// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is part of the HandBrake source code - It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. // // // Defines the WhenDoneService type. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace HandBrakeWPF.Services { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Media; using Caliburn.Micro; using HandBrake.Interop.Utilities; using HandBrakeWPF.EventArgs; using HandBrakeWPF.Services.Interfaces; using HandBrakeWPF.Services.Queue.Interfaces; using HandBrakeWPF.Utilities; using HandBrakeWPF.ViewModels.Interfaces; using EncodeCompletedEventArgs = HandBrakeWPF.Services.Encode.EventArgs.EncodeCompletedEventArgs; using Execute = Caliburn.Micro.Execute; /// /// The when done service. /// public class PrePostActionService : IPrePostActionService { /// /// The queue processor. /// private readonly IQueueProcessor queueProcessor; /// /// The user setting service. /// private readonly IUserSettingService userSettingService; /// /// The window manager. /// private readonly IWindowManager windowManager; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// /// The queue processor. /// /// /// The user Setting Service. /// /// /// The window Manager. /// public PrePostActionService(IQueueProcessor queueProcessor, IUserSettingService userSettingService, IWindowManager windowManager) { this.queueProcessor = queueProcessor; this.userSettingService = userSettingService; this.windowManager = windowManager; this.queueProcessor.QueueCompleted += QueueProcessorQueueCompleted; this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeCompleted += EncodeService_EncodeCompleted; this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeStarted += EncodeService_EncodeStarted; } /// /// The encode service_ encode started. /// /// /// The sender. /// /// /// The e. /// private void EncodeService_EncodeStarted(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.PreventSleep)) { Win32.PreventSleep(); } } /// /// The encode service_ encode completed. /// /// /// The sender. /// /// /// The EncodeCompletedEventArgs. /// private void EncodeService_EncodeCompleted(object sender, EncodeCompletedEventArgs e) { // Send the file to the users requested application if (e.Successful) { this.SendToApplication(e.FileName); } if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.PlaySoundWhenDone)) { this.PlayWhenDoneSound(); } // Allow the system to sleep again. Execute.OnUIThread(() => { if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.PreventSleep)) { Win32.AllowSleep(); } }); } /// /// The queue processor queue completed event handler. /// /// /// The sender. /// /// /// The e. /// private void QueueProcessorQueueCompleted(object sender, QueueCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.WasManuallyStopped) { return; } if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.PlaySoundWhenQueueDone)) { this.PlayWhenDoneSound(); } if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.WhenCompleteAction) == "Do nothing") { return; } // Give the user the ability to cancel the shutdown. Default 60 second timer. ICountdownAlertViewModel titleSpecificView = IoC.Get(); Execute.OnUIThread( () => { titleSpecificView.SetAction(this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.WhenCompleteAction)); this.windowManager.ShowDialog(titleSpecificView); }); if (!titleSpecificView.IsCancelled) { // Do something whent he encode ends. switch (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.WhenCompleteAction)) { case "Shutdown": Process.Start("Shutdown", "-s -t 60"); break; case "Log off": Win32.ExitWindowsEx(0, 0); break; case "Suspend": Application.SetSuspendState(PowerState.Suspend, true, true); break; case "Hibernate": Application.SetSuspendState(PowerState.Hibernate, true, true); break; case "Lock System": Win32.LockWorkStation(); break; case "Quit HandBrake": Execute.OnUIThread(() => System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown()); break; } } } /// /// Send a file to a 3rd party application after encoding has completed. /// /// /// The file path /// private void SendToApplication(string file) { if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.SendFile) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.SendFileTo))) { string args = string.Format( "{0} \"{1}\"", this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.SendFileToArgs), file); var vlc = new ProcessStartInfo( this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.SendFileTo), args); Process.Start(vlc); } } private void PlayWhenDoneSound() { string filePath = this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting(UserSettingConstants.WhenDoneAudioFile); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) && File.Exists(filePath)) { var uri = new Uri(filePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); var player = new MediaPlayer(); player.Open(uri); player.Play(); } } } }