path: root/src/lib/tls/tls_cbc/tls_cbc.cpp
diff options
authorJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2016-10-13 14:43:17 -0400
committerJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2016-10-13 14:43:17 -0400
commit79ea2dc44c2b0957b3cb262b46ed976d4ccc95a5 (patch)
tree8a79933f20c5056ac3899b58da1149d84185ef2e /src/lib/tls/tls_cbc/tls_cbc.cpp
parent9f7b4486e1015886638168f49673398bee7a71bf (diff)
parent4d1f71b1aa66ec915dd7ce7eab462f1a1faa17b2 (diff)
Merge GH #659 TLS CBC is optional
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/tls/tls_cbc/tls_cbc.cpp')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/tls/tls_cbc/tls_cbc.cpp b/src/lib/tls/tls_cbc/tls_cbc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7203003b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/tls/tls_cbc/tls_cbc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+* TLS CBC Record Handling
+* (C) 2012,2013,2014,2015,2016 Jack Lloyd
+* 2016 Juraj Somorovsky
+* 2016 Matthias Gierlings
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/internal/tls_cbc.h>
+#include <botan/internal/rounding.h>
+#include <botan/internal/ct_utils.h>
+#include <botan/tls_alert.h>
+#include <botan/tls_magic.h>
+#include <botan/tls_exceptn.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace TLS {
+* TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode Constructor
+TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode(const std::string& cipher_name,
+ size_t cipher_keylen,
+ const std::string& mac_name,
+ size_t mac_keylen,
+ bool use_explicit_iv,
+ bool use_encrypt_then_mac) :
+ m_cipher_name(cipher_name),
+ m_mac_name(mac_name),
+ m_cipher_keylen(cipher_keylen),
+ m_mac_keylen(mac_keylen),
+ m_use_encrypt_then_mac(use_encrypt_then_mac)
+ {
+ m_cipher = BlockCipher::create(m_cipher_name);
+ if(!m_cipher)
+ throw Algorithm_Not_Found(m_cipher_name);
+ m_mac = MessageAuthenticationCode::create("HMAC(" + m_mac_name + ")");
+ if(!m_mac)
+ throw Algorithm_Not_Found("HMAC(" + m_mac_name + ")");
+ m_tag_size = m_mac->output_length();
+ m_block_size = m_cipher->block_size();
+ m_iv_size = use_explicit_iv ? m_block_size : 0;
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::clear()
+ {
+ cipher().clear();
+ mac().clear();
+ cbc_state().clear();
+ }
+std::string TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::name() const
+ {
+ return "TLS_CBC(" + m_cipher_name + "," + m_mac_name + ")";
+ }
+size_t TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::update_granularity() const
+ {
+ return 1; // just buffers anyway
+ }
+bool TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::valid_nonce_length(size_t nl) const
+ {
+ if(m_cbc_state.empty())
+ return nl == block_size();
+ return nl == iv_size();
+ }
+Key_Length_Specification TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::key_spec() const
+ {
+ return Key_Length_Specification(m_cipher_keylen + m_mac_keylen);
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t keylen)
+ {
+ // Both keys are of fixed length specified by the ciphersuite
+ if(keylen != m_cipher_keylen + m_mac_keylen)
+ throw Invalid_Key_Length(name(), keylen);
+ cipher().set_key(&key[0], m_cipher_keylen);
+ mac().set_key(&key[m_cipher_keylen], m_mac_keylen);
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::start_msg(const byte nonce[], size_t nonce_len)
+ {
+ if(!valid_nonce_length(nonce_len))
+ {
+ throw Invalid_IV_Length(name(), nonce_len);
+ }
+ m_msg.clear();
+ if(nonce_len > 0)
+ {
+ m_cbc_state.assign(nonce, nonce + nonce_len);
+ }
+ }
+size_t TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::process(byte buf[], size_t sz)
+ {
+ m_msg.insert(m_msg.end(), buf, buf + sz);
+ return 0;
+ }
+std::vector<byte> TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::assoc_data_with_len(uint16_t len)
+ {
+ std::vector<byte> ad = m_ad;
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(ad.size() == 13, "Expected AAD size");
+ ad[11] = get_byte(0, len);
+ ad[12] = get_byte(1, len);
+ return ad;
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::set_associated_data(const byte ad[], size_t ad_len)
+ {
+ if(ad_len != 13)
+ throw Exception("Invalid TLS AEAD associated data length");
+ m_ad.assign(ad, ad + ad_len);
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Encryption::set_associated_data(const byte ad[], size_t ad_len)
+ {
+ TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode::set_associated_data(ad, ad_len);
+ if(use_encrypt_then_mac())
+ {
+ std::vector<byte>& ad = assoc_data();
+ // AAD hack for EtM
+ size_t pt_size = make_u16bit(ad[11], ad[12]);
+ size_t enc_size = round_up(iv_size() + pt_size + 1, block_size());
+ ad[11] = get_byte<uint16_t>(0, enc_size);
+ ad[12] = get_byte<uint16_t>(1, enc_size);
+ }
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Encryption::cbc_encrypt_record(byte buf[], size_t buf_size)
+ {
+ const size_t blocks = buf_size / block_size();
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(buf_size % block_size() == 0, "Valid CBC input");
+ xor_buf(buf, cbc_state().data(), block_size());
+ cipher().encrypt(buf);
+ for(size_t i = 1; i < blocks; ++i)
+ {
+ xor_buf(&buf[block_size()*i], &buf[block_size()*(i-1)], block_size());
+ cipher().encrypt(&buf[block_size()*i]);
+ }
+ cbc_state().assign(&buf[block_size()*(blocks-1)],
+ &buf[block_size()*blocks]);
+ }
+size_t TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Encryption::output_length(size_t input_length) const
+ {
+ return round_up(input_length + 1 + (use_encrypt_then_mac() ? 0 : tag_size()), block_size()) +
+ (use_encrypt_then_mac() ? tag_size() : 0);
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Encryption::finish(secure_vector<byte>& buffer, size_t offset)
+ {
+ update(buffer, offset);
+ buffer.resize(offset); // truncate, leaving just header
+ const size_t header_size = offset;
+ buffer.insert(buffer.end(), msg().begin(), msg().end());
+ const size_t input_size = msg().size() + 1 + (use_encrypt_then_mac() ? 0 : tag_size());
+ const size_t enc_size = round_up(input_size, block_size());
+ const size_t pad_val = enc_size - input_size;
+ const size_t buf_size = enc_size + (use_encrypt_then_mac() ? tag_size() : 0);
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(enc_size % block_size() == 0,
+ "Buffer is an even multiple of block size");
+ mac().update(assoc_data());
+ if(use_encrypt_then_mac())
+ {
+ if(iv_size() > 0)
+ {
+ mac().update(cbc_state());
+ }
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != pad_val + 1; ++i)
+ buffer.push_back(static_cast<byte>(pad_val));
+ cbc_encrypt_record(&buffer[header_size], enc_size);
+ }
+ // EtM also uses ciphertext size instead of plaintext size for AEAD input
+ const byte* mac_input = (use_encrypt_then_mac() ? &buffer[header_size] : msg().data());
+ const size_t mac_input_len = (use_encrypt_then_mac() ? enc_size : msg().size());
+ mac().update(mac_input, mac_input_len);
+ buffer.resize(buffer.size() + tag_size());
+ mac().final(&buffer[buffer.size() - tag_size()]);
+ if(use_encrypt_then_mac() == false)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != pad_val + 1; ++i)
+ buffer.push_back(static_cast<byte>(pad_val));
+ cbc_encrypt_record(&buffer[header_size], buf_size);
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+* Checks the TLS padding. Returns 0 if the padding is invalid (we
+* count the padding_length field as part of the padding size so a
+* valid padding will always be at least one byte long), or the length
+* of the padding otherwise. This is actually padding_length + 1
+* because both the padding and padding_length fields are padding from
+* our perspective.
+* Returning 0 in the error case should ensure the MAC check will fail.
+* This approach is suggested in section of RFC 5246.
+u16bit check_tls_padding(const byte record[], size_t record_len)
+ {
+ /*
+ * TLS v1.0 and up require all the padding bytes be the same value
+ * and allows up to 255 bytes.
+ */
+ const byte pad_byte = record[(record_len-1)];
+ byte pad_invalid = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != record_len; ++i)
+ {
+ const size_t left = record_len - i - 2;
+ const byte delim_mask = CT::is_less<u16bit>(static_cast<u16bit>(left), pad_byte) & 0xFF;
+ pad_invalid |= (delim_mask & (record[i] ^ pad_byte));
+ }
+ u16bit pad_invalid_mask = CT::expand_mask<u16bit>(pad_invalid);
+ return CT::select<u16bit>(pad_invalid_mask, 0, pad_byte + 1);
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Decryption::cbc_decrypt_record(byte record_contents[], size_t record_len)
+ {
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(record_len % block_size() == 0,
+ "Buffer is an even multiple of block size");
+ const size_t blocks = record_len / block_size();
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(blocks >= 1, "At least one ciphertext block");
+ byte* buf = record_contents;
+ secure_vector<byte> last_ciphertext(block_size());
+ copy_mem(last_ciphertext.data(), buf, block_size());
+ cipher().decrypt(buf);
+ xor_buf(buf, cbc_state().data(), block_size());
+ secure_vector<byte> last_ciphertext2;
+ for(size_t i = 1; i < blocks; ++i)
+ {
+ last_ciphertext2.assign(&buf[block_size()*i], &buf[block_size()*(i+1)]);
+ cipher().decrypt(&buf[block_size()*i]);
+ xor_buf(&buf[block_size()*i], last_ciphertext.data(), block_size());
+ std::swap(last_ciphertext, last_ciphertext2);
+ }
+ cbc_state().assign(last_ciphertext.begin(), last_ciphertext.end());
+ }
+size_t TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Decryption::output_length(size_t) const
+ {
+ /*
+ * We don't know this because the padding is arbitrary
+ */
+ return 0;
+ }
+void TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Decryption::finish(secure_vector<byte>& buffer, size_t offset)
+ {
+ update(buffer, offset);
+ buffer.resize(offset);
+ const size_t record_len = msg().size();
+ byte* record_contents = msg().data();
+ // This early exit does not leak info because all the values compared are public
+ if(record_len < tag_size() ||
+ (record_len - (use_encrypt_then_mac() ? tag_size() : 0)) % block_size() != 0)
+ {
+ throw TLS_Exception(Alert::BAD_RECORD_MAC, "Message authentication failure");
+ }
+ if(use_encrypt_then_mac())
+ {
+ const size_t enc_size = record_len - tag_size();
+ mac().update(assoc_data_with_len(iv_size() + enc_size));
+ if(iv_size() > 0)
+ {
+ mac().update(cbc_state());
+ }
+ mac().update(record_contents, enc_size);
+ std::vector<byte> mac_buf(tag_size());
+ mac().final(mac_buf.data());
+ const size_t mac_offset = enc_size;
+ const bool mac_ok = same_mem(&record_contents[mac_offset], mac_buf.data(), tag_size());
+ if(!mac_ok)
+ {
+ throw TLS_Exception(Alert::BAD_RECORD_MAC, "Message authentication failure");
+ }
+ cbc_decrypt_record(record_contents, enc_size);
+ // 0 if padding was invalid, otherwise 1 + padding_bytes
+ u16bit pad_size = check_tls_padding(record_contents, enc_size);
+ // No oracle here, whoever sent us this had the key since MAC check passed
+ if(pad_size == 0)
+ {
+ throw TLS_Exception(Alert::BAD_RECORD_MAC, "Message authentication failure");
+ }
+ const byte* plaintext_block = &record_contents[0];
+ const u16bit plaintext_length = enc_size - pad_size;
+ buffer.insert(buffer.end(), plaintext_block, plaintext_block + plaintext_length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* record_contents = msg().data();
+ const size_t record_len = msg().size();
+ CT::poison(record_contents, record_len);
+ cbc_decrypt_record(record_contents, record_len);
+ // 0 if padding was invalid, otherwise 1 + padding_bytes
+ u16bit pad_size = check_tls_padding(record_contents, record_len);
+ /*
+ This mask is zero if there is not enough room in the packet to get a valid MAC.
+ We have to accept empty packets, since otherwise we are not compatible
+ with how OpenSSL's countermeasure for fixing BEAST in TLS 1.0 CBC works
+ (sending empty records, instead of 1/(n-1) splitting)
+ */
+ const u16bit size_ok_mask = CT::is_lte<u16bit>(static_cast<u16bit>(tag_size() + pad_size), static_cast<u16bit>(record_len + 1));
+ pad_size &= size_ok_mask;
+ CT::unpoison(record_contents, record_len);
+ /*
+ This is unpoisoned sooner than it should. The pad_size leaks to plaintext_length and
+ then to the timing channel in the MAC computation described in the Lucky 13 paper.
+ */
+ CT::unpoison(pad_size);
+ const byte* plaintext_block = &record_contents[0];
+ const u16bit plaintext_length = static_cast<u16bit>(record_len - tag_size() - pad_size);
+ mac().update(assoc_data_with_len(plaintext_length));
+ mac().update(plaintext_block, plaintext_length);
+ std::vector<byte> mac_buf(tag_size());
+ mac().final(mac_buf.data());
+ const size_t mac_offset = record_len - (tag_size() + pad_size);
+ const bool mac_ok = same_mem(&record_contents[mac_offset], mac_buf.data(), tag_size());
+ const u16bit ok_mask = size_ok_mask & CT::expand_mask<u16bit>(mac_ok) & CT::expand_mask<u16bit>(pad_size);
+ CT::unpoison(ok_mask);
+ if(ok_mask)
+ {
+ buffer.insert(buffer.end(), plaintext_block, plaintext_block + plaintext_length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw TLS_Exception(Alert::BAD_RECORD_MAC, "Message authentication failure");
+ }
+ }
+ }