path: root/src/tests/test_runner.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tests/test_runner.cpp')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/test_runner.cpp b/src/tests/test_runner.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d3fe7558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_runner.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+* (C) 2017 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include "test_runner.h"
+#include "tests.h"
+#include <botan/version.h>
+#include <botan/loadstor.h>
+#include <botan/mac.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_HMAC_DRBG)
+ #include <botan/hmac_drbg.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_SYSTEM_RNG)
+ #include <botan/system_rng.h>
+ #include <botan/auto_rng.h>
+namespace Botan_Tests {
+Test_Runner::Test_Runner(std::ostream& out) : m_output(out) {}
+namespace {
+create_test_rng(const std::string& drbg_seed, std::ostream& output)
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<Botan::RandomNumberGenerator> rng;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_HMAC_DRBG) && defined(BOTAN_AUTO_RNG_HMAC)
+ std::vector<uint8_t> seed = Botan::hex_decode(drbg_seed);
+ if(seed.empty())
+ {
+ const uint64_t ts = Botan_Tests::Test::timestamp();
+ seed.resize(8);
+ Botan::store_be(ts, seed.data());
+ }
+ output << " rng:HMAC_DRBG(" << BOTAN_AUTO_RNG_HMAC << ") with seed '" << Botan::hex_encode(seed) << "'\n";
+ // Expand out the seed with a hash to make the DRBG happy
+ std::unique_ptr<Botan::MessageAuthenticationCode> mac =
+ Botan::MessageAuthenticationCode::create(BOTAN_AUTO_RNG_HMAC);
+ mac->set_key(seed);
+ seed.resize(mac->output_length());
+ mac->final(seed.data());
+ std::unique_ptr<Botan::HMAC_DRBG> drbg(new Botan::HMAC_DRBG(std::move(mac)));
+ drbg->initialize_with(seed.data(), seed.size());
+ rng.reset(new Botan::Serialized_RNG(drbg.release()));
+ rng = std::move(drbg);
+ if(!rng && drbg_seed != "")
+ throw Botan_Tests::Test_Error("HMAC_DRBG disabled in build, cannot specify DRBG seed");
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_SYSTEM_RNG)
+ if(!rng)
+ {
+ output << " rng:system\n";
+ rng.reset(new Botan::System_RNG);
+ }
+ if(!rng)
+ {
+ output << " rng:autoseeded\n";
+ rng.reset(new Botan::Serialized_RNG(new Botan::AutoSeeded_RNG));
+ rng.reset(new Botan::AutoSeeded_RNG);
+ }
+ if(!rng)
+ {
+ // last ditch fallback for RNG-less build
+ class Bogus_Fallback_RNG final : public Botan::RandomNumberGenerator
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string name() const override { return "Bogus_Fallback_RNG"; }
+ void clear() override { /* ignored */ }
+ void add_entropy(const uint8_t[], size_t) override { /* ignored */ }
+ bool is_seeded() const override { return true; }
+ void randomize(uint8_t out[], size_t len) override
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != len; ++i)
+ {
+ m_x = (m_x * 31337 + 42);
+ out[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(m_x >> 7);
+ }
+ }
+ Bogus_Fallback_RNG() : m_x(1) {}
+ private:
+ uint32_t m_x;
+ };
+ output << " rng:bogus\n";
+ rng.reset(new Bogus_Fallback_RNG);
+ }
+ return rng;
+ }
+std::string Test_Runner::help_text() const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream err;
+ err << "Usage: botan-test "
+ << "--run-long-tests --run-online-tests --test-runs=1 --drbg-seed= --data-dir= --pkcs11-lib= --provider= --log-success"
+ << "\n\nAvailable test suites\n"
+ << "----------------\n";
+ size_t line_len = 0;
+ for(auto const& test : Botan_Tests::Test::registered_tests())
+ {
+ err << test << " ";
+ line_len += test.size() + 1;
+ if(line_len > 64)
+ {
+ err << "\n";
+ line_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(line_len > 0)
+ {
+ err << "\n";
+ }
+ return err.str();
+ }
+int Test_Runner::run(const std::vector<std::string>& requested_tests,
+ const std::string& data_dir,
+ const std::string& pkcs11_lib,
+ const std::string& provider,
+ bool log_success,
+ bool run_online_tests,
+ bool run_long_tests,
+ const std::string& drbg_seed,
+ size_t runs)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> req = requested_tests;
+ if(req.empty())
+ {
+ /*
+ If nothing was requested on the command line, run everything. First
+ run the "essentials" to smoke test, then everything else in
+ alphabetical order.
+ */
+ req = {"block", "stream", "hash", "mac", "modes", "aead"
+ "kdf", "pbkdf", "hmac_drbg", "util"
+ };
+ std::set<std::string> all_others = Botan_Tests::Test::registered_tests();
+ if(pkcs11_lib.empty())
+ {
+ // do not run pkcs11 tests by default unless pkcs11-lib set
+ for(std::set<std::string>::iterator iter = all_others.begin(); iter != all_others.end();)
+ {
+ if((*iter).find("pkcs11") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ iter = all_others.erase(iter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(auto f : req)
+ {
+ all_others.erase(f);
+ }
+ req.insert(req.end(), all_others.begin(), all_others.end());
+ }
+ else if(req.size() == 1 && req.at(0) == "pkcs11")
+ {
+ req = {"pkcs11-manage", "pkcs11-module", "pkcs11-slot", "pkcs11-session", "pkcs11-object", "pkcs11-rsa",
+ "pkcs11-ecdsa", "pkcs11-ecdh", "pkcs11-rng", "pkcs11-x509"
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::set<std::string> all = Botan_Tests::Test::registered_tests();
+ for(auto const& r : req)
+ {
+ if(all.find(r) == all.end())
+ {
+ throw Botan_Tests::Test_Error("Unknown test suite: " + r);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ output() << "Testing " << Botan::version_string() << "\n";
+ output() << "Starting tests";
+ if(!pkcs11_lib.empty())
+ {
+ output() << " pkcs11 library:" << pkcs11_lib;
+ }
+ Botan_Tests::Provider_Filter pf;
+ if(!provider.empty())
+ {
+ output() << " provider:" << provider;
+ pf.set(provider);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Botan::RandomNumberGenerator> rng = create_test_rng(drbg_seed, output());
+ Botan_Tests::Test::setup_tests(log_success, run_online_tests, run_long_tests,
+ data_dir, pkcs11_lib, pf, rng.get());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != runs; ++i)
+ {
+ const size_t failed = run_tests(req);
+ // Throw so main returns an error
+ if(failed)
+ {
+ return failed;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+namespace {
+std::string report_out(const std::vector<Botan_Tests::Test::Result>& results,
+ size_t& tests_failed,
+ size_t& tests_ran)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ std::map<std::string, Botan_Tests::Test::Result> combined;
+ for(auto const& result : results)
+ {
+ const std::string who = result.who();
+ auto i = combined.find(who);
+ if(i == combined.end())
+ {
+ combined.insert(std::make_pair(who, Botan_Tests::Test::Result(who)));
+ i = combined.find(who);
+ }
+ i->second.merge(result);
+ }
+ for(auto const& result : combined)
+ {
+ const bool verbose = false;
+ out << result.second.result_string(verbose);
+ tests_failed += result.second.tests_failed();
+ tests_ran += result.second.tests_run();
+ }
+ return out.str();
+ }
+size_t Test_Runner::run_tests(const std::vector<std::string>& tests_to_run)
+ {
+ size_t tests_ran = 0, tests_failed = 0;
+ const uint64_t start_time = Botan_Tests::Test::timestamp();
+ for(auto const& test_name : tests_to_run)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ output() << test_name << ':' << std::endl;
+ const auto results = Botan_Tests::Test::run_test(test_name, false);
+ output() << report_out(results, tests_failed, tests_ran) << std::flush;
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ output() << "Test " << test_name << " failed with exception " << e.what() << std::flush;
+ }
+ }
+ const uint64_t total_ns = Botan_Tests::Test::timestamp() - start_time;
+ output() << "Tests complete ran " << tests_ran << " tests in "
+ << Botan_Tests::Test::format_time(total_ns) << " ";
+ if(tests_failed > 0)
+ {
+ output() << tests_failed << " tests failed";
+ }
+ else if(tests_ran > 0)
+ {
+ output() << "all tests ok";
+ }
+ output() << std::endl;
+ return tests_failed;
+ }