path: root/src/core/pubkey.cpp
diff options
authorlloyd <[email protected]>2008-09-29 00:15:14 +0000
committerlloyd <[email protected]>2008-09-29 00:15:14 +0000
commit68d3d539ad7752dc80c20c1a2ade909b1a4c4a6e (patch)
treec7e588d28427960c95eca9900844d5bf36c079df /src/core/pubkey.cpp
parent8269e2897e0a652bbd949d38b74873976a98adeb (diff)
Move what is left of the uncategorized library to 'core'. There is still
a lot of public key stuff in here that needs to be extracted however, and probably 2-3 other modules worth of stuff to split off (engines, etc)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/pubkey.cpp')
1 files changed, 415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/pubkey.cpp b/src/core/pubkey.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06bb44bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/pubkey.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+* Public Key Base Source File *
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd *
+#include <botan/pubkey.h>
+#include <botan/lookup.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <botan/bit_ops.h>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Botan {
+* Encrypt a message *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Encryptor::encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ return enc(in, len, rng);
+ }
+* Encrypt a message *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Encryptor::encrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ return enc(in.begin(), in.size(), rng);
+ }
+* Decrypt a message *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Decryptor::decrypt(const byte in[], u32bit len) const
+ {
+ return dec(in, len);
+ }
+* Decrypt a message *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Decryptor::decrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) const
+ {
+ return dec(in.begin(), in.size());
+ }
+* PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME Constructor *
+PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME::PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Encrypting_Key& k,
+ const std::string& eme) :
+ key(k), encoder((eme == "Raw") ? 0 : get_eme(eme))
+ {
+ }
+* Encrypt a message *
+PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME::enc(const byte msg[],
+ u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> message;
+ if(encoder)
+ message = encoder->encode(msg, length, key.max_input_bits(), rng);
+ else
+ message.set(msg, length);
+ if(8*(message.size() - 1) + high_bit(message[0]) > key.max_input_bits())
+ throw Exception("PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME: Input is too large");
+ return key.encrypt(message, message.size(), rng);
+ }
+* Return the max size, in bytes, of a message *
+u32bit PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME::maximum_input_size() const
+ {
+ if(!encoder)
+ return (key.max_input_bits() / 8);
+ else
+ return encoder->maximum_input_size(key.max_input_bits());
+ }
+* PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME Constructor *
+PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME::PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Decrypting_Key& k,
+ const std::string& eme) :
+ key(k), encoder((eme == "Raw") ? 0 : get_eme(eme))
+ {
+ }
+* Decrypt a message *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME::dec(const byte msg[],
+ u32bit length) const
+ {
+ try {
+ SecureVector<byte> decrypted = key.decrypt(msg, length);
+ if(encoder)
+ return encoder->decode(decrypted, key.max_input_bits());
+ else
+ return decrypted;
+ }
+ catch(Invalid_Argument)
+ {
+ throw Exception("PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME: Input is invalid");
+ }
+ catch(Decoding_Error)
+ {
+ throw Exception("PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME: Input is invalid");
+ }
+ }
+* PK_Signer Constructor *
+PK_Signer::PK_Signer(const PK_Signing_Key& k, const std::string& emsa_name) :
+ key(k), emsa(get_emsa(emsa_name))
+ {
+ sig_format = IEEE_1363;
+ }
+* Set the signature format *
+void PK_Signer::set_output_format(Signature_Format format)
+ {
+ if(key.message_parts() == 1 && format != IEEE_1363)
+ throw Invalid_State("PK_Signer: Cannot set the output format for " +
+ key.algo_name() + " keys");
+ sig_format = format;
+ }
+* Sign a message *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Signer::sign_message(const byte msg[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ update(msg, length);
+ return signature(rng);
+ }
+* Sign a message *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Signer::sign_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ return sign_message(msg, msg.size(), rng);
+ }
+* Add more to the message to be signed *
+void PK_Signer::update(const byte in[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ emsa->update(in, length);
+ }
+* Add more to the message to be signed *
+void PK_Signer::update(byte in)
+ {
+ update(&in, 1);
+ }
+* Add more to the message to be signed *
+void PK_Signer::update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in)
+ {
+ update(in, in.size());
+ }
+* Create a signature *
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Signer::signature(RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> encoded = emsa->encoding_of(emsa->raw_data(),
+ key.max_input_bits(),
+ rng);
+ SecureVector<byte> plain_sig = key.sign(encoded, encoded.size(), rng);
+ if(key.message_parts() == 1 || sig_format == IEEE_1363)
+ return plain_sig;
+ if(sig_format == DER_SEQUENCE)
+ {
+ if(plain_sig.size() % key.message_parts())
+ throw Encoding_Error("PK_Signer: strange signature size found");
+ const u32bit SIZE_OF_PART = plain_sig.size() / key.message_parts();
+ std::vector<BigInt> sig_parts(key.message_parts());
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != sig_parts.size(); ++j)
+ sig_parts[j].binary_decode(plain_sig + SIZE_OF_PART*j, SIZE_OF_PART);
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode_list(sig_parts)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ else
+ throw Encoding_Error("PK_Signer: Unknown signature format " +
+ to_string(sig_format));
+ }
+* PK_Verifier Constructor *
+PK_Verifier::PK_Verifier(const std::string& emsa_name)
+ {
+ emsa = get_emsa(emsa_name);
+ sig_format = IEEE_1363;
+ }
+* PK_Verifier Destructor *
+ {
+ delete emsa;
+ }
+* Set the signature format *
+void PK_Verifier::set_input_format(Signature_Format format)
+ {
+ if(key_message_parts() == 1 && format != IEEE_1363)
+ throw Invalid_State("PK_Verifier: This algorithm always uses IEEE 1363");
+ sig_format = format;
+ }
+* Verify a message *
+bool PK_Verifier::verify_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig)
+ {
+ return verify_message(msg, msg.size(), sig, sig.size());
+ }
+* Verify a message *
+bool PK_Verifier::verify_message(const byte msg[], u32bit msg_length,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_length)
+ {
+ update(msg, msg_length);
+ return check_signature(sig, sig_length);
+ }
+* Append to the message *
+void PK_Verifier::update(const byte in[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ emsa->update(in, length);
+ }
+* Append to the message *
+void PK_Verifier::update(byte in)
+ {
+ update(&in, 1);
+ }
+* Append to the message *
+void PK_Verifier::update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in)
+ {
+ update(in, in.size());
+ }
+* Check a signature *
+bool PK_Verifier::check_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig)
+ {
+ return check_signature(sig, sig.size());
+ }
+* Check a signature *
+bool PK_Verifier::check_signature(const byte sig[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ try {
+ if(sig_format == IEEE_1363)
+ return validate_signature(emsa->raw_data(), sig, length);
+ else if(sig_format == DER_SEQUENCE)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder decoder(sig, length);
+ BER_Decoder ber_sig = decoder.start_cons(SEQUENCE);
+ u32bit count = 0;
+ SecureVector<byte> real_sig;
+ while(ber_sig.more_items())
+ {
+ BigInt sig_part;
+ ber_sig.decode(sig_part);
+ real_sig.append(BigInt::encode_1363(sig_part,
+ key_message_part_size()));
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if(count != key_message_parts())
+ throw Decoding_Error("PK_Verifier: signature size invalid");
+ return validate_signature(emsa->raw_data(),
+ real_sig, real_sig.size());
+ }
+ else
+ throw Decoding_Error("PK_Verifier: Unknown signature format " +
+ to_string(sig_format));
+ }
+ catch(Invalid_Argument) { return false; }
+ catch(Decoding_Error) { return false; }
+ }
+* PK_Verifier_with_MR Constructor *
+PK_Verifier_with_MR::PK_Verifier_with_MR(const PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key& k,
+ const std::string& emsa_name) :
+ PK_Verifier(emsa_name), key(k)
+ {
+ }
+* Verify a signature *
+bool PK_Verifier_with_MR::validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> output_of_key = key.verify(sig, sig_len);
+ return emsa->verify(output_of_key, msg, key.max_input_bits());
+ }
+* PK_Verifier_wo_MR Constructor *
+PK_Verifier_wo_MR::PK_Verifier_wo_MR(const PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key& k,
+ const std::string& emsa_name) :
+ PK_Verifier(emsa_name), key(k)
+ {
+ }
+* Verify a signature *
+bool PK_Verifier_wo_MR::validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len)
+ {
+ Null_RNG rng;
+ SecureVector<byte> encoded =
+ emsa->encoding_of(msg, key.max_input_bits(), rng);
+ return key.verify(encoded, encoded.size(), sig, sig_len);
+ }
+* PK_Key_Agreement Constructor *
+PK_Key_Agreement::PK_Key_Agreement(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& k,
+ const std::string& k_name) :
+ key(k), kdf_name(k_name)
+ {
+ }
+* Perform Key Agreement Operation *
+SymmetricKey PK_Key_Agreement::derive_key(u32bit key_len,
+ const byte in[], u32bit in_len,
+ const std::string& params) const
+ {
+ return derive_key(key_len, in, in_len,
+ reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(params.data()),
+ params.length());
+ }
+* Perform Key Agreement Operation *
+SymmetricKey PK_Key_Agreement::derive_key(u32bit key_len, const byte in[],
+ u32bit in_len, const byte params[],
+ u32bit params_len) const
+ {
+ std::auto_ptr<KDF> kdf((kdf_name == "Raw") ? 0 : get_kdf(kdf_name));
+ OctetString z = key.derive_key(in, in_len);
+ if(kdf.get())
+ z = kdf->derive_key(key_len, z.bits_of(), params, params_len);
+ return z;
+ }