/* $Id: PictureController.h,v 1.6 2005/04/14 20:40:05 titer Exp $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #import #include "hb.h" #define HB_NUM_HBLIB_PICTURES 10 // hbilb generates 10 preview pictures @interface PictureController : NSWindowController { hb_handle_t * fHandle; hb_title_t * fTitle; NSMutableDictionary * fPicturePreviews; // NSImages, one for each preview libhb creates, created lazily int fPicture; IBOutlet NSImageView * fPictureView; IBOutlet NSBox * fPictureViewArea; IBOutlet NSTextField * fWidthField; IBOutlet NSStepper * fWidthStepper; IBOutlet NSTextField * fHeightField; IBOutlet NSStepper * fHeightStepper; IBOutlet NSButton * fRatioCheck; IBOutlet NSMatrix * fCropMatrix; IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropTopField; IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropTopStepper; IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropBottomField; IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropBottomStepper; IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropLeftField; IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropLeftStepper; IBOutlet NSTextField * fCropRightField; IBOutlet NSStepper * fCropRightStepper; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fDeinterlacePopUp; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fDecombPopUp; IBOutlet NSButton * fDetelecineCheck; IBOutlet NSButton * fVFRCheck; IBOutlet NSButton * fDeblockCheck; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fDenoisePopUp; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fAnamorphicPopUp; IBOutlet NSButton * fPrevButton; IBOutlet NSButton * fNextButton; IBOutlet NSTextField * fInfoField; int MaxOutputWidth; int MaxOutputHeight; BOOL autoCrop; BOOL allowLooseAnamorphic; int output_width, output_height, output_par_width, output_par_height; int display_width; /* used to track the previous state of the keep aspect ratio checkbox when turning anamorphic on, so it can be returned to the previous state when anamorphic is turned off */ BOOL keepAspectRatioPreviousState; struct { int detelecine; int vfr; int deinterlace; int decomb; int denoise; int deblock; } fPictureFilterSettings; id delegate; } - (id)initWithDelegate:(id)del; - (void) SetHandle: (hb_handle_t *) handle; - (void) SetTitle: (hb_title_t *) title; - (void) setInitialPictureFilters; - (void) displayPreview; - (IBAction) SettingsChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) PreviousPicture: (id) sender; - (IBAction) NextPicture: (id) sender; - (IBAction) ClosePanel: (id) sender; - (BOOL) autoCrop; - (void) setAutoCrop: (BOOL) setting; - (BOOL) allowLooseAnamorphic; - (void) setAllowLooseAnamorphic: (BOOL) setting; - (int) detelecine; - (void) setDetelecine: (int) setting; - (int) vfr; - (void) setVFR: (int) setting; - (int) deinterlace; - (void) setDeinterlace: (int) setting; - (int) decomb; - (void) setDecomb: (int) setting; - (int) denoise; - (void) setDenoise: (int) setting; - (int) deblock; - (void) setDeblock: (int) setting; - (void)showPanelInWindow: (NSWindow *)fWindow forTitle: (hb_title_t *)title; + (NSImage *) makeImageForPicture: (int)pictureIndex libhb:(hb_handle_t*)handle title:(hb_title_t*)title removeBorders:(BOOL)removeBorders; - (NSImage *) imageForPicture: (int) pictureIndex; - (void) purgeImageCache; @end @interface NSObject (PictureControllertDelegateMethod) - (void)pictureSettingsDidChange; @end