path: root/src/tests/test_pkcs11_high_level.cpp
diff options
authorJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2016-08-31 12:58:58 -0400
committerJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2016-08-31 12:58:58 -0400
commitdfab07a7bc00dc00f98ab86c70d536306073f34f (patch)
treed3dbb140764f259c932171d6f229d033dee685ca /src/tests/test_pkcs11_high_level.cpp
parente29024608fca1b811aa72a7aafd930a42740b968 (diff)
parent1b9cf39063194fe91dc8e5d78f73d7251c5d16fc (diff)
Merge master into this branch, resolving conflicts with #457/#576
which recently landed on master.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tests/test_pkcs11_high_level.cpp')
1 files changed, 1522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/test_pkcs11_high_level.cpp b/src/tests/test_pkcs11_high_level.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8c19224e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_pkcs11_high_level.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1522 @@
+* (C) 2016 Daniel Neus
+* (C) 2016 Philipp Weber
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include "tests.h"
+#include "test_pkcs11.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <array>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <map>
+#include <numeric>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_PKCS11)
+ #include <botan/p11.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_slot.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_session.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_module.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_object.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_randomgenerator.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ASN1)
+ #include <botan/der_enc.h>
+ #include <botan/pubkey.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RSA) && defined(BOTAN_HAS_PKCS11)
+ #include <botan/rsa.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_rsa.h>
+ #include <botan/ecc_key.h>
+ #include <botan/ecdsa.h>
+ #include <botan/ecdh.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_ecc_key.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_ecdh.h>
+ #include <botan/p11_ecdsa.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_X509_CERTIFICATES) && defined(BOTAN_HAS_PKCS11)
+ #include <botan/p11_x509.h>
+ #include <botan/auto_rng.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_HMAC_DRBG)
+ #include <botan/hmac_drbg.h>
+namespace Botan_Tests {
+namespace {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_PKCS11)
+using namespace Botan;
+using namespace PKCS11;
+class TestSession
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit TestSession(bool login) :
+ m_module(new Module(Test::pkcs11_lib()))
+ {
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(*m_module, true);
+ m_slot.reset(new Slot(*m_module, slot_vec.at(0)));
+ m_session.reset(new Session(*m_slot, false));
+ if(login)
+ {
+ m_session->login(UserType::User, PIN_SECVEC);
+ }
+ }
+ inline Module& module() const { return *m_module; }
+ inline Slot& slot() const { return *m_slot; }
+ inline Session& session() const { return *m_session; }
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> m_module = nullptr;
+ std::unique_ptr<Slot> m_slot = nullptr;
+ std::unique_ptr<Session> m_session = nullptr;
+ };
+/***************************** Module *****************************/
+Test::Result test_module_ctor()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Module ctor");
+ result.test_throws("Module ctor fails for non existent path", []()
+ {
+ Module module("/a/b/c");
+ });
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ result.test_success("Module ctor did not throw and completed successfully");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_module_reload()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Module reload");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ module.reload();
+ result.test_success("Module reload did not throw and completed successfully");
+ module.get_info();
+ result.test_success("Module get_info() still works after reload");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_multiple_modules()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Module copy");
+ Module first_module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ result.test_throws("Module ctor fails if module is already initialized", []()
+ {
+ Module second_module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_module_get_info()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Module info");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ Info info = module.get_info();
+ result.test_ne("Cryptoki version != 0", info.cryptokiVersion.major, 0);
+ return result;
+ }
+class Module_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_module_ctor,
+ test_multiple_modules,
+ test_module_get_info,
+ test_module_reload
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("Module", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-module", Module_Tests);
+/***************************** Slot *****************************/
+Test::Result test_slot_get_available_slots()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Slot get_available_slots");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ result.test_gte("Available Slots with attached token >= 1", slot_vec.size(), 1);
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_slot_ctor()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Slot ctor");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ result.test_success("Slot ctor completed successfully");
+ result.test_is_eq(slot.slot_id(), slot_vec.at(0));
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_get_slot_info()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Slot get_slot_info");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ SlotInfo info = slot.get_slot_info();
+ std::string description = reinterpret_cast< char* >(info.slotDescription);
+ result.confirm("Slot description is not empty", !description.empty());
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_get_token_info()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Slot get_token_info");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ TokenInfo info = slot.get_token_info();
+ std::string label = reinterpret_cast< char* >(info.label);
+ result.confirm("Token label is not empty", ! label.empty());
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_get_mechanism_list()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Slot get_mechanism_list");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ std::vector<MechanismType> mechanisms = slot.get_mechanism_list();
+ result.confirm("The Slot supports at least one mechanism", !mechanisms.empty());
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_get_mechanisms_info()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Slot get_mechanism_info");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ slot.get_mechanism_info(MechanismType::RsaPkcsKeyPairGen);
+ result.test_success("get_mechanism_info() completed successfully.");
+ return result;
+ }
+class Slot_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_slot_get_available_slots,
+ test_slot_ctor,
+ test_get_slot_info,
+ test_get_token_info,
+ test_get_mechanism_list,
+ test_get_mechanisms_info
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("Slot", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-slot", Slot_Tests);
+/***************************** Session *****************************/
+Test::Result test_session_ctor()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Session ctor");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ {
+ Session read_only_session(slot, true);
+ result.test_success("read only session opened successfully");
+ }
+ {
+ Session read_write_session(slot, false);
+ result.test_success("read write session opened successfully");
+ }
+ {
+ Flags flags = PKCS11::flags(Flag::SerialSession | Flag::RwSession);
+ Session read_write_session2(slot, flags, nullptr, nullptr);
+ result.test_success("read write session with flags param opened successfully");
+ }
+ {
+ Session read_only_session(slot, true);
+ Session read_write_session(slot, false);
+ result.test_success("Opened multiple sessions successfully");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_session_release()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Session release/take ownership");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ Session session(slot, false);
+ SessionHandle handle = session.release();
+ Session session2(slot, handle);
+ result.test_success("releasing ownership and taking ownership works as expected.");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_session_login_logout()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Session login/logout");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ Session session(slot, false);
+ session.login(UserType::User, PIN_SECVEC);
+ session.logoff();
+ result.test_success("user login/logout succeeded");
+ session.login(UserType::SO, SO_PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("SO login succeeded");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_session_info()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Session session info");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ Session session(slot, false);
+ SessionInfo info = session.get_info();
+ result.test_is_eq("slot id is correct", info.slotID, slot_vec.at(0));
+ result.test_is_eq("state is a read write public session", info.state,
+ static_cast<CK_STATE>(SessionState::RwPublicSession));
+ session.login(UserType::User, PIN_SECVEC);
+ info = session.get_info();
+ result.test_is_eq("state is a read write user session", info.state,
+ static_cast<CK_STATE>(SessionState::RwUserFunctions));
+ session.logoff();
+ result.test_success("user login/logout succeeded");
+ session.login(UserType::SO, SO_PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("SO login succeeded");
+ return result;
+ }
+class Session_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_session_ctor,
+ test_session_release,
+ test_session_login_logout,
+ test_session_info
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("Session", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-session", Session_Tests);
+/***************************** Object *****************************/
+Test::Result test_attribute_container()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("AttributeContainer");
+ AttributeContainer attributes;
+ attributes.add_class(ObjectClass::PrivateKey);
+ std::string label("test");
+ attributes.add_string(AttributeType::Label, label);
+ std::vector<byte> bin(4);
+ attributes.add_binary(AttributeType::Value, bin);
+ attributes.add_bool(AttributeType::Sensitive, true);
+ attributes.add_numeric(AttributeType::ObjectId, 12);
+ result.test_eq("Five elements in attribute container", attributes.count(), 5);
+ return result;
+ }
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ASN1)
+Test::Result test_create_destroy_data_object()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Object create/delete data object");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ std::string value_string("test data");
+ secure_vector<byte> value(value_string.begin(), value_string.end());
+ std::size_t id = 1337;
+ std::string label = "Botan test data object";
+ std::string application = "Botan test application";
+ DataObjectProperties data_obj_props;
+ data_obj_props.set_application(application);
+ data_obj_props.set_label(label);
+ data_obj_props.set_value(value);
+ data_obj_props.set_token(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_object_id(DER_Encoder().encode(id).get_contents_unlocked());
+ Object data_obj(test_session.session(), data_obj_props);
+ result.test_success("Data object creation was successful");
+ data_obj.destroy();
+ result.test_success("Data object deletion was successful");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_get_set_attribute_values()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Object get/set attributes");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create object
+ std::string value_string("test data");
+ secure_vector<byte> value(value_string.begin(), value_string.end());
+ std::size_t id = 1337;
+ std::string label = "Botan test data object";
+ std::string application = "Botan test application";
+ DataObjectProperties data_obj_props;
+ data_obj_props.set_application(application);
+ data_obj_props.set_label(label);
+ data_obj_props.set_value(value);
+ data_obj_props.set_token(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_object_id(DER_Encoder().encode(id).get_contents_unlocked());
+ Object data_obj(test_session.session(), data_obj_props);
+ // get attribute
+ secure_vector<byte> retrieved_label = data_obj.get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Label);
+ std::string retrieved_label_string(retrieved_label.begin(), retrieved_label.end());
+ result.test_eq("label was set correctly", retrieved_label_string, label);
+ // set attribute
+ std::string new_label = "Botan test modified data object label";
+ secure_vector<byte> new_label_secvec(new_label.begin(), new_label.end());
+ data_obj.set_attribute_value(AttributeType::Label, new_label_secvec);
+ // get and check attribute
+ retrieved_label = data_obj.get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Label);
+ retrieved_label_string = std::string(retrieved_label.begin(), retrieved_label.end());
+ result.test_eq("label was modified correctly", retrieved_label_string, new_label);
+ data_obj.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_object_finder()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("ObjectFinder");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create object
+ std::string value_string("test data");
+ secure_vector<byte> value(value_string.begin(), value_string.end());
+ std::size_t id = 1337;
+ std::string label = "Botan test data object";
+ std::string application = "Botan test application";
+ DataObjectProperties data_obj_props;
+ data_obj_props.set_application(application);
+ data_obj_props.set_label(label);
+ data_obj_props.set_value(value);
+ data_obj_props.set_token(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_object_id(DER_Encoder().encode(id).get_contents_unlocked());
+ Object data_obj(test_session.session(), data_obj_props);
+ // search created object
+ AttributeContainer search_template;
+ search_template.add_string(AttributeType::Label, label);
+ ObjectFinder finder(test_session.session(), search_template.attributes());
+ auto search_result = finder.find();
+ result.test_eq("one object found", search_result.size(), 1);
+ finder.finish();
+ Object obj_found(test_session.session(), search_result.at(0));
+ result.test_eq("found the object just created (same application)",
+ obj_found.get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Application) , data_obj.get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Application));
+ auto search_result2 = Object::search<Object>(test_session.session(), search_template.attributes());
+ result.test_eq("found the object just created (same label)", obj_found.get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Label),
+ search_result2.at(0).get_attribute_value(AttributeType::Label));
+ data_obj.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_object_copy()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("Object copy");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create object
+ std::string value_string("test data");
+ secure_vector<byte> value(value_string.begin(), value_string.end());
+ std::size_t id = 1337;
+ std::string label = "Botan test data object";
+ std::string application = "Botan test application";
+ DataObjectProperties data_obj_props;
+ data_obj_props.set_application(application);
+ data_obj_props.set_label(label);
+ data_obj_props.set_value(value);
+ data_obj_props.set_token(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ data_obj_props.set_object_id(DER_Encoder().encode(id).get_contents_unlocked());
+ Object data_obj(test_session.session(), data_obj_props);
+ // copy created object
+ AttributeContainer copy_attributes;
+ copy_attributes.add_string(AttributeType::Label, "Botan test copied object");
+ ObjectHandle copied_obj_handle = data_obj.copy(copy_attributes);
+ ObjectFinder searcher(test_session.session(), copy_attributes.attributes());
+ auto search_result = searcher.find();
+ result.test_eq("one object found", search_result.size(), 1);
+ data_obj.destroy();
+ Object copied_obj(test_session.session(), copied_obj_handle);
+ copied_obj.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+class Object_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_attribute_container
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ASN1)
+ ,test_create_destroy_data_object
+ ,test_get_set_attribute_values
+ ,test_object_finder
+ ,test_object_copy
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("Object", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-object", Object_Tests);
+/***************************** PKCS11 RSA *****************************/
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RSA)
+Test::Result test_rsa_privkey_import()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 import RSA private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create private key
+ RSA_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), 2048);
+ // import to card
+ RSA_PrivateKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.get_n(), priv_key.get_d());
+ props.set_pub_exponent(priv_key.get_e());
+ props.set_prime_1(priv_key.get_p());
+ props.set_prime_2(priv_key.get_q());
+ props.set_coefficient(priv_key.get_c());
+ props.set_exponent_1(priv_key.get_d1());
+ props.set_exponent_2(priv_key.get_d2());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_decrypt(true);
+ props.set_sign(true);
+ PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ result.test_success("RSA private key import was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_rsa_privkey_export()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 export RSA private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create private key
+ RSA_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), 2048);
+ // import to card
+ RSA_PrivateKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.get_n(), priv_key.get_d());
+ props.set_pub_exponent(priv_key.get_e());
+ props.set_prime_1(priv_key.get_p());
+ props.set_prime_2(priv_key.get_q());
+ props.set_coefficient(priv_key.get_c());
+ props.set_exponent_1(priv_key.get_d1());
+ props.set_exponent_2(priv_key.get_d2());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_decrypt(true);
+ props.set_sign(true);
+ props.set_extractable(true);
+ props.set_sensitive(false);
+ PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ RSA_PrivateKey exported = pk.export_key();
+ result.test_success("RSA private key export was successful");
+ result.test_eq("pkcs8 private key", pk.pkcs8_private_key(), priv_key.pkcs8_private_key());
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_rsa_pubkey_import()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 import RSA public key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create public key from private key
+ RSA_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), 2048);
+ // import to card
+ RSA_PublicKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.get_n(), priv_key.get_e());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_encrypt(true);
+ props.set_private(false);
+ PKCS11_RSA_PublicKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ result.test_success("RSA public key import was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_rsa_generate_private_key()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 generate RSA private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ RSA_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties props;
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_sign(true);
+ props.set_decrypt(true);
+ PKCS11_RSA_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(), 2048, props);
+ result.test_success("RSA private key generation was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+PKCS11_RSA_KeyPair generate_rsa_keypair(const TestSession& test_session)
+ {
+ RSA_PublicKeyGenerationProperties pub_props(2048UL);
+ pub_props.set_pub_exponent();
+ pub_props.set_label("BOTAN_TEST_RSA_PUB_KEY");
+ pub_props.set_token(true);
+ pub_props.set_encrypt(true);
+ pub_props.set_verify(true);
+ pub_props.set_private(false);
+ RSA_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties priv_props;
+ priv_props.set_label("BOTAN_TEST_RSA_PRIV_KEY");
+ priv_props.set_token(true);
+ priv_props.set_private(true);
+ priv_props.set_sign(true);
+ priv_props.set_decrypt(true);
+ return PKCS11::generate_rsa_keypair(test_session.session(), pub_props, priv_props);
+ }
+Test::Result test_rsa_generate_key_pair()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 generate RSA key pair");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ PKCS11_RSA_KeyPair keypair = generate_rsa_keypair(test_session);
+ result.test_success("RSA key pair generation was successful");
+ keypair.first.destroy();
+ keypair.second.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_rsa_encrypt_decrypt()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 RSA encrypt decrypt");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // generate key pair
+ PKCS11_RSA_KeyPair keypair = generate_rsa_keypair(test_session);
+ auto encrypt_and_decrypt = [&keypair, &result](const std::vector<byte>& plaintext, const std::string& padding) -> void
+ {
+ Botan::PK_Encryptor_EME encryptor(keypair.first, padding, "pkcs11");
+ auto encrypted = encryptor.encrypt(plaintext, Test::rng());
+ Botan::PK_Decryptor_EME decryptor(keypair.second, padding, "pkcs11");
+ auto decrypted = decryptor.decrypt(encrypted);
+ // some token / middlewares do not remove the padding bytes
+ decrypted.resize(plaintext.size());
+ result.test_eq("RSA PKCS11 encrypt and decrypt: " + padding, decrypted, plaintext);
+ };
+ std::vector<byte> plaintext(256);
+ std::iota(std::begin(plaintext), std::end(plaintext), 0);
+ encrypt_and_decrypt(plaintext, "Raw");
+ plaintext = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x00 };
+ encrypt_and_decrypt(plaintext, "EME-PKCS1-v1_5");
+ encrypt_and_decrypt(plaintext, "OAEP(SHA-1)");
+ keypair.first.destroy();
+ keypair.second.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_rsa_sign_verify()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 RSA sign and verify");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // generate key pair
+ PKCS11_RSA_KeyPair keypair = generate_rsa_keypair(test_session);
+ std::vector<byte> plaintext(256);
+ std::iota(std::begin(plaintext), std::end(plaintext), 0);
+ auto sign_and_verify = [&keypair, &plaintext, &result](const std::string& emsa, bool multipart) -> void
+ {
+ Botan::PK_Signer signer(keypair.second, emsa, Botan::IEEE_1363, "pkcs11");
+ std::vector<byte> signature;
+ if ( multipart )
+ {
+ signer.update(plaintext.data(), plaintext.size() / 2);
+ signature = signer.sign_message(plaintext.data() + plaintext.size() / 2, plaintext.size() / 2, Test::rng());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ signature = signer.sign_message(plaintext, Test::rng());
+ }
+ Botan::PK_Verifier verifier(keypair.first, emsa, Botan::IEEE_1363, "pkcs11");
+ bool rsa_ok = false;
+ if ( multipart )
+ {
+ verifier.update(plaintext.data(), plaintext.size() / 2);
+ rsa_ok = verifier.verify_message(plaintext.data() + plaintext.size() / 2, plaintext.size() / 2, signature.data(), signature.size());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rsa_ok = verifier.verify_message(plaintext, signature);
+ }
+ result.test_eq("RSA PKCS11 sign and verify: " + emsa, rsa_ok, true);
+ };
+ // single-part sign
+ sign_and_verify("Raw", false);
+ sign_and_verify("EMSA3(SHA-256)", false);
+ sign_and_verify("EMSA4(SHA-256)", false);
+ // multi-part sign
+ sign_and_verify("EMSA3(SHA-256)", true);
+ sign_and_verify("EMSA4(SHA-256)", true);
+ keypair.first.destroy();
+ keypair.second.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+class PKCS11_RSA_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_rsa_privkey_import,
+ test_rsa_pubkey_import,
+ test_rsa_privkey_export,
+ test_rsa_generate_private_key,
+ test_rsa_generate_key_pair,
+ test_rsa_encrypt_decrypt,
+ test_rsa_sign_verify
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("PKCS11 RSA", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-rsa", PKCS11_RSA_Tests);
+/***************************** PKCS11 ECDSA *****************************/
+Test::Result test_ecdsa_privkey_import()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 import ECDSA private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create ecdsa private key
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PrivateKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), priv_key.private_value());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_sign(true);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ecdsa key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDSA_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ result.test_success("ECDSA private key import was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdsa_privkey_export()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 export ECDSA private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create private key
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PrivateKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), priv_key.private_value());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_sign(true);
+ props.set_extractable(true);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ecdsa key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDSA_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey exported = pk.export_key();
+ result.test_success("ECDSA private key export was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdsa_pubkey_import()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 import ECDSA public key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create ecdsa private key
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PublicKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), DER_Encoder().encode(EC2OSP(priv_key.public_point(),
+ PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED), OCTET_STRING).get_contents_unlocked());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_verify(true);
+ props.set_private(false);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ecdsa pub key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDSA_PublicKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ result.test_success("ECDSA public key import was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdsa_pubkey_export()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 export ECDSA public key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create public key from private key
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PublicKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), DER_Encoder().encode(EC2OSP(priv_key.public_point(),
+ PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED), OCTET_STRING).get_contents_unlocked());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_verify(true);
+ props.set_private(false);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ecdsa pub key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDSA_PublicKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ ECDSA_PublicKey exported = pk.export_key();
+ result.test_success("ECDSA public key export was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdsa_generate_private_key()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 generate ECDSA private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ EC_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties props;
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_sign(true);
+ PKCS11_ECDSA_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(),
+ EC_Group("secp256r1").DER_encode(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID), props);
+ result.test_success("ECDSA private key generation was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+PKCS11_ECDSA_KeyPair generate_ecdsa_keypair(const TestSession& test_session)
+ {
+ EC_PublicKeyGenerationProperties pub_props(EC_Group("secp256r1").DER_encode(
+ EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID));
+ pub_props.set_label("BOTAN_TEST_ECDSA_PUB_KEY");
+ pub_props.set_token(true);
+ pub_props.set_verify(true);
+ pub_props.set_private(false);
+ pub_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ EC_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties priv_props;
+ priv_props.set_label("BOTAN_TEST_ECDSA_PRIV_KEY");
+ priv_props.set_token(true);
+ priv_props.set_private(true);
+ priv_props.set_sensitive(true);
+ priv_props.set_extractable(false);
+ priv_props.set_sign(true);
+ priv_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ return PKCS11::generate_ecdsa_keypair(test_session.session(), pub_props, priv_props);
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdsa_generate_keypair()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 generate ECDSA key pair");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ PKCS11_ECDSA_KeyPair keypair = generate_ecdsa_keypair(test_session);
+ result.test_success("ECDSA key pair generation was successful");
+ keypair.first.destroy();
+ keypair.second.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdsa_sign_verify()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 ECDSA sign and verify");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // generate key pair
+ PKCS11_ECDSA_KeyPair keypair = generate_ecdsa_keypair(test_session);
+ std::vector<byte> plaintext(20, 0x01);
+ auto sign_and_verify = [ &keypair, &plaintext, &result ](const std::string& emsa) -> void
+ {
+ Botan::PK_Signer signer(keypair.second, emsa, Botan::IEEE_1363, "pkcs11");
+ auto signature = signer.sign_message(plaintext, Test::rng());
+ Botan::PK_Verifier token_verifier(keypair.first, emsa, Botan::IEEE_1363, "pkcs11");
+ bool ecdsa_ok = token_verifier.verify_message(plaintext, signature);
+ result.test_eq("ECDSA PKCS11 sign and verify: " + emsa, ecdsa_ok, true);
+// test against software implementation if available
+#if defined (BOTAN_HAS_EMSA_RAW)
+ Botan::PK_Verifier soft_verifier(keypair.first, emsa, Botan::IEEE_1363);
+ bool soft_ecdsa_ok = soft_verifier.verify_message(plaintext, signature);
+ result.test_eq("ECDSA PKCS11 verify (in software): " + emsa, soft_ecdsa_ok, true);
+ };
+ sign_and_verify("Raw"); // SoftHSMv2 until now only supports "Raw"
+ keypair.first.destroy();
+ keypair.second.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+class PKCS11_ECDSA_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_ecdsa_privkey_import,
+ test_ecdsa_privkey_export,
+ test_ecdsa_pubkey_import,
+ test_ecdsa_pubkey_export,
+ test_ecdsa_generate_private_key,
+ test_ecdsa_generate_keypair,
+ test_ecdsa_sign_verify
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("PKCS11 ECDSA", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-ecdsa", PKCS11_ECDSA_Tests);
+/***************************** PKCS11 ECDH *****************************/
+Test::Result test_ecdh_privkey_import()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 import ECDH private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create ecdh private key
+ ECDH_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PrivateKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), priv_key.private_value());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_derive(true);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ecdh key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDH_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ result.test_success("ECDH private key import was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdh_privkey_export()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 export ECDH private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create private key
+ ECDH_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PrivateKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), priv_key.private_value());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_derive(true);
+ props.set_extractable(true);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ecdh key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDH_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ ECDH_PrivateKey exported = pk.export_key();
+ result.test_success("ECDH private key export was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdh_pubkey_import()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 import ECDH public key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create ECDH private key
+ ECDH_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PublicKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), DER_Encoder().encode(EC2OSP(priv_key.public_point(),
+ PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED), OCTET_STRING).get_contents_unlocked());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(false);
+ props.set_derive(true);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ECDH pub key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDH_PublicKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ result.test_success("ECDH public key import was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdh_pubkey_export()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 export ECDH public key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ // create public key from private key
+ ECDH_PrivateKey priv_key(Test::rng(), EC_Group("secp256r1"));
+ priv_key.set_parameter_encoding(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID);
+ // import to card
+ EC_PublicKeyImportProperties props(priv_key.DER_domain(), DER_Encoder().encode(EC2OSP(priv_key.public_point(),
+ PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED), OCTET_STRING).get_contents_unlocked());
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_derive(true);
+ props.set_private(false);
+ // label
+ std::string label = "Botan test ECDH pub key";
+ props.set_label(label);
+ PKCS11_ECDH_PublicKey pk(test_session.session(), props);
+ ECDH_PublicKey exported = pk.export_key();
+ result.test_success("ECDH public key export was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdh_generate_private_key()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 generate ECDH private key");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ EC_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties props;
+ props.set_token(true);
+ props.set_private(true);
+ props.set_derive(true);
+ PKCS11_ECDH_PrivateKey pk(test_session.session(),
+ EC_Group("secp256r1").DER_encode(EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID), props);
+ result.test_success("ECDH private key generation was successful");
+ pk.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+PKCS11_ECDH_KeyPair generate_ecdh_keypair(const TestSession& test_session, const std::string& label)
+ {
+ EC_PublicKeyGenerationProperties pub_props(EC_Group("secp256r1").DER_encode(
+ EC_Group_Encoding::EC_DOMPAR_ENC_OID));
+ pub_props.set_label(label + "_PUB_KEY");
+ pub_props.set_token(true);
+ pub_props.set_derive(true);
+ pub_props.set_private(false);
+ pub_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ EC_PrivateKeyGenerationProperties priv_props;
+ priv_props.set_label(label + "_PRIV_KEY");
+ priv_props.set_token(true);
+ priv_props.set_private(true);
+ priv_props.set_sensitive(true);
+ priv_props.set_extractable(false);
+ priv_props.set_derive(true);
+ priv_props.set_modifiable(true);
+ return PKCS11::generate_ecdh_keypair(test_session.session(), pub_props, priv_props);
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdh_generate_keypair()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 generate ECDH key pair");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ PKCS11_ECDH_KeyPair keypair = generate_ecdh_keypair(test_session, "Botan test ECDH key1");
+ result.test_success("ECDH key pair generation was successful");
+ keypair.first.destroy();
+ keypair.second.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_ecdh_derive()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 ECDH derive");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ PKCS11_ECDH_KeyPair keypair = generate_ecdh_keypair(test_session, "Botan test ECDH key1");
+ PKCS11_ECDH_KeyPair keypair2 = generate_ecdh_keypair(test_session, "Botan test ECDH key2");
+ // SoftHSMv2 only supports CKD_NULL KDF at the moment
+ Botan::PK_Key_Agreement ka(keypair.second, "Raw", "pkcs11");
+ Botan::PK_Key_Agreement kb(keypair2.second, "Raw", "pkcs11");
+ Botan::SymmetricKey alice_key = ka.derive_key(32, unlock(EC2OSP(keypair2.first.public_point(),
+ Botan::SymmetricKey bob_key = kb.derive_key(32, unlock(EC2OSP(keypair.first.public_point(), PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED)));
+ bool eq = alice_key == bob_key;
+ result.test_eq("same secret key derived", eq, true);
+ keypair.first.destroy();
+ keypair.second.destroy();
+ keypair2.first.destroy();
+ keypair2.second.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+class PKCS11_ECDH_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_ecdh_privkey_import,
+ test_ecdh_privkey_export,
+ test_ecdh_pubkey_import,
+ test_ecdh_pubkey_export,
+ test_ecdh_generate_private_key,
+ test_ecdh_generate_keypair,
+ test_ecdh_derive
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("PKCS11 ECDH", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-ecdh", PKCS11_ECDH_Tests);
+/***************************** PKCS11 RNG *****************************/
+Test::Result test_rng_generate_random()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 RNG generate random");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ PKCS11_RNG rng(test_session.session());
+ std::vector<byte> random(20);
+ rng.randomize(random.data(), random.size());
+ result.test_ne("random data generated", random, std::vector<byte>(20));
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_rng_add_entropy()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 RNG add entropy random");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ PKCS11_RNG rng(test_session.session());
+ auto random = Test::rng().random_vec(20);
+ rng.add_entropy(random.data(), random.size());
+ result.test_success("entropy added");
+ return result;
+ }
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_HMAC_DRBG) && defined(BOTAN_HAS_SHA2_64)
+Test::Result test_pkcs11_hmac_drbg()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 HMAC_DRBG using PKCS11_RNG");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ PKCS11_RNG p11_rng(test_session.session());
+ HMAC_DRBG drbg(MessageAuthenticationCode::create("HMAC(SHA-512)"), p11_rng);
+ // result.test_success("HMAC_DRBG(HMAC(SHA512)) instantiated with PKCS11_RNG");
+ result.test_eq("HMAC_DRBG is not seeded yet.", drbg.is_seeded(), false);
+ secure_vector<byte> rnd = drbg.random_vec(64);
+ result.test_eq("HMAC_DRBG is seeded now", drbg.is_seeded(), true);
+ std::string personalization_string = "Botan PKCS#11 Tests";
+ std::vector<byte> personalization_data(personalization_string.begin(), personalization_string.end());
+ drbg.add_entropy(personalization_data.data(), personalization_data.size());
+ auto rnd_vec = drbg.random_vec(256);
+ result.test_ne("HMAC_DRBG generated a random vector", rnd_vec, std::vector<byte>(256));
+ return result;
+ }
+class PKCS11_RNG_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_rng_generate_random
+ ,test_rng_add_entropy
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_HMAC_DRBG )&& defined(BOTAN_HAS_SHA2_64)
+ ,test_pkcs11_hmac_drbg
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("PKCS11 RNG", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-rng", PKCS11_RNG_Tests);
+/***************************** PKCS11 token management *****************************/
+Test::Result test_set_pin()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 set pin");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ PKCS11::set_pin(slot, SO_PIN_SECVEC, TEST_PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("PIN set with SO_PIN to TEST_PIN");
+ PKCS11::set_pin(slot, SO_PIN_SECVEC, PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("PIN changed back with SO_PIN");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_initialize()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 initialize token");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ PKCS11::initialize_token(slot, "Botan PKCS#11 tests", SO_PIN_SECVEC, PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("token initialized");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_change_pin()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 change pin");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ PKCS11::change_pin(slot, PIN_SECVEC, TEST_PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("PIN changed with PIN to TEST_PIN");
+ PKCS11::change_pin(slot, TEST_PIN_SECVEC, PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("PIN changed back with TEST_PIN to PIN");
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result test_change_so_pin()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 change so_pin");
+ Module module(Test::pkcs11_lib());
+ std::vector<SlotId> slot_vec = Slot::get_available_slots(module, true);
+ Slot slot(module, slot_vec.at(0));
+ PKCS11::change_so_pin(slot, SO_PIN_SECVEC, TEST_SO_PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("SO_PIN changed with SO_PIN to TEST_SO_PIN");
+ PKCS11::change_so_pin(slot, TEST_SO_PIN_SECVEC, SO_PIN_SECVEC);
+ result.test_success("SO_PIN changed back with TEST_SO_PIN to SO_PIN");
+ return result;
+ }
+class PKCS11_Token_Management_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_set_pin,
+ test_initialize,
+ test_change_pin,
+ test_change_so_pin
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("PKCS11 token management", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-manage", PKCS11_Token_Management_Tests);
+/***************************** PKCS11 token management *****************************/
+Test::Result test_x509_import()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("PKCS11 X509 cert import");
+ TestSession test_session(true);
+ X509_Certificate root(Test::data_file("nist_x509/test01/end.crt"));
+ X509_CertificateProperties props(DER_Encoder().encode(root.subject_dn()).get_contents_unlocked(), root.BER_encode());
+ props.set_label("Botan PKCS#11 test certificate");
+ props.set_private(false);
+ props.set_token(true);
+ PKCS11_X509_Certificate pkcs11_cert(test_session.session(), props);
+ result.test_success("X509 certificate imported");
+ PKCS11_X509_Certificate pkcs11_cert2(test_session.session(), pkcs11_cert.handle());
+ result.test_eq("X509 certificate by handle", pkcs11_cert == pkcs11_cert2, true);
+ pkcs11_cert.destroy();
+ return result;
+ }
+class PKCS11_X509_Tests : public PKCS11_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<std::function<Test::Result()>> fns =
+ {
+ test_x509_import
+ };
+ return run_pkcs11_tests("PKCS11 X509", fns);
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("pkcs11-x509", PKCS11_X509_Tests);