/* $Id: PictureController.h,v 1.6 2005/04/14 20:40:05 titer Exp $
This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
Homepage: .
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#include "hb.h"
/* Needed for Quicktime movie previews */
#define HB_NUM_HBLIB_PICTURES 20 // # of preview pictures libhb should generate
@interface PictureController : NSWindowController
hb_handle_t * fHandle;
hb_title_t * fTitle;
NSMutableDictionary * fPicturePreviews; // NSImages, one for each preview libhb creates, created lazily
int fPicture;
IBOutlet NSImageView * fPictureView;
IBOutlet NSBox * fPictureViewArea;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fWidthField;
IBOutlet NSStepper * fWidthStepper;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fHeightField;
IBOutlet NSStepper * fHeightStepper;
IBOutlet NSButton * fRatioCheck;
IBOutlet NSMatrix * fCropMatrix;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropTopField;
IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropTopStepper;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropBottomField;
IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropBottomStepper;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropLeftField;
IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropLeftStepper;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropRightField;
IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropRightStepper;
IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fDeinterlacePopUp;
IBOutlet NSButton * fDecombCheck;
IBOutlet NSButton * fDetelecineCheck;
IBOutlet NSButton * fDeblockCheck;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fDeblockField;
IBOutlet NSSlider * fDeblockSlider;
IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fDenoisePopUp;
IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fAnamorphicPopUp;
IBOutlet NSSlider * fPictureSlider;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fInfoField;
int MaxOutputWidth;
int MaxOutputHeight;
BOOL autoCrop;
BOOL allowLooseAnamorphic;
int output_width, output_height, output_par_width, output_par_height;
int display_width;
/* used to track the previous state of the keep aspect
ratio checkbox when turning anamorphic on, so it can be
returned to the previous state when anamorphic is turned
off */
BOOL keepAspectRatioPreviousState;
struct {
int detelecine;
int deinterlace;
int decomb;
int denoise;
int deblock;
} fPictureFilterSettings;
id delegate;
/* Movie Previews */
IBOutlet NSButton * fCreatePreviewMovieButton;
IBOutlet NSButton * fShowPreviewMovieButton;
NSString * fPreviewMoviePath;
IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator * fMovieCreationProgressIndicator;
hb_handle_t * fPreviewLibhb; // private libhb for creating previews
NSTimer * fLibhbTimer; // timer for retrieving state from libhb
IBOutlet NSTextField * fPreviewMovieStatusField;
BOOL play_movie; // flag used to determine whether or not to automatically play the movie when done.
IBOutlet QTMovieView * fMovieView;
IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fPreviewMovieLengthPopUp; // popup of choices for length of preview in seconds
- (id)initWithDelegate:(id)del;
- (void) SetHandle: (hb_handle_t *) handle;
- (void) SetTitle: (hb_title_t *) title;
- (void) setInitialPictureFilters;
- (void) displayPreview;
- (IBAction) SettingsChanged: (id) sender;
- (IBAction) pictureSliderChanged: (id) sender;
/* Movie Previews */
- (void) startReceivingLibhbNotifications;
- (void) stopReceivingLibhbNotifications;
- (IBAction) createMoviePreview: (id) sender;
- (void) libhbStateChanged: (hb_state_t &) state;
- (IBAction) showMoviePreview: (NSString *) path;
- (IBAction) previewDurationPopUpChanged: (id) sender;
- (IBAction) ClosePanel: (id) sender;
- (BOOL) autoCrop;
- (void) setAutoCrop: (BOOL) setting;
- (BOOL) allowLooseAnamorphic;
- (void) setAllowLooseAnamorphic: (BOOL) setting;
- (IBAction) deblockSliderChanged: (id) sender;
- (int) detelecine;
- (void) setDetelecine: (int) setting;
- (int) deinterlace;
- (void) setDeinterlace: (int) setting;
- (int) decomb;
- (void) setDecomb: (int) setting;
- (int) denoise;
- (void) setDenoise: (int) setting;
- (int) deblock;
- (void) setDeblock: (int) setting;
- (IBAction)showPreviewPanel: (id)sender forTitle: (hb_title_t *)title;
+ (NSImage *) makeImageForPicture: (int)pictureIndex
- (NSImage *) imageForPicture: (int) pictureIndex;
- (void) purgeImageCache;
@interface NSObject (PictureControllertDelegateMethod)
- (void)pictureSettingsDidChange;
- (void)prepareJobForPreview;