/* HBQueueController
This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
Homepage: .
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#include "hb.h"
@class HBController;
@class HBJob;
@class HBJobGroup;
#define HB_OUTLINE_METRIC_CONTROLS 0 // for tweaking the outline cell spacings
// hb_job_t contains a sequence_id field. The high word is a unique job group id.
// The low word contains the "sequence id" which is a value starting at 0 and
// incremented for each pass in the job group. Use the function below to create and
// interpret a sequence_id field.
int MakeJobID(int jobGroupID, int sequenceNum);
bool IsFirstPass(int jobID);
typedef enum _HBQueueJobGroupStatus
HBStatusNone = 0,
HBStatusPending = 1,
HBStatusWorking = 2,
HBStatusCompleted = 3,
HBStatusCanceled = 4
} HBQueueJobGroupStatus;
// Notification sent whenever the status of a HBJobGroup changes (via setStatus). The
// user info contains one object, @"HBOldJobGroupStatus", which is an NSNumber
// containing the previous status of the job group.
extern NSString * HBJobGroupStatusNotification;
// As usual, we need to subclass NSOutlineView to handle a few special cases:
// (1) variable row heights during live resizes
// HBQueueOutlineView exists solely to get around a bug in variable row height outline
// views in which row heights get messed up during live resizes. See this discussion:
// http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2005/Oct/msg00871.html
// However, the recommeneded fix (override drawRect:) does not work. Instead, this
// subclass implements viewDidEndLiveResize in order to recalculate all row heights.
// (2) prevent expanding of items during drags
// During dragging operations, we don't want outline items to expand, since a queue
// doesn't really have children items.
// (3) generate a drag image that incorporates more than just the first column
// By default, NSTableView only drags an image of the first column. Change this to
// drag an image of the queue's icon and desc columns.
@interface HBQueueOutlineView : NSOutlineView
BOOL fIsDragging;
- (BOOL) isDragging;
// HBJob is the UI's equivalent to libhb's hb_job_t struct. It is used mainly for
// drawing the job's description. HBJob are referred to in the UI as 'passes'.
@interface HBJob : NSObject
HBJobGroup *jobGroup; // The group this job belongs to
// The following fields match up with similar fields found in hb_job_t and it's
// various substructures.
// from hb_job_s
int sequence_id; // This is how we xref to the jobs inside libhb
int chapter_start;
int chapter_end;
int chapter_markers;
int crop[4];
int deinterlace;
int width; // source dimensions
int height;
int output_width; // output dimensions
int output_height;
int anamorphic_width; // anamorphic dimensions
int anamorphic_height;
int keep_ratio;
int grayscale;
int pixel_ratio;
int pixel_aspect_width;
int pixel_aspect_height;
int vcodec;
float vquality;
int vbitrate;
int vrate;
int vrate_base;
int pass;
int h264_level;
int crf;
NSString *x264opts;
NSString *audioinfo_codecs;
NSString *audioinfo_summary; //<-hack to use a string to display all audio info for each job in one string
int audio_mixdowns[8];
int acodec;
int abitrate;
int arate;
int subtitle;
int mux;
NSString *file;
// from hb_title_s
NSString *titleName;
int titleIndex;
int titleWidth;
int titleHeight;
// from hb_subtitle_s
NSString *subtitleLang;
+ (HBJob*) jobWithLibhbJob: (hb_job_t *) job;
- (id) initWithLibhbJob: (hb_job_t *) job;
- (HBJobGroup *) jobGroup;
- (void) setJobGroup: (HBJobGroup *)aJobGroup;
- (NSMutableAttributedString *) attributedDescriptionWithIcon: (BOOL)withIcon
withTitle: (BOOL)withTitle
withPassName: (BOOL)withPassName
withFormatInfo: (BOOL)withFormatInfo
withDestination: (BOOL)withDestination
withPictureInfo: (BOOL)withPictureInfo
withVideoInfo: (BOOL)withVideoInfo
withx264Info: (BOOL)withx264Info
withAudioInfo: (BOOL)withAudioInfo
withSubtitleInfo: (BOOL)withSubtitleInfo;
// Attributes used by attributedDescriptionWithIcon:::::::::
+ (NSMutableParagraphStyle *) descriptionParagraphStyle;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionDetailAttribute;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionDetailBoldAttribute;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionTitleAttribute;
+ (NSDictionary *) descriptionShortHeightAttribute;
// HBJobGroup is what's referred to in the UI as an 'encode'. A job group contains
// multiple HBJobs, one for each 'pass' of the encode. Whereas libhb keeps a simple
// list of jobs in it's queue, the queue controller presents them to the user as a
// series of encodes and passes (HBJObGroups and HBJobs).
@interface HBJobGroup : NSObject
NSMutableArray *fJobs; // array of HBJob
NSMutableAttributedString *fDescription;
BOOL fNeedsDescription;
float fLastDescriptionHeight;
float fLastDescriptionWidth;
HBQueueJobGroupStatus fStatus;
NSString *fPresetName;
// Creating a job group
+ (HBJobGroup *) jobGroup;
// Adding jobs
- (void) addJob: (HBJob *)aJob;
// Querying a job group
- (unsigned int) count;
- (HBJob *) jobAtIndex: (unsigned)index;
- (unsigned int) indexOfJob: (HBJob *)aJob;
- (NSEnumerator *) jobEnumerator;
- (void) setStatus: (HBQueueJobGroupStatus)status;
- (HBQueueJobGroupStatus) status;
- (void) setPresetName: (NSString *)name;
- (NSString *) presetName;
- (NSString *) destinationPath;
- (NSString *) name;
// Creating a description
- (void) setNeedsDescription: (BOOL)flag;
- (NSMutableAttributedString *) attributedDescription;
- (float) heightOfDescriptionForWidth:(float)width;
- (float) lastDescriptionHeight;
@interface HBQueueController : NSObject
hb_handle_t *fHandle; // reference to libhb
HBController *fHBController; // reference to HBController
NSMutableArray *fJobGroups; // libhb's job list organized in a hierarchy of HBJobGroup and HBJob
HBJobGroup *fCurrentJobGroup; // the HJobGroup currently being processed by libhb
HBJob *fCurrentJob; // the HJob (pass) currently being processed by libhb
int fCurrentJobID; // this is how we track when hbib has started processing a different job. This is the job's sequence_id.
unsigned int fPendingCount; // Number of various kinds of job groups in fJobGroups.
unsigned int fCompletedCount; // Don't access these directly as they may not always be up-to-date.
unsigned int fCanceledCount; // Use the accessor functions instead.
unsigned int fWorkingCount;
BOOL fJobGroupCountsNeedUpdating;
BOOL fCurrentJobPaneShown; // NO when fCurrentJobPane has been shifted out of view (see showCurrentJobPane)
NSMutableIndexSet *fSavedExpandedItems; // used by save/restoreOutlineViewState to preserve which items are expanded
NSMutableIndexSet *fSavedSelectedItems; // used by save/restoreOutlineViewState to preserve which items are selected
NSArray *fDraggedNodes;
NSTimer *fAnimationTimer; // animates the icon of the current job in the queue outline view
int fAnimationIndex; // used to generate name of image used to animate the current job in the queue outline view
// +---------------fQueueWindow----------------+
// |+-------------fCurrentJobPane-------------+|
// || ||
// || ||
// || ||
// |+-----------------------------------------+|
// |+---------------fQueuePane----------------+|
// || ||
// || ||
// || ||
// || ||
// || ||
// || ||
// || ||
// |+-----------------------------------------+|
// +-------------------------------------------+
IBOutlet NSWindow *fQueueWindow;
// fCurrentJobPane - visible only when processing a job
IBOutlet NSView *fCurrentJobPane;
IBOutlet NSImageView *fJobIconView;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fJobDescTextField;
IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator *fProgressBar;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fProgressTextField;
// fQueuePane - always visible; fills entire window when fCurrentJobPane is hidden
IBOutlet NSView *fQueuePane;
IBOutlet HBQueueOutlineView *fOutlineView;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fQueueCountField;
IBOutlet NSSlider *fIndentation; // debug
IBOutlet NSSlider *fSpacing; // debug
- (void)setHandle: (hb_handle_t *)handle;
- (void)setHBController: (HBController *)controller;
- (void)libhbStateChanged: (hb_state_t &)state;
- (void)libhbWillStop;
// Adding items to the queue
- (void) addJobGroup: (HBJobGroup *) aJobGroup;
// Getting the currently processing job group
- (HBJobGroup *) currentJobGroup;
- (HBJob *) currentJob;
// Getting job groups
- (HBJobGroup *) pendingJobGroupWithDestinationPath: (NSString *)path;
// Getting queue statistics
- (unsigned int) pendingCount;
- (unsigned int) completedCount;
- (unsigned int) canceledCount;
- (unsigned int) workingCount;
- (IBAction)showQueueWindow: (id)sender;
- (IBAction)removeSelectedJobGroups: (id)sender;
- (IBAction)revealSelectedJobGroups: (id)sender;
- (IBAction)cancelCurrentJob: (id)sender;
- (IBAction)toggleStartCancel: (id)sender;
- (IBAction)togglePauseResume: (id)sender;
- (IBAction)imageSpacingChanged: (id)sender;
- (IBAction)indentChanged: (id)sender;