using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; namespace Handbrake { public partial class frmMain : Form { public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // onLoad - setup the program ready for use. // -------------------------------------------------------------- private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set the Version number lable to the corect version. Version.Text = "Version " + Properties.Settings.Default.GuiVersion; // Run the update checker. updateCheck(); // Now load the users default if required. loadUserDefaults(); } public void loadUserDefaults() { try { if (Properties.Settings.Default.defaultSettings == "Checked") { //Source text_source.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.DVDSource; drp_dvdtitle.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.DVDTitle; drop_chapterStart.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.ChapterStart; drop_chapterFinish.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.ChapterFinish; //Destination text_destination.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.VideoDest; drp_videoEncoder.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.VideoEncoder; drp_audioCodec.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.AudioEncoder; text_width.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Width; text_height.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Height; //Picture Settings Tab drp_crop.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.CroppingOption; text_top.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.CropTop; text_bottom.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.CropBottom; text_left.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.CropLeft; text_right.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.CropRight; drp_subtitle.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Subtitles; //Video Settings Tab text_bitrate.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.VideoBitrate; text_filesize.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.VideoFilesize; slider_videoQuality.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.VideoQuality; if (Properties.Settings.Default.TwoPass == "Checked") { check_2PassEncode.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeInterlace == "Checked") { check_DeInterlace.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.Grayscale == "Checked") { check_grayscale.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } drp_videoFramerate.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Framerate; if (Properties.Settings.Default.PixelRatio == "Checked") { CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.turboFirstPass == "Checked") { check_turbo.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.largeFile == "Checked") { check_largeFile.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } //Audio Settings Tab drp_audioBitrate.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.AudioBitrate; drp_audioSampleRate.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.AudioSampleRate; drp_audioChannels.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.AudioChannels; //H264 Tab if (Properties.Settings.Default.CRF == "Checked") { CheckCRF.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; } rtf_h264advanced.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.H264; } } catch (Exception) { // No real need to alert the user. Try/Catch only in just incase there is a problem reading the settings xml file. } } public void updateCheck() { if (Properties.Settings.Default.updateStatus == "Checked") { try { String updateFile = Properties.Settings.Default.updateFile; WebClient client = new WebClient(); String data = client.DownloadString(updateFile); String[] versionData = data.Split('\n'); if ((versionData[0] != Properties.Settings.Default.GuiVersion) || (versionData[1] != Properties.Settings.Default.CliVersion)) { lbl_update.Visible = true; } } //else fail displaying an error message. catch (Exception) { //Silently ignore the error } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // The Menu Bar // -------------------------------------------------------------- // FILE MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- private void mnu_open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { File_Open.ShowDialog(); } private void mnu_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { File_Save.ShowDialog(); } private void mnu_update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form Update = new frmUpdate(); Update.Show(); } private void mnu_exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } // TOOLS MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- private void mnu_encode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form Queue = new frmQueue(); Queue.Show(); } private void mnu_viewDVDdata_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form DVDData = new frmDVDData(); DVDData.Show(); } private void mnu_options_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form Options = new frmOptions(); Options.Show(); } // PRESETS MENU -------------------------------------------------------------- private void mnu_preset_ipod133_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; text_width.Text = "640"; text_height.Text = "480"; drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264 (iPod)"; text_bitrate.Text = "1000"; text_filesize.Text = ""; slider_videoQuality.Value = 0; SliderValue.Text = "0%"; drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160"; rtf_h264advanced.Text = ""; drp_crop.Text = "No Crop"; } private void mnu_preset_ipod178_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; text_width.Text = "640"; text_height.Text = "352"; drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264 (iPod)"; text_bitrate.Text = "1000"; text_filesize.Text = ""; slider_videoQuality.Value = 0; SliderValue.Text = "0%"; drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160"; rtf_h264advanced.Text = ""; drp_crop.Text = "No Crop"; } private void mnu_preset_ipod235_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; text_width.Text = "640"; text_height.Text = "272"; drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264 (iPod)"; text_bitrate.Text = "1000"; text_filesize.Text = ""; slider_videoQuality.Value = 0; SliderValue.Text = "0%"; drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160"; rtf_h264advanced.Text = ""; drp_crop.Text = "No Crop"; } private void mnu_appleTv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { text_width.Text = ""; text_height.Text = ""; drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264"; text_bitrate.Text = "3000"; text_filesize.Text = ""; slider_videoQuality.Value = 0; SliderValue.Text = "0%"; drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160"; CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; drp_audioSampleRate.Text = "48"; rtf_h264advanced.Text = "bframes=3:ref=1:subme=5:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1:no-dct-decimate=1:trellis=2"; drp_crop.Text = "No Crop"; } private void mnu_presetPS3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; text_width.Text = ""; text_height.Text = ""; drp_videoEncoder.Text = "H.264"; text_bitrate.Text = "3000"; text_filesize.Text = ""; slider_videoQuality.Value = 0; SliderValue.Text = "0%"; drp_audioBitrate.Text = "160"; CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; drp_audioSampleRate.Text = "48"; rtf_h264advanced.Text = "level=41"; drp_crop.Text = "No Crop"; } private void mnu_ProgramDefaultOptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Source Properties.Settings.Default.DVDSource = text_source.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.DVDTitle = drp_dvdtitle.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.ChapterStart = drop_chapterStart.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.ChapterFinish = drop_chapterFinish.Text; //Destination Properties.Settings.Default.VideoDest = text_destination.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.VideoEncoder = drp_videoEncoder.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.AudioEncoder = drp_audioCodec.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Width = text_width.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Height = text_height.Text; //Picture Settings Tab Properties.Settings.Default.CroppingOption = drp_crop.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.CropTop = text_top.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.CropBottom = text_bottom.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.CropLeft = text_left.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.CropRight = text_right.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Subtitles = drp_subtitle.Text; //Video Settings Tab Properties.Settings.Default.VideoBitrate = text_bitrate.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.VideoFilesize = text_filesize.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.VideoQuality = slider_videoQuality.Value; Properties.Settings.Default.TwoPass = check_2PassEncode.CheckState.ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.DeInterlace = check_DeInterlace.CheckState.ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.Grayscale = check_grayscale.CheckState.ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.Framerate = drp_videoFramerate.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.PixelRatio = CheckPixelRatio.CheckState.ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.turboFirstPass = check_turbo.CheckState.ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.largeFile = check_largeFile.CheckState.ToString(); //Audio Settings Tab Properties.Settings.Default.AudioBitrate = drp_audioBitrate.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.AudioSampleRate = drp_audioSampleRate.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.AudioChannels = drp_audioChannels.Text; //H264 Tab Properties.Settings.Default.CRF = CheckCRF.CheckState.ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.H264 = rtf_h264advanced.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } // Help Menu -------------------------------------------------------------- private void mnu_wiki_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } private void mnu_onlineDocs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } private void mnu_faq_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } private void mnu_homepage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } private void mnu_forum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } private void mnu_about_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form About = new frmAbout(); About.Show(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Buttons on the main Window // -------------------------------------------------------------- private void btn_Browse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String filename =""; text_source.Text = ""; if (RadioDVD.Checked) { DVD_Open.ShowDialog(); filename = DVD_Open.SelectedPath; if (filename != "") { text_source.Text = filename; Form frmReadDVD = new frmReadDVD(filename); frmReadDVD.Show(); } } else { ISO_Open.ShowDialog(); filename = ISO_Open.FileName; if (filename != "") { text_source.Text = filename; Form frmReadDVD = new frmReadDVD(filename); frmReadDVD.Show(); } } } private void btn_destBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: Need to write some code to check if there is a reasonable amount of disk space left. DVD_Save.ShowDialog(); text_destination.Text = DVD_Save.FileName; } private void btn_h264Clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rtf_h264advanced.Text = ""; } private void GenerateQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String query = GenerateTheQuery(); QueryEditorText.Text = query; } private void btn_ClearQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QueryEditorText.Text = ""; } private void btn_queue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form Queue = new frmQueue(); Queue.Show(); } private void btn_encode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String query = ""; if (QueryEditorText.Text == "") { query = GenerateTheQuery(); MessageBox.Show(query); } else { query = QueryEditorText.Text; } System.Diagnostics.Process hbProc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); hbProc.StartInfo.FileName = "hbcli.exe"; hbProc.StartInfo.Arguments = query; hbProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; hbProc.Start(); MessageBox.Show("The encode process has now started.", "Status", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); // TODO: Need to write a bit of code here to do process monitoring. // Note: hbProc.waitForExit will freeze the app, meaning one cannot add additional items to the queue during an encode. } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Items that require actions on frmMain // -------------------------------------------------------------- private void drop_chapterStart_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { QueryEditorText.Text = ""; if ((drop_chapterFinish.Text != "Auto") && (drop_chapterStart.Text != "Auto")) { int chapterFinish = int.Parse(drop_chapterFinish.Text); int chapterStart = int.Parse(drop_chapterStart.Text); try { if (chapterFinish < chapterStart) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Chapter Range! - Final chapter can not be smaller than the starting chapter.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Character Entered!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } } } private void drop_chapterFinish_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { QueryEditorText.Text = ""; if ((drop_chapterFinish.Text != "Auto") && (drop_chapterStart.Text != "Auto")) { int chapterFinish = int.Parse(drop_chapterFinish.Text); int chapterStart = int.Parse(drop_chapterStart.Text); try { if (chapterFinish > chapterStart) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Chapter Range! - Start chapter can not be larger than the Final chapter.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Character Entered!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } } } private void text_bitrate_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { text_filesize.Text = ""; slider_videoQuality.Value = 0; SliderValue.Text = "0%"; CheckCRF.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; } private void text_filesize_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { text_bitrate.Text = ""; slider_videoQuality.Value = 0; SliderValue.Text = "0%"; CheckCRF.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; } private void slider_videoQuality_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { SliderValue.Text = slider_videoQuality.Value.ToString() + "%"; text_bitrate.Text = ""; text_filesize.Text = ""; } private void label_h264_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } // // The Query Generation Function // // This function was imported from old version of this application. // It could probably do with being cleaned up a good deal at some point public string GenerateTheQuery() { string source = text_source.Text; string dvdTitle = drp_dvdtitle.Text; string chapterStart = drop_chapterStart.Text; string chapterFinish = drop_chapterFinish.Text; int totalChapters = drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count - 1; string dvdChapter = ""; if (source == "") { MessageBox.Show("No Source has been selected.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); }else{ source = " -i " + '"' + source+ '"'; //'"'+ } if (dvdTitle == "Automatic") { dvdTitle = ""; }else{ string[] titleInfo = dvdTitle.Split(' '); dvdTitle = " -t "+ titleInfo[0]; } if ((chapterFinish.Equals("Auto") && chapterStart.Equals("Auto"))) { dvdChapter = ""; } else if (chapterFinish == chapterStart) { dvdChapter = " -c " + chapterStart; } else { dvdChapter = " -c " + chapterStart + "-" + chapterFinish; } string querySource = source+ dvdTitle+ dvdChapter; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destination string destination = text_destination.Text; string videoEncoder = drp_videoEncoder.Text; string audioEncoder = drp_audioCodec.Text; string width = text_width.Text; string height = text_height.Text; if ((destination == "")) { MessageBox.Show("No destination has been selected.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { destination = " -o " + '"' + destination + '"'; //'"'+ } if ((videoEncoder == "Mpeg 4")) { videoEncoder = " -e ffmpeg"; } else if ((videoEncoder == "Xvid")) { videoEncoder = " -e xvid"; } else if ((videoEncoder == "H.264")) { videoEncoder = " -e x264"; } else if ((videoEncoder == "H.264 Baseline 1.3")) { videoEncoder = " -e x264b13"; } else if ((videoEncoder == "H.264 (iPod)")) { videoEncoder = " -e x264b30"; } if ((audioEncoder == "AAC")) { audioEncoder = " -E faac"; } else if ((audioEncoder == "MP3")) { audioEncoder = " -E lame"; } else if ((audioEncoder == "Vorbis")) { audioEncoder = " -E vorbis"; } else if ((audioEncoder == "AC3")) { audioEncoder = " -E ac3"; } if ((width != "")) { width = " -w "+ width; } if ((height != "")) { height = " -l "+ height; } string queryDestination = destination+ videoEncoder+ audioEncoder+ width+ height; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Picture Settings Tab string cropSetting = drp_crop.Text; string cropTop = text_top.Text; string cropBottom = text_bottom.Text; string cropLeft = text_left.Text; string cropRight = text_right.Text; string subtitles = drp_subtitle.Text; string cropOut = ""; // Returns Crop Query if (cropSetting == "Auto Crop") { cropOut = ""; } else if (cropSetting == "No Crop") { cropOut = " --crop 0:0:0:0 "; } else { cropOut = " --crop "+ cropTop+ ":"+ cropBottom+ ":"+ cropLeft+ ":"+ cropRight; } if ((subtitles == "None")) { subtitles = ""; } else if ((subtitles == "")) { subtitles = ""; } else { string[] tempSub; tempSub = subtitles.Split(' '); subtitles = " -s "+ tempSub[0]; } string queryPictureSettings = cropOut+ subtitles; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Video Settings Tab string videoBitrate = text_bitrate.Text; string videoFilesize = text_filesize.Text; int videoQuality = slider_videoQuality.Value; string vidQSetting; string twoPassEncoding = check_2PassEncode.CheckState.ToString(); string deinterlace = check_DeInterlace.CheckState.ToString(); string grayscale = check_grayscale.CheckState.ToString(); string videoFramerate = drp_videoFramerate.Text; string pixelRatio = CheckPixelRatio.CheckState.ToString(); string ChapterMarkers = Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckState.ToString(); string turboH264 = check_turbo.CheckState.ToString(); string largeFile = check_largeFile.CheckState.ToString(); if ((videoBitrate != "")) { videoBitrate = " -b "+ videoBitrate; } if ((videoFilesize != "")) { videoFilesize = " -S "+ videoFilesize; } // Video Quality Setting if ((videoQuality == 0)) { vidQSetting = ""; } else { videoQuality = videoQuality/ 100; if (videoQuality == 1) { vidQSetting = "1.0"; } vidQSetting = " -q " + videoQuality.ToString(); } if ((twoPassEncoding == "1")) { twoPassEncoding = " -2 "; } else { twoPassEncoding = ""; } if ((deinterlace == "1")) { deinterlace = " -d "; } else { deinterlace = ""; } if ((grayscale == "1")) { grayscale = " -g "; } else { grayscale = ""; } if ((videoFramerate == "Automatic")) { videoFramerate = ""; } else { videoFramerate = " -r "+ videoFramerate; } if ((pixelRatio == "1")) { pixelRatio = " -p "; } else { pixelRatio = ""; } if ((ChapterMarkers == "1")) { ChapterMarkers = " -m "; } else { ChapterMarkers = ""; } if ((turboH264 == "1")) { turboH264 = " -T "; } else { turboH264 = ""; } if ((largeFile == "1")) { largeFile = " -4 "; } else { largeFile = ""; } string queryVideoSettings = videoBitrate + videoFilesize + vidQSetting + twoPassEncoding + deinterlace + grayscale + videoFramerate + pixelRatio + ChapterMarkers + turboH264 + largeFile; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Audio Settings Tab string audioBitrate = drp_audioBitrate.Text; string audioSampleRate = drp_audioSampleRate.Text; string audioChannels = drp_audioChannels.Text; string Mixdown = drp_audioMixDown.Text; string SixChannelAudio = ""; if ((audioBitrate != "")) { audioBitrate = " -B "+ audioBitrate; } if ((audioSampleRate != "")) { audioSampleRate = " -R "+ audioSampleRate; } if ((audioChannels == "Automatic")) { audioChannels = ""; } else if ((audioChannels == "")) { audioChannels = ""; } else { string[] tempSub; tempSub = audioChannels.Split(' '); audioChannels = " -a "+ tempSub[0]; } if ((Mixdown == "Automatic")) { Mixdown = ""; } else if (Mixdown == "Mono") { Mixdown = "mono"; } else if (Mixdown == "Stereo") { Mixdown = "stereo"; } else if (Mixdown == "Dolby Surround") { Mixdown = "dpl1"; } else if (Mixdown == "Dolby Pro Logic II") { Mixdown = "dpl2"; } else if (Mixdown == "6 Channel Discrete") { Mixdown = "6ch"; } else { Mixdown = "stero"; } if ((Mixdown != "")) { SixChannelAudio = " -6 "+ Mixdown; } else { SixChannelAudio = ""; } string queryAudioSettings = audioBitrate+ audioSampleRate+ audioChannels+ SixChannelAudio; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // H.264 Tab string CRF = CheckCRF.CheckState.ToString(); string h264Advanced = rtf_h264advanced.Text; if ((CRF == "1")) { CRF = " -Q "; } else { CRF = ""; } if ((h264Advanced == "")) { h264Advanced = ""; } else { h264Advanced = " -x "+ h264Advanced; } string h264Settings = CRF+ h264Advanced; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Processors (Program Settings) string processors = Properties.Settings.Default.Processors; // Number of Processors Handler if ((processors == "Automatic")) { processors = ""; } else { processors = " -C "+ processors+ " "; } string queryAdvancedSettings = processors; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Verbose option (Program Settings) string verbose = ""; if ( Properties.Settings.Default.verbose == "1") { verbose = " -v "; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- return querySource+ queryDestination+ queryPictureSettings+ queryVideoSettings+ h264Settings+ queryAudioSettings+ queryAdvancedSettings+ verbose; } // This is the END of the road ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } }