; if(our_coding.size() - offset != coded.size()) return false; for(u32bit j = 0; j != coded.size(); ++j) if(coded[j] != our_coding[j+offset]) return false; return true; } catch(Invalid_Argument) { return false; } } /************************************************* * EMSA1 Constructor * *************************************************/ EMSA1::EMSA1(const std::string& hash_name) : hash(get_hash(hash_name)) { } }