/* HBDictTests.m This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #import #import "NSDictionary+HBAdditions.h" #include "handbrake.h" @interface HBDictTests : XCTestCase @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *dict; @end @implementation HBDictTests - (void)setUp { [super setUp]; self.dict = @{@"DoubleKey": @(20.3), @"StringKey": @"miao", @"BoolKey": @YES, @"ArrayKey": @[@"First", @"Second", @20]}; } - (void)tearDown { self.dict = nil; [super tearDown]; } - (void)testNSDictionaryToHBDict { hb_dict_t *hbdict = self.dict.hb_value; double doubleValue = hb_value_get_double(hb_dict_get(hbdict, "DoubleKey")); XCTAssertEqual(doubleValue, [self.dict[@"DoubleKey"] doubleValue]); const char *stringValue = hb_value_get_string(hb_dict_get(hbdict, "StringKey")); XCTAssertEqualObjects(@(stringValue), self.dict[@"StringKey"]); BOOL boolValue = (BOOL)hb_value_get_bool(hb_dict_get(hbdict, "BoolKey")); XCTAssertEqual(boolValue, [self.dict[@"BoolKey"] boolValue]); hb_value_array_t *array = hb_dict_get(hbdict, "ArrayKey"); size_t count = hb_value_array_len(array); XCTAssertEqual(count, [self.dict[@"ArrayKey"] count]); const char *arrayString = hb_value_get_string(hb_value_array_get(array, 0)); XCTAssertEqualObjects(@(arrayString), self.dict[@"ArrayKey"][0]); long long arrayInt = hb_value_get_int(hb_value_array_get(array, 2)); XCTAssertEqual(arrayInt, [self.dict[@"ArrayKey"][2] integerValue]); hb_dict_free(&hbdict); } - (void)testNSDictionaryToHBDictToNSDictionary { hb_dict_t *hbdict = self.dict.hb_value; NSDictionary *result = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithHBDict:hbdict]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[@"DoubleKey"], self.dict[@"DoubleKey"]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[@"StringKey"], self.dict[@"StringKey"]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[@"BoolKey"], self.dict[@"BoolKey"]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[@"ArrayKey"], self.dict[@"ArrayKey"]); } - (void)testPerformanceHBDict { NSDictionary *dict = self.dict; [self measureBlock:^{ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { hb_dict_t *result = dict.hb_value; hb_dict_free(&result); } }]; } - (void)testPerformanceNSDictionary { NSDictionary *dict = self.dict; hb_dict_t *hbdict = dict.hb_value; [self measureBlock:^{ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { __unused NSDictionary *result = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithHBDict:hbdict]; } }]; } @end