/* HBQueueController
This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
Homepage: .
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#include "HBQueueController.h"
#include "Controller.h"
#import "HBImageAndTextCell.h"
// Pasteboard type for or drag operations
#define HBQueuePboardType @"HBQueuePboardType"
// Job ID Utilities
int MakeJobID(int jobGroupID, int sequenceNum)
return jobGroupID<<16 | sequenceNum;
bool IsFirstPass(int jobID)
return LoWord(jobID) == 0;
// NSMutableAttributedString (HBAdditions)
@interface NSMutableAttributedString (HBAdditions)
- (void) appendString: (NSString*)aString withAttributes: (NSDictionary *)aDictionary;
@implementation NSMutableAttributedString (HBAdditions)
- (void) appendString: (NSString*)aString withAttributes: (NSDictionary *)aDictionary
NSAttributedString * s = [[[NSAttributedString alloc]
initWithString: aString
attributes: aDictionary] autorelease];
[self appendAttributedString: s];
#pragma mark -
@implementation HBQueueOutlineView
- (void)viewDidEndLiveResize
// Since we disabled calculating row heights during a live resize, force them to
// recalculate now.
[self noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged:
[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [self numberOfRows])]];
[super viewDidEndLiveResize];
- (NSImage *)dragImageForRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)dragRows tableColumns:(NSArray *)tableColumns event:(NSEvent*)dragEvent offset:(NSPointPointer)dragImageOffset
// Set the fIsDragging flag so that other's know that a drag operation is being
// performed.
fIsDragging = YES;
// By default, NSTableView only drags an image of the first column. Change this to
// drag an image of the queue's icon and desc columns.
NSArray * cols = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [self tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"icon"], [self tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"desc"], nil];
return [super dragImageForRowsWithIndexes:dragRows tableColumns:cols event:dragEvent offset:dragImageOffset];
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
// After a drag operation, reset fIsDragging back to NO. This is really the only way
// for us to detect when a drag has finished. You can't do it in acceptDrop because
// that won't be called if the dragged item is released outside the view.
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
fIsDragging = NO;
- (BOOL) isDragging;
return fIsDragging;
#pragma mark -
// HBJob
static NSMutableParagraphStyle * _descriptionParagraphStyle = NULL;
static NSDictionary* _detailAttribute = NULL;
static NSDictionary* _detailBoldAttribute = NULL;
static NSDictionary* _titleAttribute = NULL;
static NSDictionary* _shortHeightAttribute = NULL;
@implementation HBJob
+ (HBJob*) jobWithLibhbJob: (hb_job_t *) job
return [[[HBJob alloc] initWithLibhbJob:job] autorelease];
- (id) initWithLibhbJob: (hb_job_t *) job
if (self = [super init])
sequence_id = job->sequence_id;
chapter_start = job->chapter_start;
chapter_end = job->chapter_end;
chapter_markers = job->chapter_markers;
memcpy(crop, job->crop, sizeof(crop));
deinterlace = job->deinterlace;
width = job->width;
height = job->height;
keep_ratio = job->keep_ratio;
grayscale = job->grayscale;
pixel_ratio = job->pixel_ratio;
pixel_aspect_width = job->pixel_aspect_width;
pixel_aspect_height = job->pixel_aspect_height;
vcodec = job->vcodec;
vquality = job->vquality;
vbitrate = job->vbitrate;
vrate = job->vrate;
vrate_base = job->vrate_base;
pass = job->pass;
h264_level = job->h264_level;
crf = job->crf;
if (job->x264opts)
x264opts = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:job->x264opts] retain];
memcpy(audio_mixdowns, job->audio_mixdowns, sizeof(audio_mixdowns));
acodec = job->acodec;
abitrate = job->abitrate;
arate = job->arate;
subtitle = job->subtitle;
mux = job->mux;
if (job->file)
file = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:job->file] retain];
if (job->title->name)
titleName = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:job->title->name] retain];
titleIndex = job->title->index;
titleWidth = job->title->width;
titleHeight = job->title->height;
if (job->subtitle >= 0)
hb_subtitle_t * aSubtitle = (hb_subtitle_t *) hb_list_item(job->title->list_subtitle, job->subtitle);
if (aSubtitle)
subtitleLang = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:aSubtitle->lang] retain];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
// jobGroup is a weak reference and does not need to be deleted
[x264opts release];
[file release];
[titleName release];
[subtitleLang release];
[super dealloc];
- (HBJobGroup *) jobGroup
return jobGroup;
- (void) setJobGroup: (HBJobGroup *)aJobGroup
// This is a weak reference. We don't retain or release it.
jobGroup = aJobGroup;
// Generate string to display in UI.
- (NSMutableAttributedString *) attributedDescriptionWithIcon: (BOOL)withIcon
withTitle: (BOOL)withTitle
withPassName: (BOOL)withPassName
withFormatInfo: (BOOL)withFormatInfo
withDestination: (BOOL)withDestination
withPictureInfo: (BOOL)withPictureInfo
withVideoInfo: (BOOL)withVideoInfo
withx264Info: (BOOL)withx264Info
withAudioInfo: (BOOL)withAudioInfo
withSubtitleInfo: (BOOL)withSubtitleInfo
NSMutableAttributedString * finalString = [[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: @""] autorelease];
// Attributes
NSMutableParagraphStyle * ps = [HBJob descriptionParagraphStyle];
NSDictionary* detailAttr = [HBJob descriptionDetailAttribute];
NSDictionary* detailBoldAttr = [HBJob descriptionDetailBoldAttribute];
NSDictionary* titleAttr = [HBJob descriptionTitleAttribute];
NSDictionary* shortHeightAttr = [HBJob descriptionShortHeightAttribute];
// Title with summary
if (withTitle)
if (withIcon)
NSFileWrapper * wrapper = [[[NSFileWrapper alloc] initWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForImageResource: @"JobSmall"]] autorelease];
NSTextAttachment * imageAttachment = [[[NSTextAttachment alloc] initWithFileWrapper:wrapper] autorelease];
NSDictionary* imageAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat: -2.0], NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName,
imageAttachment, NSAttachmentAttributeName,
ps, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
NSAttributedString * imageAsString = [[[NSAttributedString alloc]
initWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C%C", NSAttachmentCharacter, NSTabCharacter]
attributes: imageAttributes] autorelease];
[finalString appendAttributedString:imageAsString];
// Note: use title->name instead of title->dvd since name is just the chosen
// folder, instead of dvd which is the full path
[finalString appendString:titleName withAttributes:titleAttr];
NSString * summaryInfo;
NSString * chapterString = (chapter_start == chapter_end) ?
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Chapter %d", chapter_start] :
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Chapters %d through %d", chapter_start, chapter_end];
BOOL hasIndepthScan = (pass == -1);
int numVideoPasses = 0;
// To determine number of video passes, we need to skip past the subtitle scan.
if (hasIndepthScan)
// When job is the one currently being processed, then the next in its group
// is the the first job in the queue.
HBJob * nextjob = nil;
unsigned int index = [jobGroup indexOfJob:self];
if (index != NSNotFound)
nextjob = [jobGroup jobAtIndex:index+1];
if (nextjob) // Overly cautious in case there is no next job!
numVideoPasses = MIN( 2, nextjob->pass + 1 );
numVideoPasses = MIN( 2, pass + 1 );
if (hasIndepthScan && numVideoPasses == 1)
summaryInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (Title %d, %@, Deep Scan, Single Video Pass)", titleIndex, chapterString];
else if (hasIndepthScan && numVideoPasses > 1)
summaryInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (Title %d, %@, Deep Scan, %d Video Passes)", titleIndex, chapterString, numVideoPasses];
else if (numVideoPasses == 1)
summaryInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (Title %d, %@, Single Video Pass)", titleIndex, chapterString];
summaryInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (Title %d, %@, %d Video Passes)", titleIndex, chapterString, numVideoPasses];
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", summaryInfo] withAttributes:detailAttr];
// Insert a short-in-height line to put some white space after the title
[finalString appendString:@"\n" withAttributes:shortHeightAttr];
// End of title stuff
// Pass Name
if (withPassName)
if (withIcon)
NSString * imageName;
switch (pass)
case -1: imageName = @"JobPassSubtitleSmall"; break;
case 0: imageName = @"JobPassFirstSmall"; break;
case 1: imageName = @"JobPassFirstSmall"; break;
case 2: imageName = @"JobPassSecondSmall"; break;
default: imageName = @"JobPassUnknownSmall"; break;
NSFileWrapper * wrapper = [[[NSFileWrapper alloc] initWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForImageResource: imageName]] autorelease];
NSTextAttachment * imageAttachment = [[[NSTextAttachment alloc] initWithFileWrapper:wrapper] autorelease];
NSDictionary* imageAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat: -2.0], NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName,
imageAttachment, NSAttachmentAttributeName,
ps, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
NSAttributedString * imageAsString = [[[NSAttributedString alloc]
initWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C%C", NSAttachmentCharacter, NSTabCharacter]
attributes: imageAttributes] autorelease];
[finalString appendAttributedString:imageAsString];
NSString * jobPassName;
if (pass == -1)
jobPassName = NSLocalizedString (@"Deep Scan", nil);
int passNum = MAX( 1, pass );
if (passNum == 0)
jobPassName = NSLocalizedString (@"1st Pass", nil);
else if (passNum == 1)
jobPassName = NSLocalizedString (@"1st Pass", nil);
else if (passNum == 2)
jobPassName = NSLocalizedString (@"2nd Pass", nil);
jobPassName = [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Pass %d", nil), passNum];
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", jobPassName] withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
// Video Codec needed by FormatInfo and withVideoInfo
NSString * jobVideoCodec = nil;
if (withFormatInfo || withVideoInfo)
// 2097152
// Video Codec settings (Encoder in the gui)
if (vcodec == HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG)
jobVideoCodec = @"FFmpeg"; // HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG
else if (vcodec == HB_VCODEC_XVID)
jobVideoCodec = @"XviD"; // HB_VCODEC_XVID
else if (vcodec == HB_VCODEC_X264)
// Deterimine for sure how we are now setting iPod uuid atom
if (h264_level) // We are encoding for iPod
jobVideoCodec = @"x264 (H.264 iPod)"; // HB_VCODEC_X264
jobVideoCodec = @"x264 (H.264 Main)"; // HB_VCODEC_X264
if (jobVideoCodec == nil)
jobVideoCodec = @"unknown";
// Audio Codec needed by FormatInfo and AudioInfo
NSString * jobAudioCodec = nil;
if (withFormatInfo || withAudioInfo)
if (acodec == 256)
jobAudioCodec = @"AAC"; // HB_ACODEC_FAAC
else if (acodec == 512)
jobAudioCodec = @"MP3"; // HB_ACODEC_LAME
else if (acodec == 1024)
jobAudioCodec = @"Vorbis"; // HB_ACODEC_VORBIS
else if (acodec == 2048)
jobAudioCodec = @"AC3"; // HB_ACODEC_AC3
if (jobAudioCodec == nil)
jobAudioCodec = @"unknown";
if (withFormatInfo)
NSString * jobFormatInfo;
// Muxer settings (File Format in the gui)
if (mux == 65536 || mux == 131072 || mux == 1048576)
jobFormatInfo = @"MP4"; // HB_MUX_MP4,HB_MUX_PSP,HB_MUX_IPOD
else if (mux == 262144)
jobFormatInfo = @"AVI"; // HB_MUX_AVI
else if (mux == 524288)
jobFormatInfo = @"OGM"; // HB_MUX_OGM
else if (mux == 2097152)
jobFormatInfo = @"MKV"; // HB_MUX_MKV
jobFormatInfo = @"unknown";
if (chapter_markers == 1)
jobFormatInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Container, %@ Video + %@ Audio, Chapter Markers\n", jobFormatInfo, jobVideoCodec, jobAudioCodec];
jobFormatInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Container, %@ Video + %@ Audio\n", jobFormatInfo, jobVideoCodec, jobAudioCodec];
[finalString appendString: @"Format: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: jobFormatInfo withAttributes:detailAttr];
if (withDestination)
[finalString appendString: @"Destination: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", file] withAttributes:detailAttr];
if (withPictureInfo)
NSString * jobPictureInfo;
// integers for picture values deinterlace, crop[4], keep_ratio, grayscale, pixel_ratio, pixel_aspect_width, pixel_aspect_height,
// maxWidth, maxHeight
if (pixel_ratio == 1)
int croppedWidth = titleWidth - crop[2] - crop[3];
int displayparwidth = croppedWidth * pixel_aspect_width / pixel_aspect_height;
int displayparheight = titleHeight - crop[0] - crop[1];
jobPictureInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%dx%d (%dx%d Anamorphic)", displayparwidth, displayparheight, width, displayparheight];
jobPictureInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%dx%d", width, height];
if (keep_ratio == 1)
jobPictureInfo = [jobPictureInfo stringByAppendingString:@" Keep Aspect Ratio"];
if (grayscale == 1)
jobPictureInfo = [jobPictureInfo stringByAppendingString:@", Grayscale"];
if (deinterlace == 1)
jobPictureInfo = [jobPictureInfo stringByAppendingString:@", Deinterlace"];
if (withIcon) // implies indent the info
[finalString appendString: @"\t" withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: @"Picture: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", jobPictureInfo] withAttributes:detailAttr];
if (withVideoInfo)
NSString * jobVideoQuality;
NSString * jobVideoDetail;
if (vquality <= 0 || vquality >= 1)
jobVideoQuality = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d kbps", vbitrate];
NSNumber * vidQuality;
vidQuality = [NSNumber numberWithInt:vquality * 100];
// this is screwed up kind of. Needs to be formatted properly.
if (crf == 1)
jobVideoQuality = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%% CRF", vidQuality];
jobVideoQuality = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%% CQP", vidQuality];
if (vrate_base == 1126125)
// NTSC FILM 23.976
jobVideoDetail = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@, 23.976 fps", jobVideoCodec, jobVideoQuality];
else if (vrate_base == 900900)
// NTSC 29.97
jobVideoDetail = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@, 29.97 fps", jobVideoCodec, jobVideoQuality];
// Everything else
jobVideoDetail = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@, %d fps", jobVideoCodec, jobVideoQuality, vrate / vrate_base];
if (withIcon) // implies indent the info
[finalString appendString: @"\t" withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: @"Video: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", jobVideoDetail] withAttributes:detailAttr];
if (withx264Info)
if (vcodec == HB_VCODEC_X264 && x264opts)
if (withIcon) // implies indent the info
[finalString appendString: @"\t" withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: @"x264 Options: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", x264opts] withAttributes:detailAttr];
if (withAudioInfo)
NSString * jobAudioInfo;
if ([jobAudioCodec isEqualToString: @"AC3"])
jobAudioInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, Pass-Through", jobAudioCodec];
jobAudioInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %d kbps, %d Hz", jobAudioCodec, abitrate, arate];
// we now get the audio mixdown info for each of the two gui audio tracks
// lets do it the long way here to get a handle on things.
// Hardcoded for two tracks for gui: audio_mixdowns[i] audio_mixdowns[i]
int ai; // counter for each audios [] , macgui only allows for two audio tracks currently
for( ai = 0; ai < 2; ai++ )
if (audio_mixdowns[ai] == HB_AMIXDOWN_MONO)
jobAudioInfo = [jobAudioInfo stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@", Track %d: Mono", ai + 1]];
if (audio_mixdowns[ai] == HB_AMIXDOWN_STEREO)
jobAudioInfo = [jobAudioInfo stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@", Track %d: Stereo", ai + 1]];
if (audio_mixdowns[ai] == HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBY)
jobAudioInfo = [jobAudioInfo stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@", Track %d: Dolby Surround", ai + 1]];
if (audio_mixdowns[ai] == HB_AMIXDOWN_DOLBYPLII)
jobAudioInfo = [jobAudioInfo stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@", Track %d: Dolby Pro Logic II", ai + 1]];
if (audio_mixdowns[ai] == HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH)
jobAudioInfo = [jobAudioInfo stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@", Track %d: 6-channel discreet", ai + 1]];
if (withIcon) // implies indent the info
[finalString appendString: @"\t" withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: @"Audio: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", jobAudioInfo] withAttributes:detailAttr];
if (withSubtitleInfo)
// subtitle scan == -1 in two cases:
// autoselect: when pass == -1
// none: when pass != -1
if ((subtitle == -1) && (pass == -1))
if (withIcon) // implies indent the info
[finalString appendString: @"\t" withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: @"Subtitles: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: @"Autoselect " withAttributes:detailAttr];
else if (subtitle >= 0)
if (subtitleLang)
if (withIcon) // implies indent the info
[finalString appendString: @"\t" withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: @"Subtitles: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
[finalString appendString: subtitleLang withAttributes:detailAttr];
if ([[finalString string] hasSuffix: @"\n"])
[finalString deleteCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange([[finalString string] length]-1, 1)];
return finalString;
+ (NSMutableParagraphStyle *) descriptionParagraphStyle
if (!_descriptionParagraphStyle)
_descriptionParagraphStyle = [[[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy] retain];
[_descriptionParagraphStyle setHeadIndent: 40.0];
[_descriptionParagraphStyle setParagraphSpacing: 1.0];
[_descriptionParagraphStyle setTabStops:[NSArray array]]; // clear all tabs
[_descriptionParagraphStyle addTabStop: [[[NSTextTab alloc] initWithType: NSLeftTabStopType location: 20.0] autorelease]];
return _descriptionParagraphStyle;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionDetailAttribute
if (!_detailAttribute)
_detailAttribute = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont systemFontOfSize:10.0], NSFontAttributeName,
_descriptionParagraphStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
nil] retain];
return _detailAttribute;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionDetailBoldAttribute
if (!_detailBoldAttribute)
_detailBoldAttribute = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:10.0], NSFontAttributeName,
_descriptionParagraphStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
nil] retain];
return _detailBoldAttribute;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionTitleAttribute
if (!_titleAttribute)
_titleAttribute = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]], NSFontAttributeName,
_descriptionParagraphStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
nil] retain];
return _titleAttribute;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionShortHeightAttribute
if (!_shortHeightAttribute)
_shortHeightAttribute = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont systemFontOfSize:2.0], NSFontAttributeName,
nil] retain];
return _shortHeightAttribute;
#pragma mark -
// HBJobGroup
// Notification sent from HBJobGroup setStatus whenever the status changes.
NSString *HBJobGroupStatusNotification = @"HBJobGroupStatusNotification";
@implementation HBJobGroup
+ (HBJobGroup *) jobGroup;
return [[[HBJobGroup alloc] init] autorelease];
- (id) init
if (self = [super init])
fJobs = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0] retain];
fDescription = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: @""];
[self setNeedsDescription: NO];
fStatus = HBStatusNone;
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[fPresetName release];
[fJobs release];
[super dealloc];
- (unsigned int) count
return [fJobs count];
- (void) addJob: (HBJob *)aJob
[aJob setJobGroup:self];
[fJobs addObject: aJob];
[self setNeedsDescription: YES];
fLastDescriptionHeight = 0;
fLastDescriptionWidth = 0;
- (HBJob *) jobAtIndex: (unsigned)index
return [fJobs objectAtIndex: index];
- (unsigned) indexOfJob: (HBJob *)aJob;
return [fJobs indexOfObject: aJob];
- (NSEnumerator *) jobEnumerator
return [fJobs objectEnumerator];
- (void) setNeedsDescription: (BOOL)flag
fNeedsDescription = flag;
- (void) updateDescription
fNeedsDescription = NO;
[fDescription deleteCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [fDescription length])];
if ([self count] == 0)
NSAssert(NO, @" jobgroup with no jobs");
HBJob * job = [self jobAtIndex:0];
// append the title
[fDescription appendAttributedString: [job attributedDescriptionWithIcon: NO
withTitle: YES
withPassName: NO
withFormatInfo: NO
withDestination: NO
withPictureInfo: NO
withVideoInfo: NO
withx264Info: NO
withAudioInfo: NO
withSubtitleInfo: NO]];
// append the preset name
if ([fPresetName length])
[fDescription appendString:@"Preset: " withAttributes:[HBJob descriptionDetailBoldAttribute]];
[fDescription appendString:fPresetName withAttributes:[HBJob descriptionDetailAttribute]];
[fDescription appendString:@"\n" withAttributes:[HBJob descriptionDetailAttribute]];
// append the format and destinaton
[fDescription appendAttributedString: [job attributedDescriptionWithIcon: NO
withTitle: NO
withPassName: NO
withFormatInfo: YES
withDestination: YES
withPictureInfo: NO
withVideoInfo: NO
withx264Info: NO
withAudioInfo: NO
withSubtitleInfo: NO]];
static NSAttributedString * carriageReturn = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"\n"];
NSEnumerator * e = [self jobEnumerator];
while ( (job = [e nextObject]) )
int pass = job->pass;
[fDescription appendAttributedString:carriageReturn];
[fDescription appendAttributedString:
[job attributedDescriptionWithIcon: YES
withTitle: NO
withPassName: YES
withFormatInfo: NO
withDestination: NO
withPictureInfo: pass != -1
withVideoInfo: pass != -1
withx264Info: pass != -1
withAudioInfo: pass == 0 || pass == 2
withSubtitleInfo: YES]];
- (NSMutableAttributedString *) attributedDescription
if (fNeedsDescription)
[self updateDescription];
return fDescription;
- (float) heightOfDescriptionForWidth:(float)width
// Try to return the cached value if no changes have happened since the last time
if ((width == fLastDescriptionWidth) && (fLastDescriptionHeight != 0) && !fNeedsDescription)
return fLastDescriptionHeight;
if (fNeedsDescription)
[self updateDescription];
// Calculate the height
NSRect bounds = [fDescription boundingRectWithSize:NSMakeSize(width, 10000) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin];
fLastDescriptionHeight = bounds.size.height + 6.0; // add some border to bottom
fLastDescriptionWidth = width;
return fLastDescriptionHeight;
/* supposedly another way to do this, in case boundingRectWithSize isn't working
NSTextView* tmpView = [[NSTextView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, 1)];
[[tmpView textStorage] setAttributedString:aString];
[tmpView setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
[tmpView setVerticallyResizable:YES];
// [[tmpView textContainer] setHeightTracksTextView: YES];
// [[tmpView textContainer] setContainerSize: NSMakeSize(width, 10000)];
[tmpView sizeToFit];
float height = [tmpView frame].size.height;
[tmpView release];
return height;
- (float) lastDescriptionHeight
return fLastDescriptionHeight;
- (void) setStatus: (HBQueueJobGroupStatus)status
// Create a dictionary with the old status
NSDictionary * userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:self->fStatus] forKey:@"HBOldJobGroupStatus"];
self->fStatus = status;
// Send notification with old status
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:HBJobGroupStatusNotification object:self userInfo:userInfo];
- (HBQueueJobGroupStatus) status
return self->fStatus;
- (void) setPresetName: (NSString *)name
[name retain];
[fPresetName release];
fPresetName = name;
- (NSString *) presetName
return fPresetName;
- (NSString *) name
HBJob * firstJob = [self jobAtIndex:0];
return firstJob ? firstJob->titleName : nil;
- (NSString *) destinationPath
HBJob * firstJob = [self jobAtIndex:0];
return firstJob ? firstJob->file : nil;
#pragma mark -
// Toolbar identifiers
static NSString* HBQueueToolbar = @"HBQueueToolbar1";
static NSString* HBQueueStartCancelToolbarIdentifier = @"HBQueueStartCancelToolbarIdentifier";
static NSString* HBQueuePauseResumeToolbarIdentifier = @"HBQueuePauseResumeToolbarIdentifier";
#pragma mark -
@implementation HBQueueController
// init
- (id)init
if (self = [super init])
// Our defaults
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"NO", @"QueueWindowIsOpen",
@"NO", @"QueueShowsDetail",
@"YES", @"QueueShowsJobsAsGroups",
fJobGroups = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0] retain];
BOOL loadSucceeded = [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"Queue" owner:self] && fQueueWindow;
NSAssert(loadSucceeded, @"Could not open Queue nib");
NSAssert(fQueueWindow, @"fQueueWindow not found in Queue nib");
// Register for HBJobGroup status changes
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(jobGroupStatusNotification:) name:HBJobGroupStatusNotification object:nil];
return self;
// dealloc
- (void)dealloc
// clear the delegate so that windowWillClose is not attempted
if ([fQueueWindow delegate] == self)
[fQueueWindow setDelegate:nil];
[fJobGroups release];
[fCurrentJobGroup release];
[fSavedExpandedItems release];
[fSavedSelectedItems release];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[super dealloc];
// Receive HB handle
- (void)setHandle: (hb_handle_t *)handle
fHandle = handle;
// Receive HBController
- (void)setHBController: (HBController *)controller
fHBController = controller;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - Getting the currently processing job group
// Returns the HBJobGroup that is currently being encoded; nil if no encoding is
// occurring.
- (HBJobGroup *) currentJobGroup;
return fCurrentJobGroup;
// Returns the HBJob (pass) that is currently being encoded; nil if no encoding is
// occurring.
- (HBJob *) currentJob
return fCurrentJob;
#pragma mark -
// Displays and brings the queue window to the front
- (IBAction) showQueueWindow: (id)sender
[fQueueWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:@"QueueWindowIsOpen"];
// Show or hide the current job pane (fCurrentJobPane).
- (void) showCurrentJobPane: (BOOL)showPane
if (showPane == fCurrentJobPaneShown)
// Things to keep in mind:
// - When the current job pane is shown, it occupies the upper portion of the
// window with the queue occupying the bottom portion of the window.
// - When the current job pane is hidden, it slides up and out of view.
// NSView setHidden is NOT used. The queue pane is resized to occupy the full
// window.
NSRect windowFrame = [[fCurrentJobPane superview] frame];
NSRect queueFrame, jobFrame;
if (showPane)
NSDivideRect(windowFrame, &jobFrame, &queueFrame, NSHeight([fCurrentJobPane frame]), NSMaxYEdge);
queueFrame = windowFrame;
jobFrame = [fCurrentJobPane frame];
jobFrame.origin.y = NSHeight(windowFrame);
// Move fCurrentJobPane
NSDictionary * dict1 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
fCurrentJobPane, NSViewAnimationTargetKey,
[NSValue valueWithRect:jobFrame], NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey,
// Resize fQueuePane
NSDictionary * dict2 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
fQueuePane, NSViewAnimationTargetKey,
[NSValue valueWithRect:queueFrame], NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey,
NSViewAnimation * anAnimation = [[[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations:nil] autorelease];
[anAnimation setViewAnimations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:dict1, dict2, nil]];
[anAnimation setDuration:0.25];
[anAnimation setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationBlocking]; // prevent user from resizing the window during an animation
[anAnimation startAnimation];
fCurrentJobPaneShown = showPane;
// Sets fCurrentJobGroup to a new job group.
- (void) setCurrentJobGroup: (HBJobGroup *)aJobGroup
if (aJobGroup)
[aJobGroup setStatus: HBStatusWorking];
[aJobGroup retain];
[fCurrentJobGroup release];
fCurrentJobGroup = aJobGroup;
#pragma mark - Finding job groups
// Returns the first pending job with a specified destination path or nil if no such
// job exists.
- (HBJobGroup *) pendingJobGroupWithDestinationPath: (NSString *)path
HBJobGroup * aJobGroup;
NSEnumerator * groupEnum = [fJobGroups objectEnumerator];
while ( (aJobGroup = [groupEnum nextObject]) )
if ([[aJobGroup destinationPath] isEqualToString: path])
return aJobGroup;
return nil;
// Locates and returns a HBJob whose sequence_id matches a specified value.
- (HBJob *) findJobWithID: (int)aJobID
HBJobGroup * aJobGroup;
NSEnumerator * groupEnum = [fJobGroups objectEnumerator];
while ( (aJobGroup = [groupEnum nextObject]) )
HBJob * job;
NSEnumerator * jobEnum = [aJobGroup jobEnumerator];
while ( (job = [jobEnum nextObject]) )
if (job->sequence_id == aJobID)
return job;
return nil;
// Locates and returns a libhb job whose sequence_id matches a specified value.
- (hb_job_t *) findLibhbJobWithID: (int)aJobID
hb_job_t * job;
int index = 0;
while( ( job = hb_job( fHandle, index++ ) ) )
if (job->sequence_id == aJobID)
return job;
return nil;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Queue Counts
// Sets a flag indicating that the values for fPendingCount, fCompletedCount,
// fCanceledCount, and fWorkingCount need to be recalculated.
- (void) setJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating: (BOOL)flag
fJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating = flag;
// Recalculates and stores new values in fPendingCount, fCompletedCount,
// fCanceledCount, and fWorkingCount.
- (void) recalculateJobGroupCounts
fPendingCount = 0;
fCompletedCount = 0;
fCanceledCount = 0;
fWorkingCount = 0;
NSEnumerator * groupEnum = [fJobGroups objectEnumerator];
HBJobGroup * aJobGroup;
while ( (aJobGroup = [groupEnum nextObject]) )
switch ([aJobGroup status])
case HBStatusNone:
// We don't track these.
case HBStatusPending:
case HBStatusCompleted:
case HBStatusCanceled:
case HBStatusWorking:
fJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating = NO;
// Returns the number of job groups whose status is HBStatusPending.
- (unsigned int) pendingCount
if (fJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating)
[self recalculateJobGroupCounts];
return fPendingCount;
// Returns the number of job groups whose status is HBStatusCompleted.
- (unsigned int) completedCount
if (fJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating)
[self recalculateJobGroupCounts];
return fCompletedCount;
// Returns the number of job groups whose status is HBStatusCanceled.
- (unsigned int) canceledCount
if (fJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating)
[self recalculateJobGroupCounts];
return fCanceledCount;
// Returns the number of job groups whose status is HBStatusWorking.
- (unsigned int) workingCount
if (fJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating)
[self recalculateJobGroupCounts];
return fWorkingCount;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark UI Updating
// Saves the state of the items that are currently expanded and selected. Calling
// restoreOutlineViewState will restore the state of all items to match what was saved
// by saveOutlineViewState. Nested calls to saveOutlineViewState are not supported.
- (void) saveOutlineViewState
if (!fSavedExpandedItems)
fSavedExpandedItems = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
[fSavedExpandedItems removeAllIndexes];
// This code stores the sequence_id of the first job of each job group into an
// index set. This is sufficient to identify each group uniquely.
HBJobGroup * aJobGroup;
NSEnumerator * e = [fJobGroups objectEnumerator];
while ( (aJobGroup = [e nextObject]) )
if ([fOutlineView isItemExpanded: aJobGroup])
[fSavedExpandedItems addIndex: [aJobGroup jobAtIndex:0]->sequence_id];
// Save the selection also.
if (!fSavedSelectedItems)
fSavedSelectedItems = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
[fSavedSelectedItems removeAllIndexes];
NSIndexSet * selectedRows = [fOutlineView selectedRowIndexes];
int row = [selectedRows firstIndex];
while (row != NSNotFound)
aJobGroup = [fOutlineView itemAtRow: row];
[fSavedSelectedItems addIndex: [aJobGroup jobAtIndex:0]->sequence_id];
row = [selectedRows indexGreaterThanIndex: row];
// Restores the expanded state of items in the outline view to match those saved by a
// previous call to saveOutlineViewState.
- (void) restoreOutlineViewState
if (fSavedExpandedItems)
HBJobGroup * aJobGroup;
NSEnumerator * e = [fJobGroups objectEnumerator];
while ( (aJobGroup = [e nextObject]) )
HBJob * job = [aJobGroup jobAtIndex:0];
if (job && [fSavedExpandedItems containsIndex: job->sequence_id])
[fOutlineView expandItem: aJobGroup];
if (fSavedSelectedItems)
NSMutableIndexSet * rowsToSelect = [[[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init] autorelease];
HBJobGroup * aJobGroup;
NSEnumerator * e = [fJobGroups objectEnumerator];
int i = 0;
while ( (aJobGroup = [e nextObject]) )
HBJob * job = [aJobGroup jobAtIndex:0];
if (job && [fSavedSelectedItems containsIndex: job->sequence_id])
[rowsToSelect addIndex: i];
if ([rowsToSelect count] == 0)
[fOutlineView deselectAll: nil];
[fOutlineView selectRowIndexes:rowsToSelect byExtendingSelection:NO];
// Marks the icon region of a job group in the queue view as needing display.
- (void) updateJobGroupIconInQueue:(HBJobGroup*)aJobGroup
int row = [fOutlineView rowForItem: aJobGroup];
int col = [fOutlineView columnWithIdentifier: @"icon"];
if (row != -1 && col != -1)
NSRect frame = [fOutlineView frameOfCellAtColumn:col row:row];
[fOutlineView setNeedsDisplayInRect: frame];
// Marks the entire region of a job group in the queue view as needing display.
- (void) updateJobGroupInQueue:(HBJobGroup*)aJobGroup
int row = [fOutlineView rowForItem: aJobGroup];
if (row != -1)
NSRect frame = [fOutlineView rectOfRow:row];
[fOutlineView setNeedsDisplayInRect: frame];
// If a job is currently processing, its job icon in the queue outline view is
// animated to its next state.
- (void) animateCurrentJobGroupInQueue:(NSTimer*)theTimer
if (fCurrentJobGroup)
fAnimationIndex %= 6; // there are 6 animation images; see outlineView:objectValueForTableColumn:byItem: below.
[self updateJobGroupIconInQueue: fCurrentJobGroup];
// Starts animating the job icon of the currently processing job in the queue outline
// view.
- (void) startAnimatingCurrentJobGroupInQueue
if (!fAnimationTimer)
fAnimationTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/12.0 // 1/12 because there are 6 images in the animation cycle
repeats:YES] retain];
// Stops animating the job icon of the currently processing job in the queue outline
// view.
- (void) stopAnimatingCurrentJobGroupInQueue
if (fAnimationTimer && [fAnimationTimer isValid])
[fAnimationTimer invalidate];
[fAnimationTimer release];
fAnimationTimer = nil;
// Generate string to display in UI.
- (NSString *) progressStatusStringForJob: (HBJob *)job state: (hb_state_t *)s
if (s->state == HB_STATE_WORKING)
NSString * msg;
if (job->pass == -1)
msg = NSLocalizedString( @"Deep Scan", nil );
else if (job->pass == 1)
msg = NSLocalizedString( @"Analyzing video", nil );
else if ((job->pass == 0) || (job->pass == 2))
msg = NSLocalizedString( @"Encoding movie", nil );
return @""; // unknown condition!
if( s->param.working.seconds > -1 )
return [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"%@ (%.2f fps, avg %.2f fps)", nil ),
msg, s->param.working.rate_cur, s->param.working.rate_avg];
return msg;
else if (s->state == HB_STATE_MUXING)
return NSLocalizedString( @"Muxing", nil );
else if (s->state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
return NSLocalizedString( @"Paused", nil );
else if (s->state == HB_STATE_WORKDONE)
return NSLocalizedString( @"Done", nil );
return @"";
// Generate string to display in UI.
- (NSString *) progressTimeRemainingStringForJob: (HBJob *)job state: (hb_state_t *)s
if (s->state == HB_STATE_WORKING)
#define p s->param.working
if (p.seconds < 0)
return @"";
// Minutes always needed
NSString * minutes;
if (p.minutes > 1)
minutes = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString( @"%d minutes ", nil ), p.minutes];
else if (p.minutes == 1)
minutes = NSLocalizedString( @"1 minute ", nil );
minutes = @"";
if (p.hours >= 1)
NSString * hours;
if (p.hours > 1)
hours = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString( @"%d hours ", nil ), p.hours];
hours = NSLocalizedString( @"1 hour ", nil );
return [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString( @"%@%@remaining", nil ), hours, minutes];
NSString * seconds;
if (p.seconds > 1)
seconds = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString( @"%d seconds ", nil ), p.seconds];
seconds = NSLocalizedString( @"1 second ", nil );
return [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString( @"%@%@remaining", nil ), minutes, seconds];
/* here is code that does it more like the Finder
if( p.seconds > -1 )
float estHours = (p.hours + (p.minutes / 60.0));
float estMinutes = (p.minutes + (p.seconds / 60.0));
if (estHours > 1.5)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: About %d hours", nil ), lrintf(estHours)];
else if (estHours > 0.983) // 59 minutes
return NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: About 1 hour", nil );
else if (estMinutes > 1.5)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: About %d minutes", nil ), lrintf(estMinutes)];
else if (estMinutes > 0.983) // 59 seconds
return NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: About 1 minute", nil );
else if (p.seconds <= 5)
return NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: Less than 5 seconds", nil );
else if (p.seconds <= 10)
return NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: Less than 10 seconds", nil );
return NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: Less than 1 minute", nil );
return NSLocalizedString( @"Time remaining: Calculating...", nil );
#undef p
return @"";
// Refresh progress bar (fProgressTextField) from current state.
- (void) updateProgressTextForJob: (HBJob *)job state: (hb_state_t *)s
NSString * statusMsg = [self progressStatusStringForJob:job state:s];
NSString * timeMsg = [self progressTimeRemainingStringForJob:job state:s];
if ([timeMsg length] > 0)
statusMsg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@", statusMsg, timeMsg];
[fProgressTextField setStringValue:statusMsg];
// Refresh progress bar (fProgressBar) from current state.
- (void) updateProgressBarWithState: (hb_state_t *)s
if (s->state == HB_STATE_WORKING)
#define p s->param.working
[fProgressBar setIndeterminate:NO];
float progress_total = 100.0 * ( p.progress + p.job_cur - 1 ) / p.job_count;
[fProgressBar setDoubleValue:progress_total];
#undef p
else if (s->state == HB_STATE_MUXING)
#define p s->param.muxing
[fProgressBar setIndeterminate:YES];
[fProgressBar startAnimation:nil];
#undef p
else if (s->state == HB_STATE_WORKDONE)
[fProgressBar setIndeterminate:NO];
[fProgressBar stopAnimation:nil];
[fProgressBar setDoubleValue:0.0];
[fProgressBar stopAnimation:nil]; // just in case in was animating
// Refresh queue count text field (fQueueCountField).
- (void)updateQueueCountField
NSString * msg;
int jobCount = [fJobGroups count];
int pendingCount = [self pendingCount];
if (jobCount == 0)
msg = NSLocalizedString(@"No encodes", nil);
else if ((jobCount == 1) && (pendingCount == 0))
msg = NSLocalizedString(@"1 encode", nil);
else if (jobCount == pendingCount) // ie, all jobs listed are pending
if (jobCount == 1)
msg = NSLocalizedString(@"1 pending encode", nil);
msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d pending encodes", nil), pendingCount];
else // some completed, some pending
msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d encodes (%d pending)", nil), jobCount, pendingCount];
[fQueueCountField setStringValue:msg];
// Refresh the UI in the current job pane. Should be called whenever the current job
// being processed has changed.
- (void)updateCurrentJobDescription
if (fCurrentJob)
switch (fCurrentJob->pass)
case -1: // Subtitle scan
[fJobDescTextField setAttributedStringValue:
[fCurrentJob attributedDescriptionWithIcon: NO
withTitle: YES
withPassName: YES
withFormatInfo: NO
withDestination: NO
withPictureInfo: NO
withVideoInfo: NO
withx264Info: NO
withAudioInfo: NO
withSubtitleInfo: YES]];
case 1: // video 1st pass
[fJobDescTextField setAttributedStringValue:
[fCurrentJob attributedDescriptionWithIcon: NO
withTitle: YES
withPassName: YES
withFormatInfo: NO
withDestination: NO
withPictureInfo: YES
withVideoInfo: YES
withx264Info: YES
withAudioInfo: NO
withSubtitleInfo: NO]];
case 0: // single pass
case 2: // video 2nd pass + audio
[fJobDescTextField setAttributedStringValue:
[fCurrentJob attributedDescriptionWithIcon: NO
withTitle: YES
withPassName: YES
withFormatInfo: NO
withDestination: NO
withPictureInfo: YES
withVideoInfo: YES
withx264Info: YES
withAudioInfo: YES
withSubtitleInfo: YES]];
default: // unknown
[fJobDescTextField setAttributedStringValue:
[fCurrentJob attributedDescriptionWithIcon: NO
withTitle: YES
withPassName: YES
withFormatInfo: NO
withDestination: NO
withPictureInfo: YES
withVideoInfo: YES
withx264Info: YES
withAudioInfo: YES
withSubtitleInfo: YES]];
[fJobDescTextField setStringValue: @"No encodes pending"];
// Refresh the UI in the current job pane. Should be called whenever the current job
// being processed has changed or when progress has changed.
- (void)updateCurrentJobProgress
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state2( fHandle, &s );
[self updateProgressTextForJob: fCurrentJob state: &s];
[self updateProgressBarWithState:&s];
// Notifies HBQueuecontroller that the contents of fJobGroups is about to be modified.
// HBQueuecontroller remembers the state of the UI (selection and expanded items).
- (void) beginEditingJobGroupsArray
[self saveOutlineViewState];
// Notifies HBQueuecontroller that modifications to fJobGroups as indicated by a prior
// call to beginEditingJobGroupsArray have been completed. HBQueuecontroller reloads
// the queue view and restores the state of the UI (selection and expanded items).
- (void) endEditingJobGroupsArray
[self setJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating:YES];
[fOutlineView noteNumberOfRowsChanged];
[fOutlineView reloadData];
[self restoreOutlineViewState];
[self updateQueueCountField];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Actions
// Deletes the selected jobs from HB and the queue UI
- (IBAction)removeSelectedJobGroups: (id)sender
if (!fHandle) return;
NSIndexSet * selectedRows = [fOutlineView selectedRowIndexes];
int row = [selectedRows firstIndex];
if (row != NSNotFound)
[self beginEditingJobGroupsArray];
while (row != NSNotFound)
HBJobGroup * jobGroup = [fOutlineView itemAtRow: row];
switch ([jobGroup status])
case HBStatusCompleted:
case HBStatusCanceled:
[fJobGroups removeObject: jobGroup];
case HBStatusWorking:
[self cancelCurrentJob: sender];
case HBStatusPending:
// Remove from libhb
HBJob * job;
NSEnumerator * e = [jobGroup jobEnumerator];
while (job = [e nextObject])
hb_job_t * libhbJob = [self findLibhbJobWithID:job->sequence_id];
if (libhbJob)
hb_rem( fHandle, libhbJob );
// Remove from our list
[fJobGroups removeObject: jobGroup];
case HBStatusNone:
row = [selectedRows indexGreaterThanIndex: row];
[self endEditingJobGroupsArray];
// Reveals the file icons in the Finder of the selected job groups.
- (IBAction)revealSelectedJobGroups: (id)sender
if (!fHandle) return;
NSIndexSet * selectedRows = [fOutlineView selectedRowIndexes];
int row = [selectedRows firstIndex];
if (row != NSNotFound)
while (row != NSNotFound)
HBJobGroup * jobGroup = [fOutlineView itemAtRow: row];
if ([[jobGroup destinationPath] length])
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] selectFile:[jobGroup destinationPath] inFileViewerRootedAtPath:nil];
row = [selectedRows indexGreaterThanIndex: row];
// Calls HBController Cancel: which displays an alert asking user if they want to
// cancel encoding of current job. cancelCurrentJob: returns immediately after posting
// the alert. Later, when the user acknowledges the alert, HBController will call
// libhb to cancel the job.
- (IBAction)cancelCurrentJob: (id)sender
[fHBController Cancel:sender];
// Starts or cancels the processing of jobs depending on the current state
- (IBAction)toggleStartCancel: (id)sender
if (!fHandle) return;
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state2 (fHandle, &s);
if ((s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED) || (s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING) || (s.state == HB_STATE_MUXING))
[fHBController Cancel: fQueuePane]; // sender == fQueuePane so that warning alert shows up on queue window
else if ([self pendingCount] > 0)
[fHBController doRip];
// Toggles the pause/resume state of libhb
- (IBAction)togglePauseResume: (id)sender
if (!fHandle) return;
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state2 (fHandle, &s);
if (s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
hb_resume (fHandle);
else if ((s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING) || (s.state == HB_STATE_MUXING))
hb_pause (fHandle);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Synchronizing with libhb
// Queues a job group. The job group's status is set to HBStatusPending.
- (void) addJobGroup: (HBJobGroup *) aJobGroup
NSAssert(![fJobGroups containsObject:aJobGroup], @"Duplicate job group");
[aJobGroup setStatus:HBStatusPending];
[self beginEditingJobGroupsArray];
[fJobGroups addObject:aJobGroup];
[self endEditingJobGroupsArray];
// Notifies HBQueueController that libhb's current job has changed
- (void)currentJobChanged: (HBJob *) currentJob
[currentJob retain];
[fCurrentJob release];
fCurrentJob = currentJob;
// Log info about the preset name. We do this for each job, since libhb logs each
// job separately. The preset name is found in the job's job group object.
if (fCurrentJob && [fCurrentJob jobGroup] && ([[[fCurrentJob jobGroup] presetName] length] > 0))
[fHBController writeToActivityLog: "Using preset: %s", [[[fCurrentJob jobGroup] presetName] UTF8String]];
// Check to see if this is also a change in Job Group
HBJobGroup * theJobGroup = [currentJob jobGroup];
if ((theJobGroup == nil) || (theJobGroup != fCurrentJobGroup)) // no more job groups or start of a new group
// Previous job has completed
if (fCurrentJobGroup)
// Update the status of the job that just finished. If the user canceled,
// the status will have already been set to canceled by libhbWillStop. So
// all other cases are assumed to be a successful encode. BTW, libhb
// doesn't currently report errors back to the GUI.
if ([fCurrentJobGroup status] != HBStatusCanceled)
[fCurrentJobGroup setStatus:HBStatusCompleted];
// Set the new group
[self setCurrentJobGroup: theJobGroup];
// Update the UI
[self updateCurrentJobDescription];
[self updateCurrentJobProgress];
[self showCurrentJobPane: fCurrentJobGroup != nil];
if (fCurrentJobGroup)
[self startAnimatingCurrentJobGroupInQueue];
[self stopAnimatingCurrentJobGroupInQueue];
else // start a new job/pass in the same group
// Update the UI
[self updateCurrentJobDescription];
[self updateCurrentJobProgress];
// Notifies HBQueueController that hb_stop is about to be called. This signals us that
// the current job is going to be canceled and deleted. This is somewhat of a hack to
// let HBQueueController know when a job group has been cancelled. Otherwise, we'd
// have no way of knowing if a job was canceled or completed sucessfully.
- (void)libhbWillStop
if (fCurrentJobGroup)
[fCurrentJobGroup setStatus: HBStatusCanceled];
// Notifies HBQueueController that libhb's state has changed
- (void)libhbStateChanged: (hb_state_t &)state
switch( state.state )
//NSLog(@"job = %x; job_cur = %d; job_count = %d", state.param.working.sequence_id, state.param.working.job_cur, state.param.working.job_count);
// First check to see if libhb has moved on to another job. We get no direct
// message when this happens, so we have to detect it ourself. The new job could
// be either just the next job in the current group, or the start of a new group.
if (fCurrentJobID != state.param.working.sequence_id)
fCurrentJobID = state.param.working.sequence_id;
HBJob * currentJob = [self findJobWithID:fCurrentJobID];
[self currentJobChanged: currentJob];
if (fCurrentJob)
[self updateCurrentJobProgress];
[self startAnimatingCurrentJobGroupInQueue];
[self updateCurrentJobProgress];
[self updateCurrentJobProgress];
[self stopAnimatingCurrentJobGroupInQueue];
// HB_STATE_WORKDONE means that libhb has finished processing all the jobs
// in *its* queue. This message is NOT sent as each individual job is
// completed.
[self currentJobChanged: nil];
fCurrentJobID = 0;
static float spacingWidth = 3.0;
- (IBAction)imageSpacingChanged: (id)sender;
spacingWidth = [sender floatValue];
[fOutlineView setNeedsDisplay: YES];
- (IBAction)indentChanged: (id)sender
[fOutlineView setIndentationPerLevel: [sender floatValue]];
[fOutlineView setNeedsDisplay: YES];
#pragma mark -
// Receives notification whenever an HBJobGroup's status is changed.
- (void) jobGroupStatusNotification:(NSNotification *)notification
[self setJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating: YES];
// HBQueueJobGroupStatus oldStatus = (HBQueueJobGroupStatus) [[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"HBOldJobGroupStatus"] intValue];
HBJobGroup * jobGroup = [notification object];
if (jobGroup)
[self updateJobGroupInQueue:jobGroup];
[self updateQueueCountField];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Toolbar
// setupToolbar
- (void)setupToolbar
// Create a new toolbar instance, and attach it to our window
NSToolbar *toolbar = [[[NSToolbar alloc] initWithIdentifier: HBQueueToolbar] autorelease];
// Set up toolbar properties: Allow customization, give a default display mode, and remember state in user defaults
[toolbar setAllowsUserCustomization: YES];
[toolbar setAutosavesConfiguration: YES];
[toolbar setDisplayMode: NSToolbarDisplayModeIconAndLabel];
// We are the delegate
[toolbar setDelegate: self];
// Attach the toolbar to our window
[fQueueWindow setToolbar: toolbar];
// toolbar:itemForItemIdentifier:willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:
- (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar:(NSToolbar *)toolbar
itemForItemIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier
// Required delegate method: Given an item identifier, this method returns an item.
// The toolbar will use this method to obtain toolbar items that can be displayed
// in the customization sheet, or in the toolbar itself.
NSToolbarItem *toolbarItem = nil;
if ([itemIdentifier isEqual: HBQueueStartCancelToolbarIdentifier])
toolbarItem = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc] initWithItemIdentifier: itemIdentifier] autorelease];
// Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar and customization palette
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Start"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Start/Cancel"];
// Set up a reasonable tooltip, and image
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Start Encoding"];
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"Play"]];
// Tell the item what message to send when it is clicked
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(toggleStartCancel:)];
if ([itemIdentifier isEqual: HBQueuePauseResumeToolbarIdentifier])
toolbarItem = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc] initWithItemIdentifier: itemIdentifier] autorelease];
// Set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar and customization palette
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Pause"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Pause/Resume"];
// Set up a reasonable tooltip, and image
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Pause Encoding"];
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"Pause"]];
// Tell the item what message to send when it is clicked
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(togglePauseResume:)];
return toolbarItem;
// toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers:
- (NSArray *) toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar
// Required delegate method: Returns the ordered list of items to be shown in the
// toolbar by default.
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
// toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers:
- (NSArray *) toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar
// Required delegate method: Returns the list of all allowed items by identifier.
// By default, the toolbar does not assume any items are allowed, even the
// separator. So, every allowed item must be explicitly listed.
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
// validateToolbarItem:
- (BOOL) validateToolbarItem: (NSToolbarItem *) toolbarItem
// Optional method: This message is sent to us since we are the target of some
// toolbar item actions.
if (!fHandle) return NO;
BOOL enable = NO;
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state2 (fHandle, &s);
if ([[toolbarItem itemIdentifier] isEqual: HBQueueStartCancelToolbarIdentifier])
if ((s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED) || (s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING) || (s.state == HB_STATE_MUXING))
enable = YES;
[toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed: @"Stop"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Stop"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Stop Encoding"];
else if ([self pendingCount] > 0)
enable = YES;
[toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed: @"Play"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Start"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Start Encoding"];
enable = NO;
[toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed: @"Play"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Start"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Start Encoding"];
if ([[toolbarItem itemIdentifier] isEqual: HBQueuePauseResumeToolbarIdentifier])
if (s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
enable = YES;
[toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed: @"Play"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Resume"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Resume Encoding"];
else if ((s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING) || (s.state == HB_STATE_MUXING))
enable = YES;
[toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed: @"Pause"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Pause"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Pause Encoding"];
enable = NO;
[toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed: @"Pause"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Pause"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Pause Encoding"];
return enable;
#pragma mark -
// awakeFromNib
- (void)awakeFromNib
[self setupToolbar];
if (![fQueueWindow setFrameUsingName:@"Queue"])
[fQueueWindow center];
[fQueueWindow setFrameAutosaveName: @"Queue"];
[fQueueWindow setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:YES];
[fOutlineView registerForDraggedTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject:HBQueuePboardType] ];
[fOutlineView setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationEvery forLocal:YES];
[fOutlineView setVerticalMotionCanBeginDrag: YES];
// Don't allow autoresizing of main column, else the "delete" column will get
// pushed out of view.
[fOutlineView setAutoresizesOutlineColumn: NO];
[fIndentation setHidden: NO];
[fSpacing setHidden: NO];
[fIndentation setIntValue:[fOutlineView indentationPerLevel]]; // debug
[fSpacing setIntValue:3]; // debug
// Show/hide UI elements
fCurrentJobPaneShown = YES; // it's shown in the nib
[self showCurrentJobPane:NO];
[self updateQueueCountField];
// windowWillClose
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:@"QueueWindowIsOpen"];
#pragma mark -
- (void)moveObjectsInArray:(NSMutableArray *)array fromIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexSet toIndex:(unsigned)insertIndex
unsigned index = [indexSet lastIndex];
unsigned aboveInsertIndexCount = 0;
while (index != NSNotFound)
unsigned removeIndex;
if (index >= insertIndex)
removeIndex = index + aboveInsertIndexCount;
removeIndex = index;
id object = [[array objectAtIndex:removeIndex] retain];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:removeIndex];
[array insertObject:object atIndex:insertIndex];
[object release];
index = [indexSet indexLessThanIndex:index];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NSOutlineView delegate
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(int)index ofItem:(id)item
if (item == nil)
return [fJobGroups objectAtIndex:index];
// We are only one level deep, so we can't be asked about children
NSAssert (NO, @"HBQueueController outlineView:child:ofItem: can't handle nested items.");
return nil;
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item
// Our outline view has no levels, but we can still expand every item. Doing so
// just makes the row taller. See heightOfRowByItem below.
return YES;
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldExpandItem:(id)item
// Our outline view has no levels, but we can still expand every item. Doing so
// just makes the row taller. See heightOfRowByItem below.
// Don't autoexpand while dragging, since we can't drop into the items
return ![(HBQueueOutlineView*)outlineView isDragging];
return YES;
- (int)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item
// Our outline view has no levels, so number of children will be zero for all
// top-level items.
if (item == nil)
return [fJobGroups count];
return 0;
- (void)outlineViewItemDidCollapse:(NSNotification *)notification
id item = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSObject"];
int row = [fOutlineView rowForItem:item];
[fOutlineView noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(row,1)]];
- (void)outlineViewItemDidExpand:(NSNotification *)notification
id item = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSObject"];
int row = [fOutlineView rowForItem:item];
[fOutlineView noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(row,1)]];
- (float)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView heightOfRowByItem:(id)item
if ([outlineView isItemExpanded: item])
// Short-circuit here if in a live resize primarily to fix a bug but also to
// increase resposivness during a resize. There's a bug in NSTableView that
// causes row heights to get messed up if you try to change them during a live
// resize. So if in a live resize, simply return the previously calculated
// height. The row heights will get fixed up after the resize because we have
// implemented viewDidEndLiveResize to force all of them to be recalculated.
if ([outlineView inLiveResize] && [item lastDescriptionHeight] > 0)
return [item lastDescriptionHeight];
float width = [[outlineView tableColumnWithIdentifier: @"desc"] width];
// Column width is NOT what is ultimately used. I can't quite figure out what
// width to use for calculating text metrics. No matter how I tweak this value,
// there are a few conditions in which the drawn text extends below the bounds
// of the row cell. In previous versions, which ran under Tiger, I was
// reducing width by 47 pixles.
width -= 2; // (?) for intercell spacing
float height = [item heightOfDescriptionForWidth: width];
return height;
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
// nb: The "desc" column is currently an HBImageAndTextCell. However, we are longer
// using the image portion of the cell so we could switch back to a regular NSTextFieldCell.
if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"desc"])
return [item attributedDescription];
else if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"icon"])
switch ([(HBJobGroup*)item status])
case HBStatusCanceled:
return [NSImage imageNamed:@"EncodeCanceled"];
case HBStatusCompleted:
return [NSImage imageNamed:@"EncodeComplete"];
case HBStatusWorking:
return [NSImage imageNamed: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"EncodeWorking%d", fAnimationIndex]];
return [NSImage imageNamed:@"JobSmall"];
return @"";
- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item
if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"desc"])
NSSize theSize = [cell imageSpacing];
theSize.width = spacingWidth;
[cell setImageSpacing: theSize];
// nb: The "desc" column is currently an HBImageAndTextCell. However, we are longer
// using the image portion of the cell so we could switch back to a regular NSTextFieldCell.
// Set the image here since the value returned from outlineView:objectValueForTableColumn: didn't specify the image part
[cell setImage:nil];
else if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"action"])
[cell setEnabled: YES];
BOOL highlighted = [outlineView isRowSelected:[outlineView rowForItem: item]] && [[outlineView window] isKeyWindow] && ([[outlineView window] firstResponder] == outlineView);
if ([(HBJobGroup*)item status] == HBStatusCompleted)
[cell setAction: @selector(revealSelectedJobGroups:)];
if (highlighted)
[cell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"RevealHighlight"]];
[cell setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"RevealHighlightPressed"]];
[cell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"Reveal"]];
[cell setAction: @selector(removeSelectedJobGroups:)];
if (highlighted)
[cell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"DeleteHighlight"]];
[cell setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"DeleteHighlightPressed"]];
[cell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"Delete"]];
- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView willDisplayOutlineCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item
// By default, the discolsure image gets centered vertically in the cell. We want
// always at the top.
if ([outlineView isItemExpanded: item])
[cell setImagePosition: NSImageAbove];
[cell setImagePosition: NSImageOnly];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NSOutlineView delegate (dragging related)
// NSTableView delegate
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView writeItems:(NSArray *)items toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
// Dragging is only allowed of the pending items.
NSEnumerator * e = [items objectEnumerator];
HBJobGroup * group;
while ( (group = [e nextObject]) )
if ([group status] != HBStatusPending)
return NO;
// Don't retain since this is just holding temporaral drag information, and it is
//only used during a drag! We could put this in the pboard actually.
fDraggedNodes = items;
// Provide data for our custom type, and simple NSStrings.
[pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: HBQueuePboardType, nil] owner:self];
// the actual data doesn't matter since DragDropSimplePboardType drags aren't recognized by anyone but us!.
[pboard setData:[NSData data] forType:HBQueuePboardType];
return YES;
- (NSDragOperation)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView validateDrop:(id )info proposedItem:(id)item proposedChildIndex:(int)index
// Don't allow dropping ONTO an item since they can't really contain any children.
BOOL isOnDropTypeProposal = index == NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex;
if (isOnDropTypeProposal)
return NSDragOperationNone;
// Don't allow dropping INTO an item since they can't really contain any children.
if (item != nil)
index = [fOutlineView rowForItem: item] + 1;
item = nil;
// Prevent dragging into the completed or current job.
int firstPendingIndex = [fCompleted count];
if (fCurrentJobGroup)
index = MAX (index, firstPendingIndex);
[outlineView setDropItem:item dropChildIndex:index];
return NSDragOperationGeneric;
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView acceptDrop:(id )info item:(id)item childIndex:(int)index
NSMutableIndexSet *moveItems = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
id obj;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [fDraggedNodes objectEnumerator];
while (obj = [enumerator nextObject])
[moveItems addIndex:[fJobGroups indexOfObject:obj]];
// Rearrange the data and view
[self saveOutlineViewState];
[self moveObjectsInArray:fJobGroups fromIndexes:moveItems toIndex: index];
[fOutlineView reloadData];
[self restoreOutlineViewState];
return YES;