// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of the HandBrake source code - It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
// A wrapper for a HandBrake instance.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System.Drawing;
namespace HandBrake.Interop
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using Model;
using Model.Encoding;
using SourceData;
/// A wrapper for a HandBrake instance.
public class HandBrakeInstance : IDisposable
/// The number of MS between status polls when scanning.
private const double ScanPollIntervalMs = 200;
/// The number of MS between status polls when encoding.
private const double EncodePollIntervalMs = 200;
/// X264 options to add for a turbo first pass.
private const string TurboX264Opts = "ref=1:subme=2:me=dia:analyse=none:trellis=0:no-fast-pskip=0:8x8dct=0:weightb=0";
/// The native handle to the HandBrake instance.
private IntPtr hbHandle;
/// The timer to poll for scan status.
private System.Timers.Timer scanPollTimer;
/// The timer to poll for encode status.
private System.Timers.Timer encodePollTimer;
/// The list of original titles in native structure form.
private List originalTitles;
/// The list of titles on this instance.
private List titles;
/// A list of native memory locations allocated by this instance.
private List encodeAllocatedMemory;
/// The callback for log messages from HandBrake.
private static LoggingCallback loggingCallback;
/// The callback for error messages from HandBrake.
private static LoggingCallback errorCallback;
/// Fires for progress updates when scanning.
public event EventHandler ScanProgress;
/// Fires when a scan has completed.
public event EventHandler ScanCompleted;
/// Fires for progress updates when encoding.
public event EventHandler EncodeProgress;
/// Fires when an encode has completed.
public event EventHandler EncodeCompleted;
/// Fires when HandBrake has logged a message.
public static event EventHandler MessageLogged;
/// Fires when HandBrake has logged an error.
public static event EventHandler ErrorLogged;
/// Destructor.
/// The list of titles on this instance.
public List Titles
return this.titles;
/// Initializes this instance.
public void Initialize(int verbosity)
// Register the logger if we have not already
if (loggingCallback == null)
// Keep the callback as a member to prevent it from being garbage collected.
loggingCallback = new LoggingCallback(HandBrakeInstance.LoggingHandler);
errorCallback = new LoggingCallback(HandBrakeInstance.ErrorHandler);
this.hbHandle = HbLib.hb_init(verbosity, 0);
/// Handles log messages from HandBrake.
/// The log message (including newline).
public static void LoggingHandler(string message)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
string[] messageParts = message.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (messageParts.Length > 0)
if (MessageLogged != null)
MessageLogged(null, new MessageLoggedEventArgs { Message = messageParts[0] });
/// Handles errors from HandBrake.
/// The error message.
public static void ErrorHandler(string message)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
if (ErrorLogged != null)
ErrorLogged(null, new MessageLoggedEventArgs { Message = message });
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: " + message);
/// Starts scanning the given path.
/// The path to the video to scan.
/// The number of preview images to make.
public void StartScan(string path, int previewCount)
this.StartScan(path, previewCount, 0);
/// Starts a scan of the given path.
/// The path of the video to scan.
/// The number of previews to make on each title.
/// The title index to scan (1-based, 0 for all titles).
public void StartScan(string path, int previewCount, int titleIndex)
HbLib.hb_scan(hbHandle, path, titleIndex, previewCount, 1);
this.scanPollTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
this.scanPollTimer.Interval = ScanPollIntervalMs;
// Lambda notation used to make sure we can view any JIT exceptions the method throws
this.scanPollTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) =>
/// Gets an image for the given job and preview
/// Only incorporates sizing and aspect ratio into preview image.
/// The encode job to preview.
/// The index of the preview to get (0-based).
/// An image with the requested preview.
public BitmapImage GetPreview(EncodeJob job, int previewNumber)
hb_title_s title = this.GetOriginalTitle(job.Title);
hb_job_s nativeJob = InteropUtilities.ReadStructure(title.job);
List allocatedMemory = this.ApplyJob(ref nativeJob, job, false, 0, 0);
// Create a new job pointer from our modified job object
IntPtr newJob = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(hb_job_s)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(nativeJob, newJob, false);
int outputWidth = nativeJob.width;
int outputHeight = nativeJob.height;
int imageBufferSize = outputWidth * outputHeight * 4;
IntPtr nativeBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(imageBufferSize);
HbLib.hb_set_job(this.hbHandle, job.Title, ref nativeJob);
HbLib.hb_get_preview_by_index(this.hbHandle, job.Title, previewNumber, nativeBuffer);
// Copy the filled image buffer to a managed array.
byte[] managedBuffer = new byte[imageBufferSize];
Marshal.Copy(nativeBuffer, managedBuffer, 0, imageBufferSize);
System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(outputWidth, outputHeight);
System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, outputWidth, outputHeight), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
IntPtr ptr = bitmapData.Scan0;
for (int i = 0; i < nativeJob.height; i++)
Marshal.Copy(managedBuffer, i * nativeJob.width * 4, ptr, nativeJob.width * 4);
ptr = AddOffset(ptr, bitmapData.Stride);
//bitmap.Save(@"d:\docs\test_" + previewNumber + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
bitmap.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
BitmapImage wpfBitmap = new BitmapImage();
wpfBitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
wpfBitmap.StreamSource = memoryStream;
return wpfBitmap;
public static IntPtr AddOffset(IntPtr src, int offset)
return new IntPtr(src.ToInt64() + offset);
/// Starts an encode with the given job.
/// The job to start.
public void StartEncode(EncodeJob job)
this.StartEncode(job, false, 0, 0);
/// Starts an encode with the given job.
/// The job to start.
/// True if this is a preview encode.
/// The preview number to start the encode at (0-based).
/// The number of seconds in the preview.
public void StartEncode(EncodeJob job, bool preview, int previewNumber, int previewSeconds)
hb_job_s nativeJob = InteropUtilities.ReadStructure(this.GetOriginalTitle(job.Title).job);
this.encodeAllocatedMemory = this.ApplyJob(ref nativeJob, job, preview, previewNumber, previewSeconds);
if (!preview && job.EncodingProfile.IncludeChapterMarkers)
Title title = this.GetTitle(job.Title);
int numChapters = title.Chapters.Count;
if (job.UseDefaultChapterNames)
for (int i = 0; i < numChapters; i++)
HbLib.hb_set_chapter_name(this.hbHandle, job.Title, i + 1, "Chapter " + (i + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < numChapters; i++)
HbLib.hb_set_chapter_name(this.hbHandle, job.Title, i + 1, job.CustomChapterNames[i]);
HbLib.hb_add(this.hbHandle, ref nativeJob);
if (job.EncodingProfile.TwoPass)
nativeJob.pass = 2;
string x264Opts = job.EncodingProfile.X264Options ?? string.Empty;
nativeJob.x264opts = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(x264Opts);
HbLib.hb_add(this.hbHandle, ref nativeJob);
this.encodePollTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
this.encodePollTimer.Interval = EncodePollIntervalMs;
this.encodePollTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) =>
/// Pauses the current encode.
public void PauseEncode()
/// Resumes a paused encode.
public void ResumeEncode()
/// Stops the current encode.
public void StopEncode()
// Also remove all jobs from the queue (in case we stopped a 2-pass encode)
var currentJobs = new List();
int jobs = HbLib.hb_count(this.hbHandle);
for (int i = 0; i < jobs; i++)
currentJobs.Add(HbLib.hb_job(this.hbHandle, 0));
foreach (IntPtr job in currentJobs)
HbLib.hb_rem(this.hbHandle, job);
/// Gets the final size when using Anamorphic for a given encode job.
/// The encode job to use.
/// The storage width.
/// The storage height.
/// The pixel aspect X number.
/// The pixel aspect Y number.
public void GetAnamorphicSize(EncodeJob job, out int width, out int height, out int parWidth, out int parHeight)
hb_job_s nativeJob = InteropUtilities.ReadStructure(this.GetOriginalTitle(job.Title).job);
List allocatedMemory = this.ApplyJob(ref nativeJob, job, false, 0, 0);
int refWidth = 0;
int refHeight = 0;
int refParWidth = 0;
int refParHeight = 0;
HbLib.hb_set_job(this.hbHandle, job.Title, ref nativeJob);
HbLib.hb_set_anamorphic_size_by_index(this.hbHandle, job.Title, ref refWidth, ref refHeight, ref refParWidth, ref refParHeight);
//HbLib.hb_set_anamorphic_size(ref nativeJob, ref refWidth, ref refHeight, ref refParWidth, ref refParHeight);
width = refWidth;
height = refHeight;
parWidth = refParWidth;
parHeight = refParHeight;
/// Frees any resources associated with this object.
public void Dispose()
/// Call before app shutdown. Performs global cleanup.
public static void DisposeGlobal()
/// Frees any resources associated with this object.
/// True if managed objects as well as unmanaged should be disposed.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// Free other state (managed objects).
// Free unmanaged objects.
IntPtr handlePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)));
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(handlePtr, this.hbHandle);
/// Checks the status of the ongoing scan.
private void PollScanProgress()
hb_state_s state = new hb_state_s();
HbLib.hb_get_state(this.hbHandle, ref state);
if (state.state == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_SCANNING)
if (this.ScanProgress != null)
int currentTitle = state.param.scanning.title_cur;
int totalTitles = state.param.scanning.title_count;
this.ScanProgress(this, new ScanProgressEventArgs { CurrentTitle = currentTitle, Titles = totalTitles });
else if (state.state == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_SCANDONE)
this.titles = new List();
IntPtr listPtr = HbLib.hb_get_titles(this.hbHandle);
this.originalTitles = InteropUtilities.ConvertList(listPtr);
foreach (hb_title_s title in this.originalTitles)
var newTitle = this.ConvertTitle(title);
if (this.ScanCompleted != null)
this.ScanCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
/// Checks the status of the ongoing encode.
private void PollEncodeProgress()
hb_state_s state = new hb_state_s();
HbLib.hb_get_state(this.hbHandle, ref state);
if (state.state == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_WORKING)
if (this.EncodeProgress != null)
var progressEventArgs = new EncodeProgressEventArgs
FractionComplete = state.param.working.progress,
CurrentFrameRate = state.param.working.rate_cur,
AverageFrameRate = state.param.working.rate_avg,
EstimatedTimeLeft = new TimeSpan(state.param.working.hours, state.param.working.minutes, state.param.working.seconds),
Pass = state.param.working.job_cur
this.EncodeProgress(this, progressEventArgs);
else if (state.state == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_MUXING)
else if (state.state == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_WORKDONE)
if (this.EncodeCompleted != null)
this.EncodeCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
/// Applies the encoding job to the native memory structure and returns a list of memory
/// locations allocated during this.
/// The native structure to apply to job info to.
/// The job info to apply.
/// True if this is a preview encode.
/// The preview number (0-based) to encode.
/// The number of seconds in the preview.
/// The list of memory locations allocated for the job.
private List ApplyJob(ref hb_job_s nativeJob, EncodeJob job, bool preview, int previewNumber, int previewSeconds)
var allocatedMemory = new List();
Title title = this.GetTitle(job.Title);
hb_title_s originalTitle = this.GetOriginalTitle(job.Title);
EncodingProfile profile = job.EncodingProfile;
if (preview)
nativeJob.start_at_preview = previewNumber + 1;
nativeJob.seek_points = 10;
// There are 90,000 PTS per second.
nativeJob.pts_to_stop = previewSeconds * 90000;
else if (job.ChapterStart > 0 && job.ChapterEnd > 0)
nativeJob.chapter_start = job.ChapterStart;
nativeJob.chapter_end = job.ChapterEnd;
nativeJob.chapter_start = 1;
nativeJob.chapter_end = title.Chapters.Count;
nativeJob.chapter_markers = profile.IncludeChapterMarkers ? 1 : 0;
Cropping crop;
if (profile.CustomCropping)
crop = profile.Cropping;
crop = title.AutoCropDimensions;
nativeJob.crop[0] = crop.Top;
nativeJob.crop[1] = crop.Bottom;
nativeJob.crop[2] = crop.Left;
nativeJob.crop[3] = crop.Right;
List filterList = new List();
if (profile.Deinterlace != Deinterlace.Off)
nativeJob.deinterlace = 1;
string settings = null;
switch (profile.Deinterlace)
case Deinterlace.Fast:
settings = "-1";
case Deinterlace.Slow:
settings = "2";
case Deinterlace.Slower:
settings = "0";
case Deinterlace.Custom:
settings = profile.CustomDeinterlace;
this.AddFilter(filterList, NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE, settings, allocatedMemory);
//filterList.Add(HbLib.hb_get_filter_object(NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE, settings));
nativeJob.deinterlace = 0;
if (profile.Detelecine != Detelecine.Off)
string settings = null;
if (profile.Detelecine == Detelecine.Custom)
settings = profile.CustomDetelecine;
this.AddFilter(filterList, NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DETELECINE, settings, allocatedMemory);
//filterList.Add(HbLib.hb_get_filter_object(NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DETELECINE, settings));
if (profile.Decomb != Decomb.Off)
string settings = null;
if (profile.Decomb == Decomb.Custom)
settings = profile.CustomDecomb;
this.AddFilter(filterList, NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DECOMB, settings, allocatedMemory);
//filterList.Add(HbLib.hb_get_filter_object(NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DECOMB, settings));
if (profile.Deblock > 0)
this.AddFilter(filterList, NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DEBLOCK, profile.Deblock.ToString(), allocatedMemory);
//filterList.Add(HbLib.hb_get_filter_object(NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DEBLOCK, profile.Deblock.ToString()));
if (profile.Denoise != Denoise.Off)
string settings = null;
switch (profile.Denoise)
case Denoise.Weak:
settings = "2:1:2:3";
case Denoise.Medium:
settings = "3:2:2:3";
case Denoise.Strong:
settings = "7:7:5:5";
case Denoise.Custom:
settings = profile.CustomDenoise;
this.AddFilter(filterList, NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DENOISE, settings, allocatedMemory);
//filterList.Add(HbLib.hb_get_filter_object(NativeConstants.HB_FILTER_DENOISE, settings));
NativeList filterListNative = InteropUtilities.CreateIntPtrList(filterList);
nativeJob.filters = filterListNative.ListPtr;
int width = profile.Width;
int height = profile.Height;
if (width == 0)
width = title.Resolution.Width;
if (profile.MaxWidth > 0 && width > profile.MaxWidth)
width = profile.MaxWidth;
if (height == 0)
height = title.Resolution.Height;
if (profile.MaxHeight > 0 && height > profile.MaxHeight)
height = profile.MaxHeight;
nativeJob.grayscale = profile.Grayscale ? 1 : 0;
switch (profile.Anamorphic)
case Anamorphic.None:
nativeJob.anamorphic.mode = 0;
if (profile.KeepDisplayAspect)
if (profile.Width == 0 && profile.Height == 0 || profile.Width == 0)
width = (int)((double)height * this.GetTitle(job.Title).AspectRatio);
else if (profile.Height == 0)
height = (int)((double)width / this.GetTitle(job.Title).AspectRatio);
nativeJob.anamorphic.keep_display_aspect = profile.KeepDisplayAspect ? 1 : 0;
case Anamorphic.Strict:
nativeJob.anamorphic.mode = 1;
case Anamorphic.Loose:
nativeJob.anamorphic.mode = 2;
case Anamorphic.Custom:
nativeJob.anamorphic.mode = 3;
nativeJob.modulus = profile.Modulus;
if (profile.UseDisplayWidth)
if (profile.KeepDisplayAspect)
height = (int)((double)profile.DisplayWidth / this.GetTitle(job.Title).AspectRatio);
nativeJob.anamorphic.dar_width = profile.DisplayWidth;
nativeJob.anamorphic.dar_height = height;
nativeJob.anamorphic.keep_display_aspect = profile.KeepDisplayAspect ? 1 : 0;
nativeJob.anamorphic.par_width = profile.PixelAspectX;
nativeJob.anamorphic.par_height = profile.PixelAspectY;
nativeJob.anamorphic.keep_display_aspect = 0;
nativeJob.width = width;
nativeJob.height = height;
nativeJob.maxWidth = profile.MaxWidth;
nativeJob.maxHeight = profile.MaxHeight;
switch (profile.VideoEncoder)
case VideoEncoder.X264:
nativeJob.vcodec = NativeConstants.HB_VCODEC_X264;
case VideoEncoder.Theora:
nativeJob.vcodec = NativeConstants.HB_VCODEC_THEORA;
case VideoEncoder.FFMpeg:
nativeJob.vcodec = NativeConstants.HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG;
if (profile.VideoEncodeRateType == VideoEncodeRateType.ConstantQuality)
nativeJob.vquality = (float)profile.Quality;
nativeJob.vbitrate = 0;
else if (profile.VideoEncodeRateType == VideoEncodeRateType.AverageBitrate)
nativeJob.vquality = -1;
nativeJob.vbitrate = profile.VideoBitrate;
// vrate
// vrate_base
// vfr
// cfr
// areBframes
// color_matrix
List titleAudio = InteropUtilities.ConvertList(originalTitle.list_audio);
List audioList = new List();
int numTracks = 0;
foreach (AudioEncoding encoding in profile.AudioEncodings)
if (encoding.InputNumber == 0)
// Add this encoding for all chosen tracks
foreach (int chosenTrack in job.ChosenAudioTracks)
if (titleAudio.Count >= chosenTrack)
audioList.Add(ConvertAudioBack(encoding, titleAudio[chosenTrack - 1], chosenTrack, numTracks++));
else if (encoding.InputNumber <= job.ChosenAudioTracks.Count)
// Add this encoding for the specified track, if it exists
int trackNumber = job.ChosenAudioTracks[encoding.InputNumber - 1];
audioList.Add(ConvertAudioBack(encoding, titleAudio[trackNumber - 1], trackNumber, numTracks++));
NativeList nativeAudioList = InteropUtilities.ConvertListBack(audioList);
nativeJob.list_audio = nativeAudioList.ListPtr;
List subtitleList = new List();
if (job.Subtitles != null)
if (job.Subtitles.SourceSubtitles != null && job.Subtitles.SourceSubtitles.Count > 0)
List titleSubtitles = InteropUtilities.ConvertList(originalTitle.list_subtitle);
foreach (SourceSubtitle sourceSubtitle in job.Subtitles.SourceSubtitles)
if (sourceSubtitle.TrackNumber == 0)
// Use subtitle search.
nativeJob.select_subtitle_config.force = sourceSubtitle.Forced ? 1 : 0;
nativeJob.select_subtitle_config.default_track = sourceSubtitle.Default ? 1 : 0;
if (!sourceSubtitle.BurnedIn && profile.OutputFormat == OutputFormat.Mkv)
nativeJob.select_subtitle_config.dest = hb_subtitle_config_s_subdest.PASSTHRUSUB;
nativeJob.indepth_scan = 1;
// Use specified subtitle.
hb_subtitle_s nativeSubtitle = titleSubtitles[sourceSubtitle.TrackNumber - 1];
nativeSubtitle.config.force = sourceSubtitle.Forced ? 1 : 0;
nativeSubtitle.config.default_track = sourceSubtitle.Default ? 1 : 0;
if (!sourceSubtitle.BurnedIn && profile.OutputFormat == OutputFormat.Mkv && nativeSubtitle.format == hb_subtitle_s_subtype.PICTURESUB)
nativeSubtitle.config.dest = hb_subtitle_config_s_subdest.PASSTHRUSUB;
if (job.Subtitles.SrtSubtitles != null)
foreach (SrtSubtitle srtSubtitle in job.Subtitles.SrtSubtitles)
hb_subtitle_s nativeSubtitle = new hb_subtitle_s();
nativeSubtitle.id = subtitleList.Count << 8 | 0xFF;
nativeSubtitle.iso639_2 = srtSubtitle.LanguageCode;
nativeSubtitle.lang = LanguageCodes.Decode(srtSubtitle.LanguageCode);
nativeSubtitle.source = hb_subtitle_s_subsource.SRTSUB;
nativeSubtitle.format = hb_subtitle_s_subtype.TEXTSUB;
nativeSubtitle.config.src_codeset = srtSubtitle.CharacterCode;
nativeSubtitle.config.src_filename = srtSubtitle.FileName;
nativeSubtitle.config.offset = srtSubtitle.Offset;
nativeSubtitle.config.dest = hb_subtitle_config_s_subdest.PASSTHRUSUB;
nativeSubtitle.config.default_track = srtSubtitle.Default ? 1 : 0;
NativeList nativeSubtitleList = InteropUtilities.ConvertListBack(subtitleList);
nativeJob.list_subtitle = nativeSubtitleList.ListPtr;
if (profile.OutputFormat == OutputFormat.Mp4)
nativeJob.mux = NativeConstants.HB_MUX_MP4;
nativeJob.mux = NativeConstants.HB_MUX_MKV;
nativeJob.file = job.OutputPath;
nativeJob.largeFileSize = profile.LargeFile ? 1 : 0;
nativeJob.mp4_optimize = profile.Optimize ? 1 : 0;
nativeJob.ipod_atom = profile.IPod5GSupport ? 1 : 0;
string x264Options = profile.X264Options ?? string.Empty;
if (profile.TwoPass)
nativeJob.pass = 1;
if (profile.TurboFirstPass)
if (x264Options == string.Empty)
x264Options = TurboX264Opts;
x264Options += ":" + TurboX264Opts;
nativeJob.x264opts = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(x264Options);
// indepth_scan
if (title.AngleCount > 1)
nativeJob.angle = job.Angle;
// frames_to_skip
return allocatedMemory;
/// Adds a filter to the given filter list.
/// The filter list to add to.
/// The type of filter.
/// Settings for the filter.
/// The list of allocated memory.
private void AddFilter(List filterList, int filterType, string settings, List allocatedMemory)
IntPtr settingsNativeString = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(settings);
filterList.Add(HbLib.hb_get_filter_object(filterType, settingsNativeString));
/// Gets the title, given the 1-based index.
/// The index of the title (1-based).
/// The requested Title.
private Title GetTitle(int titleIndex)
return this.Titles.SingleOrDefault(title => title.TitleNumber == titleIndex);
/// Gets the native title object from the title index.
/// The index of the title (1-based).
/// Gets the native title object for the given index.
private hb_title_s GetOriginalTitle(int titleIndex)
List matchingTitles = this.originalTitles.Where(title => title.index == titleIndex).ToList();
if (matchingTitles.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Could not find specified title.");
if (matchingTitles.Count > 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Multiple titles matched.");
return matchingTitles[0];
/// Applies an audio encoding to a native audio encoding base structure.
/// The encoding to apply.
/// The base native structure.
/// The resulting native audio structure.
private hb_audio_s ConvertAudioBack(AudioEncoding encoding, hb_audio_s baseStruct, int track, int outputTrack)
hb_audio_s nativeAudio = baseStruct;
//nativeAudio.config.input.track = track;
nativeAudio.config.output.track = outputTrack;
switch (encoding.Encoder)
case AudioEncoder.Ac3Passthrough:
nativeAudio.config.output.codec = NativeConstants.HB_ACODEC_AC3;
case AudioEncoder.DtsPassthrough:
nativeAudio.config.output.codec = NativeConstants.HB_ACODEC_DCA;
case AudioEncoder.Faac:
nativeAudio.config.output.codec = NativeConstants.HB_ACODEC_FAAC;
case AudioEncoder.Lame:
nativeAudio.config.output.codec = NativeConstants.HB_ACODEC_LAME;
case AudioEncoder.Vorbis:
nativeAudio.config.output.codec = NativeConstants.HB_ACODEC_VORBIS;
nativeAudio.config.output.bitrate = encoding.Bitrate;
nativeAudio.config.output.dynamic_range_compression = 0.0;
switch (encoding.Mixdown)
case Mixdown.DolbyProLogicII:
nativeAudio.config.output.mixdown = NativeConstants.HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBYPLII;
case Mixdown.DolbySurround:
nativeAudio.config.output.mixdown = NativeConstants.HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBY;
case Mixdown.Mono:
nativeAudio.config.output.mixdown = NativeConstants.HB_AMIXDOWN_MONO;
case Mixdown.SixChannelDiscrete:
nativeAudio.config.output.mixdown = NativeConstants.HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH;
case Mixdown.Stereo:
nativeAudio.config.output.mixdown = NativeConstants.HB_AMIXDOWN_STEREO;
if (encoding.SampleRate != null)
nativeAudio.config.output.samplerate = (int)(double.Parse(encoding.SampleRate) * 1000);
nativeAudio.padding = new byte[24600];
return nativeAudio;
/// Converts a native title to a Title object.
/// The native title structure.
/// The managed Title object.
private Title ConvertTitle(hb_title_s title)
var newTitle = new Title
TitleNumber = title.index,
Resolution = new Size(title.width, title.height),
ParVal = new Size(title.pixel_aspect_width, title.pixel_aspect_height),
Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(((double)title.duration) / 90000),
AutoCropDimensions = new Cropping
Top = title.crop[0],
Bottom = title.crop[1],
Left = title.crop[2],
Right = title.crop[3]
AspectRatio = title.aspect,
AngleCount = title.angle_count
int currentSubtitleTrack = 1;
List subtitleList = InteropUtilities.ConvertList(title.list_subtitle);
foreach (hb_subtitle_s subtitle in subtitleList)
var newSubtitle = new Subtitle
TrackNumber = currentSubtitleTrack,
Language = subtitle.lang,
LanguageCode = subtitle.iso639_2
if (subtitle.format == hb_subtitle_s_subtype.PICTURESUB)
newSubtitle.SubtitleType = SubtitleType.Picture;
else if (subtitle.format == hb_subtitle_s_subtype.TEXTSUB)
newSubtitle.SubtitleType = SubtitleType.Text;
int currentAudioTrack = 1;
List audioList = InteropUtilities.ConvertList(title.list_audio);
foreach (hb_audio_s audio in audioList)
var newAudio = new AudioTrack
TrackNumber = currentAudioTrack,
Language = audio.config.lang.simple,
LanguageCode = audio.config.lang.iso639_2,
Description = audio.config.lang.description
List chapterList = InteropUtilities.ConvertList(title.list_chapter);
foreach (hb_chapter_s chapter in chapterList)
var newChapter = new Chapter
ChapterNumber = chapter.index,
Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(((double)chapter.duration) / 90000)
return newTitle;