/* HBTitle.m $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #import "HBTitle.h" #import "HBTitle+Private.h" #import "HBChapter.h" #import "HBPreset.h" #import "NSDictionary+HBAdditions.h" #import "HBLocalizationUtilities.h" #include "lang.h" extern NSString *keyAudioTrackIndex; extern NSString *keyAudioTrackName; extern NSString *keyAudioInputBitrate; extern NSString *keyAudioInputSampleRate; extern NSString *keyAudioInputCodec; extern NSString *keyAudioInputCodecParam; extern NSString *keyAudioInputChannelLayout; extern NSString *keyAudioTrackLanguageIsoCode; extern NSString *keySubTrackName; extern NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode; extern NSString *keySubTrackType; @interface HBMetadata () @property (nonatomic, readonly) hb_metadata_t *hb_metadata; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *releaseDate; @end @implementation HBMetadata - (instancetype)initWithMetadata:(hb_metadata_t *)data { self = [super init]; if (self) { _hb_metadata = data; } return self; } - (NSString *)releaseDate { if (self.hb_metadata->release_date == nil) { return nil; } return @(self.hb_metadata->release_date); } @end @interface HBTitle () @property (nonatomic, readonly) hb_title_t *hb_title; @property (nonatomic, readonly) hb_handle_t *hb_handle; @property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *name; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) HBMetadata *metadata; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSArray *audioTracks; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSArray *subtitlesTracks; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSArray *chapters; @end @implementation HBTitle - (instancetype)initWithTitle:(hb_title_t *)title handle:(hb_handle_t *)handle featured:(BOOL)featured { self = [super init]; if (self) { if (!title) { return nil; } _hb_title = title; _hb_handle = handle; _featured = featured; _metadata = [[HBMetadata alloc] initWithMetadata:title->metadata]; } return self; } - (NSString *)name { if (!_name) { _name = @(self.hb_title->name); // Use the bundle name for eyetv NSURL *parentURL = self.url.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent; if ([parentURL.pathExtension caseInsensitiveCompare:@"eyetv"] == NSOrderedSame) { _name = parentURL.URLByDeletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent; } // If the name is empty use file/directory name if (_name.length == 0) { _name = @(self.hb_title->path).lastPathComponent; } } return _name; } - (BOOL)isStream { return (self.hb_title->type == HB_STREAM_TYPE || self.hb_title->type == HB_FF_STREAM_TYPE); } - (NSString *)description { if (self.hb_title->type == HB_BD_TYPE) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d - %@ - %05d.MPLS", self.hb_title->index, self.timeCode, self.hb_title->playlist]; } else if (self.hb_title->type == HB_DVD_TYPE) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d - %@", self.hb_title->index, self.timeCode]; } else { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d - %@ - %@", self.hb_title->index, self.timeCode, @(self.hb_title->name)]; } } - (NSString *)shortFormatDescription { NSMutableString *format = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; [format appendFormat:@"%dx%d", _hb_title->geometry.width, _hb_title->geometry.height]; if (_hb_title->geometry.par.num != 1 || _hb_title->geometry.par.den != 1) { [format appendFormat:@" (%dx%d)", _hb_title->geometry.width * _hb_title->geometry.par.num / _hb_title->geometry.par.den, _hb_title->geometry.height]; } [format appendString:@", "]; NSString *fps = [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:HBKitLocalizedString(@"%.6g FPS", @"Title short description -> video format"), _hb_title->vrate.num / (double)_hb_title->vrate.den]; [format appendString:fps]; hb_list_t *audioList = _hb_title->list_audio; int audioCount = hb_list_count(audioList); if (audioCount > 1) { [format appendFormat:HBKitLocalizedString(@", %d audio tracks", @"Title short description -> audio format"), audioCount]; } else if (audioCount == 1) { [format appendString:HBKitLocalizedString(@", 1 audio track", @"Title short description -> audio format")]; } hb_list_t *subList = _hb_title->list_subtitle; int subCount = hb_list_count(subList); if (subCount > 1) { [format appendFormat:HBKitLocalizedString(@", %d subtitles tracks", @"Title short description -> subtitles format"), subCount]; } else if (subCount == 1) { [format appendString:HBKitLocalizedString(@", 1 subtitles track", @"Title short description -> subtitles format")]; } return format; } - (NSURL *)url { return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@(_hb_title->path)]; } - (int)index { return self.hb_title->index; } - (int)angles { return self.hb_title->angle_count; } - (int)duration { return (self.hb_title->hours * 3600) + (self.hb_title->minutes * 60) + (self.hb_title->seconds); } - (int)frames { double frames = (double)self.hb_title->duration / 90000.f * self.hb_title->vrate.num / self.hb_title->vrate.den; return (int)ceil(frames); } - (NSString *)timeCode { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02d:%02d:%02d", self.hb_title->hours, self.hb_title->minutes, self.hb_title->seconds]; } - (int)width { return _hb_title->geometry.width; } - (int)height { return _hb_title->geometry.height; } - (int)parWidth { return _hb_title->geometry.par.num; } - (int)parHeight { return _hb_title->geometry.par.den; } - (int)autoCropTop { return _hb_title->crop[0]; } - (int)autoCropBottom { return _hb_title->crop[1]; } - (int)autoCropLeft { return _hb_title->crop[2]; } - (int)autoCropRight { return _hb_title->crop[3]; } - (NSArray *)audioTracks { if (!_audioTracks) { NSMutableArray *tracks = [NSMutableArray array]; hb_list_t *list = self.hb_title->list_audio; int count = hb_list_count(list); // Initialize the audio list of available audio tracks from this title for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hb_audio_config_t *audio = hb_list_audio_config_item(list, i); [tracks addObject: @{keyAudioTrackIndex: @(i + 1), keyAudioTrackName: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d: %@", i, @(audio->lang.description)], keyAudioInputBitrate: @(audio->in.bitrate / 1000), keyAudioInputSampleRate: @(audio->in.samplerate), keyAudioInputCodec: @(audio->in.codec), keyAudioInputCodecParam: @(audio->in.codec_param), keyAudioInputChannelLayout: @(audio->in.channel_layout), keyAudioTrackLanguageIsoCode: @(audio->lang.iso639_2)}]; } _audioTracks = [tracks copy]; } return _audioTracks; } - (NSArray *)subtitlesTracks { if (!_subtitlesTracks) { NSMutableArray *tracks = [NSMutableArray array]; hb_list_t *list = self.hb_title->list_subtitle; int count = hb_list_count(list); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hb_subtitle_t *subtitle = hb_list_item(self.hb_title->list_subtitle, i); // create a dictionary of source subtitle information to store in our array [tracks addObject:@{keySubTrackName: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d: %@", i, @(subtitle->lang)], keySubTrackType: @(subtitle->source), keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode: @(subtitle->iso639_2)}]; } _subtitlesTracks = [tracks copy]; } return _subtitlesTracks; } - (NSArray *)chapters { if (!_chapters) { NSMutableArray *chapters = [NSMutableArray array]; uint64_t currentTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hb_list_count(self.hb_title->list_chapter); i++) { hb_chapter_t *chapter = hb_list_item(self.hb_title->list_chapter, i); if (chapter != NULL) { NSString *title; if (chapter->title != NULL) { title = @(chapter->title); } else { title = [NSString stringWithFormat:HBKitLocalizedString(@"Chapter %d", "Title -> chapter name"), i + 1]; } [chapters addObject:[[HBChapter alloc] initWithTitle:title index:i + 1 timestamp:currentTime duration:chapter->duration]]; currentTime += chapter->duration; } } _chapters = [chapters copy]; } return _chapters; } - (NSDictionary *)jobSettingsWithPreset:(HBPreset *)preset { NSDictionary *result = nil; hb_dict_t *hb_preset = [preset content].hb_value; hb_dict_t *job = hb_preset_job_init(self.hb_handle, self.hb_title->index, hb_preset); if (job) { result = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithHBDict:job]; } hb_dict_free(&hb_preset); hb_dict_free(&job); return result; } @end