/Makefile CMakeLists.txt* libbotan*.so.* *.a *.so *.dylib *.exp *.lib *.pdb *.ilk *.dll *.exe *.manifest build build.log botan botan-test core.* vgcore.* # Text file backups (e.g. gedit, joe) *~ \#*\# .\#* # Archive files *.tgz *.tar # Logs *.log # Patch files *.patch *.diff *.orig *.rej # Cache and temporary files *.pyc .DS_Store *.swp # ctags/etags files /TAGS /tags # Amalgamation code botan_all.h botan_all_internal.h botan_all.cpp botan_all_*.cpp # Coverage output coverage.info coverage.info.raw coverage/ lcov-out/ /fuzzer_corpus # Profiler outputs cachegrind.* callgrind.* # Ignore stuff in the top level dir that shouldn't be checked in /*.c /*.cpp /*.h /*.py /*.key /*.pem /*.der /*.ber /*.gpg /*.pub /*.crt /*.txt /*.rst # Add back files from the toplevel !/news.rst !/readme.rst !/configure.py !/license.txt