/* HBUtilities.h $
This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
Homepage: .
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#import "HBSecurityAccessToken.h"
@interface NSURL (HBSecurityScope)
@interface HBUtilities : NSObject
* Returns a formatted string that contains the application version.
+ (NSString *)handBrakeVersion;
* Returns the url of the current /Library/Application Support/HandBrake folder.
+ (nullable NSURL *)appSupportURL;
* Returns the url of the current version documentation.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, class) NSURL *documentationURL;
* Writes a message to standard error.
* The message will show up in the output panel and in the activity log.
* @param format a standard c format string with varargs.
+ (void)writeToActivityLog:(const char *)format, ...;
+ (void)writeErrorToActivityLog:(NSError *)error;
+ (void)writeToActivityLogWithNoHeader:(NSString *)text;
Whether to resolve the security-scoped bookmarks or not.
Security-scoped bookmarks can't be resolved in a XPC service.
Use this options to avoid not useful errors
@property (nonatomic, class, readwrite) BOOL resolveBookmarks;
+ (nullable NSURL *)URLFromBookmark:(NSData *)bookmark;
+ (nullable NSData *)bookmarkFromURL:(NSURL *)url;
+ (nullable NSData *)bookmarkFromURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSURLBookmarkCreationOptions)options;
+ (NSURL *)mediaURLFromURL:(NSURL *)URL;
+ (NSString *)isoCodeForNativeLang:(NSString *)language;
+ (NSString *)iso6392CodeFor:(NSString *)language;
+ (NSString *)languageCodeForIso6392Code:(NSString *)language;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, HBPrivacyConsentState) {
+ (HBPrivacyConsentState)determinePermissionToAutomateTarget:(NSString *)bundleIdentifier promptIfNeeded:(BOOL)promptIfNeeded;