path: root/src/lib/x509/x509path.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/x509/x509path.cpp')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/x509/x509path.cpp b/src/lib/x509/x509path.cpp
index c2a22e7f4..88fd578b2 100644
--- a/src/lib/x509/x509path.cpp
+++ b/src/lib/x509/x509path.cpp
@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
* X.509 Certificate Path Validation
* (C) 2010,2011,2012,2014,2016 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2017 Fabian Weissberg, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
#include <botan/x509path.h>
#include <botan/x509_ext.h>
+#include <botan/x509_dn_ub.h>
#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
#include <botan/ocsp.h>
+#include <botan/oids.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
#include <future>
@@ -81,6 +86,22 @@ PKIX::check_chain(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>& ce
+ // Check the serial number
+ if(subject->is_serial_negative())
+ {
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_SERIAL_NEGATIVE);
+ }
+ // Check the subject's DN components' length
+ for(const auto& dn_pair : subject->subject_dn().get_attributes())
+ {
+ // dn_pair = <OID,str>
+ if(lookup_ub(dn_pair.first) < dn_pair.second.size())
+ {
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::DN_TOO_LONG);
+ }
+ }
// Check all certs for valid time range
if(validation_time < subject->not_before())
@@ -94,34 +115,52 @@ PKIX::check_chain(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>& ce
std::unique_ptr<Public_Key> issuer_key(issuer->subject_public_key());
- if(!issuer_key)
+ // Check the signature algorithm
+ if(OIDS::lookup(subject->signature_algorithm().oid).empty())
- status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_PUBKEY_INVALID);
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::SIGNATURE_ALGO_UNKNOWN);
+ // only perform the following checks if the signature algorithm is known
- const Certificate_Status_Code sig_status = subject->verify_signature(*issuer_key);
+ if(!issuer_key)
+ {
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_PUBKEY_INVALID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Certificate_Status_Code sig_status = subject->verify_signature(*issuer_key);
- if(sig_status != Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED)
- status.insert(sig_status);
+ if(sig_status != Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED)
+ status.insert(sig_status);
- if(issuer_key->estimated_strength() < min_signature_algo_strength)
- status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::SIGNATURE_METHOD_TOO_WEAK);
- }
+ if(issuer_key->estimated_strength() < min_signature_algo_strength)
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::SIGNATURE_METHOD_TOO_WEAK);
+ }
- // Ignore untrusted hashes on self-signed roots
- if(trusted_hashes.size() > 0 && !at_self_signed_root)
- {
- if(trusted_hashes.count(subject->hash_used_for_signature()) == 0)
- status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::UNTRUSTED_HASH);
+ // Ignore untrusted hashes on self-signed roots
+ if(trusted_hashes.size() > 0 && !at_self_signed_root)
+ {
+ if(trusted_hashes.count(subject->hash_used_for_signature()) == 0)
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::UNTRUSTED_HASH);
+ }
// Check cert extensions
Extensions extensions = subject->v3_extensions();
- for(auto& extension : extensions.extensions())
+ const auto& extensions_vec = extensions.extensions();
+ if(subject->x509_version() < 3 && !extensions_vec.empty())
+ {
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::EXT_IN_V1_V2_CERT);
+ }
+ for(auto& extension : extensions_vec)
extension.first->validate(*subject, *issuer, cert_path, cert_status, i);
+ if(extensions.extensions().size() != extensions.get_extension_oids().size())
+ {
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::DUPLICATE_CERT_EXTENSION);
+ }
// path len check
@@ -245,6 +284,28 @@ PKIX::check_crl(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>& cert
+ std::string dp = subject->crl_distribution_point();
+ if(!dp.empty())
+ {
+ if(dp != crls[i]->crl_issuing_distribution_point())
+ {
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::NO_MATCHING_CRLDP);
+ }
+ }
+ for(const auto& extension : crls[i]->extensions().extensions())
+ {
+ // is the extension critical and unknown?
+ if(extension.second && OIDS::lookup(extension.first->oid_of()) == "")
+ {
+ /* NIST Certificate Path Valiadation Testing document: "When an implementation does not recognize a critical extension in the
+ * crlExtensions field, it shall assume that identified certificates have been revoked and are no longer valid"
+ */
+ status.insert(Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_IS_REVOKED);
+ }
+ }
@@ -514,6 +575,176 @@ PKIX::build_certificate_path(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>
+ * utilities for PKIX::build_all_certificate_paths
+ */
+// <certificate, trusted?>
+using cert_maybe_trusted = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>,bool>;
+ * Build all possible certificate paths from the end certificate to self-signed trusted roots.
+ *
+ * All potentially valid paths are put into the cert_paths vector. If no potentially valid paths are found,
+ * one of the encountered errors is returned arbitrarily.
+ *
+ * todo add a path building function that returns detailed information on errors encountered while building
+ * the potentially numerous path candidates.
+ *
+ * Basically, a DFS is performed starting from the end certificate. A stack (vector) serves to control the DFS.
+ * At the beginning of each iteration, a pair is popped from the stack that contains (1) the next certificate
+ * to add to the path (2) a bool that indicates if the certificate is part of a trusted certstore. Ideally, we
+ * follow the unique issuer of the current certificate until a trusted root is reached. However, the issuer DN +
+ * authority key id need not be unique among the certificates used for building the path. In such a case,
+ * we consider all the matching issuers by pushing <IssuerCert, trusted?> on the stack for each of them.
+ *
+ */
+PKIX::build_all_certificate_paths(std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>>& cert_paths_out,
+ const std::vector<Certificate_Store*>& trusted_certstores,
+ const std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>& end_entity,
+ const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>& end_entity_extra)
+ {
+ if(!cert_paths_out.empty())
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument("PKIX::build_all_certificate_paths: cert_paths_out must be empty");
+ }
+ if(end_entity->is_self_signed())
+ {
+ return Certificate_Status_Code::CANNOT_ESTABLISH_TRUST;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Pile up error messages
+ */
+ std::vector<Certificate_Status_Code> stats;
+ Certificate_Store_In_Memory ee_extras;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != end_entity_extra.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ee_extras.add_certificate(end_entity_extra[i]);
+ }
+ /*
+ * This is an inelegant but functional way of preventing path loops
+ * (where C1 -> C2 -> C3 -> C1). We store a set of all the certificate
+ * fingerprints in the path. If there is a duplicate, we error out.
+ * TODO: save fingerprints in result struct? Maybe useful for blacklists, etc.
+ */
+ std::set<std::string> certs_seen;
+ // new certs are added and removed from the path during the DFS
+ // it is copied into cert_paths_out when we encounter a trusted root
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> path_so_far;
+ // todo can we assume that the end certificate is not trusted?
+ std::vector<cert_maybe_trusted> stack = { {end_entity, false} };
+ while(!stack.empty())
+ {
+ // found a deletion marker that guides the DFS, backtracing
+ if(stack.back().first == nullptr)
+ {
+ stack.pop_back();
+ std::string fprint = path_so_far.back()->fingerprint("SHA-256");
+ certs_seen.erase(fprint);
+ path_so_far.pop_back();
+ }
+ // process next cert on the path
+ else
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate> last = stack.back().first;
+ bool trusted = stack.back().second;
+ stack.pop_back();
+ // certificate already seen?
+ const std::string fprint = last->fingerprint("SHA-256");
+ if(certs_seen.count(fprint) == 1)
+ {
+ stats.push_back(Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_CHAIN_LOOP);
+ // the current path ended in a loop
+ continue;
+ }
+ // the current path ends here
+ if(last->is_self_signed())
+ {
+ // found a trust anchor
+ if(trusted)
+ {
+ cert_paths_out.push_back(path_so_far);
+ cert_paths_out.back().push_back(last);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // found an untrustworthy root
+ else
+ {
+ stats.push_back(Certificate_Status_Code::CANNOT_ESTABLISH_TRUST);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ const X509_DN issuer_dn = last->issuer_dn();
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> auth_key_id = last->authority_key_id();
+ // search for trusted issuers
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> trusted_issuers;
+ for(Certificate_Store* store : trusted_certstores)
+ {
+ auto new_issuers = store->find_all_certs(issuer_dn, auth_key_id);
+ trusted_issuers.insert(trusted_issuers.end(), new_issuers.begin(), new_issuers.end());
+ }
+ // search the supplemental certs
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> misc_issuers =
+ ee_extras.find_all_certs(issuer_dn, auth_key_id);
+ // if we could not find any issuers, the current path ends here
+ if(trusted_issuers.size() + misc_issuers.size() == 0)
+ {
+ stats.push_back(Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // push the latest certificate onto the path_so_far
+ path_so_far.push_back(last);
+ certs_seen.emplace(fprint);
+ // push a deletion marker on the stack for backtracing later
+ stack.push_back({std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>(nullptr),false});
+ for(const auto trusted : trusted_issuers)
+ {
+ stack.push_back({trusted,true});
+ }
+ for(const auto misc : misc_issuers)
+ {
+ stack.push_back({misc,false});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // could not construct any potentially valid path
+ if(cert_paths_out.empty())
+ {
+ if(stats.empty())
+ throw Exception("X509 path building failed for unknown reasons");
+ else
+ // arbitrarily return the first error
+ return stats[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return Certificate_Status_Code::OK;
+ }
+ }
void PKIX::merge_revocation_status(CertificatePathStatusCodes& chain_status,
const CertificatePathStatusCodes& crl,
const CertificatePathStatusCodes& ocsp,
@@ -597,7 +828,9 @@ Path_Validation_Result x509_path_validate(
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const OCSP::Response>>& ocsp_resp)
+ {
throw Invalid_Argument("x509_path_validate called with no subjects");
+ }
std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate> end_entity(std::make_shared<const X509_Certificate>(end_certs[0]));
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> end_entity_extra;
@@ -606,9 +839,8 @@ Path_Validation_Result x509_path_validate(
end_entity_extra.push_back(std::make_shared<const X509_Certificate>(end_certs[i]));
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> cert_path;
- Certificate_Status_Code path_building_result =
- PKIX::build_certificate_path(cert_path, trusted_roots, end_entity, end_entity_extra);
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>> cert_paths;
+ Certificate_Status_Code path_building_result = PKIX::build_all_certificate_paths(cert_paths, trusted_roots, end_entity, end_entity_extra);
// If we cannot successfully build a chain to a trusted self-signed root, stop now
if(path_building_result != Certificate_Status_Code::OK)
@@ -616,38 +848,52 @@ Path_Validation_Result x509_path_validate(
return Path_Validation_Result(path_building_result);
- CertificatePathStatusCodes status =
- PKIX::check_chain(cert_path, ref_time,
- hostname, usage,
- restrictions.minimum_key_strength(),
- restrictions.trusted_hashes());
+ std::vector<Path_Validation_Result> error_results;
+ // Try validating all the potentially valid paths and return the first one to validate properly
+ for(auto cert_path : cert_paths)
+ {
+ CertificatePathStatusCodes status =
+ PKIX::check_chain(cert_path, ref_time,
+ hostname, usage,
+ restrictions.minimum_key_strength(),
+ restrictions.trusted_hashes());
- CertificatePathStatusCodes crl_status =
- PKIX::check_crl(cert_path, trusted_roots, ref_time);
+ CertificatePathStatusCodes crl_status =
+ PKIX::check_crl(cert_path, trusted_roots, ref_time);
- CertificatePathStatusCodes ocsp_status;
+ CertificatePathStatusCodes ocsp_status;
- if(ocsp_resp.size() > 0)
- {
- ocsp_status = PKIX::check_ocsp(cert_path, ocsp_resp, trusted_roots, ref_time);
- }
+ if(ocsp_resp.size() > 0)
+ {
+ ocsp_status = PKIX::check_ocsp(cert_path, ocsp_resp, trusted_roots, ref_time);
+ }
- if(ocsp_status.empty() && ocsp_timeout != std::chrono::milliseconds(0))
- {
+ if(ocsp_status.empty() && ocsp_timeout != std::chrono::milliseconds(0))
+ {
- ocsp_status = PKIX::check_ocsp_online(cert_path, trusted_roots, ref_time,
- ocsp_timeout, restrictions.ocsp_all_intermediates());
+ ocsp_status = PKIX::check_ocsp_online(cert_path, trusted_roots, ref_time,
+ ocsp_timeout, restrictions.ocsp_all_intermediates());
- ocsp_status.resize(1);
- ocsp_status[0].insert(Certificate_Status_Code::OCSP_NO_HTTP);
+ ocsp_status.resize(1);
+ ocsp_status[0].insert(Certificate_Status_Code::OCSP_NO_HTTP);
- }
+ }
- PKIX::merge_revocation_status(status, crl_status, ocsp_status,
- restrictions.require_revocation_information(),
- restrictions.ocsp_all_intermediates());
+ PKIX::merge_revocation_status(status, crl_status, ocsp_status,
+ restrictions.require_revocation_information(),
+ restrictions.ocsp_all_intermediates());
- return Path_Validation_Result(status, std::move(cert_path));
+ Path_Validation_Result pvd(status, std::move(cert_path));
+ if(pvd.successful_validation())
+ {
+ return pvd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error_results.push_back(std::move(pvd));
+ }
+ }
+ return error_results[0];
Path_Validation_Result x509_path_validate(
@@ -716,9 +962,31 @@ Path_Validation_Restrictions::Path_Validation_Restrictions(bool require_rev,
+namespace {
+CertificatePathStatusCodes find_warnings(const CertificatePathStatusCodes& all_statuses)
+ {
+ CertificatePathStatusCodes warnings;
+ for(const auto& status_set_i : all_statuses)
+ {
+ std::set<Certificate_Status_Code> warning_set_i;
+ for(const auto& code : status_set_i)
+ {
+ if(code >= Certificate_Status_Code::FIRST_WARNING_STATUS &&
+ code < Certificate_Status_Code::FIRST_ERROR_STATUS)
+ {
+ warning_set_i.insert(code);
+ }
+ }
+ warnings.push_back(warning_set_i);
+ }
+ return warnings;
+ }
Path_Validation_Result::Path_Validation_Result(CertificatePathStatusCodes status,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>>&& cert_chain) :
+ m_warnings(find_warnings(m_all_status)),
@@ -749,6 +1017,16 @@ bool Path_Validation_Result::successful_validation() const
result() == Certificate_Status_Code::VALID_CRL_CHECKED);
+bool Path_Validation_Result::no_warnings() const
+ {
+ return m_warnings.empty();
+ }
+CertificatePathStatusCodes Path_Validation_Result::warnings() const
+ {
+ return m_warnings;
+ }
std::string Path_Validation_Result::result_string() const
return status_string(result());