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authorJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2017-02-19 10:16:09 -0500
committerJack Lloyd <[email protected]>2017-02-19 10:16:09 -0500
commit18313f4ec3cddd61bf8fb7b38f5f788311b18703 (patch)
parent7258a544b0488a895b45a23e65a6bd3d9b0b2fd3 (diff)
parentb4b38e88709ca7759ddfc5fa322ecac0ae394957 (diff)
Merge GH #886 Improve ffi docs
2 files changed, 554 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/doc/manual/ffi.rst b/doc/manual/ffi.rst
index b7a0d750f..1f28b1b37 100644
--- a/doc/manual/ffi.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/ffi.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ FFI Interface
Botan's ffi module provides a C API intended to be easily usable with
other language's foreign function interface (FFI) libraries. For
instance the Python module using the FFI interface needs only the
-ctypes module (included in default Python) and works with
+ctypes module (included in default Python). Code examples can be found
+in `src/tests/test_ffi.cpp`.
@@ -18,9 +19,9 @@ Versioning
expressed in the form YYYYMMDD of the release date of this version
of the API.
-.. cpp:function int botan_ffi_supports_api(uint32_t version)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_ffi_supports_api(uint32_t version)
- Return 0 iff the FFI version specified is supported by this
+ Returns 0 iff the FFI version specified is supported by this
library. Otherwise returns -1. The expression
botan_ffi_supports_api(botan_ffi_api_version()) will always
evaluate to 0. A particular version of the library may also support
@@ -28,59 +29,100 @@ Versioning
.. cpp:function:: const char* botan_version_string()
- Returns a free-from version string
+ Returns a free-from version string, e.g., 2.0.0
.. cpp:function:: uint32_t botan_version_major()
- Returns the major version of the library
+ Returns the major version of the library
.. cpp:function:: uint32_t botan_version_minor()
- Returns the minor version of the library
+ Returns the minor version of the library
.. cpp:function:: uint32_t botan_version_patch()
- Returns the patch version of the library
+ Returns the patch version of the library
.. cpp:function:: uint32_t botan_version_datestamp()
- Returns the date this version was released as an integer, or 0
- if an unreleased version
+ Returns the date this version was released as an integer, or 0
+ if an unreleased version
+Utility Functions
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_same_mem(const uint8_t* x, const uint8_t* y, size_t len)
+ Returns 0 if `x[0..len] == y[0..len]`, -1 otherwise.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_hex_encode(const uint8_t* x, size_t len, char* out, uint32_t flags)
+ Performs hex encoding of binary data in *x* of size *len* bytes.
+ The output buffer *out* must be of at least *x*2* bytes in size.
+ If *flags* contains ``BOTAN_FFI_HEX_LOWER_CASE``, hex encoding
+ will only contain lower-case letters, upper-case letters otherwise.
+ Returns 0 on success, 1 otherwise.
+Random Number Generators
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_rng_t
+ An opaque data type for a random number generator. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_rng_init(botan_rng_t* rng, const char* rng_type)
+ Initialize a random number generator object from the given
+ *rng_type*: "system" or `nullptr`: `System_RNG`, "user": `AutoSeeded_RNG`.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_rng_get(botan_rng_t rng, uint8_t* out, size_t out_len)
+ Get random bytes from a random number generator.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_rng_reseed(botan_rng_t rng, size_t bits)
+ Reseeds the random number generator with *bits* number of bits
+ from the `System_RNG`.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_rng_destroy(botan_rng_t rng)
+ Destroy the object created by :cpp:func:`botan_rng_init`.
Hash Functions
.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_hash_t
- An opaque data type for a hash. Don't mess with it.
+ An opaque data type for a hash. Don't mess with it.
.. cpp:function:: botan_hash_t botan_hash_init(const char* hash, uint32_t flags)
- Creates a hash of the given name. Returns null on failure. Flags should
- always be zero in this version of the API.
+ Creates a hash of the given name, e.g., "SHA-384".
+ Returns null on failure. Flags should always be zero in this version of the API.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_hash_destroy(botan_hash_t hash)
- Destroy the object created by botan_hash_init
+ Destroy the object created by :cpp:func:`botan_hash_init`.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_hash_clear(botan_hash_t hash)
- Reset the state of this object back to clean, as if no input has
- been supplied
+ Reset the state of this object back to clean, as if no input has
+ been supplied.
.. cpp:function:: size_t botan_hash_output_length(botan_hash_t hash)
- Return the output length of the hash
+ Return the output length of the hash function.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_hash_update(botan_hash_t hash, const uint8_t* input, size_t len)
- Add input to the hash computation
+ Add input to the hash computation.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_hash_final(botan_hash_t hash, uint8_t out[])
- Finalize the hash and place the output in out. Exactly
- botan_hash_output_length() bytes will be written.
+ Finalize the hash and place the output in out. Exactly
+ :cpp:func:`botan_hash_output_length` bytes will be written.
-Authentication Codes
+Message Authentication Codes
.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_mac_t
@@ -89,17 +131,34 @@ Authentication Codes
.. cpp:function:: botan_mac_t botan_mac_init(const char* mac, uint32_t flags)
+ Creates a MAC of the given name, e.g., "HMAC(SHA-384)".
+ Returns null on failure. Flags should always be zero in this version of the API.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_mac_destroy(botan_mac_t mac)
-.. cpp:function:: int botan_mac_clear(botan_mac_t hash)
+ Destroy the object created by :cpp:func:`botan_mac_init`.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_mac_clear(botan_mac_t mac)
+ Reset the state of this object back to clean, as if no key and input have
+ been supplied.
+.. cpp:function:: size_t botan_mac_output_length(botan_mac_t mac)
+ Return the output length of the MAC.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_mac_set_key(botan_mac_t mac, const uint8_t* key, size_t key_len)
+ Set the random key.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_mac_update(botan_mac_t mac, uint8_t buf[], size_t len)
+ Add input to the MAC computation.
.. cpp:function:: int botan_mac_final(botan_mac_t mac, uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
-.. cpp:function:: size_t botan_mac_output_length(botan_mac_t mac)
+ Finalize the MAC and place the output in out. Exactly
+ :cpp:func:`botan_mac_output_length` bytes will be written.
@@ -137,3 +196,280 @@ Ciphers
.. cpp:function:: size_t botan_cipher_default_nonce_length(botan_cipher_t cipher)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pbkdf(const char* pbkdf_algo, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t out_len, \
+ const char* passphrase, \
+ const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len, \
+ size_t iterations)
+ Derive a key from a passphrase for a number of iterations
+ using the given PBKDF algorithm, e.g., "PBKDF2".
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pbkdf_timed(const char* pbkdf_algo, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t out_len, \
+ const char* passphrase, \
+ const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len, \
+ size_t milliseconds_to_run, \
+ size_t* out_iterations_used)
+ Derive a key from a passphrase using the given PBKDF algorithm,
+ e.g., "PBKDF2". If *out_iterations_used* is zero, instead the
+ PBKDF is run until *milliseconds_to_run* milliseconds have passed.
+ In this case, the number of iterations run will be written to
+ *out_iterations_used*.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_kdf(const char* kdf_algo, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t out_len, \
+ const uint8_t secret[], size_t secret_len, \
+ const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len, \
+ const uint8_t label[], size_t label_len)
+ Derive a key using the given KDF algorithm, e.g., "SP800-56C".
+ The derived key of length *out_len* bytes will be placed in *out*.
+Password Hashing
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_bcrypt_generate(uint8_t* out, size_t* out_len, \
+ const char* password, \
+ botan_rng_t rng, \
+ size_t work_factor, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+ Create a password hash using Bcrypt.
+ The output buffer *out* should be of length 64 bytes.
+ The output is formatted bcrypt $2a$...
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_bcrypt_is_valid(const char* pass, const char* hash)
+ Check a previously created password hash.
+ Returns 0 if if this password/hash combination is valid,
+ 1 if the combination is not valid (but otherwise well formed),
+ negative on error.
+Public Key Creation, Import and Export
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_privkey_t
+ An opaque data type for a private key. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_create(botan_privkey_t* key, \
+ const char* algo_name, \
+ const char* algo_params, \
+ botan_rng_t rng)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_create_rsa(botan_privkey_t* key, botan_rng_t rng, size_t n_bits)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_create_ecdsa(botan_privkey_t* key, botan_rng_t rng, const char* params)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_create_ecdh(botan_privkey_t* key, botan_rng_t rng, const char* params)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_create_mceliece(botan_privkey_t* key, botan_rng_t rng, size_t n, size_t t)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_load(botan_privkey_t* key, botan_rng_t rng, \
+ const uint8_t bits[], size_t len, \
+ const char* password)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_destroy(botan_privkey_t key)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_export(botan_privkey_t key, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_export_encrypted(botan_privkey_t key, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len, \
+ botan_rng_t rng, \
+ const char* passphrase, \
+ const char* encryption_algo, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_pubkey_t
+ An opaque data type for a public key. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pubkey_load(botan_pubkey_t* key, const uint8_t bits[], size_t len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_privkey_export_pubkey(botan_pubkey_t* out, botan_privkey_t in)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pubkey_export(botan_pubkey_t key, uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len, uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pubkey_algo_name(botan_pubkey_t key, char out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pubkey_estimated_strength(botan_pubkey_t key, size_t* estimate)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pubkey_fingerprint(botan_pubkey_t key, const char* hash, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pubkey_destroy(botan_pubkey_t key)
+Public Key Encryption/Decryption
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_pk_op_encrypt_t
+ An opaque data type for an encryption operation. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_encrypt_create(botan_pk_op_encrypt_t* op, \
+ botan_pubkey_t key, \
+ const char* padding, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_encrypt_destroy(botan_pk_op_encrypt_t op)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_encrypt(botan_pk_op_encrypt_t op, \
+ botan_rng_t rng, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len, \
+ const uint8_t plaintext[], size_t plaintext_len)
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_pk_op_decrypt_t
+ An opaque data type for a decryption operation. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_decrypt_create(botan_pk_op_decrypt_t* op, \
+ botan_privkey_t key, \
+ const char* padding, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_decrypt_destroy(botan_pk_op_decrypt_t op)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_decrypt(botan_pk_op_decrypt_t op, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len, \
+ uint8_t ciphertext[], size_t ciphertext_len)
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_pk_op_sign_t
+ An opaque data type for a signature generation operation. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_sign_create(botan_pk_op_sign_t* op, \
+ botan_privkey_t key, \
+ const char* hash_and_padding, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_sign_destroy(botan_pk_op_sign_t op)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_sign_update(botan_pk_op_sign_t op, \
+ const uint8_t in[], size_t in_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_sign_finish(botan_pk_op_sign_t op, botan_rng_t rng, \
+ uint8_t sig[], size_t* sig_len)
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_pk_op_verify_t
+ An opaque data type for a signature verification operation. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_verify_create(botan_pk_op_verify_t* op, \
+ botan_pubkey_t key, \
+ const char* hash_and_padding, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_verify_destroy(botan_pk_op_verify_t op)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_verify_update(botan_pk_op_verify_t op, \
+ const uint8_t in[], size_t in_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_verify_finish(botan_pk_op_verify_t op, \
+ const uint8_t sig[], size_t sig_len)
+Key Agreement
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_pk_op_ka_t
+ An opaque data type for a key agreement operation. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_key_agreement_create(botan_pk_op_ka_t* op, \
+ botan_privkey_t key, \
+ const char* kdf, \
+ uint32_t flags)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_key_agreement_destroy(botan_pk_op_ka_t op)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_key_agreement_export_public(botan_privkey_t key, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_pk_op_key_agreement(botan_pk_op_ka_t op, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len, \
+ const uint8_t other_key[], size_t other_key_len, \
+ const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_mceies_encrypt(botan_pubkey_t mce_key, \
+ botan_rng_t rng, \
+ const char* aead, \
+ const uint8_t pt[], size_t pt_len, \
+ const uint8_t ad[], size_t ad_len, \
+ uint8_t ct[], size_t* ct_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_mceies_decrypt(botan_privkey_t mce_key, \
+ const char* aead, \
+ const uint8_t ct[], size_t ct_len, \
+ const uint8_t ad[], size_t ad_len, \
+ uint8_t pt[], size_t* pt_len)
+X.509 Certificates
+.. cpp:type:: opaque* botan_x509_cert_t
+ An opaque data type for an X.509 certificate. Don't mess with it.
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_load(botan_x509_cert_t* cert_obj, \
+ const uint8_t cert[], size_t cert_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_load_file(botan_x509_cert_t* cert_obj, const char* filename)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_destroy(botan_x509_cert_t cert)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_gen_selfsigned(botan_x509_cert_t* cert, \
+ botan_privkey_t key, \
+ botan_rng_t rng, \
+ const char* common_name, \
+ const char* org_name)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_time_starts(botan_x509_cert_t cert, char out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_time_expires(botan_x509_cert_t cert, char out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_fingerprint(botan_x509_cert_t cert, const char* hash, uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_serial_number(botan_x509_cert_t cert, uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_authority_key_id(botan_x509_cert_t cert, uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_subject_key_id(botan_x509_cert_t cert, uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_path_verify(botan_x509_cert_t cert, \
+ const char* ca_dir)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_public_key_bits(botan_x509_cert_t cert, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_public_key(botan_x509_cert_t cert, botan_pubkey_t* key)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_issuer_dn(botan_x509_cert_t cert, \
+ const char* key, size_t index, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_get_subject_dn(botan_x509_cert_t cert, \
+ const char* key, size_t index, \
+ uint8_t out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_to_string(botan_x509_cert_t cert, char out[], size_t* out_len)
+.. cpp:enum:: botan_x509_cert_key_constraints
+ Certificate key usage constraints. Allowed values: `NO_CONSTRAINTS`,
+.. cpp:function:: int botan_x509_cert_allowed_usage(botan_x509_cert_t cert, unsigned int key_usage)
diff --git a/src/lib/ffi/ffi.h b/src/lib/ffi/ffi.h
index 3378e0dcd..264c3d24d 100644
--- a/src/lib/ffi/ffi.h
+++ b/src/lib/ffi/ffi.h
@@ -61,21 +61,43 @@ how to provide the cleanest API for such users would be most welcome.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
-* Versioning
+* Return the version of the currently supported FFI API. This is
+* expressed in the form YYYYMMDD of the release date of this version
+* of the API.
BOTAN_DLL uint32_t botan_ffi_api_version();
* Return 0 (ok) if the version given is one this library supports.
* botan_ffi_supports_api(botan_ffi_api_version()) will always return 0.
BOTAN_DLL int botan_ffi_supports_api(uint32_t api_version);
+* Return a free-form version string, e.g., 2.0.0
BOTAN_DLL const char* botan_version_string();
+* Return the major version of the library
BOTAN_DLL uint32_t botan_version_major();
+* Return the minor version of the library
BOTAN_DLL uint32_t botan_version_minor();
+* Return the patch version of the library
BOTAN_DLL uint32_t botan_version_patch();
+* Return the date this version was released as
+* an integer, or 0 if an unreleased version
BOTAN_DLL uint32_t botan_version_datestamp();
@@ -120,60 +142,100 @@ doesn't exactly work well either!
//const char* botan_error_description(int err);
* Returns 0 if x[0..len] == y[0..len], or otherwise -1
BOTAN_DLL int botan_same_mem(const uint8_t* x, const uint8_t* y, size_t len);
+* Perform hex encoding
+* @param x is some binary data
+* @param len length of x in bytes
+* @param out an array of at least x*2 bytes
+* @param flags flags out be upper or lower case?
+* @return 0 on success, 1 on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hex_encode(const uint8_t* x, size_t len, char* out, uint32_t flags);
// TODO: botan_hex_decode
// TODO: botan_base64_encode
// TODO: botan_base64_decode
-* RNG
+* RNG type
typedef struct botan_rng_struct* botan_rng_t;
+* Initialize a random number generator object
+* @param rng rng object
+* @param rng_type type of the rng, possible values:
+* "system" or nullptr: System_RNG, "user": AutoSeeded_RNG
* TODO: replace rng_type with simple flags?
BOTAN_DLL int botan_rng_init(botan_rng_t* rng, const char* rng_type);
+* Get random bytes from a random number generator
+* @param rng rng object
+* @param out output buffer of size out_len
+* @param out_len number of requested bytes
+* @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
* TODO: better name
BOTAN_DLL int botan_rng_get(botan_rng_t rng, uint8_t* out, size_t out_len);
+* Reseed a random number generator
+* Uses the System_RNG as a seed generator.
+* @param rng rng object
+* @param bits number of bits to to reseed with
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_rng_reseed(botan_rng_t rng, size_t bits);
+* Frees all resources of the random number generator object
+* @param rng rng object
+* @return always returns 0
BOTAN_DLL int botan_rng_destroy(botan_rng_t rng);
-* Hashing
+* Hash type
typedef struct botan_hash_struct* botan_hash_t;
-* Initialize a hash object:
-* botan_hash_t hash
-* botan_hash_init(&hash, "SHA-384", 0);
+* Initialize a hash function object
+* @param hash hash object
+* @param hash_name name of the hash function, e.g., "SHA-384"
+* @param flags should be 0 in current API revision, all other uses are reserved
-* Flags should be 0 in current API revision, all other uses are reserved.
* TODO: since output_length is effectively required to use this API,
* return it from init as an output parameter
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_init(botan_hash_t* hash, const char* hash_name, uint32_t flags);
-* Writes the output length of the hash object to *output_length
+* Writes the output length of the hash function to *output_length
+* @param hash hash object
+* @param output_length output buffer to hold the hash function output length
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_output_length(botan_hash_t hash, size_t* output_length);
-* Send more input to the hash function.
+* Send more input to the hash function
+* @param hash hash object
+* @param in input buffer
+* @param in_len number of bytes to read from the input buffer
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_update(botan_hash_t hash, const uint8_t* in, size_t in_len);
@@ -181,33 +243,96 @@ BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_update(botan_hash_t hash, const uint8_t* in, size_t in_
* Finalizes the hash computation and writes the output to
* out[0:botan_hash_output_length()] then reinitializes for computing
* another digest as if botan_hash_clear had been called.
+* @param hash hash object
+* @param out output buffer
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_final(botan_hash_t hash, uint8_t out[]);
* Reinitializes the state of the hash computation. A hash can
* be computed (with update/final) immediately.
+* @param hash hash object
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_clear(botan_hash_t hash);
-* Frees all resources of this object
+* Frees all resources of the hash object
+* @param hash hash object
+* @return always returns 0
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_destroy(botan_hash_t hash);
+* TODO has no implementation
BOTAN_DLL int botan_hash_name(botan_hash_t hash, char* name, size_t name_len);
-* Message Authentication
+* Message Authentication type
typedef struct botan_mac_struct* botan_mac_t;
+* Initialize a message authentication code object
+* @param mac mac object
+* @param mac_name name of the hash function, e.g., "HMAC(SHA-384)"
+* @param flags should be 0 in current API revision, all other uses are reserved
+* and return -1
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_init(botan_mac_t* mac, const char* mac_name, uint32_t flags);
+* Writes the output length of the message authentication code to *output_length
+* @param mac mac object
+* @param output_length output buffer to hold the MAC output length
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_output_length(botan_mac_t mac, size_t* output_length);
+* Sets the key on the MAC
+* @param mac mac object
+* @param key buffer holding the key
+* @param key_len size of the key buffer in bytes
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_set_key(botan_mac_t mac, const uint8_t* key, size_t key_len);
+* Send more input to the message authentication code
+* @param mac mac object
+* @param buf input buffer
+* @param len number of bytes to read from the input buffer
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_update(botan_mac_t mac, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len);
+* Finalizes the MAC computation and writes the output to
+* out[0:botan_mac_output_length()] then reinitializes for computing
+* another MAC as if botan_mac_clear had been called.
+* @param mac mac object
+* @param out output buffer
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_final(botan_mac_t mac, uint8_t out[]);
-BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_clear(botan_mac_t hash);
+* Reinitializes the state of the MAC computation. A MAC can
+* be computed (with update/final) immediately.
+* @param mac mac object
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
+BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_clear(botan_mac_t mac);
+* Frees all resources of the MAC object
+* @param mac mac object
+* @return always returns 0
BOTAN_DLL int botan_mac_destroy(botan_mac_t mac);
@@ -254,23 +379,54 @@ BOTAN_DLL int botan_cipher_clear(botan_cipher_t hash);
BOTAN_DLL int botan_cipher_destroy(botan_cipher_t cipher);
+* Derive a key from a passphrase for a number of iterations
+* @param pbkdf_algo PBKDF algorithm, e.g., "PBKDF2"
+* @param out buffer to store the derived key, must be of out_len bytes
+* @param out_len the desired length of the key to produce
+* @param passphrase the password to derive the key from
+* @param salt a randomly chosen salt
+* @param salt_len length of salt in bytes
+* @param iterations the number of iterations to use (use 10K or more)
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_pbkdf(const char* pbkdf_algo,
uint8_t out[], size_t out_len,
- const char* password,
+ const char* passphrase,
const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len,
size_t iterations);
+* Derive a key from a passphrase, running until msec time has elapsed.
+* @param pbkdf_algo PBKDF algorithm, e.g., "PBKDF2"
+* @param out buffer to store the derived key, must be of out_len bytes
+* @param out_len the desired length of the key to produce
+* @param passphrase the password to derive the key from
+* @param salt a randomly chosen salt
+* @param salt_len length of salt in bytes
+* @param milliseconds_to_run if iterations is zero, then instead the PBKDF is
+* run until milliseconds_to_run milliseconds has passed
+* @param out_iterations_used set to the number iterations executed
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_pbkdf_timed(const char* pbkdf_algo,
uint8_t out[], size_t out_len,
- const char* password,
+ const char* passphrase,
const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len,
size_t milliseconds_to_run,
size_t* out_iterations_used);
-* KDF
+* Derive a key
+* @param kdf_algo KDF algorithm, e.g., "SP800-56C"
+* @param out buffer holding the derived key, must be of length out_len
+* @param out_len the desired output length in bytes
+* @param secret the secret input
+* @param secret_len size of secret in bytes
+* @param salt a diversifier
+* @param salt_len size of salt in bytes
+* @param label purpose for the derived keying material
+* @param label_len size of label in bytes
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
BOTAN_DLL int botan_kdf(const char* kdf_algo,
uint8_t out[], size_t out_len,
@@ -278,9 +434,17 @@ BOTAN_DLL int botan_kdf(const char* kdf_algo,
const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len,
const uint8_t label[], size_t label_len);
-* Bcrypt
-* *out_len should be 64 bytes
+* Create a password hash using Bcrypt
+* @param out buffer holding the password hash, should be of length 64 bytes
+* @param out_len the desired output length in bytes
+* @param password the password
+* @param rng a random number generator
+* @param work_factor how much work to do to slow down guessing attacks
+* @param flags should be 0 in current API revision, all other uses are reserved
+* @return 0 on success, a negative value on failure
* Output is formatted bcrypt $2a$...
BOTAN_DLL int botan_bcrypt_generate(uint8_t* out, size_t* out_len,
@@ -290,9 +454,12 @@ BOTAN_DLL int botan_bcrypt_generate(uint8_t* out, size_t* out_len,
uint32_t flags);
-* Returns 0 if if this password/hash combination is valid
-* Returns 1 if the combination is not valid (but otherwise well formed)
-* Returns negative on error
+* Check a previously created password hash
+* @param pass the password to check against
+* @param hash the stored hash to check against
+* @return 0 if if this password/hash combination is valid,
+* 1 if the combination is not valid (but otherwise well formed),
+* negative on error
BOTAN_DLL int botan_bcrypt_is_valid(const char* pass, const char* hash);