/* HBCodingUtilities.h $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #import #define OBJC_STRINGIFY(x) @#x #define encodeInt(x) [coder encodeInt:x forKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define encodeInteger(x) [coder encodeInteger:x forKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define encodeBool(x) [coder encodeBool:x forKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define encodeDouble(x) [coder encodeDouble:x forKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define encodeObject(x) [coder encodeObject:x forKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define decodeInt(x) x = [decoder decodeIntForKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define decodeInteger(x) x = [decoder decodeIntegerForKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define decodeBool(x) x = [decoder decodeBoolForKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define decodeDouble(x) x = [decoder decodeDoubleForKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)] #define decodeObject(x, cl) x = [HBCodingUtilities decodeObjectOfClass:[cl class] forKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x) decoder:decoder]; #define decodeObjectOrFail(x, class) x = [HBCodingUtilities decodeObjectOfClass:class forKey:OBJC_STRINGIFY(x) decoder:decoder]; if (x == nil) {NSLog(@"Failed to decode: %@", OBJC_STRINGIFY(x)); goto fail;} @interface HBCodingUtilities : NSObject /** * Specify what the expected class of the allocated object is. If the coder responds YES to -requiresSecureCoding, * then an exception will be thrown if the class to be decoded does not implement NSSecureCoding or is not isKindOfClass: of the argument. * If the coder responds NO to -requiresSecureCoding, then the class argument is ignored * and no check of the class of the decoded object is performed, exactly as if decodeObjectForKey: had been called. * * if NSSecureCoding is not available on the system it check the class after loading the object. * * @param aClass The expect class type. * @param key The coder key. * @param decoder The NSCoder. * * @return the decoder object. */ + (id)decodeObjectOfClass:(Class)aClass forKey:(NSString *)key decoder:(NSCoder *)decoder; @end