path: root/src/big_code.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/big_code.cpp')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/big_code.cpp b/src/big_code.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..235665f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/big_code.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+* BigInt Encoding/Decoding Source File *
+* (C) 1999-2006 The Botan Project *
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/charset.h>
+#include <botan/hex.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Encode a BigInt *
+void BigInt::encode(byte output[], const BigInt& n, Base base)
+ {
+ if(base == Binary)
+ n.binary_encode(output);
+ else if(base == Hexadecimal)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> binary(n.encoded_size(Binary));
+ n.binary_encode(binary);
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != binary.size(); ++j)
+ Hex_Encoder::encode(binary[j], output + 2*j);
+ }
+ else if(base == Octal)
+ {
+ BigInt copy = n;
+ const u32bit output_size = n.encoded_size(Octal);
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != output_size; ++j)
+ {
+ output[output_size - 1 - j] = digit2char(copy % 8);
+ copy /= 8;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(base == Decimal)
+ {
+ BigInt copy = n;
+ BigInt remainder;
+ copy.set_sign(Positive);
+ const u32bit output_size = n.encoded_size(Decimal);
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != output_size; ++j)
+ {
+ divide(copy, 10, copy, remainder);
+ output[output_size - 1 - j] = digit2char(remainder.word_at(0));
+ if(copy.is_zero())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown BigInt encoding method");
+ }
+* Encode a BigInt *
+SecureVector<byte> BigInt::encode(const BigInt& n, Base base)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> output(n.encoded_size(base));
+ encode(output, n, base);
+ if(base != Binary)
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != output.size(); ++j)
+ if(output[j] == 0)
+ output[j] = '0';
+ return output;
+ }
+* Encode a BigInt, with leading 0s if needed *
+SecureVector<byte> BigInt::encode_1363(const BigInt& n, u32bit bytes)
+ {
+ const u32bit n_bytes = n.bytes();
+ if(n_bytes > bytes)
+ throw Encoding_Error("encode_1363: n is too large to encode properly");
+ const u32bit leading_0s = bytes - n_bytes;
+ SecureVector<byte> output(bytes);
+ encode(output + leading_0s, n, Binary);
+ return output;
+ }
+* Decode a BigInt *
+BigInt BigInt::decode(const MemoryRegion<byte>& buf, Base base)
+ {
+ return BigInt::decode(buf, buf.size(), base);
+ }
+* Decode a BigInt *
+BigInt BigInt::decode(const byte buf[], u32bit length, Base base)
+ {
+ BigInt r;
+ if(base == Binary)
+ r.binary_decode(buf, length);
+ else if(base == Hexadecimal)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> hex;
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != length; ++j)
+ if(Hex_Decoder::is_valid(buf[j]))
+ hex.append(buf[j]);
+ u32bit offset = (hex.size() % 2);
+ SecureVector<byte> binary(hex.size() / 2 + offset);
+ if(offset)
+ {
+ byte temp[2] = { '0', hex[0] };
+ binary[0] = Hex_Decoder::decode(temp);
+ }
+ for(u32bit j = offset; j != binary.size(); ++j)
+ binary[j] = Hex_Decoder::decode(hex+2*j-offset);
+ r.binary_decode(binary, binary.size());
+ }
+ else if(base == Decimal || base == Octal)
+ {
+ const u32bit RADIX = ((base == Decimal) ? 10 : 8);
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != length; ++j)
+ {
+ byte x = char2digit(buf[j]);
+ if(x >= RADIX)
+ {
+ if(RADIX == 10)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt: Invalid decimal string");
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt: Invalid octal string");
+ }
+ r *= RADIX;
+ r += x;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown BigInt decoding method");
+ return r;
+ }