Getting The Latest Sources ======================================== All releases are signed with a :doc:`PGP key `. Unsure which release you want? Check the :ref:`FAQ `. .. only:: not website .. note:: If you are viewing this documentation offline, a more recent release `may be available `_. Current Stable Series (1.10) ---------------------------------------- The latest version of the current stable series, from branch ``net.randombit.botan.1_10``, is :doc:`relnotes/1_10_6`: :tgz:`1.10.6` (:tgz_sig:`sig <1.10.6>`), :tbz:`1.10.6` (:tbz_sig:`sig <1.10.6>`) .. note:: If you are planning on developing an application using TLS, using the latest 1.11 release instead of 1.10 is highly recommended. Windows Installer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Windows installers for use with Visual C++ 2010 :installer_x86_32:`1.10.5` (:installer_sig_x86_32:`sig <1.10.5>`) and :installer_x86_64:`1.10.5` (:installer_sig_x86_64:`sig <1.10.5>`) are also available. Current Development Series (1.11) ---------------------------------------- The latest version of the current development series, from branch ``net.randombit.botan``, is :doc:`relnotes/1_11_5`: :tgz:`1.11.5` (:tgz_sig:`sig <1.11.5>`), :tbz:`1.11.5` (:tbz_sig:`sig <1.11.5>`) To access the latest unreleased sources, see :doc:`vcs`. A script also creates regular snapshots of trunk, which are available `here `_. .. note:: Versions 1.11.0 and later require a mostly-compliant C++11 compiler such as Clang 3.1 or GCC 4.7.