diff options
authorRené Meusel <[email protected]>2019-02-08 14:22:30 +0100
committerRené Meusel <[email protected]>2019-02-18 15:54:18 +0100
commit9c9fd8754bf348a8b6c39395747ea87de6e23259 (patch)
parentc9357f4a2c4e69fb388b2132ffd6431b468d7988 (diff)
add an adaptor for certificate keychain access on macOS
FIX: build on non-macOS platforms FIX: move constructor of scoped_CFType implement Certificate_Store_MacOS::all_subjects() Refactor: factor out X509 policy creation FIX: cosmetics FIX: code cosmetics * Refactor: use a unique_ptr rather than free() * Refactor: use a unique_ptr rather than free() * use std::shared_ptr<> for Pimpl * double-check opening of cert stores * add some documentation * copyright notice dates shush clang compiler warning -Wcast-qual See here for details: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=177893 shush -Wmissing-braces on Travis CI (hopefully) FIX: crash when no certificate matches FIX: 'normalize' DNs according to Apple's needs FIX: take early review comments into account FIX: compiler warning regarding variable shadowing add timers to the cerstore tests FIX: catch invalid SHA-1 parameter FIX: handle ambiguous match in .find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1() according to the super-class's documentation FIX: API documentation FIX: cosmetics make Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_crl_for() return {} FIX: low-hanging review comments FIX: more review comments FIX: compiler warnings
5 files changed, 902 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build-data/os/darwin.txt b/src/build-data/os/darwin.txt
index 3b0147c22..b54dd99f1 100644
--- a/src/build-data/os/darwin.txt
+++ b/src/build-data/os/darwin.txt
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ commoncrypto
diff --git a/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/certstor_macos.cpp b/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/certstor_macos.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a3652ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/certstor_macos.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+* Certificate Store
+* (C) 1999-2019 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2019 René Meusel
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/build.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
+#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
+#include <botan/assert.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/certstor_macos.h>
+#include <botan/data_src.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/exceptn.h>
+#include <botan/x509_dn.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+ * Abstract RAII wrapper for CFTypeRef-style object handles
+ * All of those xxxRef types are eventually typedefs to void*
+ */
+template<typename T>
+class scoped_CFType
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit scoped_CFType(T value)
+ : m_value(value)
+ {
+ }
+ scoped_CFType(const scoped_CFType<T>& rhs) = delete;
+ scoped_CFType(scoped_CFType<T>&& rhs) :
+ m_value(std::move(rhs.m_value))
+ {
+ rhs.m_value = nullptr;
+ }
+ ~scoped_CFType()
+ {
+ if(m_value)
+ {
+ CFRelease(m_value);
+ }
+ }
+ operator bool() const { return m_value != nullptr; }
+ void assign(T value)
+ {
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(m_value == nullptr, "scoped_CFType was not set yet");
+ m_value = value;
+ }
+ T& get() { return m_value; }
+ const T& get() const { return m_value; }
+ private:
+ T m_value;
+ };
+ * Apple's DN parser "normalizes" ASN1 'PrintableString' into upper-case values
+ * and strips leading, trailing as well as multiple white spaces.
+ * See: opensource.apple.com/source/Security/Security-55471/sec/Security/SecCertificate.c.auto.html
+ */
+X509_DN normalize(const X509_DN& dn)
+ {
+ X509_DN result;
+ for(const auto& rdn : dn.dn_info())
+ {
+ // TODO: C++14 - use std::get<ASN1_String>(), resp. std::get<OID>()
+ const auto oid = rdn.first;
+ auto str = rdn.second;
+ if(str.tagging() == ASN1_Tag::PRINTABLE_STRING)
+ {
+ std::string normalized;
+ normalized.reserve(str.value().size());
+ for(const char c : str.value())
+ {
+ if(c != ' ')
+ {
+ // store all 'normal' characters as upper case
+ normalized.push_back(::toupper(c));
+ }
+ else if(!normalized.empty() && normalized.back() != ' ')
+ {
+ // remove leading and squash multiple white spaces
+ normalized.push_back(c);
+ }
+ }
+ if(normalized.back() == ' ')
+ {
+ // remove potential remaining single trailing white space char
+ normalized.erase(normalized.end() - 1);
+ }
+ str = ASN1_String(normalized, str.tagging());
+ }
+ result.add_attribute(oid, str);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+std::string to_string(const CFStringRef cfstring)
+ {
+ const char* ccstr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfstring, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ if(ccstr != nullptr)
+ {
+ return std::string(ccstr);
+ }
+ auto utf16_pairs = CFStringGetLength(cfstring);
+ auto max_utf8_bytes = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(utf16_pairs, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ std::vector<char> cstr(max_utf8_bytes, '\0');
+ auto result = CFStringGetCString(cfstring,
+ cstr.data(), cstr.size(),
+ kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ return (result) ? std::string(cstr.data()) : std::string();
+ }
+std::string to_string(const OSStatus status)
+ {
+ scoped_CFType<CFStringRef> eCFString(
+ SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, nullptr));
+ return to_string(eCFString.get());
+ }
+void check_success(const OSStatus status, const std::string context)
+ {
+ if(errSecSuccess == status)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw Internal_Error(
+ std::string("failed to " + context + ": " + to_string(status)));
+ }
+template <typename T>
+void check_notnull(const scoped_CFType<T>& value, const std::string context)
+ {
+ if(value)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw Internal_Error(std::string("failed to ") + context);
+ }
+SecCertificateRef to_SecCertificateRef(CFTypeRef object)
+ {
+ if(!object || CFGetTypeID(object) != SecCertificateGetTypeID())
+ {
+ throw Internal_Error("cannot convert CFTypeRef to SecCertificateRef");
+ }
+ return static_cast<SecCertificateRef>(const_cast<void*>(object));
+ }
+ * Create a CFDataRef view over some provided std::vector<uint8_t. The data is
+ * not copied but the resulting CFDataRef uses the std::vector's buffer as data
+ * store. Note that the CFDataRef still needs to be manually freed, hence the
+ * scoped_CFType wrapper.
+ */
+scoped_CFType<CFDataRef> createCFDataView(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
+ {
+ return scoped_CFType<CFDataRef>(
+ CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ data.data(),
+ data.size(),
+ kCFAllocatorNull));
+ }
+ * Convert a SecCertificateRef object into a Botan::X509_Certificate
+ */
+std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate> readCertificate(SecCertificateRef cert)
+ {
+ scoped_CFType<CFDataRef> derData(SecCertificateCopyData(cert));
+ check_notnull(derData, "read extracted certificate");
+ // TODO: factor this out into a createDataSourceView() as soon as this class
+ // gets a move-constructor
+ const auto data = CFDataGetBytePtr(derData.get());
+ const auto length = CFDataGetLength(derData.get());
+ DataSource_Memory ds(data, length);
+ return std::make_shared<Botan::X509_Certificate>(ds);
+ }
+ * Internal class implementation (i.e. Pimpl) to keep the required platform-
+ * dependent members of Certificate_Store_MacOS contained in this compilation
+ * unit.
+ */
+class Certificate_Store_MacOS_Impl
+ {
+ private:
+ static constexpr const char* system_roots =
+ "/System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain";
+ static constexpr const char* system_keychain =
+ "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain";
+ public:
+ using Query = std::vector<std::pair<CFStringRef, CFTypeRef>>;
+ public:
+ Certificate_Store_MacOS_Impl() :
+ m_policy(SecPolicyCreateBasicX509()),
+ m_system_roots(nullptr),
+ m_system_chain(nullptr),
+ m_keychains(nullptr)
+ {
+ check_success(SecKeychainOpen(system_roots, &m_system_roots.get()),
+ "open system root certificates");
+ check_success(SecKeychainOpen(system_keychain, &m_system_chain.get()),
+ "open system keychain");
+ check_notnull(m_system_roots, "open system root certificate chain");
+ check_notnull(m_system_chain, "open system certificate chain");
+ // m_keychains is merely a convenience list view into all open keychain
+ // objects. This list is required in prepareQuery().
+ std::array<const void*, 2> keychains{{
+ m_system_roots.get(),
+ m_system_chain.get()
+ }};
+ m_keychains.assign(
+ CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ keychains.data(),
+ keychains.size(),
+ &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks));
+ check_notnull(m_keychains, "initialize keychain array");
+ }
+ CFArrayRef keychains() const { return m_keychains.get(); }
+ SecPolicyRef policy() const { return m_policy.get(); }
+ /**
+ * Searches certificates in all opened system keychains. Takes an optional
+ * \p query that defines filter attributes to be searched for. That query
+ * is amended by generic attributes for "certificate filtering".
+ *
+ * \param query a list of key-value pairs used for filtering
+ * \returns an array with the resulting certificates or nullptr if
+ * no matching certificate was found
+ */
+ scoped_CFType<CFArrayRef> search(Query query = Query()) const
+ {
+ scoped_CFType<CFDictionaryRef> fullQuery(
+ prepareQuery(std::move(query)));
+ check_notnull(fullQuery, "create search query");
+ scoped_CFType<CFArrayRef> result(nullptr);
+ auto status = SecItemCopyMatching(fullQuery.get(),
+ (CFTypeRef*)&result.get());
+ if(errSecItemNotFound == status)
+ {
+ return scoped_CFType<CFArrayRef>(nullptr); // no matches
+ }
+ check_success(status, "look up certificate");
+ check_notnull(result, "look up certificate (invalid result value)");
+ return result;
+ }
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Amends the user-provided search query with generic filter rules for
+ * the associated system keychains.
+ */
+ scoped_CFType<CFDictionaryRef> prepareQuery(Query pairs) const
+ {
+ std::vector<CFStringRef> keys({kSecClass,
+ kSecReturnRef,
+ kSecMatchLimit,
+ kSecMatchTrustedOnly,
+ kSecMatchSearchList,
+ kSecMatchPolicy});
+ std::vector<CFTypeRef> values({kSecClassCertificate,
+ kCFBooleanTrue,
+ kSecMatchLimitAll,
+ kCFBooleanTrue,
+ keychains(),
+ policy()});
+ keys.reserve(pairs.size() + keys.size());
+ values.reserve(pairs.size() + values.size());
+ for(const auto& pair : pairs)
+ {
+ keys.push_back(pair.first);
+ values.push_back(pair.second);
+ }
+ BOTAN_ASSERT_EQUAL(keys.size(), values.size(), "valid key-value pairs");
+ return scoped_CFType<CFDictionaryRef>(CFDictionaryCreate(
+ kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)keys.data(),
+ (const void**)values.data(), keys.size(),
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_CFType<SecPolicyRef> m_policy;
+ scoped_CFType<SecKeychainRef> m_system_roots;
+ scoped_CFType<SecKeychainRef> m_system_chain;
+ scoped_CFType<CFArrayRef> m_keychains;
+ };
+Certificate_Store_MacOS::Certificate_Store_MacOS() :
+ m_impl(std::make_shared<Certificate_Store_MacOS_Impl>())
+ {
+ }
+std::vector<X509_DN> Certificate_Store_MacOS::all_subjects() const
+ {
+ scoped_CFType<CFArrayRef> result(m_impl->search());
+ if(!result)
+ {
+ return {}; // not a single certificate found in the keychain
+ }
+ const auto count = CFArrayGetCount(result.get());
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(count > 0, "subject result list contains data");
+ std::vector<X509_DN> output;
+ output.reserve(count);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ // Note: Apple's API provides SecCertificateCopyNormalizedSubjectSequence
+ // which would have saved us from reading a Botan::X509_Certificate,
+ // however, this function applies the same DN "normalization" as
+ // stated above.
+ auto cfCert = to_SecCertificateRef(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(result.get(), i));
+ auto cert = readCertificate(cfCert);
+ output.emplace_back(cert->subject_dn());
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>
+Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_cert(const X509_DN& subject_dn,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_id) const
+ {
+ const auto certs = find_all_certs(subject_dn, key_id);
+ if(certs.empty())
+ {
+ return nullptr; // certificate not found
+ }
+ if(certs.size() != 1)
+ {
+ throw Lookup_Error("ambiguous certificate result");
+ }
+ return certs.front();
+ }
+std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_all_certs(
+ const X509_DN& subject_dn,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_id) const
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> dn_data;
+ DER_Encoder encoder(dn_data);
+ normalize(subject_dn).encode_into(encoder);
+ scoped_CFType<CFDataRef> dn_cfdata(createCFDataView(dn_data));
+ check_notnull(dn_cfdata, "create DN search object");
+ Certificate_Store_MacOS_Impl::Query query_params(
+ {
+ {kSecAttrSubject, dn_cfdata.get()}
+ });
+ scoped_CFType<CFDataRef> keyid_cfdata(createCFDataView(key_id));
+ check_notnull(keyid_cfdata, "create key ID search object");
+ if(!key_id.empty())
+ {
+ query_params.push_back({kSecAttrSubjectKeyID, keyid_cfdata.get()});
+ }
+ scoped_CFType<CFArrayRef> result(m_impl->search(std::move(query_params)));
+ if(!result)
+ {
+ return {}; // no certificates found
+ }
+ const auto count = CFArrayGetCount(result.get());
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(count > 0, "certificate result list contains data");
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> output;
+ output.reserve(count);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ auto cfCert = to_SecCertificateRef(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(result.get(), i));
+ output.emplace_back(readCertificate(cfCert));
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>
+Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1(const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_hash) const
+ {
+ if(key_hash.size() != 20)
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1 invalid hash");
+ }
+ scoped_CFType<CFDataRef> key_hash_cfdata(createCFDataView(key_hash));
+ check_notnull(key_hash_cfdata, "create key hash search object");
+ scoped_CFType<CFArrayRef> result(m_impl->search(
+ {
+ {kSecAttrPublicKeyHash, key_hash_cfdata.get()},
+ }));
+ if(!result)
+ {
+ return nullptr; // no certificate found
+ }
+ const auto count = CFArrayGetCount(result.get());
+ BOTAN_ASSERT(count > 0, "certificate result list contains an object");
+ // `count` might be greater than 1, but we'll just select the first match
+ auto cfCert = to_SecCertificateRef(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(result.get(), 0));
+ return readCertificate(cfCert);
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>
+Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_cert_by_raw_subject_dn_sha256(const std::vector<uint8_t>& subject_hash) const
+ {
+ BOTAN_UNUSED(subject_hash);
+ throw Not_Implemented("Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_cert_by_raw_subject_dn_sha256");
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<const X509_CRL> Certificate_Store_MacOS::find_crl_for(const X509_Certificate& subject) const
+ {
+ BOTAN_UNUSED(subject);
+ return {};
+ }
diff --git a/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/certstor_macos.h b/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/certstor_macos.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7416e631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/certstor_macos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+* Certificate Store
+* (C) 1999-2019 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2019 René Meusel
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <memory>
+#include <botan/certstor.h>
+namespace Botan {
+class Certificate_Store_MacOS_Impl;
+* Certificate Store that is backed by the system trust store on macOS. This
+* opens a handle to the macOS keychain and serves certificate queries directly
+* from there.
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2, 10) Certificate_Store_MacOS final : public Certificate_Store
+ {
+ public:
+ Certificate_Store_MacOS();
+ Certificate_Store_MacOS(const Certificate_Store_MacOS&) = default;
+ Certificate_Store_MacOS(Certificate_Store_MacOS&&) = default;
+ Certificate_Store_MacOS& operator=(const Certificate_Store_MacOS&) = default;
+ Certificate_Store_MacOS& operator=(Certificate_Store_MacOS&&) = default;
+ /**
+ * @return DNs for all certificates managed by the store
+ */
+ std::vector<X509_DN> all_subjects() const override;
+ /**
+ * Find a certificate by Subject DN and (optionally) key identifier
+ * @return the first certificate that matches
+ */
+ std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate> find_cert(
+ const X509_DN& subject_dn,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_id) const override;
+ /**
+ * Find all certificates with a given Subject DN.
+ * Subject DN and even the key identifier might not be unique.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>> find_all_certs(
+ const X509_DN& subject_dn, const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_id) const override;
+ /**
+ * Find a certificate by searching for one with a matching SHA-1 hash of
+ * public key.
+ * @return a matching certificate or nullptr otherwise
+ */
+ std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>
+ find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1(const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_hash) const override;
+ /**
+ * @throws Botan::Not_Implemented
+ */
+ std::shared_ptr<const X509_Certificate>
+ find_cert_by_raw_subject_dn_sha256(const std::vector<uint8_t>& subject_hash) const override;
+ /**
+ * Fetching CRLs is not supported by the keychain on macOS. This will
+ * always return an empty list.
+ */
+ std::shared_ptr<const X509_CRL> find_crl_for(const X509_Certificate& subject) const override;
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<Certificate_Store_MacOS_Impl> m_impl;
+ };
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/info.txt b/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46cc432e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/x509/certstor_system_macos/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+CERTSTOR_MACOS -> 20190207
+darwin -> CoreFoundation
+darwin -> Security
+</frameworks> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tests/test_certstor_macos.cpp b/src/tests/test_certstor_macos.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..243a150da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_certstor_macos.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+* (C) 1999-2019 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2019 René Meusel
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include "tests.h"
+#include <botan/certstor_macos.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/hex.h>
+namespace Botan_Tests {
+namespace {
+Botan::X509_DN read_dn(const std::string hex)
+ {
+ Botan::X509_DN dn;
+ Botan::BER_Decoder decoder(Botan::hex_decode(hex));
+ dn.decode_from(decoder);
+ return dn;
+ }
+Botan::X509_DN get_dn()
+ {
+ // Public key fingerprint of "DST Root CA X3"
+ // This certificate is in the standard "System Roots" of any macOS setup,
+ // serves as the trust root of botan.randombit.net and expires on
+ // Thursday, 30. September 2021 at 16:01:15 Central European Summer Time
+ return read_dn("303f31243022060355040a131b4469676974616c205369676e6174757265"
+ "20547275737420436f2e311730150603550403130e44535420526f6f7420"
+ "4341205833");
+ }
+std::vector<uint8_t> get_key_id()
+ {
+ // this is the same as the public key SHA1
+ return Botan::hex_decode("c4a7b1a47b2c71fadbe14b9075ffc41560858910");
+ }
+Botan::X509_DN get_unknown_dn()
+ {
+ // thats a D-Trust "Test Certificate". It should be fairly likely that
+ // _nobody_ will _ever_ have that in their system keychain
+ // CN: D-TRUST Limited Basic Test PU CA 1-4 2016
+ return read_dn("305b310b300906035504061302444531153013060355040a0c0c442d5472"
+ "75737420476d62483135303306035504030c2c442d5452555354204c696d"
+ "6974656420426173696320526f6f74205465737420505520434120312032"
+ "303135");
+ }
+Botan::X509_DN get_skewed_dn()
+ {
+ // This DN contains ASN.1 PrintableString fields that are not 'normalized'
+ // according to Apple's idea of a normalized PrintableString field:
+ // (1) It has leading and trailing white space
+ // (2) It contains multiple spaces between 'words'
+ return read_dn("304b312a3028060355040a132120204469676974616c2020205369676e61"
+ "7475726520547275737420436f2e2020311d301b06035504031314202044"
+ "5354202020526f6f742043412058332020");
+ }
+std::vector<uint8_t> get_unknown_key_id()
+ {
+ // this is the same as the public key SHA1
+ return Botan::hex_decode("785c0b67b536eeacbb2b27cf9123301abe7ab09a");
+ }
+Test::Result open_certificate_store()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - Open Keychain");
+ try
+ {
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS unused;
+ result.end_timer();
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ result.test_success();
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result find_certificate_by_pubkey_sha1()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - Find Certificate by SHA1(pubkey)");
+ try
+ {
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ auto cert = certstore.find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1(get_key_id());
+ result.end_timer();
+ if(result.test_not_null("found certificate", cert.get()))
+ {
+ auto cns = cert->subject_dn().get_attribute("CN");
+ result.test_is_eq("exactly one CN", cns.size(), 1ul);
+ result.test_eq("CN", cns.front(), "DST Root CA X3");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ result.test_throws("on invalid SHA1 hash data", [&]
+ {
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ certstore.find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1({});
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result find_cert_by_subject_dn()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - Find Certificate by subject DN");
+ try
+ {
+ auto dn = get_dn();
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ auto cert = certstore.find_cert(dn, std::vector<uint8_t>());
+ result.end_timer();
+ if(result.test_not_null("found certificate", cert.get()))
+ {
+ auto cns = cert->subject_dn().get_attribute("CN");
+ result.test_is_eq("exactly one CN", cns.size(), 1ul);
+ result.test_eq("CN", cns.front(), "DST Root CA X3");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result find_cert_by_subject_dn_and_key_id()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - Find Certificate by subject DN and key ID");
+ try
+ {
+ auto dn = get_dn();
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ auto cert = certstore.find_cert(dn, get_key_id());
+ result.end_timer();
+ if(result.test_not_null("found certificate", cert.get()))
+ {
+ auto cns = cert->subject_dn().get_attribute("CN");
+ result.test_is_eq("exactly one CN", cns.size(), 1ul);
+ result.test_eq("CN", cns.front(), "DST Root CA X3");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result find_certs_by_subject_dn_and_key_id()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - Find Certificates by subject DN and key ID");
+ try
+ {
+ auto dn = get_dn();
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ auto certs = certstore.find_all_certs(dn, get_key_id());
+ result.end_timer();
+ if(result.confirm("result not empty", !certs.empty()) &&
+ result.test_eq("exactly one certificate", certs.size(), 1))
+ {
+ auto cns = certs.front()->subject_dn().get_attribute("CN");
+ result.test_is_eq("exactly one CN", cns.size(), 1ul);
+ result.test_eq("CN", cns.front(), "DST Root CA X3");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result find_all_subjects()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - Find all Certificate Subjects");
+ try
+ {
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ auto subjects = certstore.all_subjects();
+ result.end_timer();
+ if(result.confirm("result not empty", !subjects.empty()))
+ {
+ auto dn = get_dn();
+ auto needle = std::find_if(subjects.cbegin(),
+ subjects.cend(),
+ [=](const Botan::X509_DN &subject)
+ {
+ return subject == dn;
+ });
+ if(result.confirm("found expected certificate", needle != subjects.end()))
+ {
+ result.confirm("expected certificate", *needle == dn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result no_certificate_matches()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - can deal with no matches (regression test)");
+ try
+ {
+ auto dn = get_unknown_dn();
+ auto kid = get_unknown_key_id();
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ auto certs = certstore.find_all_certs(dn, kid);
+ auto cert = certstore.find_cert(dn, kid);
+ auto pubk_cert = certstore.find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1(kid);
+ result.end_timer();
+ result.confirm("find_all_certs did not find the dummy", certs.empty());
+ result.confirm("find_cert did not find the dummy", !cert);
+ result.confirm("find_cert_by_pubkey_sha1 did not find the dummy", !pubk_cert);
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Test::Result certificate_matching_with_dn_normalization()
+ {
+ Test::Result result("macOS Certificate Store - normalization of X.509 DN (regression test)");
+ try
+ {
+ auto dn = get_skewed_dn();
+ result.start_timer();
+ Botan::Certificate_Store_MacOS certstore;
+ auto certs = certstore.find_all_certs(dn, std::vector<uint8_t>());
+ auto cert = certstore.find_cert(dn, std::vector<uint8_t>());
+ result.end_timer();
+ if(result.confirm("find_all_certs did find the skewed DN", !certs.empty()) &&
+ result.confirm("find_cert did find the skewed DN", cert != nullptr))
+ {
+ result.test_eq("it is the correct cert", certs.front()->subject_dn().get_first_attribute("CN"), "DST Root CA X3");
+ result.test_eq("it is the correct cert", cert->subject_dn().get_first_attribute("CN"), "DST Root CA X3");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ result.test_failure(e.what());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+class Certstor_macOS_Tests final : public Test
+ {
+ public:
+ std::vector<Test::Result> run() override
+ {
+ std::vector<Test::Result> results;
+ results.push_back(open_certificate_store());
+ results.push_back(find_certificate_by_pubkey_sha1());
+ results.push_back(find_cert_by_subject_dn());
+ results.push_back(find_cert_by_subject_dn_and_key_id());
+ results.push_back(find_certs_by_subject_dn_and_key_id());
+ results.push_back(find_all_subjects());
+ results.push_back(no_certificate_matches());
+ results.push_back(certificate_matching_with_dn_normalization());
+ return results;
+ }
+ };
+BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("certstor_macos", Certstor_macOS_Tests);