using System; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Handbrake { class QueryGenerator { /// /// Generates a CLI query based on the GUI widgets. /// /// /// The CLI String public string GenerateTheQuery(frmMain mainWindow) { // Source tab string query = ""; if ((mainWindow.text_source.Text != "") && (mainWindow.text_source.Text.Trim() != "Click 'Source' to continue")) query = " -i " + '"' + mainWindow.text_source.Text + '"'; if (mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text != "Automatic") { string[] titleInfo = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text.Split(' '); query += " -t " + titleInfo[0]; } if (mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text == mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text && mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text != "Auto") query += " -c " + mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text; else if (mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text == "Auto" && mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text != "Auto") query += " -c " + "0-" + mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text; else if (mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text != "Auto" && mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text != "Auto") query += " -c " + mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text + "-" + mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text; // Destination tab if (mainWindow.text_destination.Text != "") query += " -o " + '"' + mainWindow.text_destination.Text + '"'; query += generateTabbedComponentsQuery(mainWindow); return query; } /// /// Generates a CLI query for the preview function. /// This basically forces a shortened version of the encdode. /// /// /// Duration /// Start at preview /// Returns a CLI query String. public string GeneratePreviewQuery(frmMain mainWindow, string duration, string preview) { int seconds; int.TryParse(duration, out seconds); // Source tab string query = ""; if ((mainWindow.text_source.Text != "") && (mainWindow.text_source.Text.Trim() != "Click 'Source' to continue")) query = " -i " + '"' + mainWindow.text_source.Text + '"'; if (mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text != "Automatic") { string[] titleInfo = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text.Split(' '); query += " -t " + titleInfo[0]; } query += " --start-at-preview " + preview; query += " --stop-at-duration " + duration + " "; // Destination tab if (mainWindow.text_destination.Text != "") query += " -o " + '"' + mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Replace(".m", "_sample.m").Replace(".avi", "_sample.avi").Replace(".ogm", "_sample.ogm") + '"'; query += generateTabbedComponentsQuery(mainWindow); return query; } /// /// Generates part of the CLI query, for the tabbed components only. /// /// /// public string generateTabbedComponentsQuery(frmMain mainWindow) { string query = ""; // The Output Settings box above the tabbed section. #region Output Settings Box query += " -f " + mainWindow.drop_format.Text.ToLower().Replace(" file", ""); // These are output settings features if (mainWindow.check_largeFile.Checked) query += " -4 "; if (mainWindow.check_iPodAtom.Checked) query += " -I "; if (mainWindow.check_optimiseMP4.Checked) query += " -O "; #endregion // Picture Settings Tab #region Picture Settings Tab // Use MaxWidth for built-in presets and width for user settings. if (mainWindow.maxWidth == 0) { if (mainWindow.text_width.Text != "") query += " -w " + mainWindow.text_width.Text; } else { if (mainWindow.text_width.Text != "") query += " -X " + mainWindow.text_width.Text; } // Use MaxHeight for built-in presets and height for user settings. if (mainWindow.maxHeight == 0) { if (mainWindow.text_height.Text != "") query += " -l " + mainWindow.text_height.Text; } else { if (mainWindow.text_height.Text != "") query += " -Y " + mainWindow.text_height.Text; } string cropTop = mainWindow.text_top.Text; string cropBottom = mainWindow.text_bottom.Text; string cropLeft = mainWindow.text_left.Text; string cropRight = mainWindow.text_right.Text; if (mainWindow.check_customCrop.Checked) { if (mainWindow.text_top.Text == string.Empty) cropTop = "0"; if (mainWindow.text_bottom.Text == string.Empty) cropBottom = "0"; if (mainWindow.text_left.Text == string.Empty) cropLeft = "0"; if (mainWindow.text_right.Text == string.Empty) cropRight = "0"; query += " --crop " + cropTop + ":" + cropBottom + ":" + cropLeft + ":" + cropRight; } switch (mainWindow.drp_deInterlace_option.Text) { case "None": query += ""; break; case "Fast": query += " --deinterlace=\"fast\""; break; case "Slow": query += " --deinterlace=\"slow\""; break; case "Slower": query += " --deinterlace=\"slower\""; break; case "Slowest": query += " --deinterlace=\"slowest\""; break; default: query += ""; break; } if (mainWindow.check_decomb.Checked) { string decombValue = Properties.Settings.Default.decomb; if (decombValue != "" && decombValue != Properties.Settings.Default.default_decomb) query += " --decomb=\"" + decombValue + "\""; else query += " --decomb "; } if (mainWindow.drp_anamorphic.SelectedIndex == 1) query += " -p "; else if (mainWindow.drp_anamorphic.SelectedIndex == 2) query += " -P "; if (mainWindow.slider_deblock.Value != 4) query += " --deblock=" + mainWindow.slider_deblock.Value; if (mainWindow.check_detelecine.Checked) query += " --detelecine"; #endregion // Video Settings Tab #region Video Settings Tab switch (mainWindow.drp_videoEncoder.Text) { case "MPEG-4 (FFmpeg)": query += " -e ffmpeg"; break; case "MPEG-4 (XviD)": query += " -e xvid"; break; case "H.264 (x264)": query += " -e x264"; break; case "VP3 (Theora)": query += " -e theora"; break; default: query += " -e x264"; break; } if (mainWindow.check_grayscale.Checked) query += " -g "; // Video Settings if (mainWindow.text_bitrate.Text != "") query += " -b " + mainWindow.text_bitrate.Text; if (mainWindow.text_filesize.Text != "") query += " -S " + mainWindow.text_filesize.Text; // Video Quality Setting double videoQuality = mainWindow.slider_videoQuality.Value; if (videoQuality != 0) { videoQuality = videoQuality / 100; query += " -q " + videoQuality.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US")); } if (mainWindow.check_2PassEncode.Checked) query += " -2 "; if (mainWindow.check_turbo.Checked) query += " -T "; if (mainWindow.drp_videoFramerate.Text != "Same as source") query += " -r " + mainWindow.drp_videoFramerate.Text; switch (mainWindow.drp_deNoise.Text) { case "None": query += ""; break; case "Weak": query += " --denoise=\"weak\""; break; case "Medium": query += " --denoise=\"medium\""; break; case "Strong": query += " --denoise=\"strong\""; break; default: query += ""; break; } #endregion // Audio Settings Tab #region Audio Settings Tab ListView audioTracks = mainWindow.lv_audioList; List tracks = new List(); List codecs = new List(); List mixdowns = new List(); List samplerates = new List(); List bitrates = new List(); List drcs = new List(); // No Audio if (audioTracks.Items.Count == 0) query += " -a none "; // Gather information about each audio track and store them in the declared lists. foreach (ListViewItem row in audioTracks.Items) { // Audio Track (-a) if (row.Text == "Automatic") tracks.Add("1"); else if (row.Text != "None") { string[] tempSub = row.Text.Split(' '); tracks.Add(tempSub[0]); } // Audio Codec (-E) if (row.SubItems[1].Text != String.Empty) codecs.Add(getAudioEncoder(row.SubItems[1].Text)); // Audio Mixdown (-6) if (row.SubItems[2].Text != String.Empty) mixdowns.Add(getMixDown(row.SubItems[2].Text)); // Sample Rate (-R) if (row.SubItems[3].Text != String.Empty) samplerates.Add(row.SubItems[3].Text.Replace("Auto", "0")); // Audio Bitrate (-B) if (row.SubItems[4].Text != String.Empty) bitrates.Add(row.SubItems[4].Text.Replace("Auto", "0")); // DRC (-D) if (row.SubItems[5].Text != String.Empty) drcs.Add(row.SubItems[5].Text); } // Audio Track (-a) String audioItems = ""; Boolean firstLoop = true; foreach (String item in tracks) { if (firstLoop) { audioItems = item; firstLoop = false; } else audioItems += "," + item; } if (audioItems.Trim() != String.Empty) query += " -a " + audioItems; firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass. // Audio Codec (-E) foreach (String item in codecs) { if (firstLoop) { audioItems = item; firstLoop = false; } else audioItems += "," + item; } query += " -E " + audioItems; firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass. // Audio Mixdown (-6) foreach (String item in mixdowns) { if (firstLoop) { audioItems = item; firstLoop = false; } else audioItems += "," + item; } query += " -6 " + audioItems; firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass. // Sample Rate (-R) foreach (String item in samplerates) { if (firstLoop) { audioItems = item; firstLoop = false; } else audioItems += "," + item; } query += " -R " + audioItems; firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass. // Audio Bitrate (-B) foreach (String item in bitrates) { if (firstLoop) { audioItems = item; firstLoop = false; } else audioItems += "," + item; } query += " -B " + audioItems; firstLoop = true; audioItems = ""; // Reset for another pass. // DRC (-D) foreach (String item in drcs) { if (firstLoop) { audioItems = item; firstLoop = false; } else audioItems += "," + item; } query += " -D " + audioItems; // Subtitles string subtitles = mainWindow.drp_subtitle.Text; if (subtitles == "Autoselect") query += " -U "; else if (subtitles != "" && subtitles != "None") { string[] tempSub; tempSub = subtitles.Split(' '); query += " -s " + tempSub[0]; } if (mainWindow.check_forced.Checked) query += " -F "; #endregion // Chapter Markers Tab #region Chapter Markers // Attach Source name and dvd title to the start of the chapters.csv filename. // This is for the queue. It allows different chapter name files for each title. string[] destName = mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Split('\\'); string dest_name = destName[destName.Length - 1]; dest_name = dest_name.Replace("\"", ""); dest_name = dest_name.Replace(".mp4", "").Replace(".m4v", "").Replace(".avi", "").Replace(".mkv", "").Replace(".ogm", ""); string source_title = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text; string[] titlesplit = source_title.Split(' '); source_title = titlesplit[0]; if (mainWindow.Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked) { if (dest_name.Trim() != String.Empty) { string path; if (source_title != "Automatic") path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), dest_name + "-" + source_title + "-chapters.csv"); else path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), dest_name + "-chapters.csv"); if (chapterCSVSave(mainWindow, path) == false) query += " -m "; else query += " --markers=" + "\"" + path + "\""; } else query += " -m"; } #endregion // H264 Tab #region H264 Tab if (mainWindow.rtf_x264Query.Text != "") query += " -x " + mainWindow.rtf_x264Query.Text; #endregion // Other #region Processors / Other string processors = Properties.Settings.Default.Processors; if (processors != "Automatic") query += " -C " + processors + " "; query += " -v "; #endregion return query; } /// /// Get the CLI equive of the audio mixdown from the widget name. /// /// /// /// private string getMixDown(string selectedAudio) { switch (selectedAudio) { case "Automatic": return "auto"; case "Mono": return "mono"; case "Stereo": return "stereo"; case "Dolby Surround": return "dpl1"; case "Dolby Pro Logic II": return "dpl2"; case "6 Channel Discrete": return "6ch"; default: return "auto"; } } /// /// Get the CLI equiv of the audio encoder from the widget name. /// /// /// /// private string getAudioEncoder(string selectedEncoder) { switch (selectedEncoder) { case "AAC": return "faac"; case "MP3": return "lame"; case "Vorbis": return "vorbis"; case "AC3": return "ac3"; default: return ""; } } /// /// This function saves the data in the chapters tab, dataGridView into a CSV file called chapters.csv /// in a directory specified by file_path_name /// /// /// /// private Boolean chapterCSVSave(frmMain mainWindow, string file_path_name) { try { StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows) { csv.Append(row.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); csv.Append(","); csv.Append(row.Cells[1].Value.ToString()); csv.Append(Environment.NewLine); } StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(file_path_name); file.Write(csv.ToString()); file.Close(); file.Dispose(); return true; } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to save Chapter Makrers file! \nChapter marker names will NOT be saved in your encode \n\n" + exc, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return false; } } } }