path: root/src/scripts
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authorJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2019-04-24 20:04:16 -0400
committerJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2019-04-27 06:37:38 -0400
commitfbafdabd538e92b2fd78a38db43acbc7f5d077c4 (patch)
treea9a4e7f0be3abc55a7b940a8bbf5597961c80539 /src/scripts
parent83ff128cd4dec19c24e1a661b828ec833a6dad76 (diff)
More Python API enhancements.
Deprecate various redundant FFI functions
Diffstat (limited to 'src/scripts')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/scripts/test_python.py b/src/scripts/test_python.py
index 1ba21f570..9cba9a4ea 100644
--- a/src/scripts/test_python.py
+++ b/src/scripts/test_python.py
@@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ class BotanPythonTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(botan2.version_major(), 2)
self.assertTrue(botan2.version_minor() >= 8)
+ self.assertTrue(botan2.ffi_api_version() >= 20180713)
+ def test_compare(self):
+ x = "1234"
+ y = "1234"
+ z = "1233"
+ self.assertTrue(botan2.const_time_compare(x, y))
+ self.assertFalse(botan2.const_time_compare(x, z))
+ self.assertFalse(botan2.const_time_compare(x, x + z))
def test_block_cipher(self):
aes = botan2.BlockCipher("AES-128")
self.assertEqual(aes.algo_name(), "AES-128")
@@ -181,7 +192,7 @@ class BotanPythonTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mceliece(self):
rng = botan2.RandomNumberGenerator()
- mce_priv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('mce', [2960, 57], rng)
+ mce_priv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('McEliece', '2960,57', rng)
mce_pub = mce_priv.get_public_key()
self.assertEqual(mce_pub.estimated_strength(), 128)
@@ -231,6 +242,38 @@ ofvkP1EDmpx50fHLawIDAQAB
rsapub = botan2.PublicKey.load(rsa_pub_pem)
self.assertEqual(rsapub.to_pem(), rsa_pub_pem)
+ n = 0xB5AD8818DCA1F256FF8FAB0888D0667D95DF2098B0D201A4C75590D3EBDFA159DD91C64AFDA082609EF885B2D1F4DC055C8FF9FA371C2F3398E0B612C603151131C81DB322C8D15E53EB56B4DF7325F05046889CB25021DE4282E16B9B28F5CBB2B8DDECE0F8E4E8A77F674F26AE92B7220920A1FBE43F51039A9C79D1F1CB6B
+ e = 0x10001
+ rsapub2 = botan2.PublicKey.load_rsa(n, e)
+ self.assertEqual(rsapub2.to_pem(), rsa_pub_pem)
+ self.assertEqual(rsapub2.get_field("n"), n)
+ self.assertEqual(rsapub2.get_field("e"), e)
+ def test_key_crypto(self):
+ rng = botan2.RandomNumberGenerator()
+ rsapriv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('RSA', '1024', rng)
+ passphrase = "super secret tell noone"
+ pem = rsapriv.export_encrypted(passphrase, rng, True, msec=10)
+ pem2 = rsapriv.export_encrypted(passphrase, rng, True, msec=10, cipher="AES-128/SIV")
+ pem3 = rsapriv.export_encrypted(passphrase, rng, True, msec=10, cipher="AES-128/SIV", pbkdf="Scrypt")
+ def test_check_key(self):
+ # valid (if rather small) RSA key
+ n = 273279220906618527352827457840955116141
+ e = 0x10001
+ rng = botan2.RandomNumberGenerator()
+ rsapub = botan2.PublicKey.load_rsa(n, e)
+ self.assertTrue(rsapub.check_key(rng))
+ # invalid
+ rsapub = botan2.PublicKey.load_rsa(n - 1, e)
+ self.assertFalse(rsapub.check_key(rng))
def test_rsa(self):
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
rng = botan2.RandomNumberGenerator()
@@ -282,28 +325,74 @@ ofvkP1EDmpx50fHLawIDAQAB
- def test_dh(self):
+ def test_ecdsa(self):
+ rng = botan2.RandomNumberGenerator()
+ hash = 'EMSA1(SHA-256)'
+ group = 'secp256r1'
+ msg = 'test message'
+ priv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('ECDSA', group, rng)
+ pub = priv.get_public_key()
+ self.assertEqual(pub.get_field('public_x'), priv.get_field('public_x'))
+ self.assertEqual(pub.get_field('public_y'), priv.get_field('public_y'))
+ signer = botan2.PKSign(priv, hash)
+ signer.update(msg)
+ signature = signer.finish(rng)
+ verifier = botan2.PKVerify(pub, hash)
+ verifier.update(msg)
+ self.assertTrue(verifier.check_signature(signature))
+ pub_x = pub.get_field('public_x')
+ pub_y = priv.get_field('public_y')
+ pub2 = botan2.PublicKey.load_ecdsa(group, pub_x, pub_y)
+ verifier = botan2.PKVerify(pub2, hash)
+ verifier.update(msg)
+ self.assertTrue(verifier.check_signature(signature))
+ priv2 = botan2.PrivateKey.load_ecdsa(group, priv.get_field('x'))
+ signer = botan2.PKSign(priv2, hash)
+ # sign empty message
+ signature = signer.finish(rng)
+ # verify empty message
+ self.assertTrue(verifier.check_signature(signature))
+ def test_ecdh(self):
a_rng = botan2.RandomNumberGenerator('user')
b_rng = botan2.RandomNumberGenerator('user')
- for dh_grp in ['secp256r1', 'curve25519']:
- dh_kdf = 'KDF2(SHA-384)'.encode('utf-8')
- a_dh_priv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('ecdh', dh_grp, a_rng)
- b_dh_priv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('ecdh', dh_grp, b_rng)
+ # XXX why need the encode here?? should be handled in wrapper
+ kdf = 'KDF2(SHA-384)'.encode('utf-8')
+ for grp in ['secp256r1', 'secp384r1', 'brainpool256r1']:
+ a_priv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('ECDH', grp, a_rng)
+ b_priv = botan2.PrivateKey.create('ECDH', grp, b_rng)
- a_dh = botan2.PKKeyAgreement(a_dh_priv, dh_kdf)
- b_dh = botan2.PKKeyAgreement(b_dh_priv, dh_kdf)
+ a_op = botan2.PKKeyAgreement(a_priv, kdf)
+ b_op = botan2.PKKeyAgreement(b_priv, kdf)
- a_dh_pub = a_dh.public_value()
- b_dh_pub = b_dh.public_value()
+ a_pub = a_op.public_value()
+ b_pub = b_op.public_value()
salt = a_rng.get(8) + b_rng.get(8)
- a_key = a_dh.agree(b_dh_pub, 32, salt)
- b_key = b_dh.agree(a_dh_pub, 32, salt)
+ a_key = a_op.agree(b_pub, 32, salt)
+ b_key = b_op.agree(a_pub, 32, salt)
self.assertEqual(a_key, b_key)
+ a_pem = a_priv.to_pem()
+ a_priv_x = a_priv.get_field('x')
+ new_a = botan2.PrivateKey.load_ecdh(grp, a_priv_x)
+ self.assertEqual(a_pem, new_a.to_pem())
def test_certs(self):
cert = botan2.X509Cert(filename="src/tests/data/x509/ecc/CSCA.CSCA.csca-germany.1.crt")
pubkey = cert.subject_public_key()
@@ -336,6 +425,9 @@ ofvkP1EDmpx50fHLawIDAQAB
self.assertEqual(big.bit_count(), 104)
small = botan2.MPI(0xDEADBEEF)
+ self.assertEqual(hex_encode(small.to_bytes()), "deadbeef")
+ self.assertEqual(hex_encode(big.to_bytes()), "85839682368923476892367235")
self.assertEqual(int(small), 0xDEADBEEF)
self.assertEqual(int(small >> 16), 0xDEAD)