path: root/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp b/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd1beeaa..000000000
--- a/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-* Discrete Logarithm Parameters
-* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
-* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
-#include <botan/dl_group.h>
-#include <botan/libstate.h>
-#include <botan/parsing.h>
-#include <botan/numthry.h>
-#include <botan/der_enc.h>
-#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
-#include <botan/pipe.h>
-#include <botan/pem.h>
-#include <botan/workfactor.h>
-namespace Botan {
-* DL_Group Constructor
- {
- initialized = false;
- }
-* DL_Group Constructor
-DL_Group::DL_Group(const std::string& name)
- {
- const char* pem = PEM_for_named_group(name);
- if(!pem)
- throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Unknown group " + name);
- PEM_decode(pem);
- }
-* DL_Group Constructor
-DL_Group::DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- PrimeType type, size_t pbits, size_t qbits)
- {
- if(pbits < 512)
- throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: prime size " + std::to_string(pbits) +
- " is too small");
- if(type == Strong)
- {
- p = random_safe_prime(rng, pbits);
- q = (p - 1) / 2;
- g = 2;
- }
- else if(type == Prime_Subgroup)
- {
- if(!qbits)
- qbits = 2 * dl_work_factor(pbits);
- q = random_prime(rng, qbits);
- BigInt X;
- while(p.bits() != pbits || !check_prime(p, rng))
- {
- X.randomize(rng, pbits);
- p = X - (X % (2*q) - 1);
- }
- g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
- }
- else if(type == DSA_Kosherizer)
- {
- qbits = qbits ? qbits : ((pbits <= 1024) ? 160 : 256);
- generate_dsa_primes(rng,
- global_state().algorithm_factory(),
- p, q,
- pbits, qbits);
- g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
- }
- initialized = true;
- }
-* DL_Group Constructor
-DL_Group::DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- const std::vector<byte>& seed,
- size_t pbits, size_t qbits)
- {
- if(!generate_dsa_primes(rng,
- global_state().algorithm_factory(),
- p, q, pbits, qbits, seed))
- throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: The seed given does not "
- "generate a DSA group");
- g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
- initialized = true;
- }
-* DL_Group Constructor
-DL_Group::DL_Group(const BigInt& p1, const BigInt& g1)
- {
- initialize(p1, 0, g1);
- }
-* DL_Group Constructor
-DL_Group::DL_Group(const BigInt& p1, const BigInt& q1, const BigInt& g1)
- {
- initialize(p1, q1, g1);
- }
-* DL_Group Initializer
-void DL_Group::initialize(const BigInt& p1, const BigInt& q1, const BigInt& g1)
- {
- if(p1 < 3)
- throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Prime invalid");
- if(g1 < 2 || g1 >= p1)
- throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Generator invalid");
- if(q1 < 0 || q1 >= p1)
- throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Subgroup invalid");
- p = p1;
- g = g1;
- q = q1;
- initialized = true;
- }
-* Verify that the group has been set
-void DL_Group::init_check() const
- {
- if(!initialized)
- throw Invalid_State("DLP group cannot be used uninitialized");
- }
-* Verify the parameters
-bool DL_Group::verify_group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
- bool strong) const
- {
- init_check();
- if(g < 2 || p < 3 || q < 0)
- return false;
- if((q != 0) && ((p - 1) % q != 0))
- return false;
- if(!strong)
- return true;
- if(!check_prime(p, rng))
- return false;
- if((q > 0) && !check_prime(q, rng))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
-* Return the prime
-const BigInt& DL_Group::get_p() const
- {
- init_check();
- return p;
- }
-* Return the generator
-const BigInt& DL_Group::get_g() const
- {
- init_check();
- return g;
- }
-* Return the subgroup
-const BigInt& DL_Group::get_q() const
- {
- init_check();
- if(q == 0)
- throw Invalid_State("DLP group has no q prime specified");
- return q;
- }
-* DER encode the parameters
-std::vector<byte> DL_Group::DER_encode(Format format) const
- {
- init_check();
- if((q == 0) && (format != PKCS_3))
- throw Encoding_Error("The ANSI DL parameter formats require a subgroup");
- if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
- {
- return DER_Encoder()
- .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
- .encode(p)
- .encode(q)
- .encode(g)
- .end_cons()
- .get_contents_unlocked();
- }
- else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
- {
- return DER_Encoder()
- .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
- .encode(p)
- .encode(g)
- .encode(q)
- .end_cons()
- .get_contents_unlocked();
- }
- else if(format == PKCS_3)
- {
- return DER_Encoder()
- .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
- .encode(p)
- .encode(g)
- .end_cons()
- .get_contents_unlocked();
- }
- throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + std::to_string(format));
- }
-* PEM encode the parameters
-std::string DL_Group::PEM_encode(Format format) const
- {
- const std::vector<byte> encoding = DER_encode(format);
- if(format == PKCS_3)
- return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "DH PARAMETERS");
- else if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
- return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "DSA PARAMETERS");
- else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
- return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "X942 DH PARAMETERS");
- else
- throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + std::to_string(format));
- }
-* Decode BER encoded parameters
-void DL_Group::BER_decode(const std::vector<byte>& data,
- Format format)
- {
- BigInt new_p, new_q, new_g;
- BER_Decoder decoder(data);
- BER_Decoder ber = decoder.start_cons(SEQUENCE);
- if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
- {
- ber.decode(new_p)
- .decode(new_q)
- .decode(new_g)
- .verify_end();
- }
- else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
- {
- ber.decode(new_p)
- .decode(new_g)
- .decode(new_q)
- .discard_remaining();
- }
- else if(format == PKCS_3)
- {
- ber.decode(new_p)
- .decode(new_g)
- .discard_remaining();
- }
- else
- throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + std::to_string(format));
- initialize(new_p, new_q, new_g);
- }
-* Decode PEM encoded parameters
-void DL_Group::PEM_decode(const std::string& pem)
- {
- std::string label;
- auto ber = unlock(PEM_Code::decode(pem, label));
- if(label == "DH PARAMETERS")
- BER_decode(ber, PKCS_3);
- else if(label == "DSA PARAMETERS")
- BER_decode(ber, ANSI_X9_57);
- else if(label == "X942 DH PARAMETERS")
- BER_decode(ber, ANSI_X9_42);
- else
- throw Decoding_Error("DL_Group: Invalid PEM label " + label);
- }
-* Create generator of the q-sized subgroup (DSA style generator)
-BigInt DL_Group::make_dsa_generator(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q)
- {
- const BigInt e = (p - 1) / q;
- if(e == 0 || (p - 1) % q > 0)
- throw std::invalid_argument("make_dsa_generator q does not divide p-1");
- for(size_t i = 0; i != PRIME_TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
- {
- BigInt g = power_mod(PRIMES[i], e, p);
- if(g > 1)
- return g;
- }
- throw Internal_Error("DL_Group: Couldn't create a suitable generator");
- }