Imports System.IO Imports System Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Threading Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class frmMain Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '# Sets the Version in the bottom corner of the screen. Version.Text = System.String.Format(Version.Text, My.Application.Info.Version.Major, My.Application.Info.Version.Minor) '# ---------------------------------------------------- '# Updated check on Startup. Dim file_path As String = Application.StartupPath Try If My.Settings.StartupUpdate = 1 Then ' Download the update file ' open the file for reading and read the first 2 lines for GUI and CLI versions Dim wc As New System.Net.WebClient() wc.DownloadFile("", file_path & "\update.txt") wc.Dispose() Dim versionStream As StreamReader = File.OpenText(file_path & "\update.txt") Dim windowsGUI As String = versionStream.ReadLine() Dim windowsCLI As String = versionStream.ReadLine() versionStream.Close() ' If the version is now the same as the one shown here, Display the update label If windowsGUI <> My.Settings.HandbrakeGUIVersion Then lbl_update.Visible = True ElseIf windowsCLI <> My.Settings.HandbrakeCLIVersion Then lbl_update.Visible = True End If End If Catch ex As Exception '# No need to alert the user if the update fails. Its just annoying. End Try '#--------------------------------------------------- '# Load the Last used Settings '#--------------------------------------------------- Try If My.Settings.UseUsersDefaultSettings = 1 Then 'Source text_source.Text = My.Settings.DVDSource drp_dvdtitle.Text = My.Settings.DVDTitle drop_chapterStart.Text = My.Settings.ChapterStart drop_chapterFinish.Text = My.Settings.ChapterFinish 'Destination text_destination.Text = My.Settings.VideoDest drp_videoEncoder.Text = My.Settings.VideoEncoder drp_audioCodec.Text = My.Settings.AudioEncoder text_width.Text = My.Settings.Width text_height.Text = My.Settings.Height 'Picture Settings Tab drp_crop.Text = My.Settings.CroppingOption text_top.Text = My.Settings.CropTop text_bottom.Text = My.Settings.CropBottom text_left.Text = My.Settings.CropLeft text_right.Text = My.Settings.CropRight drp_subtitle.Text = My.Settings.Subtitles 'Video Settings Tab text_bitrate.Text = My.Settings.VideoBitrate text_filesize.Text = My.Settings.VideoFilesize slider_videoQuality.Value = My.Settings.VideoQuality check_2PassEncode.CheckState = My.Settings.TwoPass check_DeInterlace.CheckState = My.Settings.DeInterlace check_grayscale.CheckState = My.Settings.Grayscale drp_videoFramerate.Text = My.Settings.Framerate CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = My.Settings.PixelRatio check_turbo.CheckState = My.Settings.turboFirstPass check_largeFile.CheckState = My.Settings.largeFile 'Audio Settings Tab drp_audioBitrate.Text = My.Settings.AudioBitrate drp_audioSampleRate.Text = My.Settings.AudioSampleRate drp_audioChannels.Text = My.Settings.AudioChannels 'Advanced Settings Tab drp_processors.Text = My.Settings.Processors 'H264 Tab CheckCRF.CheckState = My.Settings.CRF rtf_h264advanced.Text = My.Settings.H264 End If Catch ex As Exception '# Not actually needed but vb required it to avoid an unhandled exception Interger to String issue. Maybe fix this later End Try '#--------------------------------------------------- '# Read DVD at Startup Dialog '#--------------------------------------------------- If My.Settings.ReadDVDatStartup = 1 Then frmSelectDVD.Show() End If End Sub '# '# '# Any Code relating to the frmMain menu bar '# '# Private Sub mnu_exit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_exit.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub mnu_save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_save.Click 'Source Dim source As String = text_source.Text Dim dvdTitle As String = drp_dvdtitle.Text Dim ChapterStart As String = drop_chapterStart.Text Dim ChapterFinish As String = drop_chapterFinish.Text 'Destination Dim destination As String = text_destination.Text Dim videoEncoder As String = drp_videoEncoder.Text Dim audioEncoder As String = drp_audioCodec.Text Dim width As String = text_width.Text Dim height As String = text_height.Text 'Picture Settings Tab Dim cropTop As String = text_top.Text Dim cropBottom As String = text_bottom.Text Dim cropLeft As String = text_left.Text Dim cropRight As String = text_right.Text Dim subtitles As String = drp_subtitle.Text 'Video Settings Tab Dim videoBitrate As String = text_bitrate.Text Dim videoFilesize As String = text_filesize.Text Dim videoQuality As String = slider_videoQuality.Value Dim twoPassEncoding As String = check_2PassEncode.CheckState Dim deinterlace As String = check_DeInterlace.CheckState Dim grayscale As String = check_grayscale.CheckState Dim videoFramerate As String = drp_videoFramerate.Text Dim pixelRation As String = CheckPixelRatio.CheckState Dim ChapterMarkers As String = Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckState Dim turboH264 As String = check_turbo.CheckState Dim largeFile As String = check_largeFile.CheckState 'Audio Settings Tab Dim audioBitrate As String = drp_audioBitrate.Text Dim audioSampleRate As String = drp_audioSampleRate.Text Dim audioChannels As String = drp_audioChannels.Text Dim AudioMixDown As String = drp_audioMixDown.Text 'Advanced Settings Tab Dim processors As String = drp_processors.Text 'H264 Tab Dim CRF As String = CheckCRF.CheckState Dim advH264 As String = rtf_h264advanced.Text Dim filename As String File_Save.ShowDialog() filename = File_Save.FileName If (filename <> "") Then Try Dim ApplicationPath As String = Application.StartupPath Dim StreamWriter As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(filename) StreamWriter.WriteLine(source) StreamWriter.WriteLine(dvdTitle) StreamWriter.WriteLine(ChapterStart) StreamWriter.WriteLine(ChapterFinish) StreamWriter.WriteLine(destination) StreamWriter.WriteLine(videoEncoder) StreamWriter.WriteLine(audioEncoder) StreamWriter.WriteLine(width) StreamWriter.WriteLine(height) StreamWriter.WriteLine(cropTop) StreamWriter.WriteLine(cropBottom) StreamWriter.WriteLine(cropLeft) StreamWriter.WriteLine(cropRight) StreamWriter.WriteLine(subtitles) StreamWriter.WriteLine(videoBitrate) StreamWriter.WriteLine(videoFilesize) StreamWriter.WriteLine(videoQuality) StreamWriter.WriteLine(twoPassEncoding) StreamWriter.WriteLine(deinterlace) StreamWriter.WriteLine(grayscale) StreamWriter.WriteLine(videoFramerate) StreamWriter.WriteLine(ChapterMarkers) StreamWriter.WriteLine(pixelRation) StreamWriter.WriteLine(turboH264) StreamWriter.WriteLine(largeFile) StreamWriter.WriteLine(audioBitrate) StreamWriter.WriteLine(audioSampleRate) StreamWriter.WriteLine(audioChannels) StreamWriter.WriteLine(AudioMixDown) StreamWriter.WriteLine(processors) StreamWriter.WriteLine(CRF) StreamWriter.WriteLine(advH264) StreamWriter.Close() MessageBox.Show("Your profile has been sucessfully saved.", "STATUS", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) Catch MessageBox.Show("Unable to write to the file. Please make sure the location has the correct permissions for file writing.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand) End Try End If End Sub Private Sub mnu_open_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_open.Click Dim filename As String File_Open.ShowDialog() filename = File_Open.FileName If (filename <> "") Then Try Dim inputStream As StreamReader = File.OpenText(filename) text_source.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_dvdtitle.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drop_chapterStart.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drop_chapterFinish.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_destination.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_videoEncoder.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_audioCodec.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_width.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_height.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_top.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_bottom.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_left.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_right.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_subtitle.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_bitrate.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() text_filesize.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() slider_videoQuality.Value = inputStream.ReadLine() check_2PassEncode.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() check_DeInterlace.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() check_grayscale.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_videoFramerate.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() check_turbo.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() check_largeFile.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_audioBitrate.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_audioSampleRate.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_audioChannels.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_audioMixDown.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() drp_processors.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() 'Advanced H264 Options CheckCRF.CheckState = inputStream.ReadLine() rtf_h264advanced.Text = inputStream.ReadLine() ' Fix for SliderValue not appearing when Opening saved file SliderValue.Text = slider_videoQuality.Value & "%" Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Unable to load profile.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand) End Try End If End Sub Private Sub mnu_about_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_about.Click frmAbout.Show() End Sub Private Sub mnu_update_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_update.Click frmUpdate.Show() End Sub Private Sub mnu_encode_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_encode.Click frmQueue.Show() End Sub Private Sub mnu_ProgramDefaultOptions_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_ProgramDefaultOptions.Click 'Source My.Settings.DVDSource = text_source.Text My.Settings.DVDTitle = drp_dvdtitle.Text My.Settings.ChapterStart = drop_chapterStart.Text My.Settings.ChapterFinish = drop_chapterFinish.Text 'Destination My.Settings.VideoDest = text_destination.Text My.Settings.VideoEncoder = drp_videoEncoder.Text My.Settings.AudioEncoder = drp_audioCodec.Text My.Settings.Width = text_width.Text My.Settings.Height = text_height.Text 'Picture Settings Tab My.Settings.CroppingOption = drp_crop.Text My.Settings.CropTop = text_top.Text My.Settings.CropBottom = text_bottom.Text My.Settings.CropLeft = text_left.Text My.Settings.CropRight = text_right.Text My.Settings.Subtitles = drp_subtitle.Text 'Video Settings Tab My.Settings.VideoBitrate = text_bitrate.Text My.Settings.VideoFilesize = text_filesize.Text My.Settings.VideoQuality = slider_videoQuality.Value My.Settings.TwoPass = check_2PassEncode.CheckState My.Settings.DeInterlace = check_DeInterlace.CheckState My.Settings.Grayscale = check_grayscale.CheckState My.Settings.Framerate = drp_videoFramerate.Text My.Settings.PixelRatio = CheckPixelRatio.CheckState My.Settings.turboFirstPass = check_turbo.CheckState My.Settings.largeFile = check_largeFile.CheckState 'Audio Settings Tab My.Settings.AudioBitrate = drp_audioBitrate.Text My.Settings.AudioSampleRate = drp_audioSampleRate.Text My.Settings.AudioChannels = drp_audioChannels.Text 'Advanced Settings Tab My.Settings.Processors = drp_processors.Text 'H264 Tab My.Settings.CRF = CheckCRF.CheckState My.Settings.H264 = rtf_h264advanced.Text My.Settings.Save() End Sub Private Sub mnu_viewDVDdata_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_viewDVDdata.Click frmDvdData.Show() End Sub 'Some Presets Private Sub mnu_preset_ipod133_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_preset_ipod133.Click CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked text_width.Text = "640" text_height.Text = "480" drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264 (iPod)" text_bitrate.Text = "1000" text_filesize.Text = "" slider_videoQuality.Value = 0 SliderValue.Text = "0%" drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160" rtf_h264advanced.Text = "" drp_crop.Text = "No Crop" End Sub Private Sub mnu_preset_ipod178_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_preset_ipod178.Click CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked text_width.Text = "640" text_height.Text = "352" drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264 (iPod)" text_bitrate.Text = "1000" text_filesize.Text = "" slider_videoQuality.Value = 0 SliderValue.Text = "0%" drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160" rtf_h264advanced.Text = "" drp_crop.Text = "No Crop" End Sub Private Sub mnu_preset_ipod235_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_preset_ipod235.Click CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked text_width.Text = "640" text_height.Text = "272" drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264 (iPod)" text_bitrate.Text = "1000" text_filesize.Text = "" slider_videoQuality.Value = 0 SliderValue.Text = "0%" drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160" rtf_h264advanced.Text = "" drp_crop.Text = "No Crop" End Sub Private Sub mnu_presetPS3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_presetPS3.Click CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked text_width.Text = "" text_height.Text = "" drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264" text_bitrate.Text = "3000" text_filesize.Text = "" slider_videoQuality.Value = 0 SliderValue.Text = "0%" drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160" CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked drp_audioSampleRate.Text = "48" rtf_h264advanced.Text = "level=41" drp_crop.Text = "No Crop" End Sub Private Sub mnu_appleTv_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_appleTv.Click text_width.Text = "" text_height.Text = "" drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264" text_bitrate.Text = "3000" text_filesize.Text = "" slider_videoQuality.Value = 0 SliderValue.Text = "0%" drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160" CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked drp_audioSampleRate.Text = "48" rtf_h264advanced.Text = "bframes=3:ref=1:subme=5:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1:no-dct-decimate=1:trellis=2" drp_crop.Text = "No Crop" End Sub Private Sub mnu_options_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_options.Click frmOptions.Show() End Sub Private Sub mnu_wiki_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_wiki.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") End Sub Private Sub mnu_onlineDocs_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_onlineDocs.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") End Sub Private Sub mnu_homepage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_homepage.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") End Sub Private Sub mnu_forum_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_forum.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") End Sub Private Sub mnu_faq_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnu_faq.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") End Sub '# '# '# Buttons on the frmMain '# '# Private Sub btn_Browse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Browse.Click Dim filename As String text_source.Text = "" If RadioDVD.Checked Then DVD_Open.ShowDialog() filename = DVD_Open.SelectedPath text_source.Text = filename If filename <> "" Then frmReadDVD.Show() End If Else ISO_Open.ShowDialog() filename = ISO_Open.FileName text_source.Text = filename If filename <> "" Then frmReadDVD.Show() End If End If End Sub Private Sub btn_destBrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_destBrowse.Click Dim filename As String DVD_Save.ShowDialog() filename = DVD_Save.FileName If Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckState = 1 Then filename = filename.Replace(".mp4", ".m4v").Trim() End If text_destination.Text = filename.Trim Dim DriveLetter() As String = text_destination.Text.Split(":") '# '# Make sure there is a reasonable amount of space left on the Drive. '# Try Dim FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim Drv Try Drv = FileSys.GetDrive(DriveLetter(0) & ":") Dim lAvailableSpace As Long lAvailableSpace = Drv.AvailableSpace lAvailableSpace = lAvailableSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 If lAvailableSpace < 4 Then MessageBox.Show("Low on Disk Space. There is: " & lAvailableSpace & "GB Available", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) End If Dim lTotalSpace As Long lTotalSpace = Drv.TotalSize Finally Drv = Nothing End Try Catch ex As Exception ' Ignore the Error - Change this to an IF Statment at some point so it works better. End Try End Sub Private Sub GenerateQuery_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GenerateQuery.Click Dim query As String = GenerateTheQuery() Dim ApplicationPath As String = Application.StartupPath QueryEditorText.Text = """" + ApplicationPath + "\hbcli.exe""" + query End Sub Private Sub btn_ClearQuery_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_ClearQuery.Click QueryEditorText.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub btn_h264Clear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_h264Clear.Click rtf_h264advanced.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub btn_queue_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_queue.Click Dim query As String query = GenerateTheQuery() frmQueue.list_queue.Items.Add(query) frmQueue.Show() End Sub Private Sub btn_encode_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_encode.Click Dim query As String Dim ApplicationPath As String = Application.StartupPath If (frmQueue.list_queue.Items.Count > 0) Then MessageBox.Show("You have items on the video queue. If you wish to run the queue, click the Enocde Videos button on the Queue window.", "ALERT", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) End If Try If (QueryEditorText.Text = "") Then query = GenerateTheQuery() Shell("""" + ApplicationPath + "\hbcli.exe""" + query) MessageBox.Show("The Handbrake encoder (CLI) will now start and should be encoding your video.", "ALERT", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) 'Lets start the process monitor to keep an eye on things. hbcliMonitor = New ProcessMonitor() Dim t = New Thread(AddressOf hbcliMonitor.tmrProcCheck) t.Start() Else query = QueryEditorText.Text Shell("""" + ApplicationPath + "\hbcli.exe""" + query) MessageBox.Show("The Handbrake encoder (CLI) will now start and should be encoding your video.", "ALERT", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) 'Lets start the process monitor to keep an eye on things. hbcliMonitor = New ProcessMonitor() Dim t = New Thread(AddressOf hbcliMonitor.tmrProcCheck) t.Start() End If Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Unable to Launch the Encoder.") MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString) ' Debug End Try End Sub Private Sub label_h264_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles label_h264.LinkClicked System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") End Sub '# '# '# Dynamic stuff on frm Main '# '# Private Sub drop_chapterFinish_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drop_chapterFinish.SelectedIndexChanged Dim chapterFinish As Integer = drop_chapterFinish.Text Dim chapterStart As Integer = drop_chapterStart.Text Try If (chapterFinish < chapterStart) Then MessageBox.Show("Invalid Chapter Range! - Final chapter can not be smaller than the starting chapter.", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) End If Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Invalid Character Entered") End Try End Sub Private Sub drop_chapterStart_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drop_chapterStart.SelectedIndexChanged Dim chapterFinish As Integer = drop_chapterFinish.Text Dim chapterStart As Integer = drop_chapterStart.Text Try If (chapterStart > chapterFinish) Then MessageBox.Show("Invalid Chapter Range! - Start chapter can not be larger than the Final chapter.", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) End If Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Invalid Character Entered", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand) End Try End Sub Private Sub text_bitrate_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles text_bitrate.TextChanged text_filesize.Text = "" slider_videoQuality.Value = 0 SliderValue.Text = "0%" CheckCRF.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked End Sub Private Sub text_filesize_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles text_filesize.TextChanged text_bitrate.Text = "" slider_videoQuality.Value = 0 SliderValue.Text = "0%" CheckCRF.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked End Sub Private Sub slider_videoQuality_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles slider_videoQuality.Scroll SliderValue.Text = slider_videoQuality.Value.ToString + "%" text_bitrate.Text = "" text_filesize.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub text_width_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles text_width.TextChanged Try If CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then text_width.Text = "" Else If (text_width.Text Mod 16) <> 0 Then text_width.BackColor = Color.LightCoral Else text_width.BackColor = Color.LightGreen End If End If If (Not lbl_Aspect.Text.Equals("Select a Title")) Then Dim height As Integer = text_width.Text / lbl_Aspect.Text Dim mod16 As Integer = height Mod 16 height = height - mod16 text_height.Text = height End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub text_height_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles text_height.TextChanged Try If CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then text_height.Text = "" Else If (text_height.Text Mod 16) <> 0 Then text_height.BackColor = Color.LightCoral Else text_height.BackColor = Color.LightGreen End If End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub drp_crop_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drp_crop.SelectedIndexChanged If (drp_crop.SelectedItem = "Manual") Then text_left.Enabled = True text_right.Enabled = True text_top.Enabled = True text_bottom.Enabled = True End If If (drp_crop.SelectedItem = "Auto Crop") Then text_left.Enabled = False text_right.Enabled = False text_top.Enabled = False text_bottom.Enabled = False text_left.Text = "" text_right.Text = "" text_top.Text = "" text_bottom.Text = "" If lbl_RecomendedCrop.Text <> "Select a Title" Then Dim temp() As String temp = lbl_RecomendedCrop.Text.Split("/") text_left.Text = temp(2) text_right.Text = temp(3) text_top.Text = temp(0) text_bottom.Text = temp(1) End If End If If (drp_crop.SelectedItem = "No Crop") Then text_left.Enabled = False text_right.Enabled = False text_top.Enabled = False text_bottom.Enabled = False text_left.Text = "0" text_right.Text = "0" text_top.Text = "0" text_bottom.Text = "0" End If End Sub Private Sub CheckPixelRatio_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckPixelRatio.CheckedChanged text_width.Text = "" text_height.Text = "" text_width.BackColor = Color.White text_height.BackColor = Color.White End Sub Private Sub drp_dvdtitle_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drp_dvdtitle.SelectedIndexChanged ' If the title changes then the following text values are no longer correct. ' Maybe automatically update these in later versions. lbl_Aspect.Text = "Select a Title" lbl_RecomendedCrop.Text = "Select a Title" ' If the title is not automatic then read the dvd.dat file and populate the Subtitles box depending on the title slected. If drp_dvdtitle.Text <> "Automatic" Then Dim temp() As String Dim title As String temp = drp_dvdtitle.Text.Split(" ") title = temp(0).Trim '### Find the line that matches the title number Try Dim file_path As String = Application.StartupPath Dim ReadFile As StreamReader = File.OpenText(file_path & "\dvd.dat") Dim ReadLine As String = "" ReadLine = ReadFile.ReadLine() While ReadLine <> "" Dim TempLine() As String Dim Tempdata() As String Dim TempCount As Integer Dim counter As Integer = 1 TempLine = ReadLine.Split("~") If TempLine(0).Replace("+ ", "").Trim.Equals("title " & title & ":") Then '### Set the 2 Title boxes. Tempdata = TempLine(4).Split("&") TempCount = Tempdata.Length Dim chapterNumber() As String Dim chapter As String drop_chapterStart.Items.Clear() drop_chapterFinish.Items.Clear() drop_chapterStart.Text = "1" drop_chapterFinish.Text = TempCount - 1 While counter <> TempCount chapterNumber = Tempdata(counter).Split(":") chapter = chapterNumber(0).Replace("+ ", "").Trim drop_chapterStart.Items.Add(chapter) drop_chapterFinish.Items.Add(chapter) counter = counter + 1 End While counter = 1 ' Reset the counter for reuse '### Here we populate the subtitle box. Tempdata = TempLine(6).Split("&") TempCount = Tempdata.Length ' Cleanup the previous Subtitle Data drp_subtitle.Items.Clear() drp_subtitle.Items.Add("None") drp_subtitle.Text = "None" While counter <> TempCount drp_subtitle.Items.Add(Tempdata(counter).Trim.Replace("+ ", "").Replace(",", "")) counter = counter + 1 End While counter = 1 ' Reset the counter for reuse '### Here we populate the Audio title box Tempdata = TempLine(5).Split("&") TempCount = Tempdata.Length ' Cleanup the previous Subtitle Data drp_audioChannels.Items.Clear() drp_audioChannels.Items.Add("Automatic") drp_audioChannels.Text = "Automatic" While counter <> TempCount Dim temporyvalues() As String = Tempdata(counter).Trim.Replace("+ ", "").Replace(",", "").Split(" ") drp_audioChannels.Items.Add(temporyvalues(0) & " " & temporyvalues(1) & " " & temporyvalues(2) & " " & temporyvalues(3) & ")") counter = counter + 1 End While counter = 1 ' Reset the counter for reuse '### Here we Set the Aspect Ratio text Tempdata = TempLine(2).Split(",") lbl_Aspect.Text = Tempdata(1).Replace(",", "").Replace("aspect: ", "").Trim '### Finally Set the Recommended Crop Text Tempdata = TempLine(3).Split(" ") lbl_RecomendedCrop.Text = Tempdata(3).Replace(",", "").Trim '# Stop the while loop ReadLine = "" Else ReadLine = ReadFile.ReadLine() End If End While ReadFile.Close() Catch ex As Exception ' No need to display an error, The dropdowns will simply not update if a problem occurs here. End Try Else ' If Automatic is selected or the user types in the box, then Clear the Subtitle and Audio Dropdowns drp_audioChannels.Items.Clear() drp_audioChannels.Items.Add("Automatic") drp_audioChannels.Text = "Automatic" drp_subtitle.Items.Clear() drp_subtitle.Items.Add("None") drp_subtitle.Text = "None" End If End Sub Private Sub drp_audioCodec_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drp_audioCodec.SelectedIndexChanged 'Dim Channels As String = drp_audioChannels.Text ' If Channels = "Automatic" Then 'Channels = "2.0" 'Else 'Dim ChanData() As String = Channels.Trim.Split(" ") 'MessageBox.Show(ChanData.Length) 'If ChanData.Length <> 0 Then 'Channels = ChanData(2).Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "") 'MessageBox.Show(Channels) 'End If 'End If drp_audioMixDown.Items.Clear() If drp_audioCodec.Text = "AAC" Then drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("Mono") drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("Stereo") drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("Dolby Surround") drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("Dolby Pro Logic II") drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("6 Channel Discrete") '# Need to impliment '# 5.1 will will show 6ch dpl2 '# 5.0 will show dpl2 but not 6ch '# Everything else, mono, stero, dpl1 drp_audioBitrate.Items.Clear() drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("32") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("40") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("48") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("56") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("64") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("80") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("86") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("112") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("128") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("160") Else drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("Stereo") drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("Dolby Surround") drp_audioMixDown.Items.Add("Dolby Pro Logic II") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Clear() drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("32") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("40") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("48") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("56") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("64") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("80") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("86") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("112") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("128") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("160") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("192") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("224") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("256") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("320") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("384") End If 'mono 'stereo 'dpl1 'dpl2 '6ch End Sub Private Sub drp_audioMixDown_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drp_audioMixDown.SelectedIndexChanged If drp_audioCodec.Text = "AAC" Then If drp_audioMixDown.Text = "6 Channel Discrete" Then drp_audioBitrate.Items.Clear() drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("32") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("40") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("48") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("56") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("64") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("80") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("86") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("112") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("128") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("160") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("192") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("224") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("256") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("320") drp_audioBitrate.Items.Add("384") End If End If End Sub Private Sub Check_ChapterMarkers_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckedChanged Dim destination As String = text_destination.Text If text_destination.Text.Contains(" ") Then End If destination = destination.Replace(".mp4", ".m4v") text_destination.Text = destination End Sub Private Sub check_largeFile_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles check_largeFile.Click If (Not text_destination.Text.Contains(".mp4")) Then MessageBox.Show("This option is only compatible with the mp4 file container.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) check_largeFile.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked End If End Sub Private Sub check_turbo_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles check_turbo.Click If (Not drp_videoEncoder.Text.Contains("H.264")) Then MessageBox.Show("This option is only compatible with the H.264 encoder's", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) check_turbo.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked End If End Sub Private Sub drp_videoEncoder_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drp_videoEncoder.SelectedIndexChanged ' Turn off some options which are H.264 only when the user selects a non h.264 encoder If (Not drp_videoEncoder.Text.Contains("H.264")) Then check_turbo.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked CheckCRF.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked End If End Sub Private Sub CheckCRF_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckCRF.Click If (slider_videoQuality.Value = 0) Then MessageBox.Show("This option is can only be used with the 'Video Quality' slider.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) CheckCRF.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked End If End Sub '# '# '# Functions '# '# Function GenerateTheQuery() 'Source Dim source As String = text_source.Text Dim dvdTitle As String = drp_dvdtitle.Text Dim chapterStart As String = drop_chapterStart.Text Dim chapterFinish As String = drop_chapterFinish.Text Dim totalChapters As String = drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count - 1 Dim dvdChapter As String = "" If (source = "") Then MessageBox.Show("No Source has been selected.", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Else source = " -i " + """" + source + """" End If If (dvdTitle = "Automatic") Then dvdTitle = "" Else Dim titleInfo() As String titleInfo = dvdTitle.Split(" ") dvdTitle = " -t " + titleInfo(0) End If If (chapterFinish.Equals("Auto") And chapterStart.Equals("Auto")) Then dvdChapter = "" ElseIf (chapterFinish = totalChapters & chapterStart > 1) Then dvdChapter = "" Else dvdChapter = " -c " + chapterStart + "-" + chapterFinish End If Dim querySource As String = source + dvdTitle + dvdChapter '---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Destination Dim destination As String = text_destination.Text Dim videoEncoder As String = drp_videoEncoder.Text Dim audioEncoder As String = drp_audioCodec.Text Dim width As String = text_width.Text Dim height As String = text_height.Text If (destination = "") Then MessageBox.Show("No destination has been selected.", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Else destination = " -o " + """" + destination + """" End If If (videoEncoder = "Mpeg 4") Then videoEncoder = " -e ffmpeg" ElseIf (videoEncoder = "Xvid") Then videoEncoder = " -e xvid" ElseIf (videoEncoder = "H.264") Then videoEncoder = " -e x264" ElseIf (videoEncoder = "H.264 Baseline 1.3") Then videoEncoder = " -e x264b13" ElseIf (videoEncoder = "H.264 (iPod)") Then videoEncoder = " -e x264b30" End If If (audioEncoder = "AAC") Then audioEncoder = " -E faac" ElseIf (audioEncoder = "MP3") Then audioEncoder = " -E lame" ElseIf (audioEncoder = "Vorbis") Then audioEncoder = " -E vorbis" ElseIf (audioEncoder = "AC3") Then audioEncoder = " -E ac3" End If If (width <> "") Then width = " -w " + width End If If (height <> "") Then height = " -l " + height End If Dim queryDestination As String = destination + videoEncoder + audioEncoder + width + height '---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Picture Settings Tab Dim cropSetting As String = drp_crop.Text Dim cropTop As String = text_top.Text Dim cropBottom As String = text_bottom.Text Dim cropLeft As String = text_left.Text Dim cropRight As String = text_right.Text Dim subtitles As String = drp_subtitle.Text Dim cropOut As String = "" 'Returns Crop Query If cropSetting = "Auto Crop" Then cropOut = "" ElseIf cropSetting = "No Crop" Then cropOut = " --crop 0:0:0:0 " Else cropOut = " --crop " + cropTop + ":" + cropBottom + ":" + cropLeft + ":" + cropRight End If If (subtitles = "None") Then subtitles = "" ElseIf (subtitles = "") Then subtitles = "" Else Dim tempSub() As String tempSub = subtitles.Split(" ") subtitles = " -s " + tempSub(0) End If Dim queryPictureSettings As String = cropOut + subtitles '---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Video Settings Tab Dim videoBitrate As String = text_bitrate.Text Dim videoFilesize As String = text_filesize.Text Dim videoQuality As String = slider_videoQuality.Value Dim twoPassEncoding As String = check_2PassEncode.CheckState Dim deinterlace As String = check_DeInterlace.CheckState Dim grayscale As String = check_grayscale.CheckState Dim videoFramerate As String = drp_videoFramerate.Text Dim pixelRatio As String = CheckPixelRatio.CheckState Dim ChapterMarkers As String = Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckState Dim turboH264 As String = check_turbo.CheckState Dim largeFile As String = check_largeFile.CheckState If (videoBitrate <> "") Then videoBitrate = " -b " + videoBitrate End If If (videoFilesize <> "") Then videoFilesize = " -S " + videoFilesize End If 'Video Quality Setting If (videoQuality = "0") Then videoQuality = "" Else videoQuality = videoQuality / 100 If videoQuality = 1 Then videoQuality = "1.0" End If videoQuality = " -q " + videoQuality End If If (twoPassEncoding = 1) Then twoPassEncoding = " -2 " Else twoPassEncoding = "" End If If (deinterlace = 1) Then deinterlace = " -d " Else deinterlace = "" End If If (grayscale = 1) Then grayscale = " -g " Else grayscale = "" End If If (videoFramerate = "Automatic") Then videoFramerate = "" Else videoFramerate = " -r " + videoFramerate End If If (pixelRatio = 1) Then pixelRatio = " -p " Else pixelRatio = "" End If If (ChapterMarkers = 1) Then ChapterMarkers = " -m " Else ChapterMarkers = "" End If If (turboH264 = 1) Then turboH264 = " -T " Else turboH264 = "" End If If (largeFile = 1) Then largeFile = " -4 " Else largeFile = "" End If Dim queryVideoSettings As String = _ videoBitrate + videoFilesize + videoQuality + twoPassEncoding + deinterlace + grayscale + videoFramerate + pixelRatio + ChapterMarkers + turboH264 + largeFile '---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Audio Settings Tab Dim audioBitrate As String = drp_audioBitrate.Text Dim audioSampleRate As String = drp_audioSampleRate.Text Dim audioChannels As String = drp_audioChannels.Text Dim Mixdown As String = drp_audioMixDown.Text Dim SixChannelAudio As String = "" If (audioBitrate <> "") Then audioBitrate = " -B " + audioBitrate End If If (audioSampleRate <> "") Then audioSampleRate = " -R " + audioSampleRate End If If (audioChannels = "Automatic") Then audioChannels = "" ElseIf (audioChannels = "") Then audioChannels = "" Else Dim tempSub() As String tempSub = audioChannels.Split(" ") audioChannels = " -a " + tempSub(0) End If If (Mixdown = "Automatic") Then Mixdown = "" ElseIf Mixdown = "Mono" Then Mixdown = "mono" ElseIf Mixdown = "Stereo" Then Mixdown = "stereo" ElseIf Mixdown = "Dolby Surround" Then Mixdown = "dpl1" ElseIf Mixdown = "Dolby Pro Logic II" Then Mixdown = "dpl2" ElseIf Mixdown = "6 Channel Discrete" Then Mixdown = "6ch" Else Mixdown = "stero" End If If (Mixdown <> "") Then SixChannelAudio = " -6 " & Mixdown Else SixChannelAudio = "" End If Dim queryAudioSettings As String = audioBitrate + audioSampleRate + audioChannels + SixChannelAudio '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' H.264 Tab Dim CRF As String = CheckCRF.CheckState Dim h264Advanced = rtf_h264advanced.Text If (CRF = 1) Then CRF = " -Q " Else CRF = "" End If If (h264Advanced = "") Then h264Advanced = "" Else h264Advanced = " -x " + h264Advanced End If Dim h264Settings As String = CRF + h264Advanced '---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Advanced Settings Tab Dim processors As String = drp_processors.Text ' Number of Processors Handler If (processors = "Automatic") Then processors = "" Else processors = " -C " + processors + " " End If Dim queryAdvancedSettings As String = processors '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Return querySource + queryDestination + queryPictureSettings + queryVideoSettings + h264Settings + queryAudioSettings + queryAdvancedSettings End Function '# '# '# hbcli.exe Handling. Some clever multi-threaded code to monitor the encode process. '# '# ' Stage 1 ' Lets watch the hbcli process and when it finishes then Raise Event ThreadComplete Dim WithEvents hbcliMonitor As ProcessMonitor Public Class ProcessMonitor Public isRunning As Integer = 1 Public Event ThreadComplete(ByVal isRunning As Integer) Public Sub tmrProcCheck() Dim isRunning As Integer Dim process2 As Process = New Process Dim running As Boolean = True Dim hbProcess As Process() = Process.GetProcesses() While running Thread.Sleep(1000) hbProcess = Process.GetProcesses() running = False Dim processArr2 As Process() = hbProcess Dim i As Integer = 0 While i < CInt(processArr2.Length) Dim process1 As Process = processArr2(i) If process1.ProcessName.Equals("hbcli") Then running = True End If i = i + 1 End While End While isRunning = 0 RaiseEvent ThreadComplete(isRunning) End Sub End Class ' Stage 2 ' The hbcli processes has exited at this point. Lets throw a messagebox at the user telling him the enocode has completed. Sub TheadCompletedMonitor(ByVal isRunning As Integer) Handles hbcliMonitor.ThreadComplete Dim ApplicationPath As String = Application.StartupPath ' The applications start parth MessageBox.Show("The encoding process has ended.", "Status", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Private Sub TabPage1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Click End Sub End Class