path: root/doc/scripts/configure.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/scripts/configure.pl')
1 files changed, 2340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/scripts/configure.pl b/doc/scripts/configure.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1ce01e2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scripts/configure.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2340 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+require 5.006;
+use strict;
+use Config;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Find;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+# Data #
+my @DOCS = (
+ 'api.pdf', 'tutorial.pdf', 'fips140.pdf',
+ 'api.tex', 'tutorial.tex', 'fips140.tex',
+ 'credits.txt', 'license.txt', 'log.txt',
+ 'thanks.txt', 'todo.txt', 'pgpkeys.asc');
+my $TRACING = 0;
+# Run main() and Quit #
+my $config = {};
+sub exec_uname {
+ # Only exec it if we think it might actually work
+ if(-f '/bin/uname' || -f '/usr/bin/uname' || -f '/bin/sh') {
+ my $uname = `uname -a`;
+ if($uname) {
+ chomp $uname;
+ return $uname;
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+sub deprecation_warning {
+ warning("$0 is deprecated; migration to ./configure.py strongly recommended");
+# Main Driver #
+sub main {
+ my $base_dir = where_am_i();
+ deprecation_warning();
+ $$config{'uname'} = exec_uname();
+ $$config{'base-dir'} = $base_dir;
+ $$config{'src-dir'} = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'src');
+ $$config{'checks-dir'} = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'checks');
+ $$config{'doc_src_dir'} = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'doc');
+ $$config{'config-dir'} =
+ File::Spec->catdir($$config{'src-dir'}, 'build-data');
+ $$config{'command_line'} = $0 . ' ' . join(' ', @ARGV);
+ $$config{'timestamp'} = gmtime;
+ $$config{'user'} = getlogin || getpwuid($<) || '';
+ $$config{'hostname'} = hostname;
+ %CPU = read_info_files($config, 'arch', \&get_arch_info);
+ %OPERATING_SYSTEM = read_info_files($config, 'os', \&get_os_info);
+ %COMPILER = read_info_files($config, 'cc', \&get_cc_info);
+ %MODULES = read_module_files($config);
+ add_to($config, {
+ 'version_major' => $MAJOR_VERSION,
+ 'version_minor' => $MINOR_VERSION,
+ 'version_patch' => $PATCH_VERSION,
+ 'version' => $VERSION_STRING,
+ 'so_version' => $SO_VERSION_STRING,
+ });
+ get_options($config);
+ my $default_value_is = sub {
+ my ($var, $val) = @_;
+ $$config{$var} = $val if not defined($$config{$var});
+ };
+ &$default_value_is('gcc_bug', 0);
+ &$default_value_is('autoconfig', 1);
+ &$default_value_is('debug', 0);
+ &$default_value_is('shared', 'yes');
+ &$default_value_is('local_config', '');
+ # Goes into build-specific dirs (maybe)
+ $$config{'build_dir'} = 'build';
+ $$config{'botan_config'} = File::Spec->catfile(
+ $$config{'build_dir'}, 'botan-config');
+ $$config{'botan_pkgconfig'} = File::Spec->catfile(
+ $$config{'build_dir'},
+ 'botan-' . $MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . $MINOR_VERSION . '.pc');
+ $$config{'makefile'} = 'Makefile';
+ $$config{'check_prefix'} = '';
+ $$config{'lib_prefix'} = '';
+ if(defined($$config{'with_build_dir'})) {
+ for my $var ('build_dir',
+ 'botan_config',
+ 'botan_pkgconfig',
+ 'makefile',
+ 'check_prefix',
+ 'lib_prefix')
+ {
+ $$config{$var} = File::Spec->catfile($$config{'with_build_dir'},
+ $$config{$var});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ choose_target($config);
+ my $os = $$config{'os'};
+ my $cc = $$config{'compiler'};
+ &$default_value_is('prefix', os_info_for($os, 'install_root'));
+ &$default_value_is('libdir', os_info_for($os, 'lib_dir'));
+ &$default_value_is('docdir', os_info_for($os, 'doc_dir'));
+ &$default_value_is('make_style', $COMPILER{$cc}{'makefile_style'});
+ scan_modules($config);
+ print_enabled_modules($config);
+ add_to($config, {
+ 'includedir' => os_info_for($os, 'header_dir'),
+ 'build_lib' => File::Spec->catdir($$config{'build_dir'}, 'lib'),
+ 'build_check' => File::Spec->catdir($$config{'build_dir'}, 'checks'),
+ 'build_include' =>
+ File::Spec->catdir($$config{'build_dir'}, 'include'),
+ 'build_include_botan' =>
+ File::Spec->catdir($$config{'build_dir'}, 'include', 'botan'),
+ 'mp_bits' => find_mp_bits($config),
+ 'mod_libs' => [ using_libs($config) ],
+ 'sources' => { },
+ 'includes' => { },
+ 'check_src' => {
+ map_to($$config{'checks-dir'},
+ grep { $_ ne 'keys' and !m@\.(dat|h)$@ }
+ dir_list($$config{'checks-dir'}))
+ }
+ });
+ load_modules($config);
+ my @dirs = mkdirs($$config{'build_dir'},
+ $$config{'build_include'},
+ $$config{'build_include_botan'},
+ $$config{'build_lib'},
+ $$config{'build_check'});
+ #autoconfig('Created ' . join(' ', @dirs)) if @dirs;
+ write_pkg_config($config);
+ determine_config($config);
+ process_template(File::Spec->catfile($$config{'config-dir'}, 'buildh.in'),
+ File::Spec->catfile($$config{'build_dir'}, 'build.h'),
+ $config);
+ process_template(File::Spec->catfile(
+ $$config{'config-dir'}, 'botan.doxy.in'),
+ File::Spec->catfile($$config{'doc_src_dir'}, 'botan.doxy'),
+ $config);
+ $$config{'includes'}{'build.h'} = $$config{'build_dir'};
+ generate_makefile($config);
+ copy_include_files($config);
+ deprecation_warning();
+sub where_am_i {
+ my ($volume,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
+ my $src_dir = File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dir, '');
+ return $src_dir if $src_dir;
+ return File::Spec->curdir();
+# Diagnostics #
+sub with_diagnostic {
+ my ($type, @args) = @_;
+ my $args = join('', @args);
+ my $str = "($type): ";
+ while(length($str) < 14) { $str = ' ' . $str; }
+ $str .= $args . "\n";
+ return $str;
+sub croak {
+ die with_diagnostic('error', @_);
+sub warning {
+ warn with_diagnostic('warning', @_);
+sub autoconfig {
+ print with_diagnostic('autoconfig', @_);
+sub emit_help {
+ print join('', @_);
+ exit;
+sub trace {
+ return unless $TRACING;
+ my (undef, undef, $line) = caller(0);
+ my (undef, undef, undef, $func) = caller(1);
+ $func =~ s/main:://;
+ print with_diagnostic('trace', "at $func:$line - ", @_);
+# Display Help and Quit #
+sub display_help {
+ sub module_sets {
+ my %modsets;
+ for my $name (sort keys %MODULES) {
+ my %info = %{$MODULES{$name}};
+ next unless (defined($info{'modset'}));
+ for my $s (split(/,/, $info{'modset'})) {
+ $modsets{$s} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ return sort keys %modsets;
+ }
+ my $sets = join(' ', module_sets());
+ my $listing = sub {
+ my (@list) = @_;
+ return '' if (@list == 0);
+ my ($output, $len) = ('', 0);
+ my $append = sub {
+ my ($to_append) = @_;
+ $output .= $to_append;
+ $len += length $to_append;
+ };
+ foreach my $name (sort @list) {
+ next if $name eq 'defaults';
+ if($len > 58) {
+ $output .= "\n ";
+ $len = 8;
+ }
+ &$append($name . ' ');
+ }
+ chop $output;
+ return $output;
+ };
+ #my $modules = &$listing(keys %MODULES);
+ my $compilers = &$listing(keys %COMPILER);
+ my $oses = &$listing(keys %OPERATING_SYSTEM);
+ my $cpus = &$listing(keys %CPU);
+ my $helptxt = <<ENDOFHELP;
+This is $0 from Botan $VERSION_STRING
+To select the compiler, use
+ --cc=[$compilers]
+To select the OS and processor to target, use these options. By
+default, autodetection will be attempted.
+ --os=[generic $oses]
+ --cpu=[generic $cpus]
+ --with-endian=[little big none]
+ --with-unaligned-mem=[yes no]
+To change build options:
+ --with-tr1={none,system,boost} enable (or disable) using a TR1 implementation
+ --with-build-dir=DIR setup the build in DIR
+ --with-local-config=FILE include the contents of FILE into build.h
+ --disable-debug don't worry about debugging
+ --enable-debug set compiler flags for debugging
+ --enable-shared enable shared libraries
+ --disable-shared don't build shared libararies
+To change where the library is installed:
+ --prefix=PATH set the base installation directory
+ --libdir=PATH install library files in \${prefix}/\${libdir}
+ --docdir=PATH install documentation in \${prefix}/\${docdir}
+To change what modules to use:
+ --enable-modules=[module,[module[,...]]]
+ --disable-modules=[module,[module[,...]]]
+To get diagnostic and debug output:
+ --module-info display more information about modules
+ --show-arch-info=CPU show more information about a particular CPU
+ [$cpus]
+ --help display this help
+ --version display the version of Botan
+ --quiet display only warnings and errors
+ --trace enable runtime tracing of this program
+See doc/building.pdf for more information about this program.
+ emit_help($helptxt);
+# Display Further Information about Modules #
+sub module_info {
+ my $info = '';
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %MODULES) {
+ my $modinfo = $MODULES{$mod};
+ my $fullname = $$modinfo{'realname'};
+ while(length($mod) < 10) { $mod .= ' '; }
+ $info .= "$mod - $fullname\n";
+ }
+ return $info;
+sub choose_target {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $cc = $$config{'compiler'};
+ my $os = $$config{'os'};
+ my $cpu = $$config{'cpu'};
+ autoconfig("Setting up build for Botan $VERSION_STRING");
+ $cpu = guess_cpu() if not defined($cpu);
+ $cc = guess_compiler() if not defined($cc);
+ $os = guess_os() if not defined($os);
+ display_help()
+ unless(defined($cc) and defined($os) and defined($cpu));
+ croak("Compiler $cc isn't known (try --help)")
+ unless defined($COMPILER{$cc});
+ my %ccinfo = %{$COMPILER{$cc}};
+ if(defined($ccinfo{'compiler_has_tr1'})) {
+ unless(defined($$config{'tr1'})) {
+ autoconfig('Assuming compiler ', $cc, ' has TR1 headers. ',
+ 'Use --with-tr1=none to disable');
+ $$config{'tr1'} = 'system';
+ }
+ }
+ $os = os_alias($os);
+ croak("OS $os isn't known (try --help)") unless
+ ($os eq 'generic' or defined($OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os}));
+ my ($arch, $submodel) = figure_out_arch($cpu);
+ # hacks
+ if($cc eq 'gcc') {
+ $ccinfo{'binary_name'} = 'c++' if($os eq 'darwin');
+ if($$config{'gcc_bug'} != 1) {
+ my $binary = $ccinfo{'binary_name'};
+ my $gcc_version = `$binary -v 2>&1`;
+ $gcc_version = '' if not defined $gcc_version;
+ my $has_ll_bug = 0;
+ $has_ll_bug = 1 if($gcc_version =~ /4\.[01234]/);
+ $has_ll_bug = 1 if($gcc_version =~ /3\.[34]/);
+ $has_ll_bug = 1 if($gcc_version =~ /2\.95\.[0-4]/);
+ $has_ll_bug = 1 if($gcc_version eq '');
+ $has_ll_bug = 0 if($arch eq 'alpha' or $arch =~ /.*64$/);
+ if($has_ll_bug)
+ {
+ warning('Enabling -fpermissive to work around ',
+ 'possible GCC bug');
+ $$config{'gcc_bug'} = 1;
+ }
+ warning('GCC 2.95.x issues many spurious warnings')
+ if($gcc_version =~ /2\.95\.[0-4]/);
+ }
+ }
+ trace("using $cc $os $arch $submodel");
+ add_to($config, {
+ 'compiler' => $cc,
+ 'os' => $os,
+ 'arch' => $arch,
+ 'submodel' => $submodel,
+ });
+sub module_runs_on {
+ my ($config, $modinfo, $mod, $noisy) = @_;
+ my $cc = $$config{'compiler'};
+ my $os = $$config{'os'};
+ my $submodel = $$config{'submodel'};
+ my $arch = $$config{'arch'};
+ my %modinfo = %{$modinfo};
+ my $realname = $modinfo{'realname'};
+ my @arch_list = @{ $modinfo{'arch'} };
+ if(scalar @arch_list > 0 && !in_array($arch, \@arch_list) &&
+ !in_array($submodel, \@arch_list))
+ {
+ autoconfig("$mod ($realname): skipping, " .
+ "not compatible with " . realname($arch) .
+ "/" . $submodel) if $noisy;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my @os_list = @{ $modinfo{'os'} };
+ if(scalar @os_list > 0 && !in_array($os, \@os_list))
+ {
+ autoconfig("$mod ($realname): " .
+ "skipping, not compatible with " . realname($os)) if $noisy;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my @cc_list = @{ $modinfo{'cc'} };
+ if(scalar @cc_list > 0 && !in_array($cc, \@cc_list)) {
+ autoconfig("$mod ($realname): " .
+ "skipping, not compatible with " . realname($cc)) if $noisy;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if($modinfo{'uses_tr1'} eq 'yes') {
+ return 0 unless defined($$config{'tr1'});
+ my $tr1 = $$config{'tr1'};
+ return 0 unless($tr1 eq 'system' or $tr1 eq 'boost');
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub scan_modules {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %MODULES) {
+ my %modinfo = %{ $MODULES{$mod} };
+ next if(defined($$config{'modules'}{$mod}) && $$config{'modules'}{$mod} < 0);
+ next unless(module_runs_on($config, \%modinfo, $mod, 0));
+ if($modinfo{'load_on'} eq 'auto' or
+ $modinfo{'load_on'} eq 'always' or
+ ($modinfo{'load_on'} eq 'asm_ok' and $$config{'asm_ok'})) {
+ my %maybe_load = ();
+ my $all_deps_found = 1;
+ LINE: foreach (@{$modinfo{'requires'}}) {
+ for my $req_mod (split(/\|/, $_)) {
+ next unless defined $MODULES{$req_mod};
+ next if(defined($$config{'modules'}{$req_mod}) && $$config{'modules'}{$req_mod} < 0);
+ next unless(module_runs_on($config, $MODULES{$req_mod}, $req_mod, 0));
+ $maybe_load{$req_mod} = 1;
+ next LINE;
+ }
+ $all_deps_found = 0;
+ }
+ if($all_deps_found) {
+ foreach my $depmod (keys %maybe_load)
+ { $$config{'modules'}{$depmod} = 1; }
+ $$config{'modules'}{$mod} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub print_enabled_modules {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ return unless($$config{'verbose'});
+ my %by_type;
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %MODULES) {
+ my $type = $MODULES{$mod}{'type'};
+ my $n = 0;
+ $n = 1 if($$config{'modules'}{$mod} && $$config{'modules'}{$mod} > 0);
+ $by_type{$type}{$mod} = $n;
+ }
+ for my $type (sort keys %by_type) {
+ my %mods = %{$by_type{$type}};
+ my @load_lines;
+ if(keys %mods == 1) {
+ my $on = $mods{$type};
+ if($on > 0) {
+ print with_diagnostic('loading', $type);
+ }
+ else {
+ print with_diagnostic('loading', '[', $type , ']');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $s = $type . ': ';
+ for my $mod (sort keys %mods) {
+ my $on = $mods{$mod};
+ if($s eq '') {
+ $s = ' ' x (length($type) + 16);
+ }
+ if($on > 0) {
+ $s .= $mod . ' ';
+ }
+ else {
+ $s .= '[' . $mod . '] ';
+ }
+ if(length($s) > 60) {
+ push @load_lines, $s;
+ $s = '';
+ }
+ }
+ #print "Last1 '$s'\n";
+ $s =~ s/\s*$//m; # strip trailing whitespace
+ push @load_lines, $s if($s ne '');
+ print with_diagnostic('loading', join("\n", @load_lines));
+ }
+ }
+sub get_options {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $save_option = sub {
+ my ($opt, $val) = @_;
+ $opt =~ s/-/_/g;
+ $$config{$opt} = $val;
+ };
+ $$config{'verbose'} = 1;
+ $$config{'asm_ok'} = 1;
+ $$config{'tr1'} = undef; # not enabled by default
+ $$config{'modules'} = {};
+ sub arch_info {
+ my $arg = $_[0];
+ my $arch = find_arch($arg);
+ unless(defined($arch) and defined($CPU{$arch})) {
+ warning("Unknown arch '$arg' passed to --arch-info (try --help)");
+ return '';
+ }
+ my %info = %{ $CPU{$arch} };
+ my $out = "Information for $arg ($arch)\n--------\n";
+ if(@{$info{'aliases'}}) {
+ $out .= 'Aliases: ' . join(' ', @{$info{'aliases'}}) . "\n";
+ }
+ if(@{$info{'submodels'}}) {
+ $out .= 'Submodels: ' . join(' ', @{$info{'submodels'}}) . "\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $k (keys %{$info{'submodel_aliases'}}) {
+ $out .= "Alias '$k' -> '" . $info{'submodel_aliases'}{$k} . "'\n";
+ }
+ if(defined($info{'endian'})) {
+ $out .= 'Default endian: ' . $info{'endian'} . "\n";
+ }
+ if(defined($info{'unaligned'})) {
+ $out .= 'Unaligned memory access: ' . $info{'unaligned'} . "\n";
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ sub add_modules {
+ my ($config,$mods) = @_;
+ foreach my $mod (split(/,/, $mods)) {
+ # -1 means disabled by user, do not load
+ $$config{'modules'}{$mod} = 1 unless(
+ defined($$config{'modules'}{$mod}) &&
+ $$config{'modules'}{$mod} == -1);
+ }
+ }
+ sub disable_modules {
+ my ($config,$mods) = @_;
+ foreach my $mod (split(/,/, $mods)) {
+ # -1 means disabled by user, do not load
+ $$config{'modules'}{$mod} = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ sub add_module_sets {
+ my ($config,$sets) = @_;
+ foreach my $set (split(/,/, $sets)) {
+ for my $mod (sort keys %MODULES) {
+ my %info = %{$MODULES{$mod}};
+ next unless (defined($info{'modset'}));
+ for my $s (split(/,/, $info{'modset'})) {
+ if($s eq $set) {
+ $$config{'modules'}{$mod} = 1
+ unless($$config{'modules'}{$mod} == -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exit 1 unless GetOptions(
+ 'prefix=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'exec-prefix=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'bindir=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'datadir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'datarootdir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'docdir=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'dvidir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'htmldir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'includedir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'infodir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'libdir=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'libexecdir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'localedir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'localstatedir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'mandir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'oldincludedir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'pdfdir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'psdir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'sbindir=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'sharedstatedir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'sysconfdir' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'cc=s' => sub { &$save_option('compiler', $_[1]) },
+ 'os=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_) },
+ 'cpu=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_) },
+ 'help' => sub { display_help(); },
+ 'module-info' => sub { emit_help(module_info()); },
+ 'version' => sub { emit_help("$VERSION_STRING\n") },
+ 'so-version' => sub { emit_help("$SO_VERSION_STRING\n") },
+ 'with-tr1-implementation=s' => sub { $$config{'tr1'} = $_[1]; },
+ 'quiet' => sub { $$config{'verbose'} = 0; },
+ 'trace' => sub { $TRACING = 1; },
+ 'enable-asm' => sub { $$config{'asm_ok'} = 1; },
+ 'disable-asm' => sub { $$config{'asm_ok'} = 0; },
+ 'enable-autoconfig' => sub { $$config{'autoconfig'} = 1; },
+ 'disable-autoconfig' => sub { $$config{'autoconfig'} = 0; },
+ 'enable-shared' => sub { $$config{'shared'} = 'yes'; },
+ 'disable-shared' => sub { $$config{'shared'} = 'no'; },
+ 'enable-debug' => sub { &$save_option('debug', 1); },
+ 'disable-debug' => sub { &$save_option('debug', 0); },
+ 'enable-modules:s' => sub { add_modules($config, $_[1]); },
+ 'disable-modules:s' => sub { disable_modules($config, $_[1]); },
+ 'with-openssl' => sub { add_modules($config, 'openssl'); },
+ 'without-openssl' => sub { disable_modules($config, 'openssl'); },
+ 'with-gnump' => sub { add_modules($config, 'gnump'); },
+ 'without-gnump' => sub { disable_modules($config, 'gnump'); },
+ 'with-bzip2' => sub { add_modules($config, 'bzip2'); },
+ 'without-bzip2' => sub { disable_modules($config, 'bzip2'); },
+ 'with-zlib' => sub { add_modules($config, 'zlib'); },
+ 'without-zlib' => sub { disable_modules($config, 'zlib'); },
+ 'use-module-set=s' => sub { add_module_sets($config, $_[1]); },
+ 'with-build-dir=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'with-endian=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'with-unaligned-mem=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'with-local-config=s' =>
+ sub { &$save_option('local_config', slurp_file($_[1])); },
+ 'modules=s' => sub { add_modules($config, $_[1]); },
+ 'show-arch-info=s' => sub { emit_help(arch_info($_[1])); },
+ 'make-style=s' => sub { &$save_option(@_); },
+ 'dumb-gcc|gcc295x' => sub { $$config{'gcc_bug'} = 1; }
+ );
+ # All arguments should now be consumed
+ croak("Unknown option $ARGV[0] (try --help)") unless($#ARGV == -1);
+# Functions to search the info tables #
+sub find_arch {
+ my $name = $_[0];
+ foreach my $arch (keys %CPU) {
+ my %info = %{$CPU{$arch}};
+ return $arch if($name eq $arch);
+ foreach my $alias (@{$info{'aliases'}}) {
+ return $arch if($name eq $alias);
+ }
+ foreach my $submodel (@{$info{'submodels'}}) {
+ return $arch if($name eq $submodel);
+ }
+ foreach my $submodel (keys %{$info{'submodel_aliases'}}) {
+ return $arch if($name eq $submodel);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub figure_out_arch {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ return ('generic', 'generic') if($name eq 'generic');
+ my $submodel_alias = sub {
+ my ($name,$info) = @_;
+ my %info = %{$info};
+ foreach my $submodel (@{$info{'submodels'}}) {
+ return $submodel if($name eq $submodel);
+ }
+ return '' unless defined $info{'submodel_aliases'};
+ my %sm_aliases = %{$info{'submodel_aliases'}};
+ foreach my $alias (keys %sm_aliases) {
+ my $official = $sm_aliases{$alias};
+ return $official if($alias eq $name);
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
+ my $arch = find_arch($name);
+ croak("Arch type $name isn't known (try --help)") unless defined $arch;
+ trace("mapped name '$name' to arch '$arch'");
+ my %archinfo = %{ $CPU{$arch} };
+ my $submodel = &$submodel_alias($name, \%archinfo);
+ if($submodel eq '') {
+ $submodel = $archinfo{'default_submodel'};
+ autoconfig("Using $submodel as default type for family ",
+ realname($arch)) if($submodel ne $arch);
+ }
+ trace("mapped name '$name' to submodel '$submodel'");
+ croak("Couldn't figure out arch type of $name")
+ unless defined($arch) and defined($submodel);
+ return ($arch,$submodel);
+sub os_alias {
+ my $name = $_[0];
+ foreach my $os (keys %OPERATING_SYSTEM) {
+ foreach my $alias (@{$OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os}{'aliases'}}) {
+ if($alias eq $name) {
+ trace("os_alias($name) -> $os");
+ return $os;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $name;
+sub os_info_for {
+ my ($os,$what) = @_;
+ die unless defined($os);
+ croak('os_info_for called with an os of defaults (internal problem)')
+ if($os eq 'defaults');
+ my $result = '';
+ if(defined($OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os})) {
+ my %osinfo = %{$OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os}};
+ $result = $osinfo{$what};
+ }
+ if(!defined($result) or $result eq '') {
+ $result = $OPERATING_SYSTEM{'defaults'}{$what};
+ }
+ croak("os_info_for: No info for $what on $os") unless defined $result;
+ return $result;
+sub my_compiler {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $cc = $$config{'compiler'};
+ croak('my_compiler called, but no compiler set in config')
+ unless defined $cc and $cc ne '';
+ croak("unknown compiler $cc") unless defined $COMPILER{$cc};
+ return %{$COMPILER{$cc}};
+sub mach_opt {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my %ccinfo = my_compiler($config);
+ # Nothing we can do in that case
+ return '' unless $ccinfo{'mach_opt_flags'};
+ my $submodel = $$config{'submodel'};
+ my $arch = $$config{'arch'};
+ if(defined($ccinfo{'mach_opt_flags'}{$submodel}))
+ {
+ return $ccinfo{'mach_opt_flags'}{$submodel};
+ }
+ elsif(defined($ccinfo{'mach_opt_flags'}{$arch})) {
+ my $mach_opt_flags = $ccinfo{'mach_opt_flags'}{$arch};
+ my $processed_modelname = $submodel;
+ my $remove = '';
+ if(defined($ccinfo{'mach_opt_re'}) and
+ defined($ccinfo{'mach_opt_re'}{$arch})) {
+ $remove = $ccinfo{'mach_opt_re'}{$arch};
+ }
+ $processed_modelname =~ s/$remove//;
+ $mach_opt_flags =~ s/SUBMODEL/$processed_modelname/g;
+ return $mach_opt_flags;
+ }
+ return '';
+# #
+sub using_libs {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $os = $$config{'os'};
+ my %libs;
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %{$$config{'modules'}}) {
+ next if ${$$config{'modules'}}{$mod} < 0;
+ my %MOD_LIBS = %{ $MODULES{$mod}{'libs'} };
+ foreach my $mod_os (keys %MOD_LIBS)
+ {
+ next if($mod_os =~ /^all!$os$/);
+ next if($mod_os =~ /^all!$os,/);
+ #next if($mod_os =~ /^all!.*,${os}$/);
+ next if($mod_os =~ /^all!.*,$os,.*/);
+ next unless($mod_os eq $os or ($mod_os =~ /^all.*/));
+ my @liblist = split(/,/, $MOD_LIBS{$mod_os});
+ foreach my $lib (@liblist) { $libs{$lib} = 1; }
+ }
+ }
+ return sort keys %libs;
+sub libs {
+ my ($prefix,$suffix,@libs) = @_;
+ my $output = '';
+ foreach my $lib (@libs) {
+ $output .= ' ' if($output ne '');
+ $output .= $prefix . $lib . $suffix;
+ }
+ return $output;
+# Path and file manipulation utilities #
+sub portable_symlink {
+ my ($from, $to_dir, $to_fname) = @_;
+ #trace("portable_symlink($from, $to_dir, $to_fname)");
+ my $can_symlink = 0;
+ my $can_link = 0;
+ unless($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'dos' or $^O eq 'cygwin') {
+ $can_symlink = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
+ $can_link = eval { link("",""); 1 };
+ }
+ chdir $to_dir or croak("Can't chdir to $to_dir ($!)");
+ if($can_symlink) {
+ symlink $from, $to_fname or
+ croak("Can't symlink $from to $to_fname ($!)");
+ }
+ elsif($can_link) {
+ link $from, $to_fname or
+ croak("Can't link $from to $to_fname ($!)");
+ }
+ else {
+ copy ($from, $to_fname) or
+ croak("Can't copy $from to $to_fname ($!)");
+ }
+ my $go_up = File::Spec->splitdir($to_dir);
+ for(my $j = 0; $j != $go_up; $j++) # return to where we were
+ {
+ chdir File::Spec->updir();
+ }
+sub copy_include_files {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $include_dir = $$config{'build_include_botan'};
+ trace('Copying to ', $include_dir);
+ foreach my $file (dir_list($include_dir)) {
+ my $path = File::Spec->catfile($include_dir, $file);
+ unlink $path or croak("Could not unlink $path ($!)");
+ }
+ my $link_up = sub {
+ my ($dir, $file) = @_;
+ my $updir = File::Spec->updir();
+ portable_symlink(File::Spec->catfile($updir, $updir, $updir,
+ $dir, $file),
+ $include_dir, $file);
+ };
+ my $files = $$config{'includes'};
+ foreach my $file (keys %$files) {
+ &$link_up($$files{$file}, $file);
+ }
+sub dir_list {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) or croak("Couldn't read directory '$dir' ($!)");
+ my @listing = grep { !/#/ and -f File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_) and
+ $_ ne File::Spec->curdir() and
+ $_ ne File::Spec->updir() } readdir DIR;
+ closedir DIR;
+ return @listing;
+sub mkdirs {
+ my (@dirs) = @_;
+ my @created;
+ foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+ next if( -e $dir and -d $dir ); # skip it if it's already there
+ mkdir($dir, 0777) or
+ croak("Could not create directory $dir ($!)");
+ push @created, $dir;
+ }
+ return @created;
+sub slurp_file {
+ my $file = $_[0];
+ return '' if(!defined($file) or $file eq '');
+ croak("'$file': No such file") unless(-e $file);
+ croak("'$file': Not a regular file") unless(-f $file);
+ open FILE, "<$file" or croak("Couldn't read $file ($!)");
+ my $output = '';
+ while(<FILE>) { $output .= $_; }
+ close FILE;
+ return $output;
+sub which
+ my $file = $_[0];
+ my @paths = split(/:/, $ENV{PATH});
+ foreach my $path (@paths)
+ {
+ my $file_path = File::Spec->catfile($path, $file);
+ return $file_path if(-e $file_path and -r $file_path);
+ }
+ return '';
+# Return a hash mapping every var in a list to a constant value
+sub map_to {
+ my $var = shift;
+ return map { $_ => $var } @_;
+sub in_array {
+ my($target, $array) = @_;
+ return 0 unless defined($array);
+ foreach (@$array) { return 1 if($_ eq $target); }
+ return 0;
+sub add_to {
+ my ($to,$from) = @_;
+ foreach my $key (keys %$from) {
+ $$to{$key} = $$from{$key};
+ }
+# #
+sub find_mp_bits {
+ my(@modules_list) = @_;
+ my $mp_bits = 32; # default, good for most systems
+ my $seen_mp_module = undef;
+ foreach my $modname (sort keys %{$$config{'modules'}}) {
+ croak("Unknown module $modname") unless defined $MODULES{$modname};
+ next if $$config{'modules'}{$modname} < 0;
+ my %modinfo = %{ $MODULES{$modname} };
+ if($modinfo{'mp_bits'}) {
+ if(defined($seen_mp_module) and $modinfo{'mp_bits'} != $mp_bits) {
+ croak('Inconsistent mp_bits requests from modules ',
+ $seen_mp_module, ' and ', $modname);
+ }
+ $seen_mp_module = $modname;
+ $mp_bits = $modinfo{'mp_bits'};
+ }
+ }
+ return $mp_bits;
+# #
+sub realname {
+ my $arg = $_[0];
+ return $COMPILER{$arg}{'realname'}
+ if defined $COMPILER{$arg};
+ return $OPERATING_SYSTEM{$arg}{'realname'}
+ if defined $OPERATING_SYSTEM{$arg};
+ return $CPU{$arg}{'realname'}
+ if defined $CPU{$arg};
+ return $arg;
+# #
+sub load_module {
+ my ($config, $modname) = @_;
+ #trace("load_module($modname)");
+ croak("Unknown module $modname") unless defined($MODULES{$modname});
+ my %module = %{$MODULES{$modname}};
+ my $works_on = sub {
+ my ($what, $lst_ref) = @_;
+ my @lst = @{$lst_ref};
+ return 1 if not @lst; # empty list -> no restrictions
+ return 1 if $what eq 'generic'; # trust the user
+ return in_array($what, \@lst);
+ };
+ # Check to see if everything is OK WRT system requirements
+ my $os = $$config{'os'};
+ croak("Module '$modname' does not run on $os")
+ unless(&$works_on($os, $module{'os'}));
+ my $arch = $$config{'arch'};
+ my $sub = $$config{'submodel'};
+ croak("Module '$modname' does not run on $arch/$sub")
+ unless(&$works_on($arch, $module{'arch'}) or
+ &$works_on($sub, $module{'arch'}));
+ my $cc = $$config{'compiler'};
+ croak("Module '$modname' does not work with $cc")
+ unless(&$works_on($cc, $module{'cc'}));
+ my $handle_files = sub {
+ my($lst, $func) = @_;
+ return unless defined($lst);
+ foreach (sort @$lst) {
+ &$func($module{'moddirs'}, $config, $_);
+ }
+ };
+ &$handle_files($module{'ignore'}, \&ignore_file);
+ &$handle_files($module{'add'}, \&add_file);
+ &$handle_files($module{'replace'},
+ sub { ignore_file(@_); add_file(@_); });
+ warning($modname, ': ', $module{'note'})
+ if(defined($module{'note'}));
+sub load_modules {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my @mod_names;
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %{$$config{'modules'}}) {
+ next unless($$config{'modules'}{$mod} > 0);
+ load_module($config, $mod);
+ push @mod_names, $mod;
+ }
+ $$config{'mod_list'} = join("\n", @mod_names);
+ my $unaligned_ok = 0;
+ my $target_os_defines = sub {
+ my @macro_list;
+ my $os = $$config{'os'};
+ if($os ne 'generic') {
+ push @macro_list, '#define BOTAN_TARGET_OS_IS_' . uc $os;
+ my @features = @{$OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os}{'target_features'}};
+ for my $feature (@features) {
+ push @macro_list, '#define BOTAN_TARGET_OS_HAS_' . uc $feature;
+ }
+ }
+ return join("\n", @macro_list);
+ };
+ $$config{'target_os_defines'} = &$target_os_defines();
+ my $target_cpu_defines = sub {
+ my @macro_list;
+ my $arch = $$config{'arch'};
+ if($arch ne 'generic') {
+ my %cpu_info = %{$CPU{$arch}};
+ my $endian = $cpu_info{'endian'};
+ if(defined($$config{'with_endian'})) {
+ $endian = $$config{'with_endian'};
+ $endian = undef unless($endian eq 'little' ||
+ $endian eq 'big');
+ }
+ elsif(defined($endian)) {
+ autoconfig("Since arch is $arch, assuming $endian endian mode");
+ }
+ push @macro_list, "#define BOTAN_TARGET_ARCH_IS_" . (uc $arch);
+ my $submodel = $$config{'submodel'};
+ if($arch ne $submodel) {
+ $submodel = uc $submodel;
+ $submodel =~ tr/-/_/;
+ $submodel =~ tr/.//;
+ push @macro_list, "#define BOTAN_TARGET_CPU_IS_$submodel";
+ }
+ if(defined($endian)) {
+ $endian = uc $endian;
+ push @macro_list,
+ "#define BOTAN_TARGET_CPU_IS_${endian}_ENDIAN";
+ # See if the user set --with-unaligned-mem
+ if(defined($$config{'with_unaligned_mem'})) {
+ my $spec = $$config{'with_unaligned_mem'};
+ if($spec eq 'yes') {
+ $unaligned_ok = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($spec eq 'no') {
+ $unaligned_ok = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ warning('Unknown arg to --with-unaligned-mem (' .
+ $spec . ') will ignore');
+ $unaligned_ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # Otherwise, see if the CPU has a default setting
+ elsif(defined($cpu_info{'unaligned'}) and
+ $cpu_info{'unaligned'} eq 'ok')
+ {
+ autoconfig("Since arch is $arch, " .
+ 'assuming unaligned memory access is OK');
+ $unaligned_ok = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # variable is always set (one or zero)
+ push @macro_list,
+ "#define BOTAN_TARGET_UNALIGNED_LOADSTOR_OK $unaligned_ok";
+ return join("\n", @macro_list);
+ };
+ $$config{'target_cpu_defines'} = &$target_cpu_defines();
+ my $target_compiler_defines = sub {
+ my @macro_list;
+ if(defined($$config{'tr1'})) {
+ my $tr1 = $$config{'tr1'};
+ if($tr1 eq 'system') {
+ push @macro_list, '#define BOTAN_USE_STD_TR1';
+ }
+ elsif($tr1 eq 'boost') {
+ push @macro_list, '#define BOTAN_USE_BOOST_TR1';
+ }
+ elsif($tr1 ne 'none') {
+ croak("Unknown --with-tr1= option value '$tr1' (try --help)");
+ }
+ }
+ return join("\n", @macro_list);
+ };
+ $$config{'target_compiler_defines'} = &$target_compiler_defines();
+ my $gen_defines = sub {
+ my @macro_list;
+ my %defines;
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %{$$config{'modules'}}) {
+ next unless $$config{'modules'}{$mod} > 0;
+ my $defs = $MODULES{$mod}{'define'};
+ next unless $defs;
+ push @{$defines{$MODULES{$mod}{'type'}}}, split(/,/, $defs);
+ }
+ foreach my $type (sort keys %defines) {
+ push @macro_list, "\n/* $type */";
+ for my $macro (@{$defines{$type}}) {
+ die unless(defined $macro and $macro ne '');
+ push @macro_list, "#define BOTAN_HAS_$macro";
+ }
+ }
+ return join("\n", @macro_list);
+ };
+ $$config{'module_defines'} = &$gen_defines();
+# #
+sub file_type {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ return 'sources'
+ if($file =~ /\.cpp$/ or $file =~ /\.c$/ or $file =~ /\.S$/);
+ return 'includes' if($file =~ /\.h$/);
+ croak('file_type() - don\'t know what sort of file ', $file, ' is');
+sub add_file {
+ my ($mod_dir, $config, $file) = @_;
+ check_for_file($config, $file, $mod_dir, $mod_dir);
+ my $do_add_file = sub {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ croak("File $file already added from ", $$config{$type}{$file})
+ if(defined($$config{$type}{$file}));
+ if($file =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
+ my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($mod_dir);
+ $dirs[$#dirs-1] = $1;
+ $$config{$type}{$2} = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs);
+ }
+ else {
+ $$config{$type}{$file} = $mod_dir;
+ }
+ };
+ &$do_add_file(file_type($file));
+sub ignore_file {
+ my ($mod_dir, $config, $file) = @_;
+ check_for_file($config, $file, undef, $mod_dir);
+ my $do_ignore_file = sub {
+ my ($type, $ok_if_from) = @_;
+ if(defined ($$config{$type}{$file})) {
+ croak("$mod_dir - File $file modified from ",
+ $$config{$type}{$file})
+ if($$config{$type}{$file} ne $ok_if_from);
+ delete $$config{$type}{$file};
+ }
+ };
+ &$do_ignore_file(file_type($file));
+sub check_for_file {
+ my ($config, $file, $added_from, $mod_dir) = @_;
+ #trace("check_for_file($file, $added_from, $mod_dir)");
+ my $full_path = sub {
+ my ($file,$mod_dir) = @_;
+ if($file =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
+ return File::Spec->catfile($mod_dir, '..', $1, $2);
+ } else {
+ return File::Spec->catfile($mod_dir, $file) if(defined($mod_dir));
+ my @typeinfo = file_type($config, $file);
+ return File::Spec->catfile($typeinfo[1], $file);
+ }
+ };
+ $file = &$full_path($file, $added_from);
+ croak("Module $mod_dir requires that file $file exist. This error\n ",
+ 'should never occur; please contact the maintainers with details.')
+ unless(-e $file);
+# #
+sub process_template {
+ my ($in, $out, $config) = @_;
+ trace("process_template: $in -> $out");
+ my $contents = slurp_file($in);
+ foreach my $name (keys %$config) {
+ my $val = $$config{$name};
+ unless(defined $val) {
+ trace("Undefined variable $name in $in");
+ next;
+ }
+ $contents =~ s/\%\{$name\}/$val/g;
+ }
+ if($contents =~ /\%\{([a-z_]*)\}/) {
+ sub summarize {
+ my ($n, $s) = @_;
+ $s =~ s/\n/\\n/; # escape newlines
+ return $s if(length($s) <= $n);
+ return substr($s, 0, 57) . '...';
+ }
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %$config) {
+ print with_diagnostic("debug",
+ "In %config:", $key, " -> ",
+ summarize(60, $$config{$key}));
+ }
+ croak("Unbound variable '$1' in $in");
+ }
+ open OUT, ">$out" or croak("Couldn't write $out ($!)");
+ print OUT $contents;
+ close OUT;
+# #
+sub read_list {
+ my ($line, $reader, $marker, $func) = @_;
+ if($line =~ m@^<$marker>$@) {
+ while(1) {
+ $line = &$reader();
+ die "EOF while searching for $marker" unless $line;
+ last if($line =~ m@^</$marker>$@);
+ &$func($line);
+ }
+ }
+sub list_push {
+ my ($listref) = @_;
+ return sub { push @$listref, $_[0]; }
+sub match_any_of {
+ my ($line, $hash, $quoted, @any_of) = @_;
+ $quoted = ($quoted eq 'quoted') ? 1 : 0;
+ foreach my $what (@any_of) {
+ $$hash{$what} = $1 if(not $quoted and $line =~ /^$what (.*)/);
+ $$hash{$what} = $1 if($quoted and $line =~ /^$what \"(.*)\"/);
+ }
+# #
+sub make_reader {
+ my $filename = $_[0];
+ croak("make_reader(): Arg was undef") if not defined $filename;
+ open FILE, "<$filename" or
+ croak("Couldn't read $filename ($!)");
+ return sub {
+ my $line = '';
+ while(1) {
+ my $line = <FILE>;
+ last unless defined($line);
+ chomp($line);
+ $line =~ s/#.*//;
+ $line =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $line =~ s/\s*$//;
+ $line =~ s/\s\s*/ /;
+ $line =~ s/\t/ /;
+ return $line if $line ne '';
+ }
+ close FILE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+# #
+sub read_info_files {
+ my ($config, $dir, $func) = @_;
+ $dir = File::Spec->catdir($$config{'config-dir'}, $dir);
+ my %allinfo;
+ foreach my $file (dir_list($dir)) {
+ my $fullpath = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
+ $file =~ s/.txt//;
+ trace("reading $fullpath");
+ %{$allinfo{$file}} = &$func($file, $fullpath);
+ }
+ return %allinfo;
+sub read_module_files {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my %allinfo;
+ my @modinfos;
+ File::Find::find(
+ { wanted => sub
+ { if(-f $_ && /^info\.txt\z/s) {
+ my $name = $File::Find::name;
+ push @modinfos, $name;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ $$config{'src-dir'});
+ foreach my $modfile (@modinfos) {
+ trace("reading $modfile");
+ my ($volume,$dirs,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($modfile);
+ my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
+ my $moddir = $dirs[$#dirs-1];
+ trace("module $moddir in $dirs $modfile");
+ %{$allinfo{$moddir}} = get_module_info($dirs, $moddir, $modfile);
+ }
+ return %allinfo;
+# #
+sub get_module_info {
+ my ($dirs, $name, $modfile) = @_;
+ my $reader = make_reader($modfile);
+ my %info;
+ $info{'name'} = $name;
+ $info{'modinfo'} = $modfile;
+ $info{'moddirs'} = $dirs;
+ # Default module settings
+ $info{'load_on'} = 'request'; # default unless specified
+ $info{'uses_tr1'} = 'no';
+ $info{'libs'} = {};
+ $info{'use'} = 'no';
+ my @dir_arr = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
+ $info{'type'} = $dir_arr[$#dir_arr-2]; # cipher, hash, ...
+ if($info{'type'} eq 'src') { $info{'type'} = $dir_arr[$#dir_arr-1]; }
+ while($_ = &$reader()) {
+ match_any_of($_, \%info, 'quoted', 'realname', 'note', 'type');
+ match_any_of($_, \%info, 'unquoted', 'define', 'mp_bits',
+ 'modset', 'load_on', 'uses_tr1');
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'arch', list_push(\@{$info{'arch'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'cc', list_push(\@{$info{'cc'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'os', list_push(\@{$info{'os'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'add', list_push(\@{$info{'add'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'replace', list_push(\@{$info{'replace'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'ignore', list_push(\@{$info{'ignore'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'requires', list_push(\@{$info{'requires'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'libs',
+ sub {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ $line =~ m/^([\w!,]*) -> ([\w.,-]*)$/;
+ $info{'libs'}{$1} = $2;
+ });
+ if(/^require_version /) {
+ if(/^require_version (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
+ my $version = "$1.$2.$3";
+ my $needed_version = 100*$1 + 10*$2 + $3;
+ my $have_version =
+ if($needed_version > $have_version) {
+ warning("Module $name needs v$version; disabling");
+ return ();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ croak("In module $name, bad version requirement '$_'");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %info;
+# #
+sub get_arch_info {
+ my ($name,$file) = @_;
+ my $reader = make_reader($file);
+ my %info;
+ $info{'name'} = $name;
+ while($_ = &$reader()) {
+ match_any_of($_, \%info, 'quoted', 'realname');
+ match_any_of($_, \%info, 'unquoted',
+ 'default_submodel', 'endian', 'unaligned');
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'aliases', list_push(\@{$info{'aliases'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'submodels', list_push(\@{$info{'submodels'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'submodel_aliases',
+ sub {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ $line =~ m/^(\S*) -> (\S*)$/;
+ $info{'submodel_aliases'}{$1} = $2;
+ });
+ }
+ return %info;
+# #
+sub get_os_info {
+ my ($name,$file) = @_;
+ my $reader = make_reader($file);
+ my %info;
+ $info{'name'} = $name;
+ while($_ = &$reader()) {
+ match_any_of($_, \%info,
+ 'quoted', 'realname', 'ar_command',
+ 'install_cmd_data', 'install_cmd_exec');
+ match_any_of($_, \%info, 'unquoted',
+ 'os_type',
+ 'obj_suffix',
+ 'so_suffix',
+ 'static_suffix',
+ 'install_root',
+ 'header_dir',
+ 'lib_dir', 'doc_dir',
+ 'ar_needs_ranlib');
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'aliases', list_push(\@{$info{'aliases'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'target_features',
+ list_push(\@{$info{'target_features'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'supports_shared',
+ list_push(\@{$info{'supports_shared'}}));
+ }
+ return %info;
+# Read a file from misc/config/cc and set the values from
+# there into a hash for later reference
+sub get_cc_info {
+ my ($name,$file) = @_;
+ my $reader = make_reader($file);
+ my %info;
+ $info{'name'} = $name;
+ while($_ = &$reader()) {
+ match_any_of($_, \%info, 'quoted',
+ 'realname',
+ 'binary_name',
+ 'compile_option',
+ 'output_to_option',
+ 'add_include_dir_option',
+ 'add_lib_dir_option',
+ 'add_lib_option',
+ 'lib_opt_flags',
+ 'check_opt_flags',
+ 'dll_import_flags',
+ 'dll_export_flags',
+ 'lang_flags',
+ 'warning_flags',
+ 'shared_flags',
+ 'ar_command',
+ 'debug_flags',
+ 'no_debug_flags');
+ match_any_of($_, \%info, 'unquoted',
+ 'makefile_style',
+ 'compiler_has_tr1');
+ sub quoted_mapping {
+ my $hashref = $_[0];
+ return sub {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ $line =~ m/^(\S*) -> \"(.*)\"$/;
+ $$hashref{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'mach_abi_linking',
+ quoted_mapping(\%{$info{'mach_abi_linking'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'so_link_flags',
+ quoted_mapping(\%{$info{'so_link_flags'}}));
+ read_list($_, $reader, 'mach_opt',
+ sub {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ $line =~ m/^(\S*) -> \"(.*)\" ?(.*)?$/;
+ $info{'mach_opt_flags'}{$1} = $2;
+ $info{'mach_opt_re'}{$1} = $3;
+ });
+ }
+ return %info;
+# #
+sub write_pkg_config {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ return if($$config{'os'} eq 'generic' or
+ $$config{'os'} eq 'windows');
+ $$config{'link_to'} = libs('-l', '', 'm', @{$$config{'mod_libs'}});
+ my $botan_config = $$config{'botan_config'};
+ process_template(
+ File::Spec->catfile($$config{'config-dir'}, 'botan-config.in'),
+ $botan_config, $config);
+ chmod 0755, $botan_config;
+ process_template(
+ File::Spec->catfile($$config{'config-dir'}, 'botan.pc.in'),
+ $$config{'botan_pkgconfig'}, $config);
+ delete $$config{'link_to'};
+# #
+sub file_list {
+ my ($put_in, $from, $to, %files) = @_;
+ my $list = '';
+ my $spaces = 16;
+ foreach (sort keys %files) {
+ my $file = $_;
+ $file =~ s/$from/$to/ if(defined($from) and defined($to));
+ my $dir = $files{$_};
+ $dir = $put_in if defined $put_in;
+ if(defined($dir)) {
+ $list .= File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $file);
+ }
+ else {
+ $list .= $file;
+ }
+ $list .= " \\\n ";
+ }
+ $list =~ s/\\\n +$//; # remove trailing escape
+ return $list;
+sub build_cmds {
+ my ($config, $dir, $flags, $files) = @_;
+ my $obj_suffix = $$config{'obj_suffix'};
+ my %ccinfo = my_compiler($config);
+ my $inc = $ccinfo{'add_include_dir_option'};
+ my $from = $ccinfo{'compile_option'};
+ my $to = $ccinfo{'output_to_option'};
+ my $inc_dir = $$config{'build_include'};
+ # Probably replace by defaults to -I -c -o
+ croak('undef value found in build_cmds')
+ unless defined($inc) and defined($from) and defined($to);
+ my $bld_line = "\t\$(CXX) $inc$inc_dir $flags $from\$? $to\$@";
+ my @output_lines;
+ foreach (sort keys %$files) {
+ my $src_file = File::Spec->catfile($$files{$_}, $_);
+ my $obj_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_);
+ $obj_file =~ s/\.cpp$/.$obj_suffix/;
+ $obj_file =~ s/\.c$/.$obj_suffix/;
+ $obj_file =~ s/\.S$/.$obj_suffix/;
+ push @output_lines, "$obj_file: $src_file\n$bld_line";
+ }
+ return join("\n\n", @output_lines);
+sub determine_config {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ sub os_ar_command {
+ return os_info_for(shift, 'ar_command');
+ }
+ sub append_if {
+ my($var,$addme,$cond) = @_;
+ croak('append_if: reference was undef') unless defined $var;
+ if($cond and $addme ne '') {
+ $$var .= ' ' unless($$var eq '' or $$var =~ / $/);
+ $$var .= $addme;
+ }
+ }
+ sub append_ifdef {
+ my($var,$addme) = @_;
+ append_if($var, $addme, defined($addme));
+ }
+ my $empty_if_nil = sub {
+ my $val = $_[0];
+ return $val if defined($val);
+ return '';
+ };
+ my %ccinfo = my_compiler($config);
+ my $lang_flags = '';
+ append_ifdef(\$lang_flags, $ccinfo{'lang_flags'});
+ append_if(\$lang_flags, "-fpermissive", $$config{'gcc_bug'});
+ my $debug = $$config{'debug'};
+ my $lib_opt_flags = '';
+ append_ifdef(\$lib_opt_flags, $ccinfo{'lib_opt_flags'});
+ append_ifdef(\$lib_opt_flags, $ccinfo{'debug_flags'}) if($debug);
+ append_ifdef(\$lib_opt_flags, $ccinfo{'no_debug_flags'}) if(!$debug);
+ # This is a default that works on most Unix and Unix-like systems
+ my $ar_command = 'ar crs';
+ my $ranlib_command = 'true'; # almost no systems need it anymore
+ # See if there are any over-riding methods. We presume if CC is creating
+ # the static libs, it knows how to create the index itself.
+ my $os = $$config{'os'};
+ if($ccinfo{'ar_command'}) {
+ $ar_command = $ccinfo{'ar_command'};
+ }
+ elsif(os_ar_command($os))
+ {
+ $ar_command = os_ar_command($os);
+ $ranlib_command = 'ranlib'
+ if(os_info_for($os, 'ar_needs_ranlib') eq 'yes');
+ }
+ my $arch = $$config{'arch'};
+ my $abi_opts = '';
+ append_ifdef(\$abi_opts, $ccinfo{'mach_abi_linking'}{$arch});
+ append_ifdef(\$abi_opts, $ccinfo{'mach_abi_linking'}{$os});
+ append_ifdef(\$abi_opts, $ccinfo{'mach_abi_linking'}{'all'});
+ $abi_opts = ' ' . $abi_opts if($abi_opts ne '');
+ if($$config{'shared'} eq 'yes' and
+ (in_array('all', $OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os}{'supports_shared'}) or
+ in_array($$config{'compiler'},
+ $OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os}{'supports_shared'}))) {
+ $$config{'shared_flags'} = &$empty_if_nil($ccinfo{'shared_flags'});
+ $$config{'so_link'} = &$empty_if_nil($ccinfo{'so_link_flags'}{$os});
+ if($$config{'so_link'} eq '') {
+ $$config{'so_link'} =
+ &$empty_if_nil($ccinfo{'so_link_flags'}{'default'})
+ }
+ if($$config{'shared_flags'} eq '' and $$config{'so_link'} eq '') {
+ $$config{'shared'} = 'no';
+ warning($$config{'compiler'}, ' has no shared object flags set ',
+ "for $os; disabling shared");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ autoconfig("No shared library generated with " .
+ $$config{'compiler'} . " on " . $$config{'os'});
+ $$config{'shared'} = 'no';
+ $$config{'shared_flags'} = '';
+ $$config{'so_link'} = '';
+ }
+ add_to($config, {
+ 'cc' => $ccinfo{'binary_name'} . $abi_opts,
+ 'lib_opt' => $lib_opt_flags,
+ 'check_opt' => &$empty_if_nil($ccinfo{'check_opt_flags'}),
+ 'mach_opt' => mach_opt($config),
+ 'lang_flags' => $lang_flags,
+ 'warn_flags' => &$empty_if_nil($ccinfo{'warning_flags'}),
+ 'ar_command' => $ar_command,
+ 'ranlib_command' => $ranlib_command,
+ 'static_suffix' => os_info_for($os, 'static_suffix'),
+ 'so_suffix' => os_info_for($os, 'so_suffix'),
+ 'obj_suffix' => os_info_for($os, 'obj_suffix'),
+ 'dll_export_flags' => $ccinfo{'dll_export_flags'},
+ 'dll_import_flags' => $ccinfo{'dll_import_flags'},
+ 'install_cmd_exec' => os_info_for($os, 'install_cmd_exec'),
+ 'install_cmd_data' => os_info_for($os, 'install_cmd_data'),
+ });
+sub generate_makefile {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $is_in_doc_dir =
+ sub { -e File::Spec->catfile($$config{'doc_src_dir'}, $_[0]) };
+ my $docs = file_list(undef, undef, undef,
+ map_to($$config{'doc_src_dir'},
+ grep { &$is_in_doc_dir($_); } @DOCS));
+ $docs .= File::Spec->catfile($$config{'base-dir'}, 'readme.txt');
+ my $includes = file_list(undef, undef, undef,
+ map_to($$config{'build_include_botan'},
+ keys %{$$config{'includes'}}));
+ my $lib_objs = file_list($$config{'build_lib'}, '(\.cpp$|\.c$|\.S$)',
+ '.' . $$config{'obj_suffix'},
+ %{$$config{'sources'}});
+ my $check_objs = file_list($$config{'build_check'}, '.cpp',
+ '.' . $$config{'obj_suffix'},
+ %{$$config{'check_src'}}),
+ my $lib_build_cmds = build_cmds($config, $$config{'build_lib'},
+ '$(LIB_FLAGS)', $$config{'sources'});
+ my $check_build_cmds = build_cmds($config, $$config{'build_check'},
+ '$(CHECK_FLAGS)', $$config{'check_src'});
+ add_to($config, {
+ 'lib_objs' => $lib_objs,
+ 'check_objs' => $check_objs,
+ 'lib_build_cmds' => $lib_build_cmds,
+ 'check_build_cmds' => $check_build_cmds,
+ 'doc_files' => $docs,
+ 'include_files' => $includes
+ });
+ my $template_dir = File::Spec->catdir($$config{'config-dir'}, 'makefile');
+ my $template = undef;
+ my $make_style = $$config{'make_style'};
+ if($make_style eq 'unix') {
+ $template = File::Spec->catfile($template_dir, 'unix.in');
+ $template = File::Spec->catfile($template_dir, 'unix_shr.in')
+ if($$config{'shared'} eq 'yes');
+ add_to($config, {
+ 'link_to' => libs('-l', '', 'm', @{$$config{'mod_libs'}}),
+ });
+ }
+ elsif($make_style eq 'nmake') {
+ $template = File::Spec->catfile($template_dir, 'nmake.in');
+ add_to($config, {
+ 'shared' => 'no',
+ 'link_to' => libs('', '', '', @{$$config{'mod_libs'}}),
+ });
+ }
+ croak("Don't know about makefile format '$make_style'")
+ unless defined $template;
+ trace("'$make_style' -> '$template'");
+ process_template($template, $$config{'makefile'}, $config);
+ autoconfig("Wrote ${make_style}-style makefile in $$config{'makefile'}");
+# Configuration Guessing #
+sub guess_cpu_from_this
+ my $cpuinfo = lc $_[0];
+ $cpuinfo =~ s/\(r\)//g;
+ $cpuinfo =~ s/\(tm\)//g;
+ $cpuinfo =~ s/ //g;
+ trace("guess_cpu_from_this($cpuinfo)");
+ # The 32-bit SPARC stuff is impossible to match to arch type easily, and
+ # anyway the uname stuff will pick up that it's a SPARC so it doesn't
+ # matter. If it's an Ultra, assume a 32-bit userspace, no 64-bit code
+ # possible; that's the most common setup right now anyway
+ return 'sparc32-v9' if($cpuinfo =~ /ultrasparc/);
+ # Should probably do this once and cache it
+ my @names;
+ my %all_alias;
+ foreach my $arch (keys %CPU) {
+ my %info = %{$CPU{$arch}};
+ foreach my $submodel (@{$info{'submodels'}}) {
+ push @names, $submodel;
+ }
+ if(defined($info{'submodel_aliases'})) {
+ my %submodel_aliases = %{$info{'submodel_aliases'}};
+ foreach my $sm_alias (keys %submodel_aliases) {
+ push @names, $sm_alias;
+ $all_alias{$sm_alias} = $submodel_aliases{$sm_alias};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @names = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @names;
+ foreach my $name (@names) {
+ if($cpuinfo =~ $name) {
+ trace("Matched '$cpuinfo' against '$name'");
+ return $all_alias{$name} if defined($all_alias{$name});
+ return $name;
+ }
+ }
+ trace("Couldn't match $cpuinfo against any submodels");
+ # No match? Try arch names. Reset @names
+ @names = ();
+ foreach my $arch (keys %CPU) {
+ my %info = %{$CPU{$arch}};
+ push @names, $info{'name'};
+ foreach my $alias (@{$info{'aliases'}}) {
+ push @names, $alias;
+ }
+ }
+ @names = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @names;
+ foreach my $name (@names) {
+ if($cpuinfo =~ $name) {
+ trace("Matched '$cpuinfo' against '$name'");
+ return $name;
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+# Do some WAGing and see if we can figure out what system we are. Think about
+# this as a really moronic config.guess
+sub guess_compiler
+ my @CCS = ('gcc', 'msvc', 'icc', 'compaq', 'kai');
+ # First try the CC enviornmental variable, if it's set
+ if(defined($ENV{CC}))
+ {
+ my @new_CCS = ($ENV{CC});
+ foreach my $cc (@CCS) { push @new_CCS, $cc; }
+ @CCS = @new_CCS;
+ }
+ foreach (@CCS)
+ {
+ my $bin_name = $COMPILER{$_}{'binary_name'};
+ if(which($bin_name) ne '') {
+ autoconfig("Guessing to use $_ as the compiler " .
+ "(use --cc to set)");
+ return $_;
+ }
+ }
+ croak(
+ "Can't find a usable C++ compiler, is PATH right?\n" .
+ "You might need to run with the --cc option (try $0 --help)\n");
+sub guess_os
+ sub recognize_os
+ {
+ my $os = os_alias($_[0]);
+ if(defined($OPERATING_SYSTEM{$os})) {
+ autoconfig("Guessing operating system is $os (use --os to set)");
+ return $os;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $guess = recognize_os($^O);
+ return $guess if $guess;
+ trace("Can't guess os from $^O");
+ my $uname = $$config{'uname'};
+ if($uname ne '') {
+ $guess = recognize_os($uname);
+ return $guess if $guess;
+ trace("Can't guess os from $uname");
+ }
+ warning("Unknown OS ('$^O', '$uname'), falling back to generic code");
+ return 'generic';
+sub guess_cpu
+ # If we have /proc/cpuinfo, try to get nice specific information about
+ # what kind of CPU we're running on.
+ my $cpuinfo = '/proc/cpuinfo';
+ if(defined($ENV{'CPUINFO'})) {
+ my $cpuinfo_env = $ENV{'CPUINFO'};
+ if(-e $cpuinfo_env and -r $cpuinfo_env) {
+ autoconfig("Will use $cpuinfo_env as /proc/cpuinfo");
+ $cpuinfo = $cpuinfo_env;
+ } else {
+ warn("Could not read from ENV /proc/cpuinfo ($cpuinfo_env)");
+ }
+ }
+ if(-e $cpuinfo and -r $cpuinfo)
+ {
+ open CPUINFO, $cpuinfo or die "Could not read $cpuinfo\n";
+ while(<CPUINFO>) {
+ chomp;
+ $_ =~ s/\t/ /g;
+ $_ =~ s/ +/ /g;
+ if($_ =~ /^cpu +: (.*)/ or
+ $_ =~ /^model name +: (.*)/)
+ {
+ my $cpu = guess_cpu_from_this($1);
+ if($cpu ne '') {
+ autoconfig("Guessing CPU using $cpuinfo line '$_'");
+ autoconfig("Guessing CPU is a $cpu (use --cpu to set)");
+ return $cpu;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ autoconfig("*** Could not figure out CPU based on $cpuinfo");
+ autoconfig("*** Please mail contents to lloyd\@randombit.net");
+ }
+ sub known_arch {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ foreach my $arch (keys %CPU) {
+ my %info = %{$CPU{$arch}};
+ return 1 if $name eq $info{'name'};
+ foreach my $submodel (@{$info{'submodels'}}) {
+ return 1 if $name eq $submodel;
+ }
+ foreach my $alias (@{$info{'aliases'}}) {
+ return 1 if $name eq $alias;
+ }
+ if(defined($info{'submodel_aliases'})) {
+ my %submodel_aliases = %{$info{'submodel_aliases'}};
+ foreach my $sm_alias (keys %submodel_aliases) {
+ return 1 if $name eq $sm_alias;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $guess = guess_cpu_from_this($name);
+ return 0 if($guess eq $name or $guess eq '');
+ return known_arch($guess);
+ }
+ my $uname = $$config{'uname'};
+ if($uname ne '') {
+ my $cpu = guess_cpu_from_this($uname);
+ if($cpu ne '')
+ {
+ autoconfig("Guessing CPU using uname output '$uname'");
+ autoconfig("Guessing CPU is a $cpu (use --cpu to set)");
+ return $cpu if known_arch($cpu);
+ }
+ }
+ my $config_archname = $Config{'archname'};
+ my $cpu = guess_cpu_from_this($config_archname);
+ if($cpu ne '')
+ {
+ autoconfig("Guessing CPU using Config{archname} '$config_archname'");
+ autoconfig("Guessing CPU is a $cpu (use --cpu to set)");
+ return $cpu if known_arch($cpu);
+ }
+ warning("Could not determine CPU type (try --cpu option)");
+ return 'generic';