/* HBChapterTitlesController.m $
This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
Homepage: .
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#import "HBChapterTitlesController.h"
@import HandBrakeKit;
@interface NSArray (HBCSVAdditions)
+ (nullable NSArray *> *)HB_arrayWithContentsOfCSVURL:(NSURL *)url;
@implementation NSArray (HBCSVAdditions)
// CSV parsing examples
// CSV Record:
// one,two,three
// Fields:
// CSV Record:
// one, two, three
// Fields:
// < two>
// < three>
// CSV Record:
// one,"2,345",three
// Fields:
// <2,345>
// CSV record:
// one,"John said, ""Hello there.""",three
// Explanation: inside a quoted field, two double quotes in a row count
// as an escaped double quote in the field data.
// Fields:
+ (nullable NSArray *> *)HB_arrayWithContentsOfCSVURL:(NSURL *)url;
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
if (str == nil)
return nil;
NSMutableString *csvString = [str mutableCopy];
[csvString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\r\n" withString:@"\n" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, csvString.length)];
[csvString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\r" withString:@"\n" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, csvString.length)];
if (!csvString)
return 0;
if ([csvString characterAtIndex:0] == 0xFEFF)
[csvString deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0,1)];
if ([csvString characterAtIndex:[csvString length]-1] != '\n')
[csvString appendFormat:@"%c",'\n'];
NSScanner *sc = [NSScanner scannerWithString:csvString];
sc.charactersToBeSkipped = nil;
NSMutableArray *csvArray = [NSMutableArray array];
[csvArray addObject:[NSMutableArray array]];
NSCharacterSet *commaNewlineCS = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@",\n"];
while (sc.scanLocation < csvString.length)
if ([sc scanString:@"\"" intoString:NULL])
// Quoted field
NSMutableString *field = [NSMutableString string];
BOOL done = NO;
NSString *quotedString;
// Scan until we get to the end double quote or the EOF.
while (!done && sc.scanLocation < csvString.length)
if ([sc scanUpToString:@"\"" intoString:"edString])
[field appendString:quotedString];
if ([sc scanString:@"\"\"" intoString:NULL])
// Escaped double quote inside the quoted string.
[field appendString:@"\""];
done = YES;
if (sc.scanLocation < csvString.length)
BOOL nextIsNewline = [sc scanString:@"\n" intoString:NULL];
BOOL nextIsComma = NO;
if (!nextIsNewline)
nextIsComma = [sc scanString:@"," intoString:NULL];
if (nextIsNewline || nextIsComma)
[[csvArray lastObject] addObject:field];
if (nextIsNewline && sc.scanLocation < csvString.length)
[csvArray addObject:[NSMutableArray array]];
// Quoted fields must be immediately followed by a comma or newline.
return nil;
// No close quote found before EOF, so file is invalid CSV.
return nil;
NSString *field;
[sc scanUpToCharactersFromSet:commaNewlineCS intoString:&field];
BOOL nextIsNewline = [sc scanString:@"\n" intoString:NULL];
BOOL nextIsComma = NO;
if (!nextIsNewline)
nextIsComma = [sc scanString:@"," intoString:NULL];
if (nextIsNewline || nextIsComma)
[[csvArray lastObject] addObject:field];
if (nextIsNewline && sc.scanLocation < csvString.length)
[csvArray addObject:[NSMutableArray array]];
return csvArray;
@interface HBChapterTitlesController ()
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTableView *table;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSArray *chapterTitles;
@implementation HBChapterTitlesController
- (instancetype)init
self = [super initWithNibName:@"ChaptersTitles" bundle:nil];
if (self)
_chapterTitles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)setJob:(HBJob *)job
_job = job;
self.chapterTitles = job.chapterTitles;
- (void)loadView
[super loadView];
self.table.doubleAction = @selector(doubleClickAction:);
* Method to edit the next chapter when the user presses Return.
* We queue the action on the runloop to avoid interfering
* with the chain of events that handles the edit.
- (void)controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
NSTableView *chapterTable = self.table;
NSInteger column = [self.table columnForView:[notification object]];
NSInteger row = [self.table rowForView:[notification object]];
NSInteger textMovement;
// Edit the cell in the next row, same column
textMovement = [[notification userInfo][@"NSTextMovement"] integerValue];
if (textMovement == NSReturnTextMovement && row < chapterTable.numberOfRows)
NSArray *info = @[chapterTable, @(column), @(row)];
// The delay is unimportant; editNextRow: won't be called until the responder
// chain finishes because the event loop containing the timer is on this thread
[self performSelector:@selector(editNextRow:) withObject:info afterDelay:0.0];
- (void)editNextRow:(id)objects
NSTableView *chapterTable = objects[0];
NSInteger column = [objects[1] integerValue];
NSInteger row = [objects[2] integerValue];
if (row >= 0 && row < chapterTable.numberOfRows)
[chapterTable selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
[chapterTable editColumn:column row:row withEvent:nil select:YES];
- (IBAction)doubleClickAction:(NSTableView *)sender
if (sender.clickedRow > -1) {
NSTableColumn *column = sender.tableColumns[sender.clickedColumn];
if ([column.identifier isEqualToString:@"title"]) {
// edit the cell
[sender editColumn:sender.clickedColumn
#pragma mark - Chapter Files Import / Export
- (BOOL)importChaptersFromURL:(NSURL *)URL error:(NSError **)outError
NSArray *> *csvData = [NSArray HB_arrayWithContentsOfCSVURL:URL];
if (csvData.count == self.chapterTitles.count)
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (NSArray *lineFields in csvData)
if (lineFields.count < 2 || [lineFields[0] integerValue] != i + 1)
if (NULL != outError)
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"HBError" code:0 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Invalid chapters CSV file", @"Chapters import -> invalid CSV description"),
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: NSLocalizedString(@"The CSV file is not a valid chapters CSV file.", @"Chapters import -> invalid CSV recovery suggestion")}];
return NO;
NSUInteger j = 0;
for (NSArray *lineFields in csvData)
[self.chapterTitles[j] setTitle:lineFields[1]];
return YES;
if (NULL != outError)
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"HBError" code:0 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Incorrect line count", @"Chapters import -> invalid CSV line count description"),
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: NSLocalizedString(@"The line count in the chapters CSV file does not match the number of chapters in the movie.", @"Chapters import -> invalid CSV line count recovery suggestion")}];
return NO;
- (IBAction)browseForChapterFile:(id)sender
// We get the current file name and path from the destination field here
NSURL *sourceDirectory = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"HBLastDestinationDirectory"];
// Open a panel to let the user choose the file
NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
panel.allowedFileTypes = @[@"csv", @"txt"];
panel.directoryURL = sourceDirectory;
[panel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.view.window completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)
if (result == NSModalResponseOK)
NSError *error;
if ([self importChaptersFromURL:panel.URL error:&error] == NO)
[self presentError:error];
- (IBAction)browseForChapterFileSave:(id)sender
NSURL *destinationDirectory = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"HBLastDestinationDirectory"];
NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
panel.allowedFileTypes = @[@"csv"];
panel.directoryURL = destinationDirectory;
panel.nameFieldStringValue = self.job.outputFileName.stringByDeletingPathExtension;
[panel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.view.window completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)
if (result == NSModalResponseOK)
NSError *saveError;
NSMutableString *csv = [NSMutableString string];
NSInteger idx = 0;
for (HBChapter *chapter in self.chapterTitles)
// put each chapter title from the table into the array
[csv appendFormat:@"%ld,",idx + 1];
NSString *sanatizedTitle = [chapter.title stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"\"\""];
// If the title contains any commas or quotes, add quotes
if ([sanatizedTitle containsString:@","] || [sanatizedTitle containsString:@"\""])
[csv appendString:@"\""];
[csv appendString:sanatizedTitle];
[csv appendString:@"\""];
[csv appendString:sanatizedTitle];
[csv appendString:@"\n"];
[csv deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(csv.length - 1, 1)];
// try to write it to where the user wanted
if (![csv writeToURL:panel.URL
[panel close];
[[NSAlert alertWithError:saveError] runModal];