/* EncodeBase.cs $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ namespace HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Services.Base { using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.EventArgs; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Functions; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Model; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Services.Interfaces; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Utilities; /// /// A Base Class for the Encode Services. /// public class EncodeBase { #region Private Variables /// /// A Lock for the filewriter /// private static readonly object fileWriterLock = new object(); /// /// Windows 7 API Pack wrapper /// private Win7 windowsSeven = new Win7(); /// /// The Log Buffer /// private StringBuilder logBuffer; /// /// The Log file writer /// private StreamWriter fileWriter; /// /// The Log File Header /// private StringBuilder header = GeneralUtilities.CreateCliLogHeader(null); #endregion /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public EncodeBase() { this.logBuffer = new StringBuilder(); } #region Events /// /// Fires when a new CLI QueueTask starts /// public event EventHandler EncodeStarted; /// /// Fires when a CLI QueueTask finishes. /// public event EncodeCompletedStatus EncodeCompleted; /// /// Encode process has progressed /// public event EncodeProgessStatus EncodeStatusChanged; #endregion #region Properties /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsEncoding. /// public bool IsEncoding { get; protected set; } /// /// Gets ActivityLog. /// public string ActivityLog { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.logBuffer.ToString()) ? this.header + "No log data available..." : this.header + this.logBuffer.ToString(); } } /// /// Gets LogBuffer. /// public StringBuilder LogBuffer { get { return this.logBuffer; } } /// /// Gets WindowsSeven. /// public Win7 WindowsSeven { get { return this.windowsSeven; } } #endregion #region Invoke Events /// /// Invoke the Encode Status Changed Event. /// /// /// The EncodeProgressEventArgs. /// public void Invoke_encodeStatusChanged(EncodeProgressEventArgs e) { EncodeProgessStatus handler = this.EncodeStatusChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } /// /// Invoke the Encode Completed Event /// /// /// The EncodeCompletedEventArgs. /// public void Invoke_encodeCompleted(EncodeCompletedEventArgs e) { EncodeCompletedStatus handler = this.EncodeCompleted; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } /// /// Invoke the Encode Started Event /// /// /// The EventArgs. /// public void Invoke_encodeStarted(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = this.EncodeStarted; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } #endregion #region Methods /// /// A Stop Method to be implemeneted. /// /// /// The Exception that occured that required a STOP action. /// public virtual void Stop(Exception exc) { // Do Nothing } /// /// Save a copy of the log to the users desired location or a default location /// if this feature is enabled in options. /// /// /// The Destination File Path /// public void ProcessLogs(string destination) { try { string logDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\HandBrake\\logs"; string tempLogFile = Path.Combine(logDir, string.Format("last_encode_log{0}.txt", GeneralUtilities.GetInstanceCount)); string encodeDestinationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(destination); string destinationFile = Path.GetFileName(destination); string encodeLogFile = destinationFile + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", "-") + ".txt"; // Make sure the log directory exists. if (!Directory.Exists(logDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(logDir); } // Copy the Log to HandBrakes log folder in the users applciation data folder. File.Copy(tempLogFile, Path.Combine(logDir, encodeLogFile)); // Save a copy of the log file in the same location as the enocde. if (Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogWithVideo) { File.Copy(tempLogFile, Path.Combine(encodeDestinationPath, encodeLogFile)); } // Save a copy of the log file to a user specified location if (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogCopyDirectory) && Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogToCopyDirectory) { File.Copy( tempLogFile, Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogCopyDirectory, encodeLogFile)); } } catch (Exception) { // This exception doesn't warrent user interaction, but it should be logged (TODO) } } /// /// Setup the logging. /// /// /// The encode QueueTask. /// protected void SetupLogging(QueueTask encodeQueueTask) { string logDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\HandBrake\\logs"; string logFile = Path.Combine(logDir, string.Format("last_encode_log{0}.txt", GeneralUtilities.GetInstanceCount)); string logFile2 = Path.Combine(logDir, string.Format("tmp_appReadable_log{0}.txt", GeneralUtilities.GetInstanceCount)); try { this.logBuffer = new StringBuilder(); // Clear the current Encode Logs if (File.Exists(logFile)) { File.Delete(logFile); } if (File.Exists(logFile2)) { File.Delete(logFile2); } this.fileWriter = new StreamWriter(logFile) { AutoFlush = true }; this.fileWriter.WriteLine(GeneralUtilities.CreateCliLogHeader(encodeQueueTask)); } catch (Exception) { if (this.fileWriter != null) { this.fileWriter.Close(); this.fileWriter.Dispose(); } throw; } } /// /// Process an Incomming Log Message. /// /// /// The message. /// protected void ProcessLogMessage(string message) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { try { lock (this.LogBuffer) { this.LogBuffer.AppendLine(message); } lock (fileWriterLock) { if (this.fileWriter != null && this.fileWriter.BaseStream.CanWrite) { this.fileWriter.WriteLine(message); // If the logging grows past 100MB, kill the encode and stop. if (this.fileWriter.BaseStream.Length > 100000000) { this.Stop( new Exception( "The encode has been stopped. The log file has grown to over 100MB which indicates a serious problem has occured with the encode." + "Please check the encode log for an indication of what the problem is.")); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { // Do Nothing. } } } /// /// Shutdown and Dispose of the File Writer. /// protected void ShutdownFileWriter() { try { lock (fileWriterLock) { if (this.fileWriter != null) { this.fileWriter.Close(); this.fileWriter.Dispose(); } this.fileWriter = null; } } catch (Exception) { // This exception doesn't warrent user interaction, but it should be logged (TODO) } } #endregion } }