path: root/doc/manual/cli.rst
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authorNever <[email protected]>2016-11-17 15:29:37 +0100
committerNever <[email protected]>2016-11-17 15:29:37 +0100
commitb0f08355c4262194faebf6b57a9e6ee11551ca3a (patch)
treed6b2edbc1f0ec8dc4f5acad05bbd80ae58e49a96 /doc/manual/cli.rst
parent70299530a5dbdc2da7b4e287b5040e1d624b0de7 (diff)
added CLI section
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/manual/cli.rst')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
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+The Command Line Interface
+The botan program is a command line tool for using a broad variety of functions of the Botan library in the shell.
+The CLI offers access to the following functionalities:
+- Data en- and decoding
+- Creation and administration of public key parameters and keypairs
+- Calculation of message digests
+- Calculation and verification of public key signatures
+- Access to random number generators
+- Creation of X.509 certificates and certificate signing requests
+- OCSP certificate checking
+- Performance measurements of implemented algorithms
+- TLS server/client
+- Primality testing, prime factorization and prime sampling
+General Command Usage
+All commands follow the predefined syntax
+.. code-block:: sh
+ $ botan <command> <command-options>
+and are listed whith their available arguments when botan is called with an invalid or without a command.
+``hash --algo=SHA-256 --buf-size=4096 files``
+ Compute the *algo* digest of the data at *file*. *file* defaults to STDIN.
+``gen_bcrypt --work-factor=12 password``
+ Calculate the bcrypt password digest of *file*. *work-factor* is a integer between 1 and 18.
+ A higher *work-factor* value results in a more expensive hash calculation.
+``check_bcrypt password hash``
+ Checks if the bcrypt hash of the passed *password* equals the passed *hash* value.
+Public Key Cryptography
+``keygen --algo=RSA --params= --passphrase= --pbe= --pbe-millis=300 --der-out``
+ Generate a PKCS #8 *algo* private key. If *der-out* is passed, the pair is BER encoded.
+ Else PEM encoding is used. To protect the PKCS #8 formatted key, it is recommended to encrypt it with a provided
+ *passphrase*. *pbe* is the name of the desired encryption algorithm, which uses *pbe-millis* milliseconds to derive the encryption key from
+ the passed *passphrase*. Algorithm specific parameters, as the desired bitlength of a RSA key, can be passed with *params*.
+ - For RSA *params* specifies the bit length of the RSA modulus. Defaults to 3072.
+ - For DH *params* specifies the DH parameters. Defaults to modp/ietf/2048.
+ - For DSA *params* specifies the DSA parameters. Defaults to dsa/botan/2048.
+ - For EC algorithms *params* specifies the elliptic curve. Defaults to secp256r1.
+``pkcs8 --pass-in= --pub-out --der-out --pass-out= --pbe= --pbe-millis=300 key``
+ Open a PKCS #8 formatted key at *key*. If *key* is encrypted, the passphrase must be passed as
+ *pass-in*. It is possible to (re)encrypt the read key with the passphrase passed as *pass-out*. The
+ parameters *pbe-millis* and *pbe* work similar to ``keygen``.
+``sign --passphrase= --hash=SHA-256 --emsa= key file``
+ Sign a the data at *file* using the PKCS #8 private key *key*. If *key* is encrypted, the used passphrase must
+ be passed as *pass-in*. *emsa* specifies the signature scheme and *hash* the cryptographic hash function used in the scheme.
+ - For RSA signatures EMSA4 (RSA-PSS) is the default scheme.
+ - For ECDSA and DSA *emsa* defaults to EMSA1.
+``verify --hash=SHA-256 --emsa= pubkey file signature``
+ Verify the authenticity of the data at *file* with the provided signature *signature* and
+ the public key *pubkey*. Similar to the signing process, *emsa* specifies the signature scheme and *hash* the cryptographic hash function used in the scheme.
+``gen_dl_group --pbits=1024 --qbits=0 --type=subgroup``
+ Generate ANSI X9.42 encoded Diffie-Hellman group parameters.
+ - If *type=subgroup* is passed, the size of the prime subgroup q is sampled as a prime of *qbits* length and p is *pbits* long. If *qbits* is not passed, its length is estimated from *pbits* as described in RFC 3766.
+ - If *type=strong* is passed, p is sampled as a safe prime with length *pbits* and the prime subgroup has size q with *pbits*-1 length.
+``dl_group_info --pem name``
+ Print raw Diffie-Hellman parameters (p,g) of the standarized DH group *name*. If *pem* is set, the X9.42 encoded group is printed.
+``ec_group_info --pem name``
+ Print raw elliptic curve domain parameters of the standarized curve *name*. If *pem* is set, the encoded domain is printed.
+``gen_pkcs10 key CN --country= --organization= --email= --key-pass= --hash=SHA-256``
+ Generate a PKCS #10 certificate signing request (CSR) using the passed PKCS #8 private key *key*. If the private key is
+ encrypted, the decryption passphrase *key-pass* has to be passed.
+``gen_self_signed key CN --country= --dns= --organization= --email= --key-pass= --ca --hash=SHA-256``
+ Generate a self signed X.509 certificate using the PKCS #8 private key *key*. If the private key is encrypted, the decryption
+ passphrase *key-pass* has to be passed. If *ca* is passed, the certificate is marked for certificate authority (CA) usage.
+``sign_cert --ca-key-pass= --hash=SHA-256 --duration=365 ca_cert ca_key pkcs10_req``
+ Create a CA signed X.509 certificate from the information contained in the PKCS #10 CSR *pkcs10_req*. The CA certificate is passed as
+ *ca_cert* and the respective PKCS #8 private key as *ca_key*. If the private key is encrypted, the decryption
+ passphrase *ca-key-pass* has to be passed. The created certificate has a validity period of *duration* days.
+``ocsp_check subject issuer``
+ Verify a X.509 certificate against the issuers OCSP responder. Pass the certificate to validate as *subject* and the CA certificate as *issuer*.
+``cert_info --ber file``
+ Parse X.509 PEM certificate and display data fields.
+``cert_verify subject ca_certs``
+ Verify if the passed X.509 certificate *subject* passes the path validation. The list of trusted CA certificates is passed with *ca_certs*
+TLS Server/Client
+``tls_client host --port=443 --print-certs --policy= --tls1.0 --tls1.1 --tls1.2 --session-db= --session-db-pass= --next-protocols= --type=tcp``
+ Implements a testing TLS client, which connects to *host* via TCP or UDP on port *port*. The TLS version can be set with the flags *tls1.0*, *tls1.1* and *tls1.2* of which the lowest specified version is automatically chosen.
+ If none of the TLS version flags is set, the latest supported version is chosen. The client honors the passed TLS policy *policy* and prints all certificates in the chain, if *print-certs* is passed.
+ *next-protocols* is a comma seperated list and specifies the protocols to advertise with Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN).
+``tls_server cert key --port=443 --type=tcp --policy=``
+ Implements a testing TLS server, which allows TLS clients to connect. Binds to either TCP or UDP on port *port*. The server uses the certificate *cert* and the respective PKCS #8
+ private key *key*. The server honors the passed TLS policy *policy*.
+``is_prime --prob=56 n``
+ Test if the integer *n* is composite or prime with a Miller-Rabin primality test with *(prob+2)/2* iterations.
+``factor n``
+ Factor the integer *n* using a combination of trial division by small primes, and Pollard's Rho algorithm
+``gen_prime --count=1 bits``
+ Samples *count* primes with the a length of *bits* bits.
+Miscellaneous Commands
+``version --full``
+ Print version. Pass --full for additional details.
+``config info_type``
+ Print the used prefix, cflags, ldflags or libs.
+ List available processor flags (aes_ni, SIMD extensions, ...).
+``asn1print file``
+ Decode and print *file* with ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER).
+``base64_dec file``
+ Encode *file* to Base64.
+``base64_enc file``
+ Decode Base64 encoded *file*.
+``http_get url``
+ Retrieve ressource from the passed http/https *url*.
+``speed --msec=300 --provider= --buf-size=4096 algos``
+ Measures the speed of the passed *algos*. If no *algos* are passed all available
+ speed tests are executed. *msec* (in milliseconds) sets the period of measurement for each algorithm.
+``rng --system --rdrand bytes``
+ Sample *bytes* random bytes from the specified random number generator. If *system* is set, the Botan
+ System_RNG is used. If *system* is unset and *rdrand* is set, the hardware rng RDRAND_RNG is used.
+ If both are unset, the Botan AutoSeeded_RNG is used.
+``cc_encrypt CC passphrase --tweak=``
+ Encrypt the passed valid credit card number *CC* using FPE encryption and the passphrase *passphrase*. Due to the nature of FPE,
+ the ciphertext is also a credit card number with a valid checksum. *tweak* is public and parameterizes the encryption function.
+``cc_decrypt CC passphrase --tweak=``
+ Decrypt the passed valid ciphertext *CC* using FPE decryption with the passphrase *passphrase* and the tweak *tweak*.