/* HBAppDelegate.m $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #import "HBAppDelegate.h" #import "HBUtilities.h" #import "HBPresetsManager.h" #import "HBPreset.h" #import "HBPreferencesController.h" #import "HBQueueController.h" #import "HBOutputPanelController.h" #import "HBCore.h" #import "HBController.h" #define PRESET_FILE @"UserPresets.json" #define QUEUE_FILE @"Queue.hbqueue" @interface HBAppDelegate () @property (nonatomic, strong) HBPresetsManager *presetsManager; @property (unsafe_unretained) IBOutlet NSMenu *presetsMenu; @property (nonatomic, strong) HBPreferencesController *preferencesController; @property (nonatomic, strong) HBQueueController *queueController; @property (nonatomic, strong) HBOutputPanelController *outputPanel; @property (nonatomic, strong) HBController *mainController; @end @implementation HBAppDelegate - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { // Register the default preferences [HBPreferencesController registerUserDefaults]; [HBCore initGlobal]; [HBCore registerErrorHandler:^(NSString *error) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", error.UTF8String); }]; [HBCore setDVDNav:[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"UseDvdNav"] boolValue]]; _outputPanel = [[HBOutputPanelController alloc] init]; // we init the HBPresetsManager NSURL *appSupportURL = [HBUtilities appSupportURL]; _presetsManager = [[HBPresetsManager alloc] initWithURL:[appSupportURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:PRESET_FILE]]; // Queue _queueController = [[HBQueueController alloc] initWithURL:[appSupportURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:QUEUE_FILE]]; _queueController.delegate = self; _mainController = [[HBController alloc] initWithQueue:_queueController presetsManager:_presetsManager]; // Set the Growl Delegate [GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate:_queueController]; } return self; } #pragma mark - NSApplicationDelegate - (BOOL)applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)theApplication hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag { if (!flag) { [self.mainController showWindow:nil]; } return YES; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification { [self buildPresetsMenu]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(buildPresetsMenu) name:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil]; // Get the number of HandBrake instances currently running NSUInteger instances = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]].count; // Open debug output window now if it was visible when HB was closed if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"OutputPanelIsOpen"]) [self showOutputPanel:nil]; // On Screen Notification // We check to see if there is already another instance of hb running. if (instances > 1) { NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init]; [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"There is already an instance of HandBrake running.", nil)]; [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The queue will be shared between the instances.", nil)]; [alert runModal]; } else { [self.queueController setEncodingJobsAsPending]; [self.queueController removeCompletedJobs]; } // Now we re-check the queue array to see if there are // any remaining encodes to be done if (self.queueController.count) { [self showMainWindow:self]; [self showQueueWindow:self]; } else { // Open queue window now if it was visible when HB was closed if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"QueueWindowIsOpen"]) [self showQueueWindow:nil]; [self showMainWindow:self]; [self.mainController launchAction]; } dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{ // Remove encodes logs older than a month if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"HBClearOldLogs"]) { [self cleanEncodeLogs]; } // If we are a single instance it is safe to clean up the previews if there are any // left over. This is a bit of a kludge but will prevent a build up of old instance // live preview cruft. No danger of removing an active preview directory since they // are created later in HBPreviewController if they don't exist at the moment a live // preview encode is initiated. if (instances == 1) { [self cleanPreviews]; } }); } - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)app { if (self.queueController.core.state != HBStateIdle) { NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init]; [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to quit HandBrake?", nil)]; [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"If you quit HandBrake your current encode will be reloaded into your queue at next launch. Do you want to quit anyway?", nil)]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil)]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Don't Quit", nil)]; [alert.buttons[1] setKeyEquivalent:@"\E"]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; NSInteger result = [alert runModal]; if (result == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) { return NSTerminateNow; } else { return NSTerminateCancel; } } return NSTerminateNow; } - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)notification { [self.presetsManager savePresets]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:_queueController.window.isVisible forKey:@"QueueWindowIsOpen"]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:_outputPanel.window.isVisible forKey:@"OutputPanelIsOpen"]; _mainController = nil; _queueController = nil; [HBCore closeGlobal]; } - (void)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFiles:(NSArray *)filenames { [self.mainController openURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filenames.firstObject]]; [NSApp replyToOpenOrPrint:NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess]; } - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem { SEL action = menuItem.action; if (action == @selector(rip:) || action == @selector(pause:)) { // Delegate the validation to the queue controller return [self.queueController validateMenuItem:menuItem]; } else if (action == @selector(showAddPresetPanel:) || action == @selector(showPreviewWindow:) || action == @selector(browseSources:)) { // Delegate the validation to the main controller return [self.mainController validateMenuItem:menuItem]; } return YES; } #pragma mark - Clean ups /** * Clears the EncodeLogs folder, removes the logs * older than a month. */ - (void)cleanEncodeLogs { NSURL *directoryUrl = [[HBUtilities appSupportURL] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"EncodeLogs"]; if (directoryUrl) { NSArray *contents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:directoryUrl includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsSubdirectoryDescendants | NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles | NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsPackageDescendants error:NULL]; NSDate *limit = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: -(60 * 60 * 24 * 30)]; NSFileManager *manager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; for (NSURL *fileURL in contents) { NSDate *creationDate = nil; [fileURL getResourceValue:&creationDate forKey:NSURLCreationDateKey error:NULL]; if ([creationDate isLessThan:limit]) { [manager removeItemAtURL:fileURL error:NULL]; } } } } - (void)cleanPreviews { NSURL *previewDirectory = [[HBUtilities appSupportURL] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Previews"]; if (previewDirectory) { NSArray *contents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:previewDirectory includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsSubdirectoryDescendants | NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsPackageDescendants error:NULL]; NSFileManager *manager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; for (NSURL *url in contents) { NSError *error = nil; BOOL result = [manager removeItemAtURL:url error:&error]; if (result == NO && error) { [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Could not remove existing preview at : %s", url.lastPathComponent.UTF8String]; } } } } #pragma mark - Menu actions - (IBAction)rip:(id)sender { [self.queueController rip:self]; } - (IBAction)pause:(id)sender { [self.queueController togglePauseResume:self]; } - (IBAction)browseSources:(id)sender { [self.mainController browseSources:self]; } #pragma mark - Presets Menu actions /** * Adds the presets list to the menu. */ - (void)buildPresetsMenu { // First we remove all the preset menu items // inserted previosly NSArray *menuItems = [self.presetsMenu.itemArray copy]; for (NSMenuItem *item in menuItems) { if (item.tag != -1) { [self.presetsMenu removeItem:item]; } } __block NSUInteger i = 0; __block BOOL builtInEnded = NO; [self.presetsManager.root enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(HBPreset *obj, NSIndexPath *idx, BOOL *stop) { if (idx.length) { NSMenuItem *item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; item.title = obj.name; item.tag = i++; // Set an action only to the actual presets, // not on the folders. if (obj.isLeaf) { item.action = @selector(selectPresetFromMenu:); item.representedObject = obj; } // Make the default preset font bold. if ([obj isEqualTo:self.presetsManager.defaultPreset]) { NSAttributedString *newTitle = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:obj.name attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:14]}]; [item setAttributedTitle:newTitle]; } // Add a separator line after the last builtIn preset if (obj.isBuiltIn == NO && builtInEnded == NO) { [self.presetsMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; builtInEnded = YES; } item.indentationLevel = idx.length - 1; [self.presetsMenu addItem:item]; } }]; } /** * We use this method to recreate new, updated factory presets */ - (IBAction)addFactoryPresets:(id)sender { [self.presetsManager generateBuiltInPresets]; } #pragma mark - Show Window Menu Items /** * Shows preferences window. */ - (IBAction)showPreferencesWindow:(id)sender { if (_preferencesController == nil) { _preferencesController = [[HBPreferencesController alloc] init]; } [self.preferencesController showWindow:self]; } /** * Shows queue window. */ - (IBAction)showQueueWindow:(id)sender { [self.queueController showWindow:sender]; } /** * Shows debug output window. */ - (IBAction)showOutputPanel:(id)sender { [self.outputPanel showWindow:sender]; } - (IBAction)showPreviewWindow:(id)sender { [self.mainController showPreviewWindow:self]; } /** * Shows main window. */ - (IBAction)showMainWindow:(id)sender { [self.mainController showWindow:sender]; } - (IBAction)openHomepage:(id)sender { [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://handbrake.fr/"]]; } - (IBAction)openForums:(id)sender { [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://forum.handbrake.fr/"]]; } - (IBAction)openUserGuide:(id)sender { [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/HandBrakeGuide"]]; } @end