path: root/src/lib/prov/pkcs11/p11_rsa.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/prov/pkcs11/p11_rsa.cpp')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/prov/pkcs11/p11_rsa.cpp b/src/lib/prov/pkcs11/p11_rsa.cpp
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/prov/pkcs11/p11_rsa.cpp
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+* PKCS#11 RSA
+* (C) 2016 Daniel Neus, Sirrix AG
+* (C) 2016 Philipp Weber, Sirrix AG
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/p11_rsa.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RSA)
+#include <botan/internal/p11_mechanism.h>
+#include <botan/pk_ops.h>
+#include <botan/internal/algo_registry.h>
+#include <botan/internal/pk_utils.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+#include <botan/blinding.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_SYSTEM_RNG)
+ #include <botan/system_rng.h>
+ #include <botan/auto_rng.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace PKCS11 {
+RSA_PublicKeyImportProperties::RSA_PublicKeyImportProperties(const BigInt& modulus, const BigInt& pub_exponent)
+ : PublicKeyProperties(KeyType::Rsa), m_modulus(modulus), m_pub_exponent(pub_exponent)
+ {
+ add_binary(AttributeType::Modulus, BigInt::encode(m_modulus));
+ add_binary(AttributeType::PublicExponent, BigInt::encode(m_pub_exponent));
+ }
+RSA_PublicKeyGenerationProperties::RSA_PublicKeyGenerationProperties(Ulong bits)
+ : PublicKeyProperties(KeyType::Rsa)
+ {
+ add_numeric(AttributeType::ModulusBits, bits);
+ }
+PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey::PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey(Session& session, ObjectHandle handle)
+ : Object(session, handle)
+ {
+ m_n = BigInt::decode(get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Modulus));
+ m_e = BigInt::decode(get_attribute_value(AttributeType::PublicExponent));
+ }
+PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey::PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey(Session& session, const RSA_PublicKeyImportProperties& pubkey_props)
+ : RSA_PublicKey(pubkey_props.modulus(), pubkey_props.pub_exponent()), Object(session, pubkey_props)
+ {}
+RSA_PrivateKeyImportProperties::RSA_PrivateKeyImportProperties(const BigInt& modulus, const BigInt& priv_exponent)
+ : PrivateKeyProperties(KeyType::Rsa), m_modulus(modulus), m_priv_exponent(priv_exponent)
+ {
+ add_binary(AttributeType::Modulus, BigInt::encode(m_modulus));
+ add_binary(AttributeType::PrivateExponent, BigInt::encode(m_priv_exponent));
+ }
+PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey::PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey(Session& session, ObjectHandle handle)
+ : Object(session, handle)
+ {
+ m_n = BigInt::decode(get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Modulus));
+ m_e = BigInt::decode(get_attribute_value(AttributeType::PublicExponent));
+ }
+PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey::PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey(Session& session, const RSA_PrivateKeyImportProperties& priv_key_props)
+ : Object(session, priv_key_props)
+ {
+ m_n = priv_key_props.modulus();
+ m_e = BigInt::decode(get_attribute_value(AttributeType::PublicExponent));
+ }
+PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey::PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey(Session& session, uint32_t bits,
+ const RSA_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties& priv_key_props)
+ : RSA_PublicKey(), Object(session)
+ {
+ RSA_PublicKeyGenerationProperties pub_key_props(bits);
+ pub_key_props.set_encrypt(true);
+ pub_key_props.set_verify(true);
+ pub_key_props.set_token(false); // don't create a persistent public key object
+ ObjectHandle pub_key_handle = 0;
+ m_handle = 0;
+ Mechanism mechanism = { static_cast< CK_MECHANISM_TYPE >(MechanismType::RsaPkcsKeyPairGen), nullptr, 0 };
+ session.module()->C_GenerateKeyPair(session.handle(), &mechanism,
+ pub_key_props.data(), pub_key_props.count(), priv_key_props.data(), priv_key_props.count(),
+ &pub_key_handle, &m_handle);
+ m_n = BigInt::decode(get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Modulus));
+ m_e = BigInt::decode(get_attribute_value(AttributeType::PublicExponent));
+ }
+RSA_PrivateKey PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey::export_key() const
+ {
+ auto p = get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Prime1);
+ auto q = get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Prime2);
+ auto e = get_attribute_value(AttributeType::PublicExponent);
+ auto d = get_attribute_value(AttributeType::PrivateExponent);
+ auto n = get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Modulus);
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_SYSTEM_RNG)
+ System_RNG rng;
+ AutoSeeded_RNG rng;
+ return RSA_PrivateKey(rng
+ , BigInt::decode(p)
+ , BigInt::decode(q)
+ , BigInt::decode(e)
+ , BigInt::decode(d)
+ , BigInt::decode(n));
+ }
+secure_vector<byte> PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey::pkcs8_private_key() const
+ {
+ return export_key().pkcs8_private_key();
+ }
+namespace {
+// note: multiple-part decryption operations (with C_DecryptUpdate/C_DecryptFinal)
+// are not supported (PK_Ops::Decryption does not provide an `update` method)
+class PKCS11_RSA_Decryption_Operation : public PK_Ops::Decryption
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey Key_Type;
+ PKCS11_RSA_Decryption_Operation(const PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey& key, const std::string& padding)
+ : m_key(key), m_mechanism(MechanismWrapper::create_rsa_crypt_mechanism(padding)),
+ m_powermod(m_key.get_e(), m_key.get_n()), m_blinder(m_key.get_n(),
+ [ this ](const BigInt& k) { return m_powermod(k); },
+ [ this ](const BigInt& k) { return inverse_mod(k, m_key.get_n()); })
+ {
+ m_bits = m_key.get_n().bits() - 1;
+ }
+ size_t max_input_bits() const override
+ {
+ return m_bits;
+ }
+ secure_vector<byte> decrypt(byte& valid_mask, const byte ciphertext[], size_t ciphertext_len) override
+ {
+ valid_mask = 0;
+ m_key.module()->C_DecryptInit(m_key.session().handle(), m_mechanism.data(), m_key.handle());
+ std::vector<byte> encrypted_data(ciphertext, ciphertext + ciphertext_len);
+ // blind for RSA/RAW decryption
+ if(! m_mechanism.padding_size())
+ {
+ encrypted_data = BigInt::encode(m_blinder.blind(BigInt::decode(encrypted_data)));
+ }
+ secure_vector<byte> decrypted_data;
+ m_key.module()->C_Decrypt(m_key.session().handle(), encrypted_data, decrypted_data);
+ // Unblind for RSA/RAW decryption
+ if(!m_mechanism.padding_size())
+ {
+ secure_vector<byte> unblinded_data = BigInt::encode_locked(m_blinder.unblind(BigInt::decode(decrypted_data)));
+ // pad possible leading zeros that were stripped off during conversion to BigInt
+ secure_vector<byte> padded_result(m_key.get_n().bits() / 8 - unblinded_data.size());
+ padded_result.insert(padded_result.end(), unblinded_data.begin(), unblinded_data.end());
+ decrypted_data = padded_result;
+ }
+ valid_mask = 0xFF;
+ return decrypted_data;
+ }
+ private:
+ const PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey& m_key;
+ MechanismWrapper m_mechanism;
+ size_t m_bits = 0;
+ Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod m_powermod;
+ Blinder m_blinder;
+ };
+// note: multiple-part encryption operations (with C_EncryptUpdate/C_EncryptFinal)
+// are not supported (PK_Ops::Encryption does not provide an `update` method)
+class PKCS11_RSA_Encryption_Operation : public PK_Ops::Encryption
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey Key_Type;
+ PKCS11_RSA_Encryption_Operation(const PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey& key, const std::string& padding)
+ : m_key(key), m_mechanism(MechanismWrapper::create_rsa_crypt_mechanism(padding))
+ {
+ m_bits = 8 * (key.get_n().bytes() - m_mechanism.padding_size()) - 1;
+ }
+ size_t max_input_bits() const override
+ {
+ return m_bits;
+ }
+ secure_vector<byte> encrypt(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len, RandomNumberGenerator&) override
+ {
+ m_key.module()->C_EncryptInit(m_key.session().handle(), m_mechanism.data(), m_key.handle());
+ secure_vector<byte> encrytped_data;
+ m_key.module()->C_Encrypt(m_key.session().handle(), secure_vector<byte>(msg, msg + msg_len), encrytped_data);
+ return encrytped_data;
+ }
+ private:
+ const PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey& m_key;
+ MechanismWrapper m_mechanism;
+ size_t m_bits = 0;
+ };
+class PKCS11_RSA_Signature_Operation : public PK_Ops::Signature
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey Key_Type;
+ PKCS11_RSA_Signature_Operation(const PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey& key, const std::string& padding)
+ : m_key(key), m_mechanism(MechanismWrapper::create_rsa_sign_mechanism(padding))
+ {}
+ size_t message_part_size() const override
+ {
+ return m_key.get_n().bytes();
+ }
+ void update(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len) override
+ {
+ if(!m_initialized)
+ {
+ // first call to update: initialize and cache message because we can not determine yet whether a single- or multiple-part operation will be performed
+ m_key.module()->C_SignInit(m_key.session().handle(), m_mechanism.data(), m_key.handle());
+ m_initialized = true;
+ m_first_message = secure_vector<byte>(msg, msg + msg_len);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!m_first_message.empty())
+ {
+ // second call to update: start multiple-part operation
+ m_key.module()->C_SignUpdate(m_key.session().handle(), m_first_message);
+ m_first_message.clear();
+ }
+ m_key.module()->C_SignUpdate(m_key.session().handle(), const_cast< Byte* >(msg), msg_len);
+ }
+ secure_vector<byte> sign(RandomNumberGenerator&) override
+ {
+ secure_vector<byte> signature;
+ if(!m_first_message.empty())
+ {
+ // single call to update: perform single-part operation
+ m_key.module()->C_Sign(m_key.session().handle(), m_first_message, signature);
+ m_first_message.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // multiple calls to update (or none): finish multiple-part operation
+ m_key.module()->C_SignFinal(m_key.session().handle(), signature);
+ }
+ m_initialized = false;
+ return signature;
+ }
+ private:
+ const PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey& m_key;
+ bool m_initialized = false;
+ secure_vector<byte> m_first_message;
+ MechanismWrapper m_mechanism;
+ };
+class PKCS11_RSA_Verification_Operation : public PK_Ops::Verification
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey Key_Type;
+ PKCS11_RSA_Verification_Operation(const PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey& key, const std::string& padding)
+ : m_key(key), m_mechanism(MechanismWrapper::create_rsa_sign_mechanism(padding))
+ {}
+ size_t message_part_size() const override
+ {
+ return m_key.get_n().bytes();
+ }
+ size_t max_input_bits() const override
+ {
+ return m_key.get_n().bits() - 1;
+ }
+ void update(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len) override
+ {
+ if(!m_initialized)
+ {
+ // first call to update: initialize and cache message because we can not determine yet whether a single- or multiple-part operation will be performed
+ m_key.module()->C_VerifyInit(m_key.session().handle(), m_mechanism.data(), m_key.handle());
+ m_initialized = true;
+ m_first_message = secure_vector<byte>(msg, msg + msg_len);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!m_first_message.empty())
+ {
+ // second call to update: start multiple-part operation
+ m_key.module()->C_VerifyUpdate(m_key.session().handle(), m_first_message);
+ m_first_message.clear();
+ }
+ m_key.module()->C_VerifyUpdate(m_key.session().handle(), const_cast< Byte* >(msg), msg_len);
+ }
+ bool is_valid_signature(const byte sig[], size_t sig_len) override
+ {
+ ReturnValue return_value = ReturnValue::SignatureInvalid;
+ if(!m_first_message.empty())
+ {
+ // single call to update: perform single-part operation
+ m_key.module()->C_Verify(m_key.session().handle(), m_first_message.data(), m_first_message.size(),
+ const_cast< Byte* >(sig), sig_len, &return_value);
+ m_first_message.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // multiple calls to update (or none): finish multiple-part operation
+ m_key.module()->C_VerifyFinal(m_key.session().handle(), const_cast< Byte* >(sig), sig_len, &return_value);
+ }
+ m_initialized = false;
+ if(return_value != ReturnValue::OK && return_value != ReturnValue::SignatureInvalid)
+ {
+ throw PKCS11_ReturnError(return_value);
+ }
+ return return_value == ReturnValue::OK;
+ }
+ private:
+ const PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey& m_key;
+ bool m_initialized = false;
+ secure_vector<byte> m_first_message;
+ MechanismWrapper m_mechanism;
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TYPE(PK_Ops::Decryption, PKCS11_RSA_Decryption_Operation, "RSA",
+ (make_pk_op<PK_Ops::Decryption, PKCS11_RSA_Decryption_Operation>), "pkcs11", BOTAN_PKCS11_RSA_PRIO);
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TYPE(PK_Ops::Encryption, PKCS11_RSA_Encryption_Operation, "RSA",
+ (make_pk_op<PK_Ops::Encryption, PKCS11_RSA_Encryption_Operation>), "pkcs11", BOTAN_PKCS11_RSA_PRIO);
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TYPE(PK_Ops::Signature, PKCS11_RSA_Signature_Operation, "RSA",
+ (make_pk_op<PK_Ops::Signature, PKCS11_RSA_Signature_Operation>), "pkcs11", BOTAN_PKCS11_RSA_PRIO);
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TYPE(PK_Ops::Verification, PKCS11_RSA_Verification_Operation, "RSA",
+ (make_pk_op<PK_Ops::Verification, PKCS11_RSA_Verification_Operation>), "pkcs11", BOTAN_PKCS11_RSA_PRIO);
+PKCS11_RSA_KeyPair generate_rsa_keypair(Session& session, const RSA_PublicKeyGenerationProperties& pub_props,
+ const RSA_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties& priv_props)
+ {
+ ObjectHandle pub_key_handle = 0;
+ ObjectHandle priv_key_handle = 0;
+ Mechanism mechanism = { static_cast< CK_MECHANISM_TYPE >(MechanismType::RsaPkcsKeyPairGen), nullptr, 0 };
+ session.module()->C_GenerateKeyPair(session.handle(), &mechanism,
+ pub_props.data(), pub_props.count(), priv_props.data(), priv_props.count(),
+ &pub_key_handle, &priv_key_handle);
+ return std::make_pair(PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey(session, pub_key_handle), PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey(session, priv_key_handle));
+ }