/* frmActivityWindow.cs $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace Handbrake { public partial class frmActivityWindow : Form { Thread monitorFile; String read_file; frmMain mainWindow; frmQueue queueWindow; int position = 0; // Position in the arraylist reached by the current log output in the rtf box. /// /// This window should be used to display the RAW output of the handbrake CLI which is produced during an encode. /// /// public frmActivityWindow(string file, frmMain fm, frmQueue fq) { InitializeComponent(); mainWindow = fm; queueWindow = fq; read_file = file; // Reset some varibles this.rtf_actLog.Text = string.Empty; position = 0; string logFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), read_file); if (File.Exists(logFile)) { // Get the CPU Processor Name RegistryKey RegKey = Registry.LocalMachine; RegKey = RegKey.OpenSubKey("HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"); Object cpuType = RegKey.GetValue("ProcessorNameString"); // Get the screen resolution System.Windows.Forms.Screen scr = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen; // Physical Ram Functions.SystemInfo info = new Functions.SystemInfo(); uint memory = info.TotalPhysicalMemory(); // Add a header to the log file indicating that it's from the Windows GUI and display the windows version rtf_actLog.AppendText("### Windows GUI \n"); rtf_actLog.AppendText(String.Format("### Running: {0} \n###\n", Environment.OSVersion.ToString())); rtf_actLog.AppendText(String.Format("### CPU: {0} \n", cpuType)); rtf_actLog.AppendText(String.Format("### Ram: {0} MB \n", memory)); rtf_actLog.AppendText(String.Format("### Screen: {0}x{1} \n", scr.Bounds.Width, scr.Bounds.Height)); rtf_actLog.AppendText(String.Format("### Temp Dir: {0} \n", Path.GetTempPath())); rtf_actLog.AppendText(String.Format("### Install Dir: {0} \n", Application.StartupPath)); rtf_actLog.AppendText(String.Format("### Data Dir: {0} \n###\n", Application.UserAppDataPath)); // Start a new thread to run the autoUpdate process monitorFile = new Thread(autoUpdate); monitorFile.Start(); } else MessageBox.Show("The log file could not be found. Maybe you cleared your system's tempory folder or maybe you just havn't run an encode yet.", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // Handle the event of the window being disposed. This is needed to make sure HandBrake exit's cleanly. this.Disposed += new EventHandler(forceQuit); } // Ok, so, this function is called when someone closes frmMain but didn't close frmActivitWindow first. // When you close frmMain, the activity window gets closed (disposed of) but, this doens't kill the threads that it started. // When that thread tries to access the disposed rich text box, it causes an exception. // Basically, this function is called when the window is disposed of, to kill the thread and close the window properly. // This allows HandBrake to close cleanly. private void forceQuit(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (monitorFile != null) monitorFile.Abort(); this.Close(); } // Update the Activity window every 5 seconds with the latest log data. private void autoUpdate(object state) { Boolean lastUpdate = false; updateTextFromThread(); while (true) { if ((mainWindow.isEncoding() == true) || (queueWindow.isEncoding() == true)) updateTextFromThread(); else { // The encode may just have stoped, so, refresh the log one more time before restarting it. if (lastUpdate == false) updateTextFromThread(); lastUpdate = true; position = 0; } Thread.Sleep(5000); } } private delegate void UpdateUIHandler(); private void updateTextFromThread() { try { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke(new UpdateUIHandler(updateTextFromThread)); return; } // Initialize a pointer and get the log data arraylist ArrayList data = readFile(); while (position < data.Count) { rtf_actLog.AppendText(data[position].ToString()); if (data[position].ToString().Contains("has exited")) { rtf_actLog.AppendText("\n ############ End of Encode ############## \n"); } position++; } // this.rtf_actLog.SelectionStart = this.rtf_actLog.Text.Length - 1; // this.rtf_actLog.ScrollToCaret(); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occured in: updateTextFromThread(). \n You may have to restart HandBrake. \n Error Information: \n\n" + exc.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } private ArrayList readFile() { // Ok, the task here is to, Get an arraylist of log data. // And update some global varibles which are pointers to the last displayed log line. ArrayList logData = new ArrayList(); try { // hb_encode_log.dat is the primary log file. Since .NET can't read this file whilst the CLI is outputing to it (Not even in read only mode), // we'll need to make a copy of it. string logFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), read_file); string logFile2 = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "hb_encode_log_AppReadable.dat"); // Make sure the application readable log file does not already exist. FileCopy fill fail if it does. if (File.Exists(logFile2)) File.Delete(logFile2); // Copy the log file. File.Copy(logFile, logFile2); // Open the copied log file for reading StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(logFile2); string line = sr.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { if (line.Trim() != "") logData.Add(line + System.Environment.NewLine); line = sr.ReadLine(); } sr.Close(); sr.Dispose(); return logData; } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Error in readFile() \n Unable to read the log file.\n You may have to restart HandBrake.\n Error Information: \n\n" + exc.ToString(), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } return null; } // Ok, We need to make sure the monitor thread is dead when we close the window. protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) { if (monitorFile != null) monitorFile.Abort(); e.Cancel = true; this.Hide(); base.OnClosing(e); } } }