// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is part of the HandBrake source code - It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. // // // HandBrakes Main Window // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace HandBrakeWPF.ViewModels { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Windows; using Caliburn.Micro; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Factories; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Model; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Model.Encoding; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Parsing; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Services.Interfaces; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Utilities; using HandBrakeWPF.Commands; using HandBrakeWPF.Factories; using HandBrakeWPF.Helpers; using HandBrakeWPF.Model; using HandBrakeWPF.Properties; using HandBrakeWPF.Services.Interfaces; using HandBrakeWPF.ViewModels.Interfaces; using HandBrakeWPF.Views; using Microsoft.Win32; using Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf; /// /// HandBrakes Main Window /// public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase, IMainViewModel { #region Private Variables and Services /// /// The Encode Service /// private readonly IQueueProcessor queueProcessor; /// /// The preset service /// private readonly IPresetService presetService; /// /// The Error Service Backing field. /// private readonly IErrorService errorService; /// /// The Shell View Model /// private readonly IShellViewModel shellViewModel; /// /// Backing field for the update serivce. /// private readonly IUpdateService updateService; /// /// Backing field for the user setting service. /// private readonly IUserSettingService userSettingService; /// /// The Source Scan Service. /// private readonly IScan scanService; /// /// The Encode Service /// private readonly IEncodeServiceWrapper encodeService; /// /// Windows 7 API Pack wrapper /// private readonly Win7 windowsSeven = new Win7(); /// /// HandBrakes Main Window Title /// private string windowName; /// /// The Source Label /// private string sourceLabel; /// /// The Selected Output Format Backing Field /// private OutputFormat selectedOutputFormat; /// /// Is a MKV file backing field /// private bool isMkv; /// /// The Toolbar Status Label /// private string statusLabel; /// /// Program Status Label /// private string programStatusLabel; /// /// Backing field for the scanned source. /// private Source scannedSource; /// /// Backing field for the selected title. /// private Title selectedTitle; /// /// Backing field for duration /// private string duration; /// /// Is Encoding Backing Field /// private bool isEncoding; /// /// An Indicated to show the status window /// private bool showStatusWindow; /// /// Backing field for the selected preset. /// private Preset selectedPreset; /// /// Queue Edit Task /// private EncodeTask queueEditTask; /// /// The last percentage complete value. /// private int lastEncodePercentage; /// /// The is preset panel showing. /// private bool isPresetPanelShowing; /// /// The show source selection. /// private bool showSourceSelection; /// /// The drives. /// private BindingList drives; #endregion /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// The viewmodel for HandBrakes main window. /// /// /// The User Setting Service /// /// /// The scan Service. /// /// /// The encode Service. /// /// /// The preset Service. /// /// /// The Error Service /// /// /// The shell View Model. /// /// /// The update Service. /// /// /// The notification Service. /// *** Leave in Constructor. *** /// /// /// The when Done Service. /// *** Leave in Constructor. *** /// public MainViewModel(IUserSettingService userSettingService, IScan scanService, IEncodeServiceWrapper encodeService, IPresetService presetService, IErrorService errorService, IShellViewModel shellViewModel, IUpdateService updateService, INotificationService notificationService, IPrePostActionService whenDoneService) { this.scanService = scanService; this.encodeService = encodeService; this.presetService = presetService; this.errorService = errorService; this.shellViewModel = shellViewModel; this.updateService = updateService; this.userSettingService = userSettingService; this.queueProcessor = IoC.Get(); // Setup Properties this.WindowTitle = Resources.HandBrake_Title; this.CurrentTask = new EncodeTask(); this.CurrentTask.PropertyChanged += this.CurrentTask_PropertyChanged; this.ScannedSource = new Source(); // Setup Events this.scanService.ScanStared += this.ScanStared; this.scanService.ScanCompleted += this.ScanCompleted; this.scanService.ScanStatusChanged += this.ScanStatusChanged; this.queueProcessor.JobProcessingStarted += this.QueueProcessorJobProcessingStarted; this.queueProcessor.QueueCompleted += this.QueueCompleted; this.queueProcessor.QueueChanged += this.QueueChanged; this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeStatusChanged += this.EncodeStatusChanged; this.userSettingService.SettingChanged += this.UserSettingServiceSettingChanged; this.Presets = this.presetService.Presets; this.CancelScanCommand = new CancelScanCommand(this.scanService); this.Drives = new BindingList(); } #region View Model Properties /// /// Gets or sets PictureSettingsViewModel. /// public IPictureSettingsViewModel PictureSettingsViewModel { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets AudioViewModel. /// public IAudioViewModel AudioViewModel { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets SubtitleViewModel. /// public ISubtitlesViewModel SubtitleViewModel { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets ChaptersViewModel. /// public IChaptersViewModel ChaptersViewModel { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets AdvancedViewModel. /// public IAdvancedViewModel AdvancedViewModel { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets VideoViewModel. /// public IVideoViewModel VideoViewModel { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets FiltersViewModel. /// public IFiltersViewModel FiltersViewModel { get; set; } #endregion #region Properties /// /// Gets or sets TestProperty. /// public string WindowTitle { get { return this.windowName; } set { if (!Equals(this.windowName, value)) { this.windowName = value; } } } /// /// Gets or sets the Program Status Toolbar Label /// This indicates the status of HandBrake /// public string ProgramStatusLabel { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.programStatusLabel) ? Resources.State_Ready : this.programStatusLabel; } set { if (!Equals(this.programStatusLabel, value)) { this.programStatusLabel = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ProgramStatusLabel); } } } /// /// Gets or sets the Program Status Toolbar Label /// This indicates the status of HandBrake /// public string StatusLabel { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.statusLabel) ? Resources.State_Ready : this.statusLabel; } set { if (!Equals(this.statusLabel, value)) { this.statusLabel = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.StatusLabel); } } } /// /// Gets or sets Presets. /// public IEnumerable Presets { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets SelectedPreset. /// public Preset SelectedPreset { get { return this.selectedPreset; } set { this.selectedPreset = value; if (this.SelectedPreset != null) { // Main Window Settings this.CurrentTask.OptimizeMP4 = selectedPreset.Task.OptimizeMP4; this.CurrentTask.IPod5GSupport = selectedPreset.Task.IPod5GSupport; this.SelectedOutputFormat = selectedPreset.Task.OutputFormat; // Tab Settings this.PictureSettingsViewModel.SetPreset(this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.VideoViewModel.SetPreset(this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.FiltersViewModel.SetPreset(this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.AudioViewModel.SetPreset(this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.SubtitleViewModel.SetPreset(this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.ChaptersViewModel.SetPreset(this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.AdvancedViewModel.SetPreset(this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); // Do this again to force an update for m4v/mp4 selection this.SelectedOutputFormat = selectedPreset.Task.OutputFormat; } this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedPreset); } } /// /// Gets or sets The Current Encode Task that the user is building /// public EncodeTask CurrentTask { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the Last Scanned Source /// This object contains information about the scanned source. /// public Source ScannedSource { get { return this.scannedSource; } set { this.scannedSource = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ScannedSource); } } /// /// Gets or sets the title specific scan. /// public int TitleSpecificScan { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the Source Label /// This indicates the status of scans. /// public string SourceLabel { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sourceLabel) ? Resources.Main_SelectSource : this.sourceLabel; } set { if (!Equals(this.sourceLabel, value)) { this.sourceLabel = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SourceLabel); } } } /// /// Gets SourceName. /// public string SourceName { get { // Sanity Check if (ScannedSource == null || ScannedSource.ScanPath == null) { return string.Empty; } // The title that is selected has a source name. This means it's part of a batch scan. if (selectedTitle != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedTitle.SourceName) && !selectedTitle.SourceName.EndsWith("\\")) { return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(selectedTitle.SourceName); } // Check if we have a Folder, if so, check if it's a DVD / Bluray drive and get the label. if (ScannedSource.ScanPath.EndsWith("\\")) { foreach (DriveInformation item in GeneralUtilities.GetDrives()) { if (item.RootDirectory.Contains(this.ScannedSource.ScanPath.Replace("\\\\", "\\"))) { return item.VolumeLabel; } } } if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.ScannedSource.ScanPath) != "VIDEO_TS") return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.ScannedSource.ScanPath); return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.ScannedSource.ScanPath)); } } /// /// Gets RangeMode. /// public IEnumerable RangeMode { get { return new List { PointToPointMode.Chapters, PointToPointMode.Seconds, PointToPointMode.Frames }; } } /// /// Gets a value indicating whether ShowTextEntryForPointToPointMode. /// public bool ShowTextEntryForPointToPointMode { get { return this.SelectedPointToPoint != PointToPointMode.Chapters; } } /// /// Gets StartEndRangeItems. /// public IEnumerable StartEndRangeItems { get { if (this.SelectedTitle == null) { return null; } return this.SelectedTitle.Chapters.Select(item => item.ChapterNumber).Select(dummy => dummy).ToList(); } } /// /// Gets Angles. /// public IEnumerable Angles { get { if (this.SelectedTitle == null) { return null; } List items = new List(); for (int i = 1; i <= this.selectedTitle.AngleCount; i++) { items.Add(i); } return items; } } /// /// Gets or sets Duration. /// public string Duration { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(duration) ? "--:--:--" : duration; } set { duration = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Duration); } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsEncoding. /// public bool IsEncoding { get { return this.isEncoding; } set { this.isEncoding = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.IsEncoding); } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether ShowStatusWindow. /// public bool ShowStatusWindow { get { return this.showStatusWindow; } set { this.showStatusWindow = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ShowStatusWindow); } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsMkv. /// public bool IsMkv { get { return this.isMkv; } set { this.isMkv = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.IsMkv); } } /// /// Gets RangeMode. /// public IEnumerable OutputFormats { get { return new List { OutputFormat.Mp4, OutputFormat.Mkv }; } } /// /// Gets or sets the cancel scan command. /// public CancelScanCommand CancelScanCommand { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets Destination. /// public string Destination { get { return this.CurrentTask.Destination; } set { this.CurrentTask.Destination = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Destination); } } /// /// Gets or sets SelectedTitle. /// public Title SelectedTitle { get { return this.selectedTitle; } set { if (!object.Equals(this.selectedTitle, value)) { this.selectedTitle = value; if (this.selectedTitle == null) { return; } // Use the Path on the Title, or the Source Scan path if one doesn't exist. this.SourceLabel = this.SourceName; this.CurrentTask.Source = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.selectedTitle.SourceName) ? this.selectedTitle.SourceName : this.ScannedSource.ScanPath; this.CurrentTask.Title = value.TitleNumber; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.StartEndRangeItems); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedTitle); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Angles); // Default the Start and End Point dropdowns this.SelectedStartPoint = 1; this.SelectedEndPoint = this.selectedTitle.Chapters != null && this.selectedTitle.Chapters.Count != 0 ? this.selectedTitle.Chapters.Last().ChapterNumber : 1; this.SelectedPointToPoint = PointToPointMode.Chapters; this.SelectedAngle = 1; if (this.UserSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.AutoNaming)) { if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.AutoNameFormat) != null) { this.Destination = AutoNameHelper.AutoName(this.CurrentTask, this.SourceName); } } this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CurrentTask); this.Duration = this.selectedTitle.Duration.ToString("g"); // Setup the tab controls this.SetupTabs(); } } } /// /// Gets or sets SelectedAngle. /// public int SelectedAngle { get { return this.CurrentTask.StartPoint; } set { this.CurrentTask.Angle = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedAngle); } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether is timespan range. /// public bool IsTimespanRange { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets SelectedStartPoint. /// public int SelectedStartPoint { get { return this.CurrentTask.StartPoint; } set { this.CurrentTask.StartPoint = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedStartPoint); this.Duration = this.DurationCalculation(); if (this.UserSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.AutoNaming) && this.ScannedSource.ScanPath != null) { if (this.SelectedPointToPoint == PointToPointMode.Chapters && this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.AutoNameFormat) != null && this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.AutoNameFormat).Contains(Constants.Chapters)) { this.Destination = AutoNameHelper.AutoName(this.CurrentTask, this.SourceName); } } if (this.SelectedStartPoint > this.SelectedEndPoint) { this.SelectedEndPoint = this.SelectedStartPoint; } } } /// /// Gets or sets SelectedEndPoint. /// public int SelectedEndPoint { get { return this.CurrentTask.EndPoint; } set { this.CurrentTask.EndPoint = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedEndPoint); this.Duration = this.DurationCalculation(); if (this.SelectedPointToPoint == PointToPointMode.Chapters && this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.AutoNameFormat) != null && this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.AutoNameFormat).Contains(Constants.Chapters)) { this.Destination = AutoNameHelper.AutoName(this.CurrentTask, this.SourceName); } if (this.SelectedStartPoint > this.SelectedEndPoint && this.SelectedPointToPoint == PointToPointMode.Chapters) { this.SelectedStartPoint = this.SelectedEndPoint; } } } /// /// Gets or sets SelectedPointToPoint. /// public PointToPointMode SelectedPointToPoint { get { return this.CurrentTask.PointToPointMode; } set { this.CurrentTask.PointToPointMode = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SelectedPointToPoint); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ShowTextEntryForPointToPointMode); if (value == PointToPointMode.Chapters && this.SelectedTitle != null) { if (this.selectedTitle == null) { return; } this.SelectedStartPoint = 1; this.SelectedEndPoint = selectedTitle.Chapters != null && selectedTitle.Chapters.Count > 0 ? selectedTitle.Chapters.Last().ChapterNumber : 1; } else if (value == PointToPointMode.Seconds) { if (this.selectedTitle == null) { return; } this.SelectedStartPoint = 0; int timeInSeconds; if (int.TryParse(Math.Round(selectedTitle.Duration.TotalSeconds, 0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out timeInSeconds)) { this.SelectedEndPoint = timeInSeconds; } this.IsTimespanRange = true; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.IsTimespanRange); } else { if (this.selectedTitle == null) { return; } // Note this does not account for VFR. It's only a guesstimate. double estimatedTotalFrames = selectedTitle.Fps * selectedTitle.Duration.TotalSeconds; this.SelectedStartPoint = 0; int totalFrames; if (int.TryParse(Math.Round(estimatedTotalFrames, 0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out totalFrames)) { this.SelectedEndPoint = totalFrames; } this.IsTimespanRange = false; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.IsTimespanRange); } } } /// /// Gets or sets SelectedOutputFormat. /// public OutputFormat SelectedOutputFormat { get { return this.selectedOutputFormat; } set { this.selectedOutputFormat = value; this.CurrentTask.OutputFormat = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SelectedOutputFormat); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CurrentTask.OutputFormat); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => IsMkv); this.SetExtension(string.Format(".{0}", this.selectedOutputFormat.ToString().ToLower())); this.VideoViewModel.RefreshTask(); this.AudioViewModel.RefreshTask(); } } /// /// Gets a value indicating whether show advanced tab. /// public bool ShowAdvancedTab { get { return this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.ShowAdvancedTab); } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether is preset panel showing. /// public bool IsPresetPanelShowing { get { return this.isPresetPanelShowing; } set { if (!object.Equals(this.isPresetPanelShowing, value)) { this.isPresetPanelShowing = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.IsPresetPanelShowing); // Save the setting if it has changed. if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.ShowPresetPanel) != value) { this.userSettingService.SetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.ShowPresetPanel, value); } } } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating progress percentage. /// public int ProgressPercentage { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether show source selection. /// public bool ShowSourceSelection { get { return this.showSourceSelection; } set { if (value.Equals(this.showSourceSelection)) { return; } this.showSourceSelection = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ShowSourceSelection); // Refresh the drives. if (this.showSourceSelection) { this.Drives.Clear(); foreach (SourceMenuItem menuItem in from item in GeneralUtilities.GetDrives() let driveInformation = item select new SourceMenuItem { Text = string.Format("{0} ({1})", item.RootDirectory, item.VolumeLabel), Command = new SourceMenuCommand(() => this.ProcessDrive(driveInformation)), Tag = item, IsDrive = true }) { this.Drives.Add(menuItem); } this.TitleSpecificScan = 0; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.TitleSpecificScan); } } } /// /// Gets or sets the drives. /// public BindingList Drives { get { return this.drives; } set { if (Equals(value, this.drives)) { return; } this.drives = value; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Drives); } } #endregion #region Load and Shutdown Handling /// /// Initialise this view model. /// public override void OnLoad() { // Check the CLI Executable. CliCheckHelper.CheckCLIVersion(); // Perform an update check if required this.updateService.PerformStartupUpdateCheck(this.HandleUpdateCheckResults); // Show or Hide the Preset Panel. this.IsPresetPanelShowing = this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.ShowPresetPanel); // Setup the presets. this.presetService.Load(); if (this.presetService.CheckIfPresetsAreOutOfDate()) if (!this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.PresetNotification)) this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_PresetUpdateNotification, Resources.Notice, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); // Queue Recovery if (!AppArguments.IsInstantHandBrake) { QueueRecoveryHelper.RecoverQueue(this.queueProcessor, this.errorService); } this.SelectedPreset = this.presetService.DefaultPreset; // Log Cleaning if (userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.ClearOldLogs)) { Thread clearLog = new Thread(() => GeneralUtilities.ClearLogFiles(30)); clearLog.Start(); } } /// /// Shutdown this View /// public void Shutdown() { // Shutdown Service this.encodeService.Shutdown(); // Unsubscribe from Events. this.scanService.ScanStared -= this.ScanStared; this.scanService.ScanCompleted -= this.ScanCompleted; this.scanService.ScanStatusChanged -= this.ScanStatusChanged; this.queueProcessor.QueueCompleted -= this.QueueCompleted; this.queueProcessor.QueueChanged -= this.QueueChanged; this.queueProcessor.JobProcessingStarted -= this.QueueProcessorJobProcessingStarted; this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeStatusChanged -= this.EncodeStatusChanged; this.userSettingService.SettingChanged -= this.UserSettingServiceSettingChanged; } #endregion #region Menu and Taskbar /// /// Open the About Window /// public void OpenAboutApplication() { OpenOptionsScreenCommand command = new OpenOptionsScreenCommand(); command.Execute(OptionsTab.About); } /// /// Open the Options Window /// public void OpenOptionsWindow() { this.shellViewModel.DisplayWindow(ShellWindow.OptionsWindow); } /// /// Open the Log Window /// public void OpenLogWindow() { Window window = Application.Current.Windows.Cast().FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == typeof(LogView)); if (window != null) { ILogViewModel logvm = (ILogViewModel)window.DataContext; logvm.SelectedTab = this.IsEncoding ? 0 : 1; window.Activate(); } else { ILogViewModel logvm = IoC.Get(); logvm.SelectedTab = this.IsEncoding ? 0 : 1; this.WindowManager.ShowWindow(logvm); } } /// /// Open the Queue Window. /// public void OpenQueueWindow() { Window window = Application.Current.Windows.Cast().FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == typeof(QueueView)); if (window != null) { window.Activate(); } else { this.WindowManager.ShowWindow(IoC.Get()); } } /// /// Open the Queue Window. /// public void OpenPreviewWindow() { Window window = Application.Current.Windows.Cast().FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == typeof(PreviewView)); IPreviewViewModel viewModel = IoC.Get(); if (window != null) { viewModel.Task = this.CurrentTask; window.Activate(); } else { viewModel.Task = this.CurrentTask; this.WindowManager.ShowWindow(viewModel); } } /// /// Launch the Help pages. /// public void LaunchHelp() { Process.Start("https://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/HandBrakeGuide"); } /// /// Check for Updates. /// public void CheckForUpdates() { OpenOptionsScreenCommand command = new OpenOptionsScreenCommand(); command.Execute(OptionsTab.Updates); } /// /// Add the current task to the queue. /// public void AddToQueue() { if (this.ScannedSource == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ScannedSource.ScanPath) || this.ScannedSource.Titles.Count == 0) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_ScanSourceFirst, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } QueueTask task = new QueueTask(new EncodeTask(this.CurrentTask), HBConfigurationFactory.Create()); if (!this.queueProcessor.CheckForDestinationPathDuplicates(task.Task.Destination)) { this.queueProcessor.Add(task); } else { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_DuplicateDestinationOnQueue, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } if (!this.IsEncoding) { this.ProgramStatusLabel = string.Format(Resources.Main_XEncodesPending, this.queueProcessor.Count); } } /// /// Add all Items to the queue /// public void AddAllToQueue() { if (this.ScannedSource == null || this.ScannedSource.Titles == null || this.ScannedSource.Titles.Count == 0) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_ScanSourceFirst, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (!AutoNameHelper.IsAutonamingEnabled()) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_TurnOnAutoFileNaming, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (this.CurrentTask != null && this.CurrentTask.SubtitleTracks != null && this.CurrentTask.SubtitleTracks.Count > 0) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_AutoAdd_AudioAndSubWarning, Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } foreach (Title title in this.ScannedSource.Titles) { this.SelectedTitle = title; this.AddToQueue(); } } /// /// The add selection to queue. /// public void AddSelectionToQueue() { if (this.ScannedSource == null || this.ScannedSource.Titles == null || this.ScannedSource.Titles.Count == 0) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_ScanSourceFirst, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (!AutoNameHelper.IsAutonamingEnabled()) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_TurnOnAutoFileNaming, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } Window window = Application.Current.Windows.Cast().FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == typeof(QueueSelectionViewModel)); IQueueSelectionViewModel viewModel = IoC.Get(); viewModel.Setup(this.ScannedSource, this.SourceName, (tasks) => { foreach (SelectionTitle title in tasks) { this.SelectedTitle = title.Title; this.AddToQueue(); } }); if (window != null) { window.Activate(); } else { this.WindowManager.ShowWindow(viewModel); } } /// /// Folder Scan /// public void FolderScan() { VistaFolderBrowserDialog dialog = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog { Description = Resources.Main_PleaseSelectFolder, UseDescriptionForTitle = true }; dialog.ShowDialog(); ShowSourceSelection = false; this.StartScan(dialog.SelectedPath, this.TitleSpecificScan); } /// /// File Scan /// public void FileScan() { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*" }; dialog.ShowDialog(); ShowSourceSelection = false; this.StartScan(dialog.FileName, this.TitleSpecificScan); } /// /// Cancel a Scan /// public void CancelScan() { this.scanService.Stop(); } /// /// Start an Encode /// public void StartEncode() { if (this.queueProcessor.IsProcessing) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_AlreadyEncoding, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } // Check if we already have jobs, and if we do, just start the queue. if (this.queueProcessor.Count != 0) { this.queueProcessor.Start(UserSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.ClearCompletedFromQueue)); return; } // Otherwise, perform Santiy Checking then add to the queue and start if everything is ok. if (this.SelectedTitle == null) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_ScanSource, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Destination)) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_ChooseDestination, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (File.Exists(this.Destination)) { MessageBoxResult result = this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_DestinationOverwrite, Resources.Question, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (result == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } } // Create the Queue Task and Start Processing QueueTask task = new QueueTask(new EncodeTask(this.CurrentTask), HBConfigurationFactory.Create()); this.queueProcessor.Add(task); this.queueProcessor.Start(UserSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.ClearCompletedFromQueue)); this.IsEncoding = true; } /// /// Edit a Queue Task /// /// /// The task. /// public void EditQueueJob(EncodeTask task) { // Rescan the source to make sure it's still valid this.queueEditTask = task; this.scanService.Scan(task.Source, task.Title, QueueEditAction, HBConfigurationFactory.Create()); } /// /// Pause an Encode /// public void PauseEncode() { this.queueProcessor.Pause(); } /// /// Stop an Encode. /// public void StopEncode() { this.queueProcessor.Pause(); this.encodeService.Stop(); } /// /// Shutdown the Application /// public void ExitApplication() { Application.Current.Shutdown(); } /// /// DEBUG: Show CLI Query for settings+6 /// public void ShowCliQuery() { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox( QueryGeneratorUtility.GenerateQuery(this.CurrentTask, HBConfigurationFactory.Create()), "CLI Query", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } /// /// The select source window. /// public void SelectSourceWindow() { ShowSourceSelection = !ShowSourceSelection; } /// /// The close source selection. /// public void CloseSourceSelection() { this.ShowSourceSelection = false; } #endregion #region Main Window Public Methods /// /// Support dropping a file onto the main window to scan. /// /// /// The DragEventArgs. /// public void FilesDroppedOnWindow(DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { string[] fileNames = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, true) as string[]; if (fileNames != null && fileNames.Any() && (File.Exists(fileNames[0]) || Directory.Exists(fileNames[0]))) { this.StartScan(fileNames[0], 0); } } e.Handled = true; } /// /// The Destination Path /// public void BrowseDestination() { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "mp4|*.mp4;*.m4v|mkv|*.mkv", CheckPathExists = true, AddExtension = true, DefaultExt = ".mp4", OverwritePrompt = true, FilterIndex = this.CurrentTask.OutputFormat == OutputFormat.Mkv ? 1 : 0, }; if (this.CurrentTask != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CurrentTask.Destination)) { saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.CurrentTask.Destination)) ? Path.GetDirectoryName(this.CurrentTask.Destination) + "\\" : null; saveFileDialog.FileName = Path.GetFileName(this.CurrentTask.Destination); } saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); this.Destination = saveFileDialog.FileName; // Set the Extension Dropdown. This will also set Mp4/m4v correctly. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveFileDialog.FileName)) { switch (Path.GetExtension(saveFileDialog.FileName)) { case ".mkv": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mkv; break; case ".mp4": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mp4; break; case ".m4v": this.SelectedOutputFormat = OutputFormat.M4V; break; } this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CurrentTask); } } /// /// The open destination directory. /// public void OpenDestinationDirectory() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Destination)) { string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.Destination); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) { Process.Start(directory); } else { Process.Start(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); } } } /// /// Add a Preset /// public void PresetAdd() { IAddPresetViewModel presetViewModel = IoC.Get(); presetViewModel.Setup(this.CurrentTask, this.SelectedTitle); this.WindowManager.ShowWindow(presetViewModel); } /// /// Update a selected preset. /// public void PresetUpdate() { if (this.SelectedPreset == null) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox( Resources.Main_SelectPresetForUpdate, Resources.Main_NoPresetSelected, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } if (this.SelectedPreset.IsBuildIn) { this.errorService.ShowMessageBox( Resources.Main_NoUpdateOfBuiltInPresets, Resources.Main_NoPresetSelected, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } if (this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Main_PresetUpdateConfrimation, Resources.AreYouSure, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { this.SelectedPreset.Task = new EncodeTask(this.CurrentTask); this.presetService.Update(this.SelectedPreset); this.errorService.ShowMessageBox( Resources.Main_PresetUpdated, Resources.Updated, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } } /// /// Remove a Preset /// public void PresetRemove() { if (this.selectedPreset != null) { this.presetService.Remove(this.selectedPreset); } else { MessageBox.Show(Resources.Main_SelectPreset, Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } /// /// Set a default preset /// public void PresetSetDefault() { if (this.selectedPreset != null) { this.presetService.SetDefault(this.selectedPreset); MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Resources.Main_NewDefaultPreset, this.selectedPreset.Name), Resources.Main_Presets, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show(Resources.Main_SelectPreset, Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } /// /// Import a Preset /// public void PresetImport() { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog() { Filter = "Plist (*.plist)|*.plist", CheckFileExists = true }; dialog.ShowDialog(); string filename = dialog.FileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { PList plist = new PList(filename); object build; plist.TryGetValue("PresetBuildNumber", out build); string buildNumber = build as string; if (buildNumber == null) { MessageBox.Show( Resources.Preset_UnableToImport_Message, Resources.Preset_UnableToImport_Header, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); return; } if (buildNumber != userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.HandBrakeBuild).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show( Resources.Preset_OldVersion_Message, Resources.Preset_OldVersion_Header, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (result == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } } Preset preset = PlistPresetFactory.CreatePreset(plist); if (this.presetService.CheckIfPresetExists(preset.Name)) { if (!presetService.CanUpdatePreset(preset.Name)) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.Main_PresetErrorBuiltInName, Resources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(Resources.Main_PresetOverwriteWarning, Resources.Overwrite, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { presetService.Update(preset); } } else { presetService.Add(preset); } this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Presets); } } /// /// Export a Preset /// public void PresetExport() { SaveFileDialog savefiledialog = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "plist|*.plist", CheckPathExists = true, AddExtension = true, DefaultExt = ".plist", OverwritePrompt = true, FilterIndex = 0 }; if (this.selectedPreset != null) { savefiledialog.ShowDialog(); string filename = savefiledialog.FileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { PlistUtility.Export( savefiledialog.FileName, this.selectedPreset, this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.HandBrakeBuild).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Resources.Main_SelectPreset, Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } /// /// Reset built-in presets /// public void PresetReset() { this.presetService.UpdateBuiltInPresets(); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Presets); this.SelectedPreset = this.presetService.DefaultPreset; this.errorService.ShowMessageBox(Resources.Presets_ResetComplete, Resources.Presets_ResetHeader, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } /// /// The preset select. /// /// /// The tag. /// public void PresetSelect(object tag) { Preset preset = tag as Preset; if (preset != null) { this.SelectedPreset = preset; } } /// /// Start a Scan /// /// /// The filename. /// /// /// The title. /// public void StartScan(string filename, int title) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { this.scanService.Scan(filename, title, null, HBConfigurationFactory.Create()); } } #endregion #region Private Methods /// /// Update all the UI Components to allow the user to edit their previous settings. /// /// /// The successful. /// private void QueueEditAction(bool successful) { Execute.OnUIThread(() => { // Copy all the Scan data into the UI this.scanService.SouceData.CopyTo(this.ScannedSource); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ScannedSource); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ScannedSource.Titles); // Select the Users Title this.SelectedTitle = this.ScannedSource.Titles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TitleNumber == this.CurrentTask.Title); this.CurrentTask = new EncodeTask(queueEditTask); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CurrentTask); // Update the Main Window this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Destination); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedStartPoint); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedEndPoint); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedAngle); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedPointToPoint); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedOutputFormat); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => IsMkv); // Update the Tab Controls this.PictureSettingsViewModel.UpdateTask(this.CurrentTask); this.VideoViewModel.UpdateTask(this.CurrentTask); this.FiltersViewModel.UpdateTask(this.CurrentTask); this.AudioViewModel.UpdateTask(this.CurrentTask); this.SubtitleViewModel.UpdateTask(this.CurrentTask); this.ChaptersViewModel.UpdateTask(this.CurrentTask); this.AdvancedViewModel.UpdateTask(this.CurrentTask); // Tell the Preivew Window IPreviewViewModel viewModel = IoC.Get(); viewModel.Task = this.CurrentTask; // Cleanup this.ShowStatusWindow = false; this.SourceLabel = this.SourceName; this.StatusLabel = Resources.Main_ScanCompleted; }); } /// /// Make sure the correct file extension is set based on user preferences and setup the GUI for the file container selected. /// /// /// The new extension. /// private void SetExtension(string newExtension) { // Make sure the output extension is set correctly based on the users preferences and selection. if (newExtension == ".mp4" || newExtension == ".m4v") { switch (this.UserSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.UseM4v)) { case 0: // Auto newExtension = this.CurrentTask.RequiresM4v ? ".m4v" : ".mp4"; break; case 1: // MP4 newExtension = ".mp4"; break; case 2: // M4v newExtension = ".m4v"; break; } this.IsMkv = false; } // Now disable controls that are not required. The Following are for MP4 only! if (newExtension == ".mkv") { this.IsMkv = true; this.CurrentTask.OptimizeMP4 = false; this.CurrentTask.IPod5GSupport = false; } // Update The browse file extension display if (Path.HasExtension(newExtension)) { this.Destination = Path.ChangeExtension(this.Destination, newExtension); } // Update the UI Display this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CurrentTask); } /// /// Setup the UI tabs. Passes in any relevant models for setup. /// private void SetupTabs() { // Setup the Tabs if (this.selectedTitle != null) { this.PictureSettingsViewModel.SetSource(this.SelectedTitle, this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.VideoViewModel.SetSource(this.SelectedTitle, this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.FiltersViewModel.SetSource(this.SelectedTitle, this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.AudioViewModel.SetSource(this.SelectedTitle, this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.SubtitleViewModel.SetSource(this.SelectedTitle, this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.ChaptersViewModel.SetSource(this.SelectedTitle, this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); this.AdvancedViewModel.SetSource(this.SelectedTitle, this.SelectedPreset, this.CurrentTask); } } /// /// Calculate the duration between the end and start point /// /// /// The duration calculation. /// private string DurationCalculation() { if (this.selectedTitle == null) { return "--:--:--"; } double startEndDuration = this.SelectedEndPoint - this.SelectedStartPoint; switch (this.SelectedPointToPoint) { case PointToPointMode.Chapters: return this.SelectedTitle.CalculateDuration(this.SelectedStartPoint, this.SelectedEndPoint).ToString("g"); case PointToPointMode.Seconds: return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startEndDuration).ToString("g"); case PointToPointMode.Frames: startEndDuration = startEndDuration / selectedTitle.Fps; return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Round(startEndDuration, 2)).ToString("g"); } return "--:--:--"; } /// /// Handle Update Check Results /// /// /// The information. /// private void HandleUpdateCheckResults(UpdateCheckInformation information) { if (information.NewVersionAvailable) { this.ProgramStatusLabel = Resources.Main_NewUpdate; } } #endregion #region Event Handlers /// /// Handle the Scan Status Changed Event. /// /// /// The Sender /// /// /// The EventArgs /// private void ScanStatusChanged(object sender, HandBrake.ApplicationServices.EventArgs.ScanProgressEventArgs e) { this.SourceLabel = string.Format(Resources.Main_ScanningTitleXOfY, e.CurrentTitle, e.Titles, e.Percentage); this.StatusLabel = string.Format(Resources.Main_ScanningTitleXOfY, e.CurrentTitle, e.Titles, e.Percentage); } /// /// Handle the Scan Completed Event /// /// /// The Sender /// /// /// The EventArgs /// private void ScanCompleted(object sender, HandBrake.ApplicationServices.EventArgs.ScanCompletedEventArgs e) { this.scanService.SouceData.CopyTo(this.ScannedSource); Execute.OnUIThread(() => { if (e.Successful) { this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ScannedSource); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ScannedSource.Titles); this.SelectedTitle = this.ScannedSource.Titles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.MainTitle) ?? this.ScannedSource.Titles.FirstOrDefault(); } this.ShowStatusWindow = false; if (e.Successful) { this.SourceLabel = this.SourceName; this.StatusLabel = Resources.Main_ScanCompleted; } else if (e.Cancelled) { this.SourceLabel = Resources.Main_ScanCancelled; this.StatusLabel = Resources.Main_ScanCancelled; } else if (e.Exception == null && e.ErrorInformation != null) { this.SourceLabel = Resources.Main_ScanFailed_NoReason + e.ErrorInformation; this.StatusLabel = Resources.Main_ScanFailed_NoReason + e.ErrorInformation; } else { this.SourceLabel = Resources.Main_ScanFailled_CheckLog; this.StatusLabel = Resources.Main_ScanFailled_CheckLog; } }); } /// /// Handle the Scan Started Event /// /// /// The Sender /// /// /// The EventArgs /// private void ScanStared(object sender, EventArgs e) { Execute.OnUIThread( () => { this.StatusLabel = Resources.Main_ScanningPleaseWait; this.ShowStatusWindow = true; }); } /// /// The Encode Status has changed Handler /// /// /// The Sender /// /// /// The Encode Progress Event Args /// private void EncodeStatusChanged(object sender, HandBrake.ApplicationServices.EventArgs.EncodeProgressEventArgs e) { int percent; int.TryParse( Math.Round(e.PercentComplete).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out percent); Execute.OnUIThread( () => { if (this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.IsEncoding) { string josPending = string.Empty; if (!AppArguments.IsInstantHandBrake) { josPending = Resources.Main_JobsPending_addon; } this.ProgramStatusLabel = string.Format("{0:00.00}%, FPS: {1:000.0}, Avg FPS: {2:000.0}, Time Remaining: {3}, Elapsed: {4:hh\\:mm\\:ss}" + josPending, e.PercentComplete, e.CurrentFrameRate, e.AverageFrameRate, e.EstimatedTimeLeft, e.ElapsedTime, this.queueProcessor.Count); if (lastEncodePercentage != percent && this.windowsSeven.IsWindowsSeven) { this.windowsSeven.SetTaskBarProgress(percent); } lastEncodePercentage = percent; this.ProgressPercentage = percent; this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ProgressPercentage); } else { this.ProgramStatusLabel = Resources.Main_QueueFinished; this.IsEncoding = false; if (this.windowsSeven.IsWindowsSeven) { this.windowsSeven.SetTaskBarProgressToNoProgress(); } } }); } /// /// Handle the Queue Starting Event /// /// /// The sender. /// /// /// The e. /// void QueueProcessorJobProcessingStarted(object sender, HandBrake.ApplicationServices.EventArgs.QueueProgressEventArgs e) { Execute.OnUIThread( () => { this.ProgramStatusLabel = Resources.Main_PreparingToEncode; this.IsEncoding = true; }); } /// /// The Queue has completed handler /// /// /// The Sender /// /// /// The EventArgs /// private void QueueCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.IsEncoding = false; Execute.OnUIThread( () => { this.ProgramStatusLabel = Resources.Main_QueueFinished; this.IsEncoding = false; if (this.windowsSeven.IsWindowsSeven) { this.windowsSeven.SetTaskBarProgressToNoProgress(); } }); } /// /// The queue changed. /// /// /// The sender. /// /// /// The EventArgs. /// private void QueueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Execute.OnUIThread( () => { this.ProgramStatusLabel = string.Format(Resources.Main_XEncodesPending, this.queueProcessor.Count); }); } /// /// The process drive. /// /// /// The item. /// public void ProcessDrive(object item) { if (item != null) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(DriveInformation)) { this.StartScan(((DriveInformation)item).RootDirectory, 0); } else if (item.GetType() == typeof(SourceMenuItem)) { DriveInformation driveInfo = ((SourceMenuItem)item).Tag as DriveInformation; if (driveInfo != null) { this.StartScan(driveInfo.RootDirectory, 0); } this.ShowSourceSelection = false; } } } /// /// Allows the main window to respond to setting changes. /// /// /// The sender. /// /// /// The e. /// private void UserSettingServiceSettingChanged(object sender, HandBrake.ApplicationServices.EventArgs.SettingChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == UserSettingConstants.ShowAdvancedTab) { this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ShowAdvancedTab); } } /// /// Handle the property changed event of the encode task. /// Allows the main window to respond to changes. /// /// /// The sender. /// /// /// The e. /// private void CurrentTask_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == UserSettingConstants.ShowAdvancedTab) { this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ShowAdvancedTab); } } #endregion } }