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diff --git a/src/rng/hmac_rng/hmac_rng.cpp b/src/rng/hmac_rng/hmac_rng.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..275a243c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rng/hmac_rng/hmac_rng.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+* HMAC_RNG Source File *
+* (C) 2008 Jack Lloyd *
+#include <botan/hmac_rng.h>
+#include <botan/loadstor.h>
+#include <botan/xor_buf.h>
+#include <botan/util.h>
+#include <botan/bit_ops.h>
+#include <botan/stl_util.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+class Entropy_Estimator
+ {
+ public:
+ Entropy_Estimator()
+ { last = last_delta = last_delta2 = 0; estimate = 0; }
+ u32bit value() const { return estimate; }
+ void set_upper_bound(u32bit upper_limit)
+ { estimate = std::min(estimate, upper_limit); }
+ void update(const byte buffer[], u32bit length, u32bit upper_limit = 0);
+ private:
+ u32bit estimate;
+ byte last, last_delta, last_delta2;
+ };
+void Entropy_Estimator::update(const byte buffer[], u32bit length,
+ u32bit upper_limit)
+ {
+ u32bit this_buf_estimate = 0;
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != length; ++j)
+ {
+ byte delta = last ^ buffer[j];
+ last = buffer[j];
+ byte delta2 = delta ^ last_delta;
+ last_delta = delta;
+ byte delta3 = delta2 ^ last_delta2;
+ last_delta2 = delta2;
+ byte min_delta = delta;
+ if(min_delta > delta2) min_delta = delta2;
+ if(min_delta > delta3) min_delta = delta3;
+ this_buf_estimate += hamming_weight(min_delta);
+ }
+ this_buf_estimate /= 2;
+ if(upper_limit)
+ estimate += std::min(upper_limit, this_buf_estimate);
+ else
+ estimate += this_buf_estimate;
+ }
+* Generate a buffer of random bytes *
+void HMAC_RNG::randomize(byte out[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ if(!is_seeded())
+ {
+ reseed();
+ if(!is_seeded())
+ throw PRNG_Unseeded(name());
+ }
+ /*
+ HMAC KDF as described in E-t-E, using a CTXinfo of "rng"
+ */
+ while(length)
+ {
+ prf->update(K, K.size());
+ prf->update("rng");
+ for(u32bit i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
+ prf->update(get_byte(i, counter));
+ prf->final(K);
+ u32bit copied = std::min(K.size(), length);
+ copy_mem(out, K.begin(), copied);
+ out += copied;
+ length -= copied;
+ ++counter;
+ }
+ }
+* Reseed the internal state, also accepting user input to include
+void HMAC_RNG::reseed_with_input(const byte input[], u32bit input_length)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> buffer(128);
+ Entropy_Estimator estimate;
+ /*
+ Use the first entropy source (which is normally a timer of some
+ kind, producing an 8 byte output) as the new random key for the
+ extractor. This takes the function of XTS as described in "On
+ Extract-then-Expand Key Derivation Functions and an HMAC-based KDF"
+ by Hugo Krawczyk (henceforce, 'E-t-E')
+ Set the extractor MAC key to this value: it's OK if the timer is
+ guessable. Even if the timer remained constant for a particular
+ machine, that is fine, as the only purpose is to parameterize the
+ hash function. See Krawczyk's paper for details.
+ If not available (no entropy sources at all), set to a constant;
+ this also should be safe
+ */
+ if(entropy_sources.size())
+ {
+ u32bit got = entropy_sources[0]->fast_poll(buffer, buffer.size());
+ extractor->set_key(buffer, got);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string xts = "Botan HMAC_RNG XTS";
+ extractor->set_key(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(xts.c_str()),
+ xts.length());
+ }
+ /*
+ Using the terminology of E-t-E, XTR is the MAC function (normally
+ HMAC) seeded with XTS (above) and we form SKM, the key material, by
+ fast polling each source, and then slow polling as many as we think
+ we need (in the following loop), and feeding all of the poll
+ results, along with any optional user input, along with, finally,
+ feedback of the current PRK value, into the extractor function.
+ Clearly you want the old key to feed back in somehow, because
+ otherwise if you have a good poll, collecting a lot of entropy,
+ and then have a bad poll, collecting very little, you don't want
+ to end up worse than you started (which you would if you threw
+ away the entire old key).
+ We don't keep the PRK value around (it is just used to seed the
+ PRF), so instead we apply the PRF using a CTXinfo of the ASCII
+ string "reseed" to generate an output value which is then fed back
+ into the extractor function. This should mean that at least some
+ bits of the newly chosen PRK will be a function of the previous
+ poll data.
+ Including the current PRK as an input to the extractor function
+ along with the poll data seems the most conservative choice,
+ because the extractor function should (assuming I understand the
+ E-t-E paper) be safe to use in this way (accepting potentially
+ correlated inputs), and this has the following good properties:
+ If an attacker recovers a PRK value (using swap forensics,
+ timing attacks, malware, etc), it seems very hard to work out
+ previous PRK values.
+ If an attacker recovers a PRK value, and you then do a poll
+ which manages to acquire sufficient (conditional) entropy, then
+ the new PRK seems hard to guess, because the old PRK is treated
+ just like any other poll input, which here can be coorelated,
+ etc without danger (I think) because of the use of a randomized
+ extraction function, and the results from the E-t-E paper.
+ */
+ /*
+ Fast poll all sources (except the first one, which we used to
+ choose XTS, above)
+ */
+ for(u32bit j = 1; j < entropy_sources.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ u32bit got = entropy_sources[j]->fast_poll(buffer, buffer.size());
+ extractor->update(buffer, got);
+ estimate.update(buffer, got, 96);
+ }
+ /* Limit assumed entropy from fast polls (to ensure we do at
+ least a few slow polls)
+ */
+ estimate.set_upper_bound(256);
+ /* Then do a slow poll, until we think we have got enough entropy
+ */
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != entropy_sources.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ u32bit got = entropy_sources[j]->slow_poll(buffer, buffer.size());
+ extractor->update(buffer, got);
+ estimate.update(buffer, got, 256);
+ if(estimate.value() > 8 * extractor->OUTPUT_LENGTH)
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ And now add the user-provided input, if any
+ */
+ if(input_length)
+ {
+ extractor->update(input, input_length);
+ estimate.update(input, input_length);
+ }
+ // Generate a new output using the HMAC PRF construction,
+ // using a CTXinfo of "reseed" and the last K value + counter
+ for(u32bit i = 0; i != prf->OUTPUT_LENGTH; ++i)
+ prf->update(K);
+ prf->update("reseed"); // CTXinfo
+ for(u32bit i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
+ prf->update(get_byte(i, counter));
+ // Add PRF output K(1) with CTXinfo "reseed" to the new SKM
+ extractor->update(prf->final());
+ // Now derive the new PRK and set the PRF key to that
+ SecureVector<byte> prk = extractor->final();
+ prf->set_key(prk, prk.size());
+ counter = 0;
+ // Increase entropy estimate (for is_seeded)
+ entropy = std::min<u32bit>(entropy + estimate.value(),
+ 8 * extractor->OUTPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+* Reseed the internal state
+void HMAC_RNG::reseed()
+ {
+ reseed_with_input(0, 0);
+ }
+Add user-supplied entropy by reseeding and including this
+input among the poll data
+void HMAC_RNG::add_entropy(const byte input[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ reseed_with_input(input, length);
+ }
+* Add another entropy source to the list *
+void HMAC_RNG::add_entropy_source(EntropySource* src)
+ {
+ entropy_sources.push_back(src);
+ }
+* Check if the the pool is seeded *
+bool HMAC_RNG::is_seeded() const
+ {
+ return (entropy >= 8 * prf->OUTPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+* Clear memory of sensitive data *
+void HMAC_RNG::clear() throw()
+ {
+ extractor->clear();
+ prf->clear();
+ K.clear();
+ entropy = 0;
+ counter = 0;
+ }
+* Return the name of this type *
+std::string HMAC_RNG::name() const
+ {
+ return "HMAC_RNG(" + extractor->name() + "," + prf->name() + ")";
+ }
+* HMAC_RNG Constructor *
+HMAC_RNG::HMAC_RNG(MessageAuthenticationCode* extractor_mac,
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* prf_mac) :
+ extractor(extractor_mac), prf(prf_mac)
+ {
+ entropy = 0;
+ // First PRF inputs are all zero, as specified in section 2
+ K.create(prf->OUTPUT_LENGTH);
+ counter = 0;
+ /*
+ Normally we want to feedback PRF output into the input to the
+ extractor function to ensure a single bad poll does not damage the
+ RNG, but obviously that is meaningless to do on the first poll.
+ We will want to use the PRF before we set the first key (in
+ reseed_with_input), and it is a pain to keep track if it is set or
+ not. Since the first time it doesn't matter anyway, just set it to
+ a constant: randomize() will not produce output unless is_seeded()
+ returns true, and that will only be the case if the estimated
+ entropy counter is high enough. That variable is only set when a
+ reseeding is performed.
+ */
+ std::string prf_key = "Botan HMAC_RNG PRF";
+ prf->set_key(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(prf_key.c_str()),
+ prf_key.length());
+ }
+* HMAC_RNG Destructor *
+ {
+ delete extractor;
+ delete prf;
+ std::for_each(entropy_sources.begin(), entropy_sources.end(),
+ del_fun<EntropySource>());
+ entropy = 0;
+ counter = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/rng/hmac_rng/hmac_rng.h b/src/rng/hmac_rng/hmac_rng.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbadb2a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rng/hmac_rng/hmac_rng.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+* (C) 2008 Jack Lloyd *
+#ifndef BOTAN_HMAC_RNG_H__
+#define BOTAN_HMAC_RNG_H__
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+#include <botan/base.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Botan {
+HMAC_RNG - based on the design described in"On Extract-then-Expand Key
+Derivation Functions and an HMAC-based KDF" by Hugo Krawczyk
+(henceforce, 'E-t-E')
+However it actually can be parameterized with any two MAC functions,
+not restricted to HMAC (this is also described in Krawczyk's paper)
+class BOTAN_DLL HMAC_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator
+ {
+ public:
+ void randomize(byte buf[], u32bit len);
+ bool is_seeded() const;
+ void clear() throw();
+ std::string name() const;
+ void reseed();
+ void add_entropy_source(EntropySource* es);
+ void add_entropy(const byte[], u32bit);
+ HMAC_RNG(MessageAuthenticationCode*,
+ MessageAuthenticationCode*);
+ ~HMAC_RNG();
+ private:
+ void reseed_with_input(const byte input[], u32bit length);
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* extractor;
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* prf;
+ std::vector<EntropySource*> entropy_sources;
+ u32bit entropy;
+ SecureVector<byte> K;
+ u32bit counter;
+ };
diff --git a/src/rng/hmac_rng/info.txt b/src/rng/hmac_rng/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f23f9018a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rng/hmac_rng/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+realname "HMAC RNG"
+define HMAC_RNG
+load_on auto