path: root/src/lib/pubkey/xmss/xmss_verification_operation.cpp
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diff --git a/src/lib/pubkey/xmss/xmss_verification_operation.cpp b/src/lib/pubkey/xmss/xmss_verification_operation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20945e8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/pubkey/xmss/xmss_verification_operation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * XMSS Verification Operation
+ * Provides signature verification capabilities for Extended Hash-Based
+ * Signatures (XMSS).
+ *
+ * (C) 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+ *
+ * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+ **/
+#include <botan/internal/xmss_verification_operation.h>
+namespace Botan {
+ const XMSS_PublicKey& public_key)
+ : XMSS_Common_Ops(public_key.xmss_oid()),
+ m_pub_key(public_key),
+ m_msg_buf(0)
+ {
+ }
+XMSS_Verification_Operation::root_from_signature(const XMSS_Signature& sig,
+ const secure_vector<byte>& msg,
+ XMSS_Address& adrs,
+ const secure_vector<byte>& seed)
+ {
+ adrs.set_type(XMSS_Address::Type::OTS_Hash_Address);
+ adrs.set_ots_address(sig.unused_leaf_index());
+ XMSS_WOTS_PublicKey pub_key_ots(m_pub_key.wots_parameters().oid(),
+ msg,
+ sig.tree().ots_signature(),
+ adrs,
+ seed);
+ adrs.set_type(XMSS_Address::Type::LTree_Address);
+ adrs.set_ltree_address(sig.unused_leaf_index());
+ std::array<secure_vector<byte>, 2> node;
+ create_l_tree(node[0], pub_key_ots, adrs, seed);
+ adrs.set_type(XMSS_Address::Type::Hash_Tree_Address);
+ adrs.set_tree_index(sig.unused_leaf_index());
+ for(size_t k = 0; k < m_xmss_params.tree_height(); k++)
+ {
+ adrs.set_tree_height(k);
+ if(((sig.unused_leaf_index() / (1 << k)) & 0x01) == 0)
+ {
+ adrs.set_tree_index(adrs.get_tree_index() >> 1);
+ randomize_tree_hash(node[1],
+ node[0],
+ sig.tree().authentication_path()[k],
+ adrs,
+ seed);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ adrs.set_tree_index((adrs.get_tree_index() - 1) >> 1);
+ randomize_tree_hash(node[1],
+ sig.tree().authentication_path()[k],
+ node[0],
+ adrs,
+ seed);
+ }
+ node[0] = node[1];
+ }
+ return node[0];
+ }
+XMSS_Verification_Operation::verify(const XMSS_Signature& sig,
+ const secure_vector<byte>& msg,
+ const XMSS_PublicKey& public_key)
+ {
+ XMSS_Address adrs;
+ secure_vector<byte> index_bytes;
+ XMSS_Tools::get().concat(index_bytes,
+ sig.unused_leaf_index(),
+ m_xmss_params.element_size());
+ secure_vector<byte> msg_digest =
+ m_hash.h_msg(sig.randomness(),
+ public_key.root(),
+ index_bytes,
+ msg);
+ secure_vector<byte> node = root_from_signature(sig,
+ msg_digest,
+ adrs,
+ public_key.public_seed());
+ return (node == public_key.root());
+ }
+// FIXME: XMSS signature verification requires the "randomness" parameter out
+// of the XMSS signature, which is part of the prefix that is hashed before
+// msg. Since the signature is unknown till sign() is called all message
+// content has to be buffered. For large messages this can be inconvenient or
+// impossible.
+// Possible solution: Change PK_Ops::Verification interface to take the
+// signature as constructor argument, make sign a parameterless member call.
+void XMSS_Verification_Operation::update(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len)
+ {
+ std::copy(msg, msg + msg_len, std::back_inserter(m_msg_buf));
+ }
+bool XMSS_Verification_Operation::is_valid_signature(const byte sig[],
+ size_t sig_len)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XMSS_Signature signature(m_pub_key.xmss_parameters().oid(),
+ secure_vector<byte>(sig, sig + sig_len));
+ bool result = verify(signature, m_msg_buf, m_pub_key);
+ m_msg_buf.clear();
+ return result;
+ }
+ catch(Integrity_Failure& e)
+ {
+ m_msg_buf.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }