// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of the HandBrake source code - It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
// The Interface for HandBrakeInstance
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace HandBrake.Interop.Interfaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using HandBrake.Interop.EventArgs;
using HandBrake.Interop.Model;
using HandBrake.Interop.Model.Scan;
/// The Interface for HandBrakeInstance
public interface IHandBrakeInstance
#region Events
/// Fires when an encode has completed.
event EventHandler EncodeCompleted;
/// Fires for progress updates when encoding.
event EventHandler EncodeProgress;
/// Fires when a scan has completed.
event EventHandler ScanCompleted;
/// Fires for progress updates when scanning.
event EventHandler ScanProgress;
#region Properties
/// Gets the index of the default title.
int FeatureTitle { get; }
/// Gets the number of previews created during scan.
int PreviewCount { get; }
/// Gets the list of titles on this instance.
List Titles { get; }
#region Public Methods
/// Initializes this instance.
/// The code for the logging verbosity to use.
void Initialize(int verbosity);
/// Calculates the video bitrate for the given job and target size.
/// The encode job.
/// The target size in MB.
/// The currently selected encode length. Used in preview
/// for calculating bitrate when the target size would be wrong.
/// The video bitrate in kbps.
int CalculateBitrate(EncodeJob job, int sizeMB, double overallSelectedLengthSeconds = 0);
/// Gives estimated file size (in MB) of the given job and video bitrate.
/// The encode job.
/// The video bitrate to be used (kbps).
/// The estimated file size (in MB) of the given job and video bitrate.
double CalculateFileSize(EncodeJob job, int videoBitrate);
/// Frees any resources associated with this object.
void Dispose();
/// Gets an image for the given job and preview
/// Only incorporates sizing and aspect ratio into preview image.
/// The encode job to preview.
/// The index of the preview to get (0-based).
/// An image with the requested preview.
BitmapImage GetPreview(EncodeJob job, int previewNumber);
/// Pauses the current encode.
void PauseEncode();
/// Resumes a paused encode.
void ResumeEncode();
/// Starts an encode with the given job.
/// The job to start.
/// The scan Preview Count.
void StartEncode(EncodeJob jobToStart, int scanPreviewCount);
/// Starts an encode with the given job.
/// The job to start.
/// True if this is a preview encode.
/// The preview number to start the encode at (0-based).
/// The number of seconds in the preview.
/// The currently selected encode length. Used in preview
/// for calculating bitrate when the target size would be wrong.
/// The scan Preview Count.
void StartEncode(
EncodeJob job, bool preview, int previewNumber, int previewSeconds, double overallSelectedLengthSeconds, int scanPreviewCount);
/// Starts scanning the given path.
/// The path to the video to scan.
/// The number of preview images to make.
void StartScan(string path, int previewCount);
/// Starts a scan of the given path.
/// The path of the video to scan.
/// The number of previews to make on each title.
/// The title index to scan (1-based, 0 for all titles).
void StartScan(string path, int previewCount, int titleIndex);
/// Starts a scan of the given path.
/// The path of the video to scan.
/// The number of previews to make on each title.
/// The min Duration.
/// The title index to scan (1-based, 0 for all titles).
void StartScan(string path, int previewCount, TimeSpan minDuration, int titleIndex);
/// Stops the current encode.
void StopEncode();
/// Stop any running scans
void StopScan();