/* * (C) 2014,2015,2017 Jack Lloyd * (C) 2016 Matthias Gierlings * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #include "cli.h" #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_TLS) && defined(BOTAN_HAS_BOOST_ASIO) #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _GLIBCXX_HAVE_GTHR_DEFAULT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_TLS_SQLITE3_SESSION_MANAGER) #include #endif #include "credentials.h" namespace Botan_CLI { namespace { using boost::asio::ip::tcp; inline void log_exception(const char* where, const std::exception& e) { std::cout << where << ' ' << e.what() << std::endl; } /* * This is an incomplete and highly buggy HTTP request parser. It is just * barely sufficient to handle a GET request sent by a browser. */ class HTTP_Parser { public: class Request { public: const std::string& verb() const { return m_verb; } const std::string& location() const { return m_location; } const std::map& headers() const { return m_headers; } Request(const std::string& verb, const std::string& location, const std::map& headers) : m_verb(verb), m_location(location), m_headers(headers) {} private: std::string m_verb; std::string m_location; std::map m_headers; }; class Callbacks { public: virtual void handle_http_request(const Request& request) = 0; virtual ~Callbacks() = default; }; HTTP_Parser(Callbacks& cb) : m_cb(cb) {} void consume_input(const uint8_t buf[], size_t buf_len) { m_req_buf.append(reinterpret_cast(buf), buf_len); std::istringstream strm(m_req_buf); std::string http_version; std::string verb; std::string location; std::map headers; strm >> verb >> location >> http_version; if(verb.empty() || location.empty()) return; while(true) { std::string header_line; std::getline(strm, header_line); if(header_line == "\r") { continue; } auto delim = header_line.find(": "); if(delim == std::string::npos) { break; } const std::string hdr_name = header_line.substr(0, delim); const std::string hdr_val = header_line.substr(delim + 2, std::string::npos); headers[hdr_name] = hdr_val; if(headers.size() > 1024) throw std::runtime_error("That's an awful lot of headers"); } if(verb != "" && location != "") { Request req(verb, location, headers); m_cb.handle_http_request(req); m_req_buf.clear(); } else printf("ignoring\n"); } private: Callbacks& m_cb; std::string m_req_buf; }; static const size_t READBUF_SIZE = 4096; class TLS_Asio_HTTP_Session final : public boost::enable_shared_from_this, public Botan::TLS::Callbacks, public HTTP_Parser::Callbacks { public: typedef boost::shared_ptr pointer; static pointer create( boost::asio::io_service& io, Botan::TLS::Session_Manager& session_manager, Botan::Credentials_Manager& credentials, Botan::TLS::Policy& policy) { return pointer(new TLS_Asio_HTTP_Session(io, session_manager, credentials, policy)); } tcp::socket& client_socket() { return m_client_socket; } void start() { m_c2s.resize(READBUF_SIZE); client_read(boost::system::error_code(), 0); // start read loop } void stop() { m_tls.close(); } private: TLS_Asio_HTTP_Session(boost::asio::io_service& io, Botan::TLS::Session_Manager& session_manager, Botan::Credentials_Manager& credentials, Botan::TLS::Policy& policy) : m_strand(io) , m_client_socket(io) , m_tls(*this, session_manager, credentials, policy, m_rng) {} void client_read(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred) { if(error) { stop(); return; } try { m_tls.received_data(&m_c2s[0], bytes_transferred); } catch(Botan::Exception& e) { log_exception("TLS connection failed", e); stop(); return; } m_client_socket.async_read_some( boost::asio::buffer(&m_c2s[0], m_c2s.size()), m_strand.wrap( boost::bind( &TLS_Asio_HTTP_Session::client_read, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred))); } void handle_client_write_completion(const boost::system::error_code& error) { if(error) { stop(); return; } m_s2c.clear(); if(m_s2c_pending.empty() && m_tls.is_closed()) { m_client_socket.close(); } tls_emit_data(nullptr, 0); // initiate another write if needed } std::string tls_server_choose_app_protocol(const std::vector& client_protos) override { return "http/1.1"; } void tls_record_received(uint64_t /*rec_no*/, const uint8_t buf[], size_t buf_len) override { if(!m_http_parser) m_http_parser.reset(new HTTP_Parser(*this)); m_http_parser->consume_input(buf, buf_len); } std::string summarize_request(const HTTP_Parser::Request& request) { std::ostringstream strm; strm << "Client " << client_socket().remote_endpoint().address().to_string() << " requested " << request.verb() << " " << request.location() << "\n"; if(request.headers().empty() == false) { strm << "Client HTTP headers:\n"; for(auto kv : request.headers()) strm << " " << kv.first << ": " << kv.second << "\n"; } return strm.str(); } void handle_http_request(const HTTP_Parser::Request& request) override { std::ostringstream response; if(request.verb() != "GET") { response << "HTTP/1.0 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n\r\nNo POST for you"; } else { if(request.location() == "/" || request.location() == "/status") { const std::string http_summary = summarize_request(request); const std::string report = http_summary + m_session_summary + m_chello_summary; response << "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"; response << "Server: " << Botan::version_string() << "\r\n"; response << "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"; response << "Content-Length: " << report.size() << "\r\n"; response << "\r\n"; response << report; } else { response << "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n\r\nSorry, no"; } } const std::string response_str = response.str(); m_tls.send(response_str); m_tls.close(); } void tls_emit_data(const uint8_t buf[], size_t buf_len) override { if(buf_len > 0) { m_s2c_pending.insert(m_s2c_pending.end(), buf, buf + buf_len); } // no write now active and we still have output pending if(m_s2c.empty() && !m_s2c_pending.empty()) { std::swap(m_s2c_pending, m_s2c); boost::asio::async_write( m_client_socket, boost::asio::buffer(&m_s2c[0], m_s2c.size()), m_strand.wrap( boost::bind( &TLS_Asio_HTTP_Session::handle_client_write_completion, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error))); } } bool tls_session_established(const Botan::TLS::Session& session) override { std::ostringstream strm; strm << "TLS negotiation with " << Botan::version_string() << " test server\n\n"; strm << "Version: " << session.version().to_string() << "\n"; strm << "Ciphersuite: " << session.ciphersuite().to_string() << "\n"; if(session.session_id().empty() == false) { strm << "SessionID: " << Botan::hex_encode(session.session_id()) << "\n"; } if(session.server_info().hostname() != "") { strm << "SNI: " << session.server_info().hostname() << "\n"; } m_session_summary = strm.str(); return true; } void tls_inspect_handshake_msg(const Botan::TLS::Handshake_Message& message) { if(message.type() == Botan::TLS::CLIENT_HELLO) { const Botan::TLS::Client_Hello& client_hello = dynamic_cast(message); std::ostringstream strm; strm << "Client random: " << Botan::hex_encode(client_hello.random()) << "\n"; strm << "Client offered following ciphersuites:\n"; for(uint16_t suite_id : client_hello.ciphersuites()) { Botan::TLS::Ciphersuite ciphersuite = Botan::TLS::Ciphersuite::by_id(suite_id); strm << " - 0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << suite_id << std::dec << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(0) << " "; if(ciphersuite.valid()) strm << ciphersuite.to_string() << "\n"; else if(suite_id == 0x00FF) strm << "Renegotiation SCSV\n"; else strm << "Unknown ciphersuite\n"; } m_chello_summary = strm.str(); } } void tls_alert(Botan::TLS::Alert alert) override { if(alert.type() == Botan::TLS::Alert::CLOSE_NOTIFY) { m_tls.close(); return; } else { std::cout << "Alert " << alert.type_string() << std::endl; } } boost::asio::io_service::strand m_strand; tcp::socket m_client_socket; Botan::AutoSeeded_RNG m_rng; // RNG per connection Botan::TLS::Server m_tls; std::string m_chello_summary; std::string m_session_summary; std::unique_ptr m_http_parser; std::vector m_c2s; std::vector m_s2c; std::vector m_s2c_pending; }; class TLS_Asio_HTTP_Server final { public: typedef TLS_Asio_HTTP_Session session; TLS_Asio_HTTP_Server( boost::asio::io_service& io, unsigned short port, Botan::Credentials_Manager& creds, Botan::TLS::Policy& policy, Botan::TLS::Session_Manager& session_mgr) : m_acceptor(io, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), port)) , m_creds(creds) , m_policy(policy) , m_session_manager(session_mgr) { session::pointer new_session = make_session(); m_acceptor.async_accept( new_session->client_socket(), boost::bind( &TLS_Asio_HTTP_Server::handle_accept, this, new_session, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); } private: session::pointer make_session() { return session::create( m_acceptor.get_io_service(), m_session_manager, m_creds, m_policy); } void handle_accept(session::pointer new_session, const boost::system::error_code& error) { if(!error) { new_session->start(); new_session = make_session(); m_acceptor.async_accept( new_session->client_socket(), boost::bind( &TLS_Asio_HTTP_Server::handle_accept, this, new_session, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); } } tcp::acceptor m_acceptor; Botan::Credentials_Manager& m_creds; Botan::TLS::Policy& m_policy; Botan::TLS::Session_Manager& m_session_manager; }; } class TLS_HTTP_Server final : public Command { public: TLS_HTTP_Server() : Command("tls_http_server server_cert server_key " "--port=443 --policy= --threads=0 " "--session-db= --session-db-pass=") {} void go() override { const size_t listen_port = get_arg_sz("port"); const std::string server_crt = get_arg("server_cert"); const std::string server_key = get_arg("server_key"); const size_t num_threads = get_arg_sz("threads") || std::thread::hardware_concurrency() || 2; Basic_Credentials_Manager creds(rng(), server_crt, server_key); std::unique_ptr policy; const std::string policy_file = get_arg("policy"); if(policy_file.size() > 0) { std::ifstream policy_stream(policy_file); if(!policy_stream.good()) { error_output() << "Failed reading policy file\n"; return; } policy.reset(new Botan::TLS::Text_Policy(policy_stream)); } if(!policy) { policy.reset(new Botan::TLS::Policy); } std::unique_ptr session_mgr; const std::string sessions_db = get_arg("session-db"); if(!sessions_db.empty()) { #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_TLS_SQLITE3_SESSION_MANAGER) const std::string sessions_passphrase = get_arg("session-db-pass"); session_mgr.reset(new Botan::TLS::Session_Manager_SQLite(sessions_passphrase, rng(), sessions_db)); #else throw CLI_Error_Unsupported("Sqlite3 support not available"); #endif } if(!session_mgr) { session_mgr.reset(new Botan::TLS::Session_Manager_In_Memory(rng())); } boost::asio::io_service io; TLS_Asio_HTTP_Server server(io, listen_port, creds, *policy, *session_mgr); std::vector> threads; // run forever... first thread is main calling io.run below for(size_t i = 2; i <= num_threads; ++i) { threads.push_back(std::make_shared([&io]() { io.run(); })); } io.run(); for(size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i) { threads[i]->join(); } } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_COMMAND("tls_http_server", TLS_HTTP_Server); } #endif