path: root/src/tests/test_ecies.cpp
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authorPhilipp Weber <[email protected]>2016-04-27 15:39:40 +0200
committerPhilipp Weber <[email protected]>2016-04-27 15:40:22 +0200
commit2a58a43264c7994c19a1f05d807e40ffd95644c2 (patch)
tree4a92b3e60b2b3e326b5269d512dddb1c6522f00c /src/tests/test_ecies.cpp
parentf15cdfc6d954fd3d835a6d1b56632f0b3746b368 (diff)
add ecies implementation according to iso-18033
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tests/test_ecies.cpp')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/test_ecies.cpp b/src/tests/test_ecies.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fba6c93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_ecies.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+* (C) 2016 Philipp Weber
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include "tests.h"
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ECIES)
+ #include "test_pubkey.h"
+ #include <botan/ecies.h>
+ #include <botan/ecdh.h>
+ #include <botan/auto_rng.h>
+namespace Botan_Tests {
+namespace {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ECIES)
+using byte = Botan::byte;
+using Flags = Botan::ECIES_Flags;
+Botan::PointGFp::Compression_Type get_compression_type(const std::string& format)
+ {
+ if(format == "uncompressed")
+ {
+ return Botan::PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED;
+ }
+ else if(format == "compressed")
+ {
+ return Botan::PointGFp::COMPRESSED;
+ }
+ else if(format == "hybrid")
+ {
+ return Botan::PointGFp::HYBRID;
+ }
+ throw Botan::Invalid_Argument("invalid compression format");
+ }
+Flags ecies_flags(bool cofactor_mode, bool old_cofactor_mode, bool check_mode, bool single_hash_mode)
+ {
+ return (cofactor_mode ? Flags::COFACTOR_MODE : Flags::NONE)
+ | (single_hash_mode ? Flags::SINGLE_HASH_MODE : Flags::NONE)
+ | (old_cofactor_mode ? Flags::OLD_COFACTOR_MODE : Flags::NONE)
+ | (check_mode ? Flags::CHECK_MODE : Flags::NONE);
+ }
+void check_encrypt_decrypt(Test::Result& result, const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey& private_key,
+ const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey& other_private_key,
+ const Botan::ECIES_System_Params& ecies_params,
+ const Botan::InitializationVector& iv, const std::string& label,
+ const std::vector<byte>& plaintext, const std::vector<byte>& ciphertext)
+ {
+ Botan::ECIES_Encryptor ecies_enc(private_key, ecies_params);
+ ecies_enc.set_other_key(other_private_key.public_point());
+ Botan::ECIES_Decryptor ecies_dec(other_private_key, ecies_params);
+ if(!iv.bits_of().empty())
+ {
+ ecies_enc.set_initialization_vector(iv);
+ ecies_dec.set_initialization_vector(iv);
+ }
+ if(!label.empty())
+ {
+ ecies_enc.set_label(label);
+ ecies_dec.set_label(label);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ const std::vector<byte> encrypted = ecies_enc.encrypt(plaintext, Test::rng());
+ if(!ciphertext.empty())
+ {
+ result.test_eq("encrypted data", encrypted, ciphertext);
+ }
+ const Botan::secure_vector<byte> decrypted = ecies_dec.decrypt(encrypted);
+ result.test_eq("decrypted data equals plaintext", decrypted, plaintext);
+ }
+ catch(Botan::Lookup_Error& e)
+ {
+ result.test_note(std::string("Test not executed: ") + e.what());
+ }
+ }
+void check_encrypt_decrypt(Test::Result& result, const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey& private_key,
+ const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey& other_private_key,
+ const Botan::ECIES_System_Params& ecies_params, size_t iv_length = 0)
+ {
+ static std::vector<byte> Plaintext { 1, 2, 3 };
+ check_encrypt_decrypt(result, private_key, other_private_key, ecies_params, std::vector<byte>(iv_length, 0), "",
+ Plaintext, std::vector<byte>());
+ }
+class ECIES_ISO_Tests : public Text_Based_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ ECIES_ISO_Tests() : Text_Based_Test(
+ "pubkey/ecies-18033.vec",
+ { "format", "p", "a", "b", "mu", "nu", "gx", "gy", "hx", "hy", "x", "r", "C0", "K" })
+ {
+ }
+ Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) override
+ {
+ Test::Result result("ECIES-ISO");
+ // get test vectors defined by ISO 18033
+ const Botan::PointGFp::Compression_Type compression_type = get_compression_type(get_req_str(vars, "format"));
+ const Botan::BigInt p = get_req_bn(vars, "p");
+ const Botan::BigInt a = get_req_bn(vars, "a");
+ const Botan::BigInt b = get_req_bn(vars, "b");
+ const Botan::BigInt mu = get_req_bn(vars, "mu"); // order
+ const Botan::BigInt nu = get_req_bn(vars, "nu"); // cofactor
+ const Botan::BigInt gx = get_req_bn(vars, "gx"); // base point x
+ const Botan::BigInt gy = get_req_bn(vars, "gy"); // base point y
+ const Botan::BigInt hx = get_req_bn(vars, "hx"); // x of public point of bob
+ const Botan::BigInt hy = get_req_bn(vars, "hy"); // y of public point of bob
+ const Botan::BigInt x = get_req_bn(vars, "x"); // private key of bob
+ const Botan::BigInt r = get_req_bn(vars, "r"); // (ephemeral) private key of alice
+ const std::vector<byte> c0 = get_req_bin(vars, "C0"); // expected encoded (ephemeral) public key
+ const std::vector<byte> k = get_req_bin(vars, "K"); // expected derived secret
+ const Botan::CurveGFp curve(p, a, b);
+ const Botan::EC_Group domain(curve, Botan::PointGFp(curve, gx, gy), mu, nu);
+ // keys of bob
+ const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey other_private_key(Test::rng(), domain, x);
+ const Botan::PointGFp other_public_key_point(curve, hx, hy);
+ const Botan::ECDH_PublicKey other_public_key(domain, other_public_key_point);
+ // (ephemeral) keys of alice
+ const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey eph_private_key(Test::rng(), domain, r);
+ const Botan::PointGFp eph_public_key_point = eph_private_key.public_point();
+ const std::vector<byte> eph_public_key_bin = Botan::unlock(
+ Botan::EC2OSP(eph_public_key_point, compression_type));
+ result.test_eq("encoded (ephemeral) public key", eph_public_key_bin, c0);
+ // test secret derivation: ISO 18033 test vectors use KDF1 from ISO 18033
+ // no cofactor-/oldcofactor-/singlehash-/check-mode and 128 byte secret length
+ Botan::ECIES_KA_Params ka_params(eph_private_key.domain(), "KDF1-18033(SHA-1)", 128, compression_type,
+ Flags::NONE);
+ const Botan::ECIES_KA_Operation ka(eph_private_key, ka_params, true);
+ const Botan::SymmetricKey secret_key = ka.derive_secret(eph_public_key_bin, other_public_key_point);
+ result.test_eq("derived secret key", secret_key.bits_of(), k);
+ // test encryption / decryption
+ for(int i_cofactor_mode = 0; i_cofactor_mode < 2; ++i_cofactor_mode)
+ {
+ for(int i_single_hash_mode = 0; i_single_hash_mode < 2; ++i_single_hash_mode)
+ {
+ for(int i_old_cofactor_mode = 0; i_old_cofactor_mode < 2; ++i_old_cofactor_mode)
+ {
+ for(int i_check_mode = 0; i_check_mode < 2; ++i_check_mode)
+ {
+ for(int i_compression_type = 0; i_compression_type < 3; ++i_compression_type)
+ {
+ const bool cofactor_mode = i_cofactor_mode != 0;
+ const bool single_hash_mode = i_single_hash_mode != 0;
+ const bool old_cofactor_mode = i_old_cofactor_mode != 0;
+ const bool check_mode = i_check_mode != 0;
+ const Botan::PointGFp::Compression_Type compression_type =
+ static_cast<Botan::PointGFp::Compression_Type>(i_compression_type);
+ Flags flags = ecies_flags(cofactor_mode, old_cofactor_mode, check_mode, single_hash_mode);
+ if(cofactor_mode + check_mode + old_cofactor_mode > 1)
+ {
+ result.test_throws("throw on invalid ECIES_Flags", [&]
+ {
+ Botan::ECIES_System_Params(eph_private_key.domain(), "KDF2(SHA-1)", "AES-256/CBC",
+ 32, "HMAC(SHA-1)", 20, compression_type, flags);
+ });
+ continue;
+ }
+ Botan::ECIES_System_Params ecies_params(eph_private_key.domain(), "KDF2(SHA-1)", "AES-256/CBC",
+ 32, "HMAC(SHA-1)", 20, compression_type, flags);
+ check_encrypt_decrypt(result, eph_private_key, other_private_key, ecies_params, 16);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+class ECIES_Tests : public Text_Based_Test
+ {
+ public:
+ ECIES_Tests() : Text_Based_Test(
+ "pubkey/ecies.vec",
+ { "Curve", "PrivateKey", "OtherPrivateKey", "Kdf", "Dem", "DemKeyLen", "Iv", "Mac", "MacKeyLen", "Format",
+ "CofactorMode", "OldCofactorMode", "CheckMode", "SingleHashMode", "Label", "Plaintext", "Ciphertext" })
+ {
+ }
+ Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) override
+ {
+ Test::Result result("ECIES");
+ const std::string curve = get_req_str(vars, "Curve");
+ const Botan::BigInt private_key_value = get_req_bn(vars, "PrivateKey");
+ const Botan::BigInt other_private_key_value = get_req_bn(vars, "OtherPrivateKey");
+ const std::string kdf = get_req_str(vars, "Kdf");
+ const std::string dem = get_req_str(vars, "Dem");
+ const size_t dem_key_len = get_req_sz(vars, "DemKeyLen");
+ const std::vector<byte> iv = get_req_bin(vars, "Iv");
+ const std::string mac = get_req_str(vars, "Mac");
+ const size_t mac_key_len = get_req_sz(vars, "MacKeyLen");
+ const Botan::PointGFp::Compression_Type compression_type = get_compression_type(get_req_str(vars, "Format"));
+ const bool cofactor_mode = get_req_sz(vars, "CofactorMode") != 0;
+ const bool old_cofactor_mode = get_req_sz(vars, "OldCofactorMode") != 0;
+ const bool check_mode = get_req_sz(vars, "CheckMode") != 0;
+ const bool single_hash_mode = get_req_sz(vars, "SingleHashMode") != 0;
+ const std::string label = get_req_str(vars, "Label");
+ const std::vector<byte> plaintext = get_req_bin(vars, "Plaintext");
+ const std::vector<byte> ciphertext = get_req_bin(vars, "Ciphertext");
+ const Flags flags = ecies_flags(cofactor_mode, old_cofactor_mode, check_mode, single_hash_mode);
+ const Botan::EC_Group domain(curve);
+ const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey private_key(Test::rng(), domain, private_key_value);
+ const Botan::ECDH_PrivateKey other_private_key(Test::rng(), domain, other_private_key_value);
+ const Botan::ECIES_System_Params ecies_params(private_key.domain(), kdf, dem, dem_key_len, mac, mac_key_len,
+ compression_type, flags);
+ check_encrypt_decrypt(result, private_key, other_private_key, ecies_params, iv, label, plaintext, ciphertext);
+ return result;
+ }
+ };