diff options
authorlloyd <[email protected]>2006-09-03 22:45:07 +0000
committerlloyd <[email protected]>2006-09-03 22:45:07 +0000
commit641434d57e6aa8ea3c5cdc2005baca2be1e9cf13 (patch)
parent05fd55167f1a5b31e9e6e2e389b159b65f045b7b (diff)
Make some of the code a bit more Perl-ish
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/configure.pl b/configure.pl
index 0d3f95e30..44405d855 100755
--- a/configure.pl
+++ b/configure.pl
@@ -385,37 +385,34 @@ sub portable_symlink {
sub copy_files {
my ($include_dir, $mainline, $modules) = @_;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir();
- foreach (keys %{ $mainline }) {
- portable_symlink(File::Spec->catfile($updir, $updir, $updir,
- 'include', $_),
- $include_dir, $_);
- }
- foreach (keys %{ $modules }) {
- portable_symlink(File::Spec->catfile($updir, $updir, $updir,
- $$modules{$_}, $_),
- $include_dir, $_);
- }
+ my $link_up = sub {
+ my ($dir, $file) = @_;
+ my $updir = File::Spec->updir();
+ portable_symlink(File::Spec->catfile($updir, $updir, $updir,
+ $dir, $file),
+ $include_dir, $file);
+ };
+ foreach (keys %$mainline) { &$link_up('include', $_); }
+ foreach (keys %$modules) { &$link_up($$modules{$_}, $_); }
sub list_dir {
- my ($dir, $ignore) = @_;
- opendir DIR, $dir or die "Couldn't open directory $dir ($!)\n";
- my @list = grep { !/^\./ } readdir DIR;
- if($dir eq $CHECK_DIR) {
- @list = grep { !/\.dat$/ } grep { !/^keys$/ } grep { !/\.h$/ } @list;
- }
- # If $ignore is set, pull everything in @list that's in $ignore out of it
- if(defined($ignore)) {
- @list = grep { !exists($$ignore{$_}) } @list;
- }
- close DIR;
- my %list = map { $_ => $dir } @list;
- return %list;
+ my ($dir, $ignore) = @_;
+ opendir DIR, $dir or die "Couldn't open directory $dir ($!)\n";
+ my @list = grep { !/^\./ } readdir DIR;
+ if($dir eq $CHECK_DIR) {
+ @list = grep { !/\.dat$/ } grep { !/^keys$/ } grep { !/\.h$/ } @list;
+ }
+ # If $ignore is set, pull everything in @list that's in $ignore out of it
+ if(defined($ignore)) {
+ @list = grep { !exists($$ignore{$_}) } @list;
+ }
+ close DIR;
+ my %list = map { $_ => $dir } @list;
+ return %list;
sub clean_out_dirs {
@@ -430,32 +427,29 @@ sub clean_out_dirs {
sub mkdirs {
- my (@dirs) = @_;
- foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
- next if( -e $dir and -d $dir ); # skip it if it's already there
- mkdir($dir, 0777) or
- die "(error): Could not create directory $dir ($!)\n";
- }
+ my (@dirs) = @_;
+ foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+ next if( -e $dir and -d $dir ); # skip it if it's already there
+ mkdir($dir, 0777) or
+ die "(error): Could not create directory $dir ($!)\n";
+ }
sub in_array {
- my($array, $target) = @_;
- return 0 unless defined($array);
- foreach (@$array) { return 1 if($_ eq $target); }
- return 0;
+ my($array, $target) = @_;
+ return 0 unless defined($array);
+ foreach (@$array) { return 1 if($_ eq $target); }
+ return 0;
-sub find_mp_bits
+sub find_mp_bits {
my(@modules_list) = @_;
my $mp_bits = 32; # default, good for most systems
my $seen_mp_module = 0;
- foreach my $modname (@modules_list)
- {
+ foreach my $modname (@modules_list) {
my %modinfo = %{ $MODULES{$modname} };
- if($modinfo{'mp_bits'})
- {
+ if($modinfo{'mp_bits'}) {
die "(error): Inconsistent mp_bits requests from modules\n"
if($seen_mp_module && $modinfo{'mp_bits'} != $mp_bits);
@@ -466,36 +460,32 @@ sub find_mp_bits
return $mp_bits;
-sub print_config_h
- {
- my ($major, $minor, $patch, $config_h, $local_config, $os, $arch, $cpu,
- $mp_bits, $defines_ref, $defines_base_ref) = @_;
- my @defines = @{ $defines_ref };
- my @defines_base = @{ $defines_base_ref };
+sub print_config_h {
+ my ($major, $minor, $patch, $config_h, $local_config, $os, $arch, $cpu,
+ $mp_bits, $defines_ext, $defines_base) = @_;
- chomp($patch);
+ chomp($patch);
- my $defines = '';
- foreach (sort @defines_base) {
- next if not defined $_ or not $_;
- $defines .= "#define BOTAN_$_\n";
- }
- if(scalar @defines_base) { $defines .= "\n"; }
+ my $defines = '';
+ foreach (sort @$defines_base) {
+ next if not defined $_ or not $_;
+ $defines .= "#define BOTAN_$_\n";
+ }
+ $defines .= "\n" if(scalar @$defines_base);
- foreach (sort @defines) {
- next if not defined $_ or not $_;
- $defines .= "#define BOTAN_EXT_$_\n";
- }
+ foreach (sort @$defines_ext) {
+ next if not defined $_ or not $_;
+ $defines .= "#define BOTAN_EXT_$_\n";
+ }
- chomp($defines);
+ chomp($defines);
- if($defines) { $defines = "\n" . $defines . "\n"; }
+ if($defines) { $defines = "\n" . $defines . "\n"; }
- open CONFIG_H, ">$config_h" or
- die "Couldn't write $config_h ($!)\n";
+ open CONFIG_H, ">$config_h" or
+ die "Couldn't write $config_h ($!)\n";
* Build Config Header File *
* (C) 1999-2006 The Botan Project *
@@ -544,59 +534,56 @@ END_OF_CONFIG_H
sub check_for_conflicts {
- my @mods = @_;
- my (%ignored, %added, %replaced, %defines);
- foreach my $mod (@mods) {
- sub check_hash {
- my ($mod, $do_what, $hashref) = @_;
- foreach (keys %{ $MODULES{$mod}{$do_what} }) {
- ${$hashref}{conflicts($mod, $_, $do_what, $hashref)} = $mod;
- }
- }
- check_hash($mod, 'define', \%defines);
- check_hash($mod, 'replace', \%replaced);
- check_hash($mod, 'add', \%added);
- check_hash($mod, 'ignore', \%ignored);
- }
+ sub conflicts {
+ my ($mod, $item, $do_what, $hashref) = @_;
+ return if(!defined($item));
+ if(defined($$hashref{$item})) {
+ my $other_mod = $$hashref{$item};
+ die "(error): Both $mod and $other_mod $do_what $item\n";
+ }
+ return $item;
+ }
-sub conflicts {
- my ($mod, $item, $do_what, $hashref) = @_;
- return if(!defined($item));
+ my @mods = @_;
+ my (%ignored, %added, %replaced, %defines);
+ foreach my $mod (@mods) {
+ sub check_hash {
+ my ($mod, $do_what, $hashref) = @_;
+ foreach (keys %{ $MODULES{$mod}{$do_what} }) {
+ $$hashref{conflicts($mod, $_, $do_what, $hashref)} = $mod;
+ }
+ }
- if(defined($$hashref{$item})) {
- my $other_mod = $$hashref{$item};
- die "(error): Both $mod and $other_mod $do_what $item\n";
- }
- return $item;
+ check_hash($mod, 'define', \%defines);
+ check_hash($mod, 'replace', \%replaced);
+ check_hash($mod, 'add', \%added);
+ check_hash($mod, 'ignore', \%ignored);
+ }
-sub get_modules_list
- {
- my $MOD_DIR = $_[0];
- my $dir = new DirHandle $MOD_DIR;
- if(!defined $dir) { return (); }
- my %MODULES;
- while(defined($_ = $dir->read))
- {
- next if($_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..');
- my $MODULE = $_;
- my %modinfo = get_module_info($MODULE, $MOD_DIR);
- foreach (keys %modinfo) { $MODULES{$MODULE}{$_} = $modinfo{$_}; }
- }
- return %MODULES;
- }
+sub get_modules_list {
+ my $MOD_DIR = $_[0];
+ my $dir = new DirHandle $MOD_DIR;
+ if(!defined $dir) { return (); }
-sub get_module_info
- {
+ my %MODULES;
+ while(defined($_ = $dir->read)) {
+ next if($_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..');
+ my $MODULE = $_;
+ my %modinfo = get_module_info($MODULE, $MOD_DIR);
+ foreach (keys %modinfo) { $MODULES{$MODULE}{$_} = $modinfo{$_}; }
+ }
+ return %MODULES;
+sub get_module_info {
my ($MODULE, $MOD_DIR) = @_;
my %modinfo;
- my $desc_file = File::Spec->catfile($MOD_DIR,$MODULE, 'modinfo.txt');
+ my $desc_file = File::Spec->catfile($MOD_DIR, $MODULE, 'modinfo.txt');
die "(error): Module $MODULE does not seem to have a description file\n"
unless(-e $desc_file);
@@ -752,12 +739,11 @@ sub load_module {
sub handle_files {
- my($modname, $hash_scalar, $func) = @_;
- return unless defined($hash_scalar);
- my %hash = %{ $hash_scalar };
- foreach (sort keys %hash) {
- if(defined($hash{$_})) { &$func($modname, $_, $hash{$_}); }
- else { &$func($modname, $_); }
+ my($modname, $hash, $func) = @_;
+ return unless defined($hash);
+ foreach (sort keys %$hash) {
+ if(defined($$hash{$_})) { &$func($modname, $_, $$hash{$_}); }
+ else { &$func($modname, $_); }
@@ -777,19 +763,26 @@ sub full_path {
sub add_file {
my ($modname,$file) = @_;
check_for_file(full_path($file, $modname), $modname);
- if($file =~ /\.cpp$/ or $file =~ /\.s$/ or $file =~ /\.S$/)
- { $added_src{$file} = File::Spec->catdir($MOD_DIR, $modname); }
- elsif($file =~ /\.h$/)
- { $added_include{$file} = File::Spec->catdir($MOD_DIR, $modname); }
+ if($file =~ /\.cpp$/ or $file =~ /\.s$/ or $file =~ /\.S$/) {
+ $added_src{$file} = File::Spec->catdir($MOD_DIR, $modname);
+ }
+ elsif($file =~ /\.h$/) {
+ $added_include{$file} = File::Spec->catdir($MOD_DIR, $modname);
+ }
else { die "Not sure where to put $file\n"; }
sub ignore_file {
my ($modname,$file) = @_;
check_for_file(full_path($file), $modname);
- if($file =~ /\.cpp$/ or $file =~ /\.s$/ or $file =~ /\.S$/)
- { $ignored_src{$file} = 1; }
- elsif($file =~ /\.h$/) { $ignored_include{$file} = 1; }
+ if($file =~ /\.cpp$/ or $file =~ /\.s$/ or $file =~ /\.S$/) {
+ $ignored_src{$file} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($file =~ /\.h$/) {
+ $ignored_include{$file} = 1;
+ }
else { die "Not sure where to put $file\n"; }
@@ -855,7 +848,7 @@ sub which
foreach my $path (@paths)
my $file_path = File::Spec->catfile($path, $file);
- return $file_path if(guess_check_for_file($file_path));
+ return $file_path if(-e $file_path and -r $file_path);
return '';
@@ -927,10 +920,11 @@ sub guess_triple
# If we have /proc/cpuinfo, try to get nice specific information about
# what kind of CPU we're running on.
- if(guess_check_for_file('/proc/cpuinfo'))
+ if(-e '/proc/cpuinfo' and -r '/proc/cpuinfo')
- open CPUINFO, '/proc/cpuinfo' or die
- "Hey, guess_check_for_file said /proc/cpuinfo was readable!\n";
+ open CPUINFO, '/proc/cpuinfo' or
+ die "Couldn't read /proc/cpuinfo ($!)\n";
my $cpuinfo = join('', <CPUINFO>);
close CPUINFO;
@@ -1014,13 +1008,6 @@ sub guess_triple
-sub guess_check_for_file
- my $file = $_[0];
- return 1 if(-f $file and -r $file);
- return 0;
sub guess_mods
my ($cc, $os, $arch, $submodel) = @_;
@@ -1054,43 +1041,36 @@ sub guess_mods
sub os_info_for {
- my ($os,$hashref) = @_;
- my %hash = %{ $hashref };
+ my ($os,$hash) = @_;
die "Internal error: os_info_for called with undef hash\n"
- unless %hash;
+ unless $hash;
die "Internal error: os_info_for called with an os of defaults\n"
if($os eq 'defaults');
- return $hash{$os} if(defined($hash{$os}) && $hash{$os} ne '');
- return $hash{'defaults'};
+ return ($$hash{$os}) if(defined($$hash{$os}) && $$hash{$os} ne '');
+ return $$hash{'defaults'};
sub os_static_suffix {
- my $os = $_[0];
- return os_info_for($os, \%OS_STATIC_SUFFIX);
+ return os_info_for(shift, \%OS_STATIC_SUFFIX);
sub os_shared_suffix {
- my $os = $_[0];
- return os_info_for($os, \%OS_SHARED_SUFFIX);
+ return os_info_for(shift, \%OS_SHARED_SUFFIX);
sub os_obj_suffix {
- my $os = $_[0];
- return os_info_for($os, \%OS_OBJ_SUFFIX);
+ return os_info_for(shift, \%OS_OBJ_SUFFIX);
sub os_ar_command {
- my $os = $_[0];
- return os_info_for($os, \%OS_AR_COMMAND);
+ return os_info_for(shift, \%OS_AR_COMMAND);
sub os_ar_needs_ranlib {
- my $os = $_[0];
- return os_info_for($os, \%OS_AR_NEEDS_RANLIB);
+ return os_info_for(shift, \%OS_AR_NEEDS_RANLIB);
sub os_install_info {
@@ -1251,7 +1231,7 @@ sub print_unix_makefile {
my $__TAB__ = "\t";
my $link_to = "-lm";
- foreach my $lib (@{ $lib_list }) { $link_to .= " -l" . $lib; }
+ foreach my $lib (@$lib_list) { $link_to .= " -l" . $lib; }
my $lib_flags = '$(LIB_OPT) $(MACH_OPT) $(LANG_FLAGS) $(WARN_FLAGS)';
@@ -1510,7 +1490,7 @@ sub print_nmake_makefile {
my $__TAB__ = "\t";
my $link_to = '';
- foreach my $lib (@{ $lib_list })
+ foreach my $lib (@$lib_list)
my $lib_full = $lib . "." . $static_lib_suffix;
if($link_to eq '') { $link_to .= $lib_full; }