path: root/src/ocaml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ocaml')
3 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ocaml/botan.ml b/src/ocaml/botan.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8abdd04dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/botan.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+* OCaml binding for botan (http://botan.randombit.net)
+* (C) 2015 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+open Ctypes
+open Foreign
+exception Botan_Error of int
+(* TODO: translate error code to string *)
+let result_or_exn rc res =
+ match rc with
+ | 0 -> res
+ | _ as ec -> raise (Botan_Error ec)
+module Botan = struct
+ let version =
+ let version_major =
+ foreign "botan_version_major" (void @-> returning int32_t) in
+ let version_minor =
+ foreign "botan_version_minor" (void @-> returning int32_t) in
+ let version_patch =
+ foreign "botan_version_patch" (void @-> returning int32_t) in
+ let major = Int32.to_int (version_major ()) in
+ let minor = Int32.to_int (version_minor ()) in
+ let patch = Int32.to_int (version_patch ()) in
+ (major, minor, patch)
+ let version_string =
+ let version_string =
+ foreign "botan_version_string" (void @-> returning string) in
+ version_string ()
+ let version_date =
+ let version_datestamp =
+ foreign "botan_version_datestamp" (void @-> returning int32_t) in
+ Int32.to_int (version_datestamp ())
+ let ffi_version =
+ let ffi_version =
+ foreign "botan_ffi_api_version" (void @-> returning int32_t) in
+ Int32.to_int (ffi_version ())
+ let hex_encode bin =
+ let hex_encode =
+ foreign "botan_hex_encode" (string @-> size_t @-> ptr char @-> uint32_t @-> returning int) in
+ let bin_len = String.length bin in
+ let hex_len = 2*bin_len in
+ let hex = allocate_n char hex_len in
+ let rc = hex_encode bin (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int bin_len) hex (Unsigned.UInt32.of_int 0) in
+ result_or_exn rc (string_from_ptr hex hex_len)
+ module Hash = struct
+ type t = unit ptr
+ let hash_t : t typ = ptr void
+ let create name =
+ let hash_init =
+ foreign "botan_hash_init" (ptr hash_t @-> string @-> uint32_t @-> returning int) in
+ let o = allocate_n ~count:1 hash_t in
+ let rc = hash_init o name (Unsigned.UInt32.of_int 0) in
+ result_or_exn rc (!@ o)
+ let destroy hash =
+ let hash_destroy =
+ foreign "botan_hash_destroy" (hash_t @-> returning int) in
+ let rc = hash_destroy hash in
+ result_or_exn rc ()
+ let output_length hash =
+ let hash_output_length =
+ foreign "botan_hash_output_length" (hash_t @-> ptr size_t @-> returning int) in
+ let ol = allocate_n ~count:1 size_t in
+ let rc = hash_output_length hash ol in
+ result_or_exn rc (Unsigned.Size_t.to_int (!@ ol))
+ let clear hash =
+ let hash_clear =
+ foreign "botan_hash_clear" (hash_t @-> returning int) in
+ let rc = hash_clear hash in
+ result_or_exn rc ()
+ let update hash input =
+ let hash_update =
+ foreign "botan_hash_update" (hash_t @-> string @-> size_t @-> returning int) in
+ let input_len = (String.length input) in
+ let rc = hash_update hash input (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int input_len) in
+ result_or_exn rc ()
+ let final hash =
+ let hash_final =
+ foreign "botan_hash_final" (hash_t @-> ptr char @-> returning int) in
+ let ol = output_length hash in
+ let res = allocate_n ~count:ol char in
+ let rc = hash_final hash res in
+ result_or_exn rc (string_from_ptr res ol)
+ end (* Hash *)
+ module RNG = struct
+ type t = unit ptr
+ let rng_t : t typ = ptr void
+ let create name =
+ let rng_init =
+ foreign "botan_rng_init" (ptr rng_t @-> string @-> uint32_t @-> returning int) in
+ let o = allocate_n ~count:1 rng_t in
+ let rc = rng_init o name (Unsigned.UInt32.of_int 0) in
+ result_or_exn rc (!@ o)
+ let destroy rng =
+ let rng_destroy =
+ foreign "botan_rng_destroy" (rng_t @-> returning int) in
+ let rc = rng_destroy rng in
+ result_or_exn rc ()
+ let generate rng out_len =
+ let rng_generate =
+ foreign "botan_rng_get" (rng_t @-> ptr char @-> size_t @-> returning int) in
+ let res = allocate_n ~count:out_len char in
+ let rc = rng_generate rng res (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int out_len) in
+ result_or_exn rc (string_from_ptr res out_len)
+ let reseed rng bits =
+ let rng_reseed =
+ foreign "botan_rng_reseed" (rng_t @-> size_t @-> returning int) in
+ let rc = rng_reseed rng (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int bits) in
+ result_or_exn rc ()
+ let update rng input =
+ let rng_update =
+ foreign "botan_rng_update" (rng_t @-> string @-> size_t @-> returning int) in
+ let input_len = (String.length input) in
+ let rc = rng_update rng input (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int input_len) in
+ result_or_exn rc ()
+ end (* RNG *)
+end (* Botan *)
+let () =
+ let rng = Botan.RNG.create "user" in
+ print_string (Botan.hex_encode (Botan.RNG.generate rng 11) ^ "\n")
+let () =
+ let (maj,min,patch) = Botan.version in
+ let ver_str = Botan.version_string in
+ print_string (Printf.sprintf "%d.%d.%d\n%s\n" maj min patch ver_str)
+let () =
+ let h = Botan.Hash.create "SHA-384" in
+ begin
+ Botan.Hash.update h "hi";
+ print_string (Botan.hex_encode (Botan.Hash.final h) ^ "\n");
+ Botan.Hash.destroy h
+ end
diff --git a/src/ocaml/botan.mli b/src/ocaml/botan.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec7e71dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/botan.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+* OCaml binding for botan (http://botan.randombit.net)
+* (C) 2015 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+module Botan : sig
+ val version : (int * int * int)
+ val version_string : string
+ val version_date : int
+ val ffi_version : int
+ val hex_encode : string -> string
+ module RNG : sig
+ type t
+ val create : string -> t
+ val destroy: t -> unit (* TODO: GC finalize instead *)
+ val generate : t -> int -> string
+ val reseed : t -> int -> unit
+ end
+ module Hash : sig
+ type t
+ val create : string -> t
+ val destroy: t -> unit (* TODO: GC finalize instead *)
+ val output_length : t -> int
+ val clear : t -> unit
+ val update : t -> string -> unit
+ val final: t -> string
+ end
diff --git a/src/ocaml/build.sh b/src/ocaml/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8b1c0825d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# extra ../ is needed due to ocamlbuild chdiring into _build
+ocamlbuild -pkg ctypes.foreign -lflags -cclib,-L../../.. -lflags -cclib,-lbotan-1.11 botan.native