/* QueryParser.cs $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ namespace HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Utilities { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Functions; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Model; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Model.Encoding; using HandBrake.Interop.Model; using HandBrake.Interop.Model.Encoding; /// /// Parse a CLI Query /// public class QueryParserUtility { /** * TODO * - Add support for PointToPointMode = Seconds or Frames **/ /// /// The Culture /// private static readonly CultureInfo Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US", false); /// /// Takes in a query which can be in any order and parses it. /// All varibles are then set so they can be used elsewhere. /// /// A ClI Query /// A Parsed Query public static EncodeTask Parse(string input) { var parsed = new EncodeTask(); #region Regular Expressions // Source Match title = Regex.Match(input, @"-t ([0-9]*)"); Match chapters = Regex.Match(input, @"-c ([0-9-]*)"); // Output Settings Match format = Regex.Match(input, @"-f ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)"); Match grayscale = Regex.Match(input, @" -g"); Match largerMp4 = Regex.Match(input, @" -4"); Match ipodAtom = Regex.Match(input, @" -I"); // Picture Settings Tab Match width = Regex.Match(input, @"-w ([0-9]*)"); Match height = Regex.Match(input, @"-l ([0-9]*)"); Match maxWidth = Regex.Match(input, @"-X ([0-9]*)"); Match maxHeight = Regex.Match(input, @"-Y ([0-9]*)"); Match crop = Regex.Match(input, @"--crop ([0-9]*):([0-9]*):([0-9]*):([0-9]*)"); Match looseAnamorphic = Regex.Match(input, @"--loose-anamorphic"); Match strictAnamorphic = Regex.Match(input, @"--strict-anamorphic"); Match customAnamorphic = Regex.Match(input, @"--custom-anamorphic"); Match keepDisplayAsect = Regex.Match(input, @"--keep-display-aspect"); Match displayWidth = Regex.Match(input, @"--display-width ([0-9]*)"); Match pixelAspect = Regex.Match(input, @"--pixel-aspect ([0-9]*):([0-9]*)"); Match modulus = Regex.Match(input, @"--modulus ([0-9]*)"); // Picture Settings - Filters Match decomb = Regex.Match(input, @" --decomb"); Match decombValue = Regex.Match(input, @" --decomb=\""([a-zA-Z0-9.:]*)\"""); Match deinterlace = Regex.Match(input, @"--deinterlace=\""([a-zA-Z0-9.:]*)\"""); Match denoise = Regex.Match(input, @"--denoise=\""([a-zA-Z0-9.:]*)\"""); Match deblock = Regex.Match(input, @"--deblock=([0-9:]*)"); Match detelecine = Regex.Match(input, @"--detelecine"); Match detelecineValue = Regex.Match(input, @" --detelecine=\""([a-zA-Z0-9.:]*)\"""); // Video Settings Tab Match videoEncoder = Regex.Match(input, @"-e ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)"); Match videoFramerate = Regex.Match(input, @"-r ([0-9.]*)"); Match videoBitrate = Regex.Match(input, @"-b ([0-9]*)"); Match videoQuality = Regex.Match(input, @"-q ([0-9.]*)"); Match twoPass = Regex.Match(input, @" -2"); Match turboFirstPass = Regex.Match(input, @" -T"); Match optimizeMP4 = Regex.Match(input, @" -O"); Match pfr = Regex.Match(input, @" --pfr"); Match vfr = Regex.Match(input, @" --vfr"); Match cfr = Regex.Match(input, @" --cfr"); // Audio Settings Tab Match noAudio = Regex.Match(input, @"-a none"); Match audioTracks = Regex.Match(input, @"-a ([0-9,]*)"); Match audioTrackMixes = Regex.Match(input, @"-6 ([0-9a-zA-Z,]*)"); Match audioEncoders = Regex.Match(input, @"-E ([a-zA-Z0-9+,:]*)"); Match audioBitrates = Regex.Match(input, @"-B ([0-9a-zA-Z,]*)"); // Auto = a-z Match audioSampleRates = Regex.Match(input, @"-R ([0-9a-zA-Z.,]*)"); // Auto = a-z Match drcValues = Regex.Match(input, @"-D ([0-9.,]*)"); Match gainValues = Regex.Match(input, @"--gain=([0-9.,-]*)"); // Chapters Tab Match chapterMarkers = Regex.Match(input, @" -m"); Match chapterMarkersFileMode = Regex.Match(input, @"--markers"); // Advanced Tab Match advanced = Regex.Match(input, @"-x ([.,/a-zA-Z0-9=:-]*)"); #endregion #region Set Varibles try { #region Source Tab if (title.Success) { parsed.Title = int.Parse(title.ToString().Replace("-t ", string.Empty)); } if (chapters.Success) { parsed.PointToPointMode = PointToPointMode.Chapters; string[] actTitles = chapters.ToString().Replace("-c ", string.Empty).Split('-'); parsed.StartPoint = int.Parse(actTitles[0]); if (actTitles.Length > 1) { parsed.EndPoint = int.Parse(actTitles[1]); } if ((parsed.StartPoint == 1) && (parsed.EndPoint == 0)) { parsed.EndPoint = parsed.StartPoint; } } #endregion #region Output Settings if (format.Success) { parsed.OutputFormat = Converters.GetFileFormat(format.Groups[1].ToString()); } parsed.LargeFile = largerMp4.Success; parsed.IPod5GSupport = ipodAtom.Success; parsed.OptimizeMP4 = optimizeMP4.Success; #endregion #region Picture Tab if (width.Success) parsed.Width = int.Parse(width.Groups[0].Value.Replace("-w ", string.Empty)); if (height.Success) parsed.Height = int.Parse(height.Groups[0].Value.Replace("-l ", string.Empty)); if (maxWidth.Success) parsed.MaxWidth = int.Parse(maxWidth.Groups[0].Value.Replace("-X ", string.Empty)); if (maxHeight.Success) parsed.MaxHeight = int.Parse(maxHeight.Groups[0].Value.Replace("-Y ", string.Empty)); if (crop.Success) { try { string values = crop.ToString().Replace("--crop ", string.Empty); string[] actCropValues = values.Split(':'); parsed.Cropping = new Cropping( int.Parse(actCropValues[0]), int.Parse(actCropValues[1]), int.Parse(actCropValues[2]), int.Parse(actCropValues[3])); parsed.HasCropping = true; } catch (Exception) { parsed.Cropping = null; parsed.HasCropping = false; // No need to do anything. } } if (strictAnamorphic.Success) parsed.Anamorphic = Anamorphic.Strict; else if (looseAnamorphic.Success) parsed.Anamorphic = Anamorphic.Loose; else if (customAnamorphic.Success) parsed.Anamorphic = Anamorphic.Custom; else parsed.Anamorphic = Anamorphic.None; parsed.KeepDisplayAspect = keepDisplayAsect.Success; if (displayWidth.Success) parsed.DisplayWidth = double.Parse(displayWidth.Groups[0].Value.Replace("--display-width ", string.Empty), Culture); if (pixelAspect.Success) parsed.PixelAspectX = int.Parse(pixelAspect.Groups[1].Value.Replace("--pixel-aspect ", string.Empty)); if (pixelAspect.Success && pixelAspect.Groups.Count >= 3) parsed.PixelAspectY = int.Parse(pixelAspect.Groups[2].Value.Replace("--pixel-aspect ", string.Empty)); if (modulus.Success) parsed.Modulus = int.Parse(modulus.Groups[0].Value.Replace("--modulus ", string.Empty)); #endregion #region Filters parsed.Decomb = Decomb.Off; if (decomb.Success) { parsed.Decomb = Decomb.Default; if (decombValue.Success) { parsed.CustomDecomb = decombValue.ToString().Replace("--decomb=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty); } } parsed.Deinterlace = Deinterlace.Off; if (deinterlace.Success) { switch (deinterlace.ToString().Replace("--deinterlace=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).ToLower()) { case "fast": parsed.Deinterlace = Deinterlace.Fast; break; case "slow": parsed.Deinterlace = Deinterlace.Slow; break; case "slower": parsed.Deinterlace = Deinterlace.Slower; break; default: parsed.Deinterlace = Deinterlace.Custom; parsed.CustomDeinterlace = deinterlace.ToString().Replace("--deinterlace=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).ToLower(); break; } } parsed.Denoise = Denoise.Off; if (denoise.Success) { switch (denoise.ToString().Replace("--denoise=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty)) { case "weak": parsed.Denoise = Denoise.Weak; break; case "medium": parsed.Denoise = Denoise.Medium; break; case "strong": parsed.Denoise = Denoise.Strong; break; default: parsed.Denoise = Denoise.Custom; parsed.CustomDenoise = denoise.ToString().Replace("--denoise=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty); break; } } parsed.Deblock = 0; if (deblock.Success) { int dval; int.TryParse(deblock.ToString().Replace("--deblock=", string.Empty), out dval); parsed.Deblock = dval; } parsed.Detelecine = Detelecine.Off; if (detelecine.Success) { parsed.Detelecine = Detelecine.Default; if (detelecineValue.Success) { parsed.CustomDetelecine = detelecineValue.ToString().Replace("--detelecine=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty); parsed.Detelecine = Detelecine.Custom; } } #endregion #region Video Settings Tab parsed.VideoEncoder = Converters.GetVideoEncoder(videoEncoder.ToString().Replace("-e ", string.Empty)); if (videoFramerate.Success) { double fps; double.TryParse(videoFramerate.Groups[1].ToString(), out fps); parsed.Framerate = fps; } if (pfr.Success) parsed.FramerateMode = FramerateMode.PFR; else if (cfr.Success) parsed.FramerateMode = FramerateMode.CFR; else parsed.FramerateMode = FramerateMode.VFR; // Default to VFR parsed.Grayscale = grayscale.Success; parsed.TwoPass = twoPass.Success; parsed.TurboFirstPass = turboFirstPass.Success; if (videoBitrate.Success) { parsed.VideoEncodeRateType = VideoEncodeRateType.AverageBitrate; parsed.VideoBitrate = int.Parse(videoBitrate.ToString().Replace("-b ", string.Empty)); } if (videoQuality.Success) { float quality = float.Parse(videoQuality.ToString().Replace("-q ", string.Empty), Culture); parsed.Quality = quality; } #endregion #region Audio Tab // Find out how many tracks we need to add by checking how many encoders or audio tracks are selected. int encoderCount = 0; if (audioEncoders.Success) { string[] audioDataCounters = audioEncoders.ToString().Replace("-E ", string.Empty).Split(','); encoderCount = audioDataCounters.Length; } // Get the data from the regular expression results string[] trackData = null; string[] trackMixes = null; string[] trackEncoders = null; string[] trackBitrates = null; string[] trackSamplerates = null; string[] trackDRCvalues = null; string[] trackGainValues = null; if (audioTracks.Success) trackData = audioTracks.ToString().Replace("-a ", string.Empty).Split(','); if (audioTrackMixes.Success) trackMixes = audioTrackMixes.ToString().Replace("-6 ", string.Empty).Split(','); if (audioEncoders.Success) trackEncoders = audioEncoders.ToString().Replace("-E ", string.Empty).Split(','); if (audioBitrates.Success) trackBitrates = audioBitrates.ToString().Replace("-B ", string.Empty).Split(','); if (audioSampleRates.Success) trackSamplerates = audioSampleRates.ToString().Replace("-R ", string.Empty).Split(','); if (drcValues.Success) trackDRCvalues = drcValues.ToString().Replace("-D ", string.Empty).Split(','); if (gainValues.Success) trackGainValues = gainValues.ToString().Replace("--gain=", string.Empty).Split(','); // Create new Audio Track Classes and store them in the ArrayList List allAudioTrackInfo = new List(); for (int x = 0; x < encoderCount; x++) { AudioTrack track = new AudioTrack(); //if (trackData != null) // if (trackData.Length >= (x + 1)) // Audio Track // track.ScannedTrack = trackData[x].Trim(); if (trackMixes != null) if (trackMixes.Length >= (x + 1)) // Audio Mix track.MixDown = Converters.GetAudioMixDown(Converters.GetMixDown(trackMixes[x].Trim())); if (trackEncoders != null) if (trackEncoders.Length >= (x + 1)) // Audio Mix track.Encoder = Converters.GetAudioEncoderFromCliString(trackEncoders[x].Trim()); if (trackBitrates != null) if (trackBitrates.Length >= (x + 1)) // Audio Encoder track.Bitrate = int.Parse(trackBitrates[x].Trim() == "auto" ? "0" : trackBitrates[x].Trim()); if (trackSamplerates != null) if (trackSamplerates.Length >= (x + 1)) // Audio SampleRate track.SampleRate = double.Parse(trackSamplerates[x].Replace("Auto", "0").Trim(), Culture); if (trackDRCvalues != null) if (trackDRCvalues.Length >= (x + 1)) // Audio DRC Values track.DRC = double.Parse(trackDRCvalues[x].Trim(), Culture); if (trackGainValues != null) if (trackGainValues.Length >= (x + 1)) // Audio DRC Values track.Gain = int.Parse(trackGainValues[x].Trim()); allAudioTrackInfo.Add(track); } parsed.AudioTracks = allAudioTrackInfo; #endregion #region Chapters Tab if (chapterMarkersFileMode.Success || chapterMarkers.Success) parsed.IncludeChapterMarkers = true; #endregion #region Advanced and other if (advanced.Success) parsed.AdvancedEncoderOptions = advanced.ToString().Replace("-x ", string.Empty); #endregion } catch (Exception exc) { throw new Exception("An error has occured in the QueryParser Utility.", exc); } #endregion return parsed; } } }