/* $Id: PictureController.mm,v 1.11 2005/08/01 15:10:44 titer Exp $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "PictureController.h" static int GetAlignedSize( int size ) { int result = 1; while( result < size ) { result *= 2; } return result; } @implementation PictureController - (id)initWithDelegate:(id)del { if (self = [super init]) { delegate = del; [self loadMyNibFile]; } return self; } - (void) SetHandle: (hb_handle_t *) handle { fHandle = handle; fHasQE = CGDisplayUsesOpenGLAcceleration( kCGDirectMainDisplay ); fBuffer = NULL; fBufferSize = 0; fTexBuf[0] = NULL; fTexBuf[1] = NULL; fTexBufSize = 0; [fWidthStepper setValueWraps: NO]; [fWidthStepper setIncrement: 16]; [fWidthStepper setMinValue: 64]; [fHeightStepper setValueWraps: NO]; [fHeightStepper setIncrement: 16]; [fHeightStepper setMinValue: 64]; [fCropTopStepper setIncrement: 2]; [fCropTopStepper setMinValue: 0]; [fCropBottomStepper setIncrement: 2]; [fCropBottomStepper setMinValue: 0]; [fCropLeftStepper setIncrement: 2]; [fCropLeftStepper setMinValue: 0]; [fCropRightStepper setIncrement: 2]; [fCropRightStepper setMinValue: 0]; } - (void) SetTitle: (hb_title_t *) title { hb_job_t * job = title->job; fTitle = title; /* Make sure we have big enough buffers */ int newSize; newSize = ( title->width + 2 ) * (title->height + 2 ) * 4; if( fBufferSize < newSize ) { fBufferSize = newSize; fBuffer = (uint8_t *) realloc( fBuffer, fBufferSize ); } if( !fHasQE ) { newSize = ( GetAlignedSize( title->width + 2 ) * GetAlignedSize( title->height + 2 ) * 4 ); } if( fTexBufSize < newSize ) { fTexBufSize = newSize; fTexBuf[0] = (uint8_t *) realloc( fTexBuf[0], fTexBufSize ); fTexBuf[1] = (uint8_t *) realloc( fTexBuf[1], fTexBufSize ); } [fWidthStepper setMaxValue: title->width]; [fWidthStepper setIntValue: job->width]; [fWidthField setIntValue: job->width]; [fHeightStepper setMaxValue: title->height]; [fHeightStepper setIntValue: job->height]; [fHeightField setIntValue: job->height]; [fRatioCheck setState: job->keep_ratio ? NSOnState : NSOffState]; [fCropTopStepper setMaxValue: title->height/2-2]; [fCropBottomStepper setMaxValue: title->height/2-2]; [fCropLeftStepper setMaxValue: title->width/2-2]; [fCropRightStepper setMaxValue: title->width/2-2]; /* we use a popup to show the deinterlace settings */ [fDeinterlacePopUp removeAllItems]; [fDeinterlacePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"None"]; [fDeinterlacePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Fast"]; [fDeinterlacePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Slow"]; [fDeinterlacePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Slower"]; [fDeinterlacePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Slowest"]; /* Set deinterlaces level according to the integer in the main window */ [fDeinterlacePopUp selectItemAtIndex: fPictureFilterSettings.deinterlace]; [fPARCheck setState: job->pixel_ratio ? NSOnState : NSOffState]; if (!autoCrop) { [fCropMatrix selectCellAtRow: 1 column:0]; /* If auto, lets set the crop steppers according to current job->crop values */ [fCropTopStepper setIntValue: job->crop[0]]; [fCropTopField setIntValue: job->crop[0]]; [fCropBottomStepper setIntValue: job->crop[1]]; [fCropBottomField setIntValue: job->crop[1]]; [fCropLeftStepper setIntValue: job->crop[2]]; [fCropLeftField setIntValue: job->crop[2]]; [fCropRightStepper setIntValue: job->crop[3]]; [fCropRightField setIntValue: job->crop[3]]; } else { [fCropMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column:0]; } /* set the detelecine state according to the state in main window */ /* if framerate is 23.976 we do not allow detelecine, otherwise, enable and set according to fDetelecineMainWindow outlet */ if (fTitle->rate_base == 1126125) { [fDetelecineCheck setEnabled: NO]; [fDetelecineCheck setState: NSOffState]; } else { [fDetelecineCheck setEnabled: YES]; [fDetelecineCheck setState: fPictureFilterSettings.detelecine]; } /* we use a popup to show the denoise settings */ [fDenoisePopUp removeAllItems]; [fDenoisePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"None"]; [fDenoisePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Weak"]; [fDenoisePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Medium"]; [fDenoisePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Strong"]; /* Set denoises level according to the integer in the main window */ [fDenoisePopUp selectItemAtIndex: fPictureFilterSettings.denoise]; MaxOutputWidth = job->width; MaxOutputHeight = job->height; fPicture = 0; [self SettingsChanged: nil]; } - (void) Display: (int) anim { hb_get_preview( fHandle, fTitle, fPicture, fBuffer ); /* Backup previous picture (for effects) */ memcpy( fTexBuf[1], fTexBuf[0], fTexBufSize ); if( fHasQE ) { /* Simply copy */ memcpy( fTexBuf[0], fBuffer, fTexBufSize ); } else { /* Copy line by line */ uint8_t * in = fBuffer; uint8_t * out = fTexBuf[0]; for( int i = fTitle->height + 2; i--; ) { memcpy( out, in, 4 * ( fTitle->width + 2 ) ); in += 4 * ( fTitle->width + 2 ); out += 4 * GetAlignedSize( fTitle->width + 2 ); } } if( [fEffectsCheck state] == NSOffState ) { anim = HB_ANIMATE_NONE; } else if( [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask ) { anim |= HB_ANIMATE_SLOW; } [fPictureGLView Display: anim buffer1: fTexBuf[0] buffer2: fTexBuf[1] width: ( fTitle->width + 2 ) height: ( fTitle->height + 2 )]; /* Set the Output Display below the Preview Picture*/ int titlewidth = fTitle->width-fTitle->job->crop[2]-fTitle->job->crop[3]; int arpwidth = fTitle->job->pixel_aspect_width; int arpheight = fTitle->job->pixel_aspect_height; int displayparwidth = titlewidth * arpwidth / arpheight; int displayparheight = fTitle->height-fTitle->job->crop[0]-fTitle->job->crop[1]; if (fTitle->job->pixel_ratio == 1) { [fInfoField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Source: %dx%d, Output: %dx%d, Anamorphic: %dx%d", fTitle->width, fTitle->height, titlewidth, displayparheight, displayparwidth, displayparheight]]; } else { [fInfoField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Source: %dx%d, Output: %dx%d", fTitle->width, fTitle->height, fTitle->job->width, fTitle->job->height]]; } [fPrevButton setEnabled: ( fPicture > 0 )]; [fNextButton setEnabled: ( fPicture < 9 )]; } - (IBAction) SettingsChanged: (id) sender { hb_job_t * job = fTitle->job; if ([fPARCheck state] == 1 ) { [fWidthStepper setIntValue: MaxOutputWidth]; [fWidthField setIntValue: MaxOutputWidth]; /* This will show correct anamorphic height values, but show distorted preview picture ratio */ [fHeightStepper setIntValue: fTitle->height-fTitle->job->crop[0]-fTitle->job->crop[1]]; [fHeightField setIntValue: fTitle->height-fTitle->job->crop[0]-fTitle->job->crop[1]]; /* This will show wrong anamorphic height values, but show proper preview picture ratio */ //[fHeightStepper setIntValue: MaxOutputHeight]; //[fHeightField setIntValue: MaxOutputHeight]; [fRatioCheck setState: 0]; [fWidthStepper setEnabled: NO]; [fWidthField setEnabled: NO]; [fHeightStepper setEnabled: NO]; [fHeightField setEnabled: NO]; [fRatioCheck setEnabled: NO]; } else { [fWidthStepper setEnabled: YES]; [fWidthField setEnabled: YES]; [fHeightStepper setEnabled: YES]; [fHeightField setEnabled: YES]; [fRatioCheck setEnabled: YES]; } job->width = [fWidthStepper intValue]; job->height = [fHeightStepper intValue]; job->keep_ratio = ( [fRatioCheck state] == NSOnState ); fPictureFilterSettings.deinterlace = [fDeinterlacePopUp indexOfSelectedItem]; /* if the gui deinterlace settings are fast through slowest, the job->deinterlace value needs to be set to one, for the job as well as the previews showing deinterlacing otherwise set job->deinterlace to 0 or "off" */ if (fPictureFilterSettings.deinterlace > 0) { job->deinterlace = 1; } else { job->deinterlace = 0; } fPictureFilterSettings.denoise = [fDenoisePopUp indexOfSelectedItem]; fPictureFilterSettings.detelecine = [fDetelecineCheck state]; job->pixel_ratio = ( [fPARCheck state] == NSOnState ); autoCrop = ( [fCropMatrix selectedRow] == 0 ); [fCropTopStepper setEnabled: !autoCrop]; [fCropBottomStepper setEnabled: !autoCrop]; [fCropLeftStepper setEnabled: !autoCrop]; [fCropRightStepper setEnabled: !autoCrop]; // [fAutoCropMainWindow setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",autocrop]]; if( autoCrop ) { memcpy( job->crop, fTitle->crop, 4 * sizeof( int ) ); } else { job->crop[0] = [fCropTopStepper intValue]; job->crop[1] = [fCropBottomStepper intValue]; job->crop[2] = [fCropLeftStepper intValue]; job->crop[3] = [fCropRightStepper intValue]; } if( job->keep_ratio ) { if( sender == fWidthStepper || sender == fRatioCheck || sender == fCropTopStepper || sender == fCropBottomStepper ) { hb_fix_aspect( job, HB_KEEP_WIDTH ); if( job->height > fTitle->height ) { job->height = fTitle->height; hb_fix_aspect( job, HB_KEEP_HEIGHT ); } } else { hb_fix_aspect( job, HB_KEEP_HEIGHT ); if( job->width > fTitle->width ) { job->width = fTitle->width; hb_fix_aspect( job, HB_KEEP_WIDTH ); } } } [fWidthStepper setIntValue: job->width]; [fWidthField setIntValue: job->width]; [fHeightStepper setIntValue: job->height]; [fHeightField setIntValue: job->height]; [fCropTopStepper setIntValue: job->crop[0]]; [fCropTopField setIntValue: job->crop[0]]; [fCropBottomStepper setIntValue: job->crop[1]]; [fCropBottomField setIntValue: job->crop[1]]; [fCropLeftStepper setIntValue: job->crop[2]]; [fCropLeftField setIntValue: job->crop[2]]; [fCropRightStepper setIntValue: job->crop[3]]; [fCropRightField setIntValue: job->crop[3]]; /* Sanity Check Here for < 16 px preview to avoid crashing hb_get_preview. In fact, just for kicks lets getting previews at a min limit of 32, since no human can see any meaningful detail below that */ if (job->width >= 64 && job->height >= 64) { [self Display: HB_ANIMATE_NONE]; } } - (IBAction) PreviousPicture: (id) sender { if( fPicture <= 0 ) { return; } fPicture--; [self Display: HB_ANIMATE_BACKWARD]; } - (IBAction) NextPicture: (id) sender { if( fPicture >= 9 ) { return; } fPicture++; [self Display: HB_ANIMATE_FORWARD]; } - (IBAction) ClosePanel: (id) sender { if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(pictureSettingsDidChange)]) [delegate pictureSettingsDidChange]; [NSApp endSheet: fPicturePanel]; [fPicturePanel orderOut: self]; } - (BOOL) autoCrop { return autoCrop; } - (void) setAutoCrop: (BOOL) setting { autoCrop = setting; } - (int) detelecine { return fPictureFilterSettings.detelecine; } - (void) setDetelecine: (int) setting { fPictureFilterSettings.detelecine = setting; } - (int) deinterlace { return fPictureFilterSettings.deinterlace; } - (void) setDeinterlace: (int) setting { fPictureFilterSettings.deinterlace = setting; } - (int) denoise { return fPictureFilterSettings.denoise; } - (void) setDenoise: (int) setting { fPictureFilterSettings.denoise = setting; } - (void) showPanelInWindow: (NSWindow *) fWindow forTitle:(hb_title_t *)title { NSSize newSize; newSize.width = 246 + title->width; newSize.height = 80 + title->height; [fPicturePanel setContentSize: newSize]; [self SetTitle: title]; [NSApp beginSheet: fPicturePanel modalForWindow: fWindow modalDelegate: NULL didEndSelector: NULL contextInfo: NULL]; } - (BOOL) loadMyNibFile { if(![NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"PictureSettings" owner:self]) { NSLog(@"Warning! Could not load myNib file.\n"); return NO; } return YES; } @end