/* HBPresets.m $
This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
Homepage: .
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#import "HBPresetsManager.h"
#import "HBPreset.h"
#import "HBUtilities.h"
NSString *HBPresetsChangedNotification = @"HBPresetsChangedNotification";
@interface HBPresetsManager ()
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSURL *fileURL;
/* Dictionaries for individual presets ("Devices" folder) */
- (NSDictionary *)createUniversalPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createiPodPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createiPhoneiPodtouchPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createiPadPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createAppleTVPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createAppleTV2Preset;
- (NSDictionary *)createAppleTV3Preset;
- (NSDictionary *)createAndroidPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createAndroidTabletPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createW8PhonePreset;
/* Dictionaries for individual presets ("Regular" folder) */
- (NSDictionary *)createNormalPreset;
- (NSDictionary *)createHighProfilePreset;
@implementation HBPresetsManager
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
// Init the root of the tree, it won't never be shown in the UI
_root = [[HBPreset alloc] initWithFolderName:@"Root" builtIn:YES];
_root.delegate = self;
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)url
self = [self init];
if (self)
_fileURL = [url copy];
[self loadPresetsFromURL:url];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[_fileURL release];
[_defaultPreset release];
[_root release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSIndexPath *)indexPathOfPreset:(HBPreset *)preset
__block NSIndexPath *retValue = nil;
// Visit the whole tree to find the index path.
[self.root enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSIndexPath *idx, BOOL *stop)
if ([obj isEqualTo:preset])
retValue = [idx retain];
*stop = YES;
return [retValue autorelease];
#pragma mark - HBTreeNode delegate
- (void)nodeDidChange
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil];
#pragma mark - Load/Save
- (BOOL)loadPresetsFromURL:(NSURL *)url
NSArray *presetsArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url];
for (NSDictionary *child in presetsArray)
[self.root.children addObject:[self loadFromDict:child]];
[presetsArray release];
// If the preset list is empty,
// readd the built in presets.
if (self.root.children.count == 0)
[self generateBuiltInPresets];
if (self.defaultPreset == nil)
[self selectNewDefault];
return YES;
- (BOOL)savePresetsToURL:(NSURL *)url
NSMutableArray *presetsArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (HBPreset *node in self.root.children)
[presetsArray addObject:[self convertToDict:node]];
return [presetsArray writeToURL:url atomically:YES];
return YES;
- (BOOL)savePresets
return [self savePresetsToURL:self.fileURL];
#pragma mark - NSDictionary conversions
* Converts the NSDictionary to a HBPreset object,
- (HBPreset *)loadFromDict:(NSDictionary *)dict
HBPreset *node = nil;
if ([dict[@"Folder"] boolValue])
node = [[[HBPreset alloc] initWithFolderName:dict[@"PresetName"]
builtIn:![dict[@"Type"] boolValue]] autorelease];
for (NSDictionary *child in dict[@"ChildrenArray"])
[node.children addObject:[self loadFromDict:child]];
node = [[[HBPreset alloc] initWithName:dict[@"PresetName"]
builtIn:![dict[@"Type"] boolValue]] autorelease];
node.isDefault = [dict[@"Default"] boolValue];
if ([dict[@"Default"] boolValue])
self.defaultPreset = node;
if (!node.isBuiltIn)
node.delegate = self;
return node;
* Converts the HBPreset and its childrens to a NSDictionary.
- (NSDictionary *)convertToDict:(HBPreset *)node
NSMutableDictionary *output = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[output addEntriesFromDictionary:node.content];
output[@"PresetName"] = node.name;
output[@"Folder"] = @(!node.isLeaf);
output[@"Type"] = @(!node.isBuiltIn);
output[@"Default"] = @(node.isDefault);
if (!node.isLeaf)
NSMutableArray *childArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (HBPreset *child in node.children)
[childArray addObject:[self convertToDict:child]];
output[@"ChildrenArray"] = childArray;
[childArray release];
return [output autorelease];
#pragma mark - Presets Management
- (BOOL)checkBuiltInsForUpdates
__block BOOL retValue = NO;
[self.root enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSIndexPath *idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSDictionary *dict = [obj content];
if ([obj isBuiltIn] && [obj isLeaf])
if (!dict[@"PresetBuildNumber"] ||
[dict[@"PresetBuildNumber"] intValue] < [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary][@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue])
retValue = YES;
*stop = YES;
return retValue;
- (void)addPreset:(NSDictionary *)preset
HBPreset *presetNode = [[HBPreset alloc] initWithName:preset[@"PresetName"]
[self.root insertObject:presetNode inChildrenAtIndex:[self.root countOfChildren]];
[presetNode release];
[self savePresets];
- (void)deletePresetAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)idx
HBPreset *parentNode = self.root;
// Find the preset parent array
// and delete it.
NSUInteger currIdx = 0;
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < idx.length - 1; i++)
currIdx = [idx indexAtPosition:i];
if (parentNode.children.count > currIdx)
parentNode = [parentNode.children objectAtIndex:currIdx];
currIdx = [idx indexAtPosition:i];
if (parentNode.children.count > currIdx)
if ([[parentNode.children objectAtIndex:currIdx] isDefault])
[parentNode removeObjectFromChildrenAtIndex:currIdx];
// Try to select a new default preset
[self selectNewDefault];
[parentNode removeObjectFromChildrenAtIndex:currIdx];
* Private method to select a new default
* when the default preset is deleted.
- (void)selectNewDefault
__block HBPreset *normalPreset = nil;
__block HBPreset *firstUserPreset = nil;
// Search for a possibile new default preset
// Try to use "Normal" or the first user preset.
[self.root enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSIndexPath *idx, BOOL *stop) {
if ([obj isBuiltIn] && [obj isLeaf])
if ([[obj name] isEqualToString:@"Normal"])
normalPreset = obj;
else if ([obj isLeaf])
firstUserPreset = obj;
*stop = YES;
if (normalPreset)
self.defaultPreset = normalPreset;
normalPreset.isDefault = YES;
else if (firstUserPreset)
self.defaultPreset = firstUserPreset;
firstUserPreset.isDefault = YES;
- (void)setDefaultPreset:(HBPreset *)defaultPreset
if (defaultPreset && defaultPreset.isLeaf)
if (_defaultPreset)
_defaultPreset.isDefault = NO;
[_defaultPreset autorelease];
defaultPreset.isDefault = YES;
_defaultPreset = [defaultPreset retain];
[self nodeDidChange];
#pragma mark - Built In Generation
- (void)loadPresetsForType:(NSString *)type fromSel:(SEL[])selArray length:(int)len
HBPreset *folderNode = [[HBPreset alloc] initWithFolderName:type builtIn:YES];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
NSMutableDictionary *presetDict = [self performSelector:selArray[i]];
presetDict[@"PresetBuildNumber"] = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary][@"CFBundleVersion"];
HBPreset *presetNode = [[HBPreset alloc] initWithName:presetDict[@"PresetName"]
[folderNode.children addObject:presetNode];
[presetNode release];
[self.root insertObject:folderNode inChildrenAtIndex:0];
[folderNode release];
* Built-in preset folders at the root of the hierarchy
* Re-create new built-in presets programmatically and add them to the array
* Note: the built-in presets will *not* sort themselves alphabetically,
* so they will appear in the order you create them.
- (void)generateBuiltInPresets
SEL devicesPresets[] = { @selector(createUniversalPreset),
SEL regularPresets[] = { @selector(createNormalPreset),
[self deleteBuiltInPresets];
[self loadPresetsForType:@"Regular" fromSel:regularPresets length:2];
[self loadPresetsForType:@"Devices" fromSel:devicesPresets length:10];
if (self.defaultPreset == nil)
[self selectNewDefault];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "built in presets updated to build number: %d", [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue]];
- (void)deleteBuiltInPresets
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"root"];
NSMutableArray *nodeToRemove = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (HBPreset *node in self.root.children)
if (node.isBuiltIn)
[nodeToRemove addObject:node];
[self.root.children removeObjectsInArray:nodeToRemove];
[nodeToRemove release];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"root"];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Individual Preset Definitions
/* These NSDictionary definitions contain settings for one built-in preset */
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createUniversalPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"Universal";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for compatibility with all Apple devices (including the iPod 6G and later). Includes Dolby Digital audio for surround sound.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"fast";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"baseline";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.0";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @20.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @720;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @576;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Track 2 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack2Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AC3 Passthru";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"None";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack2Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack2Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createiPodPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"iPod";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for playback on the iPod with Video (all generations).";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @1;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"baseline";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"1.3";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @22.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @320;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @240;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @0; //none
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @1;
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createiPhoneiPodtouchPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"iPhone & iPod touch";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for handheld iOS devices (iPhone 4, iPod touch 3G and later).";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @1;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"high";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.1";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @22.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @960;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @640;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createiPadPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"iPad";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for playback on the iPad (all generations).";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @1;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"high";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.1";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @20.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @1280;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @720;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createAppleTVPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"AppleTV";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for the original AppleTV. Includes Dolby Digital audio for surround sound. Also compatible with iOS devices released since 2009.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @1;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"qpmin=4:cabac=0:ref=2:b-pyramid=none:weightb=0:weightp=0:vbv-maxrate=9500:vbv-bufsize=9500";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"high";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.1";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @20.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @960;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @720;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Track 2 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack2Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AC3 Passthru";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"None";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack2Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack2Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createAppleTV2Preset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"AppleTV 2";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for the second-generation AppleTV. Includes Dolby Digital audio for surround sound. NOT compatible with the original AppleTV.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @1;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"high";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.1";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @20.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @1280;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @720;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Track 2 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack2Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AC3 Passthru";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"None";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack2Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack2Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createAppleTV3Preset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"AppleTV 3";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for the third-generation AppleTV. Includes Dolby Digital audio for surround sound. NOT compatible with the original AppleTV. May stutter on the second-generation AppleTV.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @1;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"high";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"4.0";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @20.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @1920;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @1080;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @3; //fast
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Track 2 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack2Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AC3 Passthru";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"None";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack2Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack2Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createAndroidPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"Android";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's settings for midrange devices running Android 2.3 or later.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @0;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"main";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.0";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @22.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @720;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @576;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"128";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createAndroidTabletPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"Android Tablet";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's preset for tablets running Android 2.3 or later.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @0;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"main";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.1";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @22.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @1280;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @720;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"128";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createW8PhonePreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"Windows Phone 8";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's preset for Windows Phone 8 devices";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @0;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"main";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"3.1";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @22.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"30";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"pfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @1280;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @720;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @0; //None
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @1;
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"128";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createNormalPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"Normal";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @1; //default
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's normal, default settings.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"veryfast";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"main";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"4.0";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @20.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"Same as source";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"vfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @0;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @0; //off
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createHighProfilePreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset properties (name, type: factory/user, default, folder, tooltip) */
preset[@"PresetName"] = @"High Profile";
preset[@"Type"] = @0; //factory
preset[@"Default"] = @0;
preset[@"Folder"] = @NO;
preset[@"PresetDescription"] = @"HandBrake's general-purpose preset for High Profile H.264 video.";
/* Container format and related settings */
preset[@"FileFormat"] = @"MP4 file";
preset[@"Mp4LargeFile"] = @1;
preset[@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] = @0;
preset[@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] = @0;
/* Chapter markers */
preset[@"ChapterMarkers"] = @1;
/* Video encoder and advanced options */
preset[@"VideoEncoder"] = @"H.264 (x264)";
preset[@"x264Option"] = @"";
preset[@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoPreset"] = @"medium";
preset[@"VideoTune"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoOptionExtra"] = @"";
preset[@"VideoProfile"] = @"high";
preset[@"VideoLevel"] = @"4.1";
/* Video rate control */
preset[@"VideoAvgBitrate"] = @"2500";
preset[@"VideoTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoTurboTwoPass"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoQualityType"] = @2; //cq
preset[@"VideoQualitySlider"] = @20.0f;
/* Video frame rate */
preset[@"VideoFramerate"] = @"Same as source";
preset[@"VideoFramerateMode"] = @"vfr";
/* Picture size */
preset[@"UsesPictureSettings"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureWidth"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureHeight"] = @0;
preset[@"PicturePAR"] = @2; //loose
preset[@"PictureModulus"] = @2;
preset[@"PictureKeepRatio"] = @0; //set to 0 for Loose (FIXME: why?)
/* Picture filters */
preset[@"UsesPictureFilters"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureDecomb"] = @2; //default
preset[@"PictureDecombCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] = @1; //decomb
preset[@"PictureDeinterlace"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDetelecine"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDenoise"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] = @"";
preset[@"PictureDeblock"] = @0;
preset[@"VideoGrayScale"] = @0;
/* Picture crop */
preset[@"PictureAutoCrop"] = @1;
preset[@"PictureTopCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureBottomCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureLeftCrop"] = @0;
preset[@"PictureRightCrop"] = @0;
/* Auto Passthru */
preset[@"AudioEncoderFallback"] = @"AC3 (ffmpeg)";
preset[@"AudioAllowAACPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] = @1;
preset[@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] = @1;
/* Audio track list - no need to add "None" at the end */
NSMutableArray *audioListArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Track 1 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack1Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AAC (avcodec)";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"Dolby Pro Logic II";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack1Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack1Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack1Array];
/* Track 2 */
NSMutableDictionary *audioTrack2Array = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrack"] = @1;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioEncoder"] = @"AC3 Passthru";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioMixdown"] = @"None";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioSamplerate"] = @"Auto";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioBitrate"] = @"160";
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackGainSlider"] = @0.0f;
audioTrack2Array[@"AudioTrackDRCSlider"] = @0.0f;
[audioTrack2Array autorelease];
[audioListArray addObject:audioTrack2Array];
/* Add the audio track(s) to the preset's audio list */
preset[@"AudioList"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:audioListArray];
[audioListArray release];
/* Subtitles (note: currently ignored) */
preset[@"Subtitles"] = @"None";
/* Clean up and return the preset */
[preset autorelease];
return preset;