/* Common.cs $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; namespace Handbrake.Functions { class Common { /* * Checks for updates and returns "true" boolean if one exists. */ public Boolean updateCheck() { try { Functions.RssReader rssRead = new Functions.RssReader(); string build = rssRead.build(); int latest = int.Parse(build); int current = Properties.Settings.Default.hb_build; int skip = Properties.Settings.Default.skipversion; if (latest == skip) { return false; } else { Boolean update = (latest > current); return update; } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString()); return false; } } /* * Function which generates the filename and path automatically based on the Source Name, DVD title and DVD Chapters */ public void autoName(frmMain mainWindow) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNaming == "Checked") { if (mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text != "Automatic") { string source = mainWindow.text_source.Text; string[] sourceName = source.Split('\\'); source = sourceName[sourceName.Length - 1].Replace(".iso", "").Replace(".mpg", "").Replace(".ts", "").Replace(".ps", ""); string title = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text; string[] titlesplit = title.Split(' '); title = titlesplit[0]; string cs = mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text; string cf = mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text; if (title == "Automatic") title = ""; if (cs == "Auto") cs = ""; if (cf == "Auto") cf = ""; string dash = ""; if (cf != "Auto") dash = "-"; if (!mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Contains("\\")) { string filePath = ""; if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNamePath.Trim() != "") { if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNamePath.Trim() != "Click 'Browse' to set the default location") filePath = Properties.Settings.Default.autoNamePath + "\\"; } mainWindow.text_destination.Text = filePath + source + "_T" + title + "_C" + cs + dash + cf + ".mp4"; } else { string dest = mainWindow.text_destination.Text; string[] destName = dest.Split('\\'); string[] extension = dest.Split('.'); string ext = extension[extension.Length - 1]; destName[destName.Length - 1] = source + "_T" + title + "_C" + cs + dash + cf + "." + ext; string fullDest = ""; foreach (string part in destName) { if (fullDest != "") fullDest = fullDest + "\\" + part; else fullDest = fullDest + part; } mainWindow.text_destination.Text = fullDest; } } } } /* * This function takes in a Query which has been parsed by QueryParser and sets up the GUI. */ public void presetLoader(frmMain mainWindow, Functions.QueryParser presetQuery, string name) { // --------------------------- // Setup the GUI // --------------------------- // Source tab #region source // Reset some vaules to stock first to prevent errors. mainWindow.check_iPodAtom.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; // Now load all the new settings onto the main window if (presetQuery.Source != "") mainWindow.text_source.Text = presetQuery.Source; if (presetQuery.DVDTitle != 0) mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text = presetQuery.DVDTitle.ToString(); if (presetQuery.DVDChapterStart != 0) mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text = presetQuery.DVDChapterStart.ToString(); if (presetQuery.DVDChapterFinish != 0) mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text = presetQuery.DVDChapterFinish.ToString(); if (presetQuery.Format != "") { string destination = mainWindow.text_destination.Text; destination = destination.Replace(".mp4", "." + presetQuery.Format); destination = destination.Replace(".m4v", "." + presetQuery.Format); destination = destination.Replace(".avi", "." + presetQuery.Format); destination = destination.Replace(".mkv", "." + presetQuery.Format); destination = destination.Replace(".ogm", "." + presetQuery.Format); mainWindow.text_destination.Text = destination; } #endregion // Destination tab #region destination if (presetQuery.Destination != "") mainWindow.text_destination.Text = presetQuery.Destination; mainWindow.drp_videoEncoder.Text = presetQuery.VideoEncoder; mainWindow.drp_audioCodec.Text = presetQuery.AudioEncoder; if (presetQuery.AudioEncoder == "AAC + AC3") { mainWindow.text_destination.Text = mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Replace(".mp4", ".m4v"); } if (presetQuery.IpodAtom == true) mainWindow.check_iPodAtom.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_iPodAtom.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; if (presetQuery.OptimizeMP4 == true) mainWindow.check_optimiseMP4.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_optimiseMP4.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; #endregion // Picture Settings Tab #region Picture mainWindow.drp_crop.SelectedIndex = 1; mainWindow.text_top.Text = presetQuery.CropTop; mainWindow.text_bottom.Text = presetQuery.CropBottom; mainWindow.text_left.Text = presetQuery.CropLeft; mainWindow.text_right.Text = presetQuery.CropRight; mainWindow.drp_deInterlace_option.Text = presetQuery.DeInterlace; mainWindow.drp_deNoise.Text = presetQuery.DeNoise; if (presetQuery.DeTelecine == true) mainWindow.check_detelecine.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_detelecine.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; if (presetQuery.DeBlock == true) mainWindow.check_deblock.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_deblock.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; if (presetQuery.Anamorphic == true) mainWindow.CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.CheckPixelRatio.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; if (presetQuery.LooseAnamorphic == true) mainWindow.check_lAnamorphic.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_lAnamorphic.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; if (presetQuery.Width != 0) mainWindow.text_width.Text = presetQuery.Width.ToString(); else { mainWindow.text_width.Text = ""; mainWindow.text_width.BackColor = Color.White; } if (presetQuery.Height != 0) mainWindow.text_height.Text = presetQuery.Height.ToString(); else { mainWindow.text_height.Text = ""; mainWindow.text_height.BackColor = Color.White; } if (presetQuery.VFR == true) mainWindow.check_vfr.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_vfr.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; #endregion // Video Settings Tab #region video mainWindow.text_bitrate.Text = presetQuery.AverageVideoBitrate; mainWindow.text_filesize.Text = presetQuery.VideoTargetSize; mainWindow.slider_videoQuality.Value = presetQuery.VideoQuality; if (mainWindow.slider_videoQuality.Value != 0) { int ql = presetQuery.VideoQuality; mainWindow.SliderValue.Text = ql.ToString() + "%"; } if (presetQuery.TwoPass == true) mainWindow.check_2PassEncode.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_2PassEncode.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; if (presetQuery.Grayscale == true) mainWindow.check_grayscale.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_grayscale.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; mainWindow.drp_videoFramerate.Text = presetQuery.VideoFramerate; if (presetQuery.TurboFirstPass == true) mainWindow.check_turbo.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_turbo.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; if (presetQuery.LargeMP4 == true) mainWindow.check_largeFile.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; else mainWindow.check_largeFile.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; #endregion // Chapter Markers Tab #region Chapter Markers if (presetQuery.ChapterMarkers == true) { mainWindow.Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; mainWindow.text_destination.Text = mainWindow.text_destination.Text.Replace(".mp4", ".m4v"); } else mainWindow.Check_ChapterMarkers.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; #endregion // Audio Settings Tab #region Audio mainWindow.drp_audioBitrate.Text = presetQuery.AudioBitrate; mainWindow.drp_audioSampleRate.Text = presetQuery.AudioSampleBitrate; mainWindow.drp_track1Audio.Text = presetQuery.AudioTrack1; mainWindow.drp_track2Audio.Text = presetQuery.AudioTrack2; mainWindow.drp_audioMixDown.Text = presetQuery.AudioTrackMix; mainWindow.drp_subtitle.Text = presetQuery.Subtitles; if (presetQuery.ForcedSubtitles == true) { mainWindow.check_forced.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; mainWindow.check_forced.Enabled = true; } else mainWindow.check_forced.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; // Dynamic Range Compression (Should be a float but we use double for ease) double value = presetQuery.DRC; if (value > 0) value = value - 10; mainWindow.slider_drc.Value = int.Parse(value.ToString()); double actualValue = presetQuery.DRC / 10; mainWindow.lbl_drc.Text = actualValue.ToString(); #endregion // H264 Tab & Preset Name #region other mainWindow.rtf_h264advanced.Text = presetQuery.H264Query; // Set the preset name mainWindow.groupBox_output.Text = "Output Settings (Preset: " + name + ")"; #endregion } /* * This takes all the widgets on frmMain */ public string GenerateTheQuery(frmMain mainWindow) { // Source tab #region source string source = mainWindow.text_source.Text; string dvdTitle = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text; string chapterStart = mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text; string chapterFinish = mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text; int totalChapters = mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count - 1; string dvdChapter = ""; if ((source != "") || (source != "Click 'Browse' to continue")) source = " -i " + '"' + source + '"'; if (dvdTitle == "Automatic") dvdTitle = ""; else { string[] titleInfo = dvdTitle.Split(' '); dvdTitle = " -t " + titleInfo[0]; } if (chapterFinish.Equals("Auto") && chapterStart.Equals("Auto")) dvdChapter = ""; else if (chapterFinish == chapterStart) dvdChapter = " -c " + chapterStart; else dvdChapter = " -c " + chapterStart + "-" + chapterFinish; string querySource = source + dvdTitle + dvdChapter; #endregion // Destination tab #region Destination string destination = mainWindow.text_destination.Text; string videoEncoder = mainWindow.drp_videoEncoder.Text; string audioEncoder = mainWindow.drp_audioCodec.Text; string width = mainWindow.text_width.Text; string height = mainWindow.text_height.Text; if (destination != "") destination = " -o " + '"' + destination + '"'; //'"'+ switch (videoEncoder) { case "Mpeg 4": videoEncoder = " -e ffmpeg"; break; case "Xvid": videoEncoder = " -e xvid"; break; case "H.264": videoEncoder = " -e x264"; break; case "H.264 (iPod)": videoEncoder = " -e x264b30"; break; default: videoEncoder = " -e x264"; break; } switch (audioEncoder) { case "AAC": audioEncoder = " -E faac"; break; case "MP3": audioEncoder = " -E lame"; break; case "Vorbis": audioEncoder = " -E vorbis"; break; case "AC3": audioEncoder = " -E ac3"; break; case "AAC + AC3": audioEncoder = " -E aac+ac3"; break; default: audioEncoder = " -E faac"; break; } if (width != "") width = " -w " + width; if (height == "Auto") { height = ""; } else if (height != "") { height = " -l " + height; } string queryDestination = destination + videoEncoder + audioEncoder + width + height; #endregion // Picture Settings Tab #region Picture Settings Tab string cropSetting = mainWindow.drp_crop.Text; string cropTop = mainWindow.text_top.Text; string cropBottom = mainWindow.text_bottom.Text; string cropLeft = mainWindow.text_left.Text; string cropRight = mainWindow.text_right.Text; string cropOut = ""; string deInterlace_Option = mainWindow.drp_deInterlace_option.Text; string deinterlace = ""; string grayscale = ""; string pixelRatio = ""; string vfr = ""; string deblock = ""; string detelecine = ""; string lanamorphic = ""; if (cropSetting == "Automatic") cropOut = ""; else if (cropSetting == "No Crop") cropOut = " --crop 0:0:0:0 "; else { if (mainWindow.text_top.Text == "") cropTop = "0"; if (mainWindow.text_bottom.Text == "") cropBottom = "0"; if (mainWindow.text_left.Text == "") cropLeft = "0"; if (mainWindow.text_right.Text == "") cropRight = "0"; cropOut = " --crop " + cropTop + ":" + cropBottom + ":" + cropLeft + ":" + cropRight; } switch (deInterlace_Option) { case "None": deinterlace = ""; break; case "Fast": deinterlace = " --deinterlace=fast"; break; case "Slow": deinterlace = " --deinterlace=slow"; break; case "Slower": deinterlace = " --deinterlace=slower"; break; case "Slowest": deinterlace = " --deinterlace=slowest"; break; default: deinterlace = ""; break; } if (mainWindow.check_grayscale.Checked) grayscale = " -g "; if (mainWindow.CheckPixelRatio.Checked) pixelRatio = " -p "; if (mainWindow.check_deblock.Checked) deblock = " --deblock"; if (mainWindow.check_detelecine.Checked) detelecine = " --detelecine"; if (mainWindow.check_vfr.Checked) vfr = " -V "; if (mainWindow.check_lAnamorphic.Checked) lanamorphic = " -P "; string queryPictureSettings = cropOut + deinterlace + deblock + detelecine + vfr + grayscale + pixelRatio + lanamorphic; #endregion // Video Settings Tab #region Video Settings Tab string videoBitrate = mainWindow.text_bitrate.Text; string videoFilesize = mainWindow.text_filesize.Text; double videoQuality = mainWindow.slider_videoQuality.Value; string vidQSetting = ""; string twoPassEncoding = ""; string videoFramerate = mainWindow.drp_videoFramerate.Text; string vid_frame_rate = ""; string turboH264 = ""; string largeFile = ""; string denoise = ""; string ipodAtom = ""; string optimizeMP4 = ""; if (videoBitrate != "") videoBitrate = " -b " + videoBitrate; if (videoFilesize != "") videoFilesize = " -S " + videoFilesize; // Video Quality Setting if ((videoQuality == 0)) vidQSetting = ""; else { videoQuality = videoQuality / 100; if (videoQuality == 1) { vidQSetting = "1.0"; } vidQSetting = " -q " + videoQuality.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US")); } if (mainWindow.check_2PassEncode.Checked) twoPassEncoding = " -2 "; if (videoFramerate == "Automatic") vid_frame_rate = ""; else { if (!mainWindow.check_vfr.Checked) vid_frame_rate = " -r " + videoFramerate; } if (mainWindow.check_turbo.Checked) turboH264 = " -T "; if (mainWindow.check_largeFile.Checked) largeFile = " -4 "; switch (mainWindow.drp_deNoise.Text) { case "None": denoise = ""; break; case "Weak": denoise = " --denoise=weak"; break; case "Medium": denoise = " --denoise=medium"; break; case "Strong": denoise = " --denoise=strong"; break; default: denoise = ""; break; } if (mainWindow.check_iPodAtom.Checked) ipodAtom = " -I "; if (mainWindow.check_optimiseMP4.Checked) optimizeMP4 = " -O "; string queryVideoSettings = videoBitrate + videoFilesize + vidQSetting + twoPassEncoding + vid_frame_rate + turboH264 + ipodAtom + optimizeMP4 + largeFile + denoise; #endregion // Audio Settings Tab #region Audio Settings Tab string audioBitrate = mainWindow.drp_audioBitrate.Text; string audioSampleRate = mainWindow.drp_audioSampleRate.Text; string track1 = mainWindow.drp_track1Audio.Text; string track2 = mainWindow.drp_track2Audio.Text; string audioChannels = ""; string Mixdown = mainWindow.drp_audioMixDown.Text; string SixChannelAudio = ""; string subtitles = mainWindow.drp_subtitle.Text; string subScan = ""; string forced = ""; string drc = ""; if (audioBitrate != "") audioBitrate = " -B " + audioBitrate; if (audioSampleRate != "") audioSampleRate = " -R " + audioSampleRate; // Audio Track 1 if (track1 == "Automatic") audioChannels = ""; else if (track1 == "") audioChannels = ""; else if (track1 == "None") audioChannels = " -a none"; else { string[] tempSub; tempSub = track1.Split(' '); audioChannels = " -a " + tempSub[0]; } // Audio Track 2 if (audioChannels != "") { if ((track2 != "") && (track2 != "None")) { string[] tempSub; tempSub = track2.Split(' '); audioChannels = audioChannels + "," + tempSub[0]; } } else { if ((track2 != "") && (track2 != "None")) { string[] tempSub; tempSub = track2.Split(' '); audioChannels = " -a " + tempSub[0]; } } switch (Mixdown) { case "Automatic": Mixdown = ""; break; case "Mono": Mixdown = "mono"; break; case "Stereo": Mixdown = "stereo"; break; case "Dolby Surround": Mixdown = "dpl1"; break; case "Dolby Pro Logic II": Mixdown = "dpl2"; break; case "6 Channel Discrete": Mixdown = "6ch"; break; default: Mixdown = ""; break; } if (Mixdown != "") SixChannelAudio = " -6 " + Mixdown; else SixChannelAudio = ""; if (subtitles == "None") subtitles = ""; else if (subtitles == "") subtitles = ""; else if (subtitles == "Autoselect") { subScan = " -U "; subtitles = ""; } else { string[] tempSub; tempSub = subtitles.Split(' '); subtitles = " -s " + tempSub[0]; } if (mainWindow.check_forced.Checked) forced = " -F "; //Dynamic Range Compression (expects a float but a double is used for ease) double value = mainWindow.slider_drc.Value / 10.0; value++; drc = " -D " + value; string queryAudioSettings = audioBitrate + audioSampleRate + drc + audioChannels + SixChannelAudio + subScan + subtitles + forced; #endregion // Chapter Markers Tab #region Chapter Markers string ChapterMarkers = ""; // Attach Source name and dvd title to the start of the chapters.csv filename. // This is for the queue. It allows different chapter name files for each title. string source_name = mainWindow.text_source.Text; string[] sourceName = source.Split('\\'); source_name = sourceName[sourceName.Length - 1].Replace(".iso", "").Replace(".mpg", "").Replace(".ts", "").Replace(".ps", ""); source_name = source_name.Replace("\"", ""); string source_title = mainWindow.drp_dvdtitle.Text; string[] titlesplit = source_title.Split(' '); source_title = titlesplit[0]; if (mainWindow.Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked) { if (source_name != "Click 'Browse' to continue") { if (source_title != "Automatic") { string filename = source_name + "-" + source_title + "-chapters.csv"; string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), filename); Boolean saveCSV = chapterCSVSave(mainWindow, path); if (saveCSV == false) ChapterMarkers = " -m "; else { ChapterMarkers = " --markers=" + "\"" + path + "\""; } } else { string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "chapters.csv"); ChapterMarkers = " --markers=" + "\"" + path + "\""; } } else { string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "chapters.csv"); ChapterMarkers = " --markers=" + "\"" + path + "\""; } } string chapter_markers = ChapterMarkers; #endregion // H264 Tab #region H264 Tab string h264Advanced = mainWindow.rtf_h264advanced.Text; if ((h264Advanced == "")) h264Advanced = ""; else h264Advanced = " -x " + h264Advanced; string h264Settings = h264Advanced; #endregion // Other #region Processors / Other string processors = Properties.Settings.Default.Processors; // Number of Processors Handler if (processors == "Automatic") processors = ""; else processors = " -C " + processors + " "; string queryAdvancedSettings = processors; string verbose = " -v "; #endregion return querySource + queryDestination + queryPictureSettings + queryVideoSettings + h264Settings + queryAudioSettings + ChapterMarkers + queryAdvancedSettings + verbose; } /* * Set's up the DataGridView on the Chapters tab (frmMain) */ public void chapterNaming(frmMain mainWindow) { try { mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows.Clear(); int i = 0; int rowCount = 0; int start = 0; int finish = 0; if (mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text != "Auto") finish = int.Parse(mainWindow.drop_chapterFinish.Text); if (mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text != "Auto") start = int.Parse(mainWindow.drop_chapterStart.Text); rowCount = finish - (start - 1); while (i < rowCount) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows.Insert(i, row); mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = (i + 1); mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = "Chapter " + (i + 1); i++; } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("chapterNaming() Error has occured: \n" + exc.ToString()); } } /* * This function saves the data in the chapters tab, dataGridView into a CSV file called chapters.csv in this applications * running directory. */ private Boolean chapterCSVSave(frmMain mainWindow, string file_path_name) { try { StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in mainWindow.data_chpt.Rows) { csv.Append(row.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); csv.Append(","); csv.Append(row.Cells[1].Value.ToString()); csv.Append(Environment.NewLine); } StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(file_path_name); file.Write(csv.ToString()); file.Close(); file.Dispose(); return true; } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to save Chapter Makrers file! \nChapter marker names will NOT be saved in your encode \n\n" + exc.ToString(), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return false; } } // End of Functions } }