Windows Platform Specific Changlog.
Changes since Snapshot 1 - SVN2592
Major Changes
- Added support for Growl for Windows.
- Import MacGUI presets.
- External SRT supported added.
Minor Improvements / Changes
- Some UI layout changes / improvements
- Added new options: preferred language, "Dub Foreign language audio" and "Use Foreign language audio and Subtitles"
- Remove M4v from format dropdown and add new option "Use iPod/iTunes friendly (.m4v) file extension for MP4
- Re-written the Picture Settings Panel code so it should now work a lot better.
- Issue where the GUI would error if the encode was stopped too quickly.
- Numerous other fixes including: Quality slider resetting to 0 and other settings lost when a title change occurs.
- Fixes some scaling / quality issues with QuickTime preview. Also added a possible fix for QT not working on 64bit systems.
Changes since 0.9.3
Major Changes
- Video Preview window using QuickTime or VLC. (5 to 60 second preview clips)
- Re-designed audio tab. Now uses a List and allows for >4 audio channels.
- Improved Picture Settings tab (Uses Numeric Controls and includes Modulus based increments and resolution calculation)
- Minimise to system tray is now optional with the ability to turn off balloon tip notifications.
- Picture settings can now be stored in presets. (Optional setting)
- Built-in Presets now automatically update when a change is detected.
- Preset XML data files are now stored in the users application data folder which allows for each system account user can have their own presets.
- Users can "update" their own presets. (Rather than delete & re-create)
- Improved control over how logs are stored. Logs are now kept in the Application data folder for each user.
- The Main window and the Queue "Start/Stop" buttons are now linked. Start on the main window starts the Queue. They are no longer separate.
Minor Improvements / Changes
- Resizable queue Window
- Scanning a source no longer uses a separate popup window. Scanning simply disables the main window, and displays the status much like the MacGUI
- Queue recovery now uses an XML file.
- Improvements in the Main Window.
* Source text box no longer editable. Prevents users changing the source without a rescan.
* Minor changes in the Destination Browse dialog to improve usability.
* Design improvements. Removed smaller fonts where possible. Fixed a few design inconsistencies.
* Warn before stopping a job. Cleanly exits the CLI.
* Selecting a preset which is already selected, will reset all settings to that preset.
* Option to hide query editor tab.
* File overwrite alert for destination files
- "Open Individual log file directory" option added to right click menu for Activity log window.
- Faster reloading of the activity log window log files.
- Ability to "Re-Add" the currently encoding job back onto the end of the queue (Allows cancellation of job for future encoding)
- Removed RAM limitation on start-up. Seems next to no-one is trying to run this on Windows 95 anymore.
- CLI status can now be displayed in-GUI instead of the CLI readout. (Experimental)
- Misc Typo's
- Source and Destination fields unpopulated on queue in certain conditions.
- Several bugs in the way x264 widgets are handled with custom x264 strings.
- Fixed a null pointer exception after scan if all presets had been deleted.
- Fixed a few issues with the Chapter Markers tab
- Fixed HandBrake GUI would Hang if the CLI stopped responding during start-up. Automatically recovers after 10 second time limit.
- Universal input. (AAC Decoding in Mp4 files, Some WMV files)
- Many other fixes