/* $Id: Controller.mm,v 1.79 2005/11/04 19:41:32 titer Exp $
This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
Homepage: .
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#import "Controller.h"
#import "HBOutputPanelController.h"
#import "HBPreferencesController.h"
#import "HBDVDDetector.h"
#import "HBPresets.h"
#import "HBPreviewController.h"
#import "DockTextField.h"
#import "HBUtilities.h"
#import "HBAudioSettings.h"
NSString *HBContainerChangedNotification = @"HBContainerChangedNotification";
NSString *keyContainerTag = @"keyContainerTag";
NSString *HBTitleChangedNotification = @"HBTitleChangedNotification";
NSString *keyTitleTag = @"keyTitleTag";
NSString *dragDropFiles = @"dragDropFiles";
#define DragDropSimplePboardType @"MyCustomOutlineViewPboardType"
NSString *dockTilePercentFormat = @"%2.1f%%";
// DockTile update freqency in total percent increment
#define dockTileUpdateFrequency 0.1f
/* We setup the toolbar values here ShowPreviewIdentifier */
static NSString * ToggleDrawerIdentifier = @"Toggle Drawer Item Identifier";
static NSString * StartEncodingIdentifier = @"Start Encoding Item Identifier";
static NSString * PauseEncodingIdentifier = @"Pause Encoding Item Identifier";
static NSString * ShowQueueIdentifier = @"Show Queue Item Identifier";
static NSString * AddToQueueIdentifier = @"Add to Queue Item Identifier";
static NSString * ShowPictureIdentifier = @"Show Picture Window Item Identifier";
static NSString * ShowPreviewIdentifier = @"Show Preview Window Item Identifier";
static NSString * ShowActivityIdentifier = @"Debug Output Item Identifier";
static NSString * ChooseSourceIdentifier = @"Choose Source Item Identifier";
* HBController implementation *
@implementation HBController
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if( !self )
return nil;
fApplicationIcon = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForImageResource:@"HandBrake.icns"]];
if( fApplicationIcon != nil )
[NSApp setApplicationIconImage:fApplicationIcon];
[HBPreferencesController registerUserDefaults];
fHandle = NULL;
fQueueEncodeLibhb = NULL;
/* Check for and create the App Support Preview directory if necessary */
NSString *PreviewDirectory = [[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Previews"];
if( ![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:PreviewDirectory] )
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:PreviewDirectory
outputPanel = [[HBOutputPanelController alloc] init];
fPictureController = [[HBPictureController alloc] init];
fQueueController = [[HBQueueController alloc] init];
/* we init the HBPresets class which currently is only used
* for updating built in presets, may move more functionality
* there in the future
fPresetsBuiltin = [[HBPresets alloc] init];
fPreferencesController = [[HBPreferencesController alloc] init];
/* Lets report the HandBrake version number here to the activity log and text log file */
NSString *versionStringFull = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"Handbrake Version: %@", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"]] stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @" (%@)", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]]];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "%s", [versionStringFull UTF8String]];
/* Load the dockTile and instiante initial text fields */
dockTile = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] dockTile];
NSImageView *iv = [[NSImageView alloc] init];
[iv setImage:[[NSApplication sharedApplication] applicationIconImage]];
[dockTile setContentView:iv];
[iv release];
/* We can move the specific values out from here by subclassing NSDockTile and package everything in here */
/* If colors are to be chosen once and for all, we can also remove the instantiation with numerical values */
percentField = [[DockTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0.0f, 32.0f, [dockTile size].width, 30.0f)];
[percentField changeGradientColors:[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.4f green:0.6f blue:0.4f alpha:1.0f] endColor:[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.2f green:0.4f blue:0.2f alpha:1.0f]];
[iv addSubview:percentField];
timeField = [[DockTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0.0f, 0.0f, [dockTile size].width, 30.0f)];
[timeField changeGradientColors:[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.6f green:0.4f blue:0.4f alpha:1.0f] endColor:[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.4f green:0.2f blue:0.2f alpha:1.0f]];
[iv addSubview:timeField];
[self updateDockIcon:-1.0 withETA:@""];
return self;
// This method is triggered at launch (and every launch) whether or not
// files have been dragged on to the dockTile. As a consequence, [self openFiles]
// contains the logic to detect the case when no files has been drop on the dock
- (void)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFiles:(NSArray *)filenames
[self openFiles:filenames];
[NSApp replyToOpenOrPrint:NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess];
- (void)openFiles:(NSArray*)filenames
if (filenames.count == 1 && [[filenames objectAtIndex:0] isEqual:@"YES"])
NSMutableArray *filesList = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:filenames] autorelease];
[filesList removeObject:@"YES"];
// For now, we just want to accept one file at a time
// If for any reason, more than one file is submitted, we will take the first one
if (filesList.count > 1)
filesList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:[filesList objectAtIndex:0]];
// The goal of this check is to know if the application was running before the drag & drop
// if fSubtitlesDelegate is set, then applicationDidFinishLaunching was called
if (fSubtitlesViewController)
// Handbrake was already running when the user dropped the file(s)
// So we get unstack the first one and launch the scan
// The other ones remain in the UserDefaults, and will be handled in the updateUI method
// when Handbrake is idle
id firstItem = [filesList objectAtIndex:0];
[filesList removeObjectAtIndex:0];
// This variable has only one goal, let the updateUI knows that even if idling
// maybe a scan is in preparation
fWillScan = YES;
if (filesList.count > 0)
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:filesList forKey:dragDropFiles];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:dragDropFiles];
[browsedSourceDisplayName release];
browsedSourceDisplayName = [[firstItem lastPathComponent] retain];
[self performScan:firstItem scanTitleNum:0];
// Handbrake was not running before the user dropped the file(s)
// So we save the file(s) list in the UserDefaults and we will read them
// in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:filesList forKey:dragDropFiles];
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) notification
/* Init libhb with check for updates libhb style set to "0" so its ignored and lets sparkle take care of it */
int loggingLevel = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"LoggingLevel"] intValue];
fHandle = hb_init(loggingLevel, 0);
/* Optional dvd nav UseDvdNav*/
hb_dvd_set_dvdnav([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"UseDvdNav"] boolValue]);
/* Init a separate instance of libhb for user scanning and setting up jobs */
fQueueEncodeLibhb = hb_init(loggingLevel, 0);
// Set the Growl Delegate
[GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate: self];
/* Init others controllers */
[fPictureController setDelegate: self];
[fPictureController setHandle: fHandle];
[fQueueController setHandle: fQueueEncodeLibhb];
[fQueueController setHBController: self];
// Set up the chapters title view
fChapterTitlesController = [[HBChapterTitlesController alloc] init];
[fChaptersTitlesView addSubview: [fChapterTitlesController view]];
// make sure we automatically resize the controller's view to the current window size
[[fChapterTitlesController view] setFrame: [fChaptersTitlesView bounds]];
[[fChapterTitlesController view] setAutoresizingMask:( NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable )];
// setup the subtitles view
fSubtitlesViewController = [[HBSubtitlesController alloc] init];
[fSubtitlesView addSubview: [fSubtitlesViewController view]];
// make sure we automatically resize the controller's view to the current window size
[[fSubtitlesViewController view] setFrame: [fSubtitlesView bounds]];
[[fSubtitlesViewController view] setAutoresizingMask:( NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable )];
// setup the audio controller
fAudioController = [[HBAudioController alloc] init];
[fAudioView addSubview: [fAudioController view]];
// make sure we automatically resize the controller's view to the current window size
[[fAudioController view] setFrame: [fAudioView bounds]];
[[fAudioController view] setAutoresizingMask:( NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable )];
// setup the advanced view controller
fAdvancedOptions = [[HBAdvancedController alloc] init];
[fAdvancedView addSubview: [fAdvancedOptions view]];
// make sure we automatically resize the controller's view to the current window size
[[fAudioController view] setFrame: [fAudioView bounds]];
[[fAudioController view] setAutoresizingMask:( NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable )];
// setup the video view controller
fVideoController = [[HBVideoController alloc] init];
fVideoController.fAdvancedOptions = fAdvancedOptions;
fVideoController.fHBController = self;
[fVideoView addSubview: [fVideoController view]];
// make sure we automatically resize the controller's view to the current window size
[[fVideoController view] setFrame: [fVideoView bounds]];
[[fVideoController view] setAutoresizingMask:( NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable )];
[fWindow recalculateKeyViewLoop];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(autoSetM4vExtension:) name: HBMixdownChangedNotification object: nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(updateMp4Checkboxes:) name: HBVideoEncoderChangedNotification object: nil];
[fPresetsOutlineView setAutosaveName:@"Presets View"];
[fPresetsOutlineView setAutosaveExpandedItems:YES];
dockIconProgress = 0;
/* Init QueueFile .plist */
[self loadQueueFile];
[self initQueueFSEvent];
/* Run hbInstances to get any info on other instances as well as set the
* pid number for this instance in the case of multi-instance encoding. */
hbInstanceNum = [self hbInstances];
/* If we are a single instance it is safe to clean up the previews if there are any
* left over. This is a bit of a kludge but will prevent a build up of old instance
* live preview cruft. No danger of removing an active preview directory since they
* are created later in HBPreviewController if they don't exist at the moment a live
* preview encode is initiated. */
if (hbInstanceNum == 1)
NSString *PreviewDirectory = [[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Previews"];
NSError *error;
NSArray *files = [ [NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath: PreviewDirectory error: &error ];
for( NSString *file in files )
if( ![file isEqual: @"."] && ![file isEqual: @".."] )
[ [NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath: [ PreviewDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent: file ] error: &error ];
if( error )
//an error occurred
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Could not remove existing preview at : %s",[file UTF8String] ];
[self enableUI: NO];
/* Call UpdateUI every 1/2 sec */
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:[NSTimer
userInfo:nil repeats:YES]
// Open debug output window now if it was visible when HB was closed
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"OutputPanelIsOpen"])
[self showDebugOutputPanel:nil];
// Open queue window now if it was visible when HB was closed
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"QueueWindowIsOpen"])
[self showQueueWindow:nil];
[self openMainWindow:nil];
/* We have to set the bool to tell hb what to do after a scan
* Initially we set it to NO until we start processing the queue
applyQueueToScan = NO;
// We try to get the list of filenames that may have been drag & drop before the application was running
id dragDropFilesId = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:dragDropFiles];
/* Now we re-check the queue array to see if there are
* any remaining encodes to be done in it and ask the
* user if they want to reload the queue */
if ([QueueFileArray count] > 0)
/* run getQueueStats to see whats in the queue file */
[self getQueueStats];
/* this results in these values
* fEncodingQueueItem = 0;
* fPendingCount = 0;
* fCompletedCount = 0;
* fCanceledCount = 0;
* fWorkingCount = 0;
/*On Screen Notification*/
NSString * alertTitle;
/* We check to see if there is already another instance of hb running.
* Note: hbInstances == 1 means we are the only instance of HandBrake.app
if (hbInstanceNum > 1)
alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString(@"There is already an instance of HandBrake running.", @"")];
NSLocalizedString(@"Reload Queue", nil),
fWindow, self,
nil, @selector(didDimissReloadQueue:returnCode:contextInfo:), nil,
NSLocalizedString(@" HandBrake will now load up the existing queue.", nil));
if (fWorkingCount > 0 || fPendingCount > 0)
if (fWorkingCount > 0)
alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake Has Detected %d Previously Encoding Item(s) and %d Pending Item(s) In Your Queue.", @""),
alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake Has Detected %d Pending Item(s) In Your Queue.", @""),
NSLocalizedString(@"Reload Queue", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"Empty Queue", nil),
fWindow, self,
nil, @selector(didDimissReloadQueue:returnCode:contextInfo:), nil,
NSLocalizedString(@" Do you want to reload them ?", nil));
// After handling the previous queue (reload or empty), if there is files waiting for scanning
// we will process them
if (dragDropFilesId)
NSArray *dragDropFiles = (NSArray *)dragDropFilesId;
[self openFiles:dragDropFiles];
// We will open the source window only if there is no dropped files waiting to be scanned
if (dragDropFilesId)
NSArray *dragDropFiles = (NSArray *)dragDropFilesId;
[self openFiles:dragDropFiles];
/* Since we addressed any pending or previously encoding items above, we go ahead and make sure
* the queue is empty of any finished items or cancelled items */
[self clearQueueAllItems];
/* We show whichever open source window specified in LaunchSourceBehavior preference key */
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source"])
[self browseSources:nil];
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source (Title Specific)"])
[self browseSources:(id)fOpenSourceTitleMMenu];
// We will open the source window only if there is no dropped files waiting to be scanned
else if (dragDropFilesId)
NSArray *dragDropFiles = (NSArray *)dragDropFilesId;
[self openFiles:dragDropFiles];
/* We show whichever open source window specified in LaunchSourceBehavior preference key */
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source"])
[self browseSources:nil];
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source (Title Specific)"])
[self browseSources:(id)fOpenSourceTitleMMenu];
currentQueueEncodeNameString = @"";
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Multiple Instances
/* hbInstances checks to see if other instances of HB are running and also sets the pid for this instance for multi-instance queue encoding */
/* Note for now since we are in early phases of multi-instance I have put in quite a bit of logging. Can be removed as we see fit. */
- (int) hbInstances
/* check to see if another instance of HandBrake.app is running */
NSArray *runningInstances = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]];
NSRunningApplication *runningInstance;
NSRunningApplication *thisInstance = [NSRunningApplication currentApplication];
NSString *thisInstanceAppPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "hbInstances path to this instance: %s", [thisInstanceAppPath UTF8String]];
int hbInstances = 0;
NSString *runningInstanceAppPath;
pid_t runningInstancePidNum;
for (runningInstance in runningInstances)
/*Report the path to each active instances app path */
runningInstancePidNum = [runningInstance processIdentifier];
runningInstanceAppPath = [[runningInstance bundleURL] path];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "hbInstance found instance pidnum: %d at path: %s", runningInstancePidNum, [runningInstanceAppPath UTF8String]];
/* see if this is us*/
if ([runningInstance isEqual: thisInstance])
/* If so this is our pidnum */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "hbInstance MATCH FOUND, our pidnum is: %d", runningInstancePidNum];
/* Get the PID number for this hb instance, used in multi instance encoding */
pidNum = runningInstancePidNum;
/* Report this pid to the activity log */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Pid for this instance: %d", pidNum];
/* Tell fQueueController what our pidNum is */
[fQueueController setPidNum:pidNum];
return hbInstances;
- (int) getPidnum
return pidNum;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Drag & drop handling
// This method is used by OSX to know what kind of files can be drag & drop on the NSWindow
// We only want filenames (and so folders too)
- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id )sender
NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType])
NSArray *paths = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
return paths.count == 1 ? NSDragOperationGeneric : NSDragOperationNone;
return NSDragOperationNone;
// This method is doing the job after the drag & drop operation has been validated by [self draggingEntered] and OSX
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id )sender
NSPasteboard *pboard;
pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType])
NSArray *paths = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
if (paths.count > 0)
// For now, we just want to accept one file at a time
// If for any reason, more than one file is submitted, we will take the first one
NSArray *reducedPaths = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[paths objectAtIndex:0]];
paths = reducedPaths;
[self openFiles:paths];
return YES;
#pragma mark -
- (void) didDimissReloadQueue: (NSWindow *)sheet returnCode: (int)returnCode contextInfo: (void *)contextInfo
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "didDimissReloadQueue number of hb instances:%d", hbInstanceNum];
if (returnCode == NSAlertOtherReturn)
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "didDimissReloadQueue NSAlertOtherReturn Chosen"];
[self clearQueueAllItems];
/* We show whichever open source window specified in LaunchSourceBehavior preference key */
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source"])
[self browseSources:nil];
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source (Title Specific)"])
[self browseSources:(id)fOpenSourceTitleMMenu];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "didDimissReloadQueue First Button Chosen"];
if (hbInstanceNum == 1)
[self setQueueEncodingItemsAsPending];
[self reloadQueue];
[self showQueueWindow:NULL];
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate: (NSApplication *) app
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state( fQueueEncodeLibhb, &s );
if ( s.state != HB_STATE_IDLE )
NSInteger result = NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(
NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to quit HandBrake?", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"If you quit HandBrake your current encode will be reloaded into your queue at next launch. Do you want to quit anyway?", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Don't Quit", nil), nil, @"A movie" );
if (result == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
return NSTerminateNow;
return NSTerminateCancel;
// Warn if items still in the queue
else if ( fPendingCount > 0 )
NSInteger result = NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(
NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to quit HandBrake?", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"There are pending encodes in your queue. Do you want to quit anyway?",nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil), NSLocalizedString(@"Don't Quit", nil), nil);
if ( result == NSAlertDefaultReturn )
return NSTerminateNow;
return NSTerminateCancel;
return NSTerminateNow;
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// When the application is closed and we still have some files in the dragDropFiles array
// it's highly probable that the user throw a lot of files and just want to reset this
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:dragDropFiles];
[self closeQueueFSEvent];
[currentQueueEncodeNameString release];
[browsedSourceDisplayName release];
[outputPanel release];
[fQueueController release];
[fPreviewController release];
[fPictureController release];
[fApplicationIcon release];
- (void) awakeFromNib
[fWindow center];
[fWindow setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:NO];
/* lets setup our presets drawer for drag and drop here */
[fPresetsOutlineView registerForDraggedTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject:DragDropSimplePboardType] ];
[fPresetsOutlineView setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationEvery forLocal:YES];
[fPresetsOutlineView setVerticalMotionCanBeginDrag: YES];
/* Initialize currentScanCount so HB can use it to
evaluate successive scans */
currentScanCount = 0;
/* Init UserPresets .plist */
[self loadPresets];
fRipIndicatorShown = NO; // initially out of view in the nib
/* For 64 bit builds, the threaded animation in the progress
* indicators conflicts with the animation in the advanced tab
* for reasons not completely clear. jbrjake found a note in the
* 10.5 dev notes regarding this possiblility. It was also noted
* that unless specified, setUsesThreadedAnimation defaults to true.
* So, at least for now we set the indicator animation to NO for
* both the scan and regular progress indicators for both 32 and 64 bit
* as it test out fine on both and there is no reason our progress indicators
* should require their own thread.
[fScanIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];
[fRipIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];
/* Show/Dont Show Presets drawer upon launch based
on user preference DefaultPresetsDrawerShow*/
if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultPresetsDrawerShow"] > 0 )
[fPresetDrawer setDelegate:self];
NSSize drawerSize = NSSizeFromString( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
stringForKey:@"Drawer Size"] );
if( drawerSize.width )
[fPresetDrawer setContentSize: drawerSize];
[fPresetDrawer open];
/* Initially set the dvd angle widgets to hidden (dvdnav only) */
[fSrcAngleLabel setHidden:YES];
[fSrcAnglePopUp setHidden:YES];
/* Setup the start / stop popup */
[fEncodeStartStopPopUp removeAllItems];
[fEncodeStartStopPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Chapters"];
[fEncodeStartStopPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Seconds"];
[fEncodeStartStopPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Frames"];
/* Align the start / stop widgets with the chapter popups */
[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp frame].origin];
[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterEndPopUp frame].origin];
[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp frame].origin];
[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterEndPopUp frame].origin];
/* Destination box*/
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
[fDstFormatPopUp removeAllItems];
for (const hb_container_t *container = hb_container_get_next(NULL);
container != NULL;
container = hb_container_get_next(container))
menuItem = [[fDstFormatPopUp menu] addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:container->name]
[menuItem setTag:container->format];
// select the first container
[fDstFormatPopUp selectItemAtIndex:0];
[self formatPopUpChanged:nil];
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue:[NSString
/* Set Auto Crop to On at launch */
[fPictureController setAutoCrop:YES];
/* Bottom */
[fStatusField setStringValue: @""];
[self setupToolbar];
/* lets get our default prefs here */
[self getDefaultPresets:nil];
/* lets initialize the current successful scancount here to 0 */
currentSuccessfulScanCount = 0;
/* Register HBController's Window as a receiver for files/folders drag & drop operations */
[fWindow registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]];
- (void) enableUI: (BOOL) b
NSControl * controls[] =
fSrcTitleField, fSrcTitlePopUp,
fSrcChapterStartPopUp, fSrcChapterToField,
fSrcChapterEndPopUp, fSrcDuration1Field, fSrcDuration2Field,
fDstFormatField, fDstFormatPopUp, fDstFile1Field, fDstFile2Field,
fDstBrowseButton, fPresetsAdd, fPresetsDelete, fSrcAngleLabel,
fSrcAnglePopUp, fDstMp4LargeFileCheck, fPresetsOutlineView,
fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck, fDstMp4iPodFileCheck,
fEncodeStartStopPopUp, fSrcTimeStartEncodingField,
fSrcTimeEndEncodingField, fSrcFrameStartEncodingField,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(controls) / sizeof(NSControl*)); i++)
if ([[controls[i] className] isEqualToString: @"NSTextField"])
NSTextField *tf = (NSTextField*)controls[i];
if (![tf isBezeled])
[tf setTextColor: (b ?
[NSColor controlTextColor] :
[NSColor disabledControlTextColor])];
[controls[i] setEnabled: b];
if (b)
/* we also call calculatePictureSizing here to sense check if we already have vfr selected ??? */
[self pictureSettingsDidChange];
[fPresetsOutlineView setEnabled: NO];
[fVideoController enableUI:b];
[fChapterTitlesController enableUI:b];
[fSubtitlesViewController enableUI:b];
[fAudioController enableUI:b];
* updateDockIcon
* Updates two DockTextFields on the dockTile,
* one with total percentage, the other one with the ETA.
* The ETA string is formated by the callers
- (void) updateDockIcon: (double) progress withETA:(NSString*)etaStr
if (progress < 0.0 || progress > 1.0)
[percentField setHidden:YES];
[timeField setHidden:YES];
[percentField setTextToDisplay:[NSString stringWithFormat:dockTilePercentFormat,progress * 100]];
[percentField setHidden:NO];
[timeField setTextToDisplay:etaStr];
[timeField setHidden:NO];
[dockTile display];
- (void) updateUI: (NSTimer *) timer
/* Update UI for fHandle (user scanning instance of libhb ) */
/* check to see if there has been a new scan done
this bypasses the constraints of HB_STATE_WORKING
not allowing setting a newly scanned source */
int checkScanCount = hb_get_scancount( fHandle );
if( checkScanCount > currentScanCount )
currentScanCount = checkScanCount;
[fScanIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
[fScanIndicator setDoubleValue: 0.0];
[fScanIndicator setHidden: YES];
[fScanHorizontalLine setHidden: NO];
[[fWindow toolbar] validateVisibleItems];
[self showNewScan:nil];
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state( fHandle, &s );
switch( s.state )
#define p s.param.scanning
if( p.preview_cur )
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"Scanning title %d of %d, preview %d…", @"" ),
p.title_cur, p.title_count,
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"Scanning title %d of %d…", @"" ),
p.title_cur, p.title_count]];
[fScanIndicator setHidden: NO];
[fScanHorizontalLine setHidden: YES];
[fScanIndicator setDoubleValue: 100.0 * p.progress];
#undef p
#define p s.param.scandone
[fScanIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
[fScanIndicator setDoubleValue: 0.0];
[fScanIndicator setHidden: YES];
[fScanHorizontalLine setHidden: NO];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"ScanDone state received from fHandle"];
[self showNewScan:nil];
[[fWindow toolbar] validateVisibleItems];
#undef p
#define p s.param.working
#undef p
#define p s.param.muxing
#undef p
/* Update UI for fQueueEncodeLibhb */
// hb_list_t * list;
// list = hb_get_titles( fQueueEncodeLibhb ); //fQueueEncodeLibhb
/* check to see if there has been a new scan done
this bypasses the constraints of HB_STATE_WORKING
not allowing setting a newly scanned source */
checkScanCount = hb_get_scancount( fQueueEncodeLibhb );
if( checkScanCount > currentScanCount )
currentScanCount = checkScanCount;
//hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state( fQueueEncodeLibhb, &s );
switch( s.state )
#define p s.param.scanning
NSString *scan_status;
if( p.preview_cur )
scan_status = [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"Queue Scanning title %d of %d, preview %d…", @"" ),
p.title_cur, p.title_count, p.preview_cur];
scan_status = [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"Queue Scanning title %d of %d…", @"" ),
p.title_cur, p.title_count];
[fStatusField setStringValue: scan_status];
/* Set the status string in fQueueController as well */
[fQueueController setQueueStatusString: scan_status];
#undef p
#define p s.param.scandone
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"ScanDone state received from fQueueEncodeLibhb"];
[self processNewQueueEncode];
[[fWindow toolbar] validateVisibleItems];
#undef p
#define p s.param.working
NSMutableString *string;
/* Update text field */
//string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:
// NSLocalizedString( @"Searching for start point: pass %d %@ of %d, %.2f %%", @"" ),
// p.job_cur, pass_desc, p.job_count, 100.0 * p.progress];
/* For now, do not announce "pass x of x for the search phase */
string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"Searching for start point… : %.2f %%", @"" ),
100.0 * p.progress];
if( p.seconds > -1 )
[string appendFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @" (ETA %02dh%02dm%02ds)", @"" ),
p.hours, p.minutes, p.seconds];
[fStatusField setStringValue: string];
/* Set the status string in fQueueController as well */
[fQueueController setQueueStatusString: string];
/* Update slider */
CGFloat progress_total = ( p.progress + p.job_cur - 1 ) / p.job_count;
[fRipIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
[fRipIndicator setDoubleValue:100.0 * progress_total];
// If progress bar hasn't been revealed at the bottom of the window, do
// that now. This code used to be in doRip. I moved it to here to handle
// the case where hb_start is called by HBQueueController and not from
// HBController.
if( !fRipIndicatorShown )
NSRect frame = [fWindow frame];
if( frame.size.width <= 591 )
frame.size.width = 591;
frame.size.height += 36;
frame.origin.y -= 36;
[fWindow setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
fRipIndicatorShown = YES;
/* Update dock icon */
/* Note not done yet */
NSMutableString * string;
NSString * pass_desc;
/* Update text field */
if (p.job_cur == 1 && p.job_count > 1)
if ([[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"SubtitleList"] && [[[[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex]objectForKey:@"SubtitleList"] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"subtitleSourceTrackNum"] intValue] == 1)
pass_desc = @"(subtitle scan)";
pass_desc = @"";
pass_desc = @"";
if ([pass_desc length])
string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"Encoding: %@ \nPass %d %@ of %d, %.2f %%", @"" ),
p.job_cur, pass_desc, p.job_count, 100.0 * p.progress];
string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @"Encoding: %@ \nPass %d of %d, %.2f %%", @"" ),
p.job_cur, p.job_count, 100.0 * p.progress];
if( p.seconds > -1 )
if ( p.rate_cur > 0.0 )
[string appendFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @" (%.2f fps, avg %.2f fps, ETA %02dh%02dm%02ds)", @"" ),
p.rate_cur, p.rate_avg, p.hours, p.minutes, p.seconds];
[string appendFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @" (ETA %02dh%02dm%02ds)", @"" ),
p.hours, p.minutes, p.seconds];
[fStatusField setStringValue: string];
[fQueueController setQueueStatusString:string];
/* Update slider */
CGFloat progress_total = ( p.progress + p.job_cur - 1 ) / p.job_count;
[fRipIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
[fRipIndicator setDoubleValue:100.0 * progress_total];
// If progress bar hasn't been revealed at the bottom of the window, do
// that now. This code used to be in doRip. I moved it to here to handle
// the case where hb_start is called by HBQueueController and not from
// HBController.
if( !fRipIndicatorShown )
NSRect frame = [fWindow frame];
if( frame.size.width <= 591 )
frame.size.width = 591;
frame.size.height += 36;
frame.origin.y -= 36;
[fWindow setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
fRipIndicatorShown = YES;
/* Update dock icon */
if( dockIconProgress < 100.0 * progress_total )
// ETA format is [XX]X:XX:XX when ETA is greater than one hour
// [X]X:XX when ETA is greater than 0 (minutes or seconds)
// When these conditions doesn't applied (eg. when ETA is undefined)
// we show just a tilde (~)
NSString *etaStr = @"";
if (p.hours > 0)
etaStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%02d:%02d", p.hours, p.minutes, p.seconds];
else if (p.minutes > 0 || p.seconds > 0)
etaStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%02d", p.minutes, p.seconds];
etaStr = @"~";
[self updateDockIcon:progress_total withETA:etaStr];
dockIconProgress += dockTileUpdateFrequency;
#undef p
#define p s.param.muxing
/* Update text field */
[fStatusField setStringValue: NSLocalizedString( @"Muxing…", @"" )];
/* Set the status string in fQueueController as well */
[fQueueController setQueueStatusString: NSLocalizedString( @"Muxing…", @"" )];
/* Update slider */
[fRipIndicator setIndeterminate: YES];
[fRipIndicator startAnimation: nil];
/* Update dock icon */
[self updateDockIcon:1.0 withETA:@""];
#undef p
[fStatusField setStringValue: NSLocalizedString( @"Paused", @"" )];
[fQueueController setQueueStatusString: NSLocalizedString( @"Paused", @"" )];
// HB_STATE_WORKDONE happpens as a result of libhb finishing all its jobs
// or someone calling hb_stop. In the latter case, hb_stop does not clear
// out the remaining passes/jobs in the queue. We'll do that here.
// Delete all remaining jobs of this encode.
[fStatusField setStringValue: NSLocalizedString( @"Encode Finished.", @"" )];
/* Set the status string in fQueueController as well */
[fQueueController setQueueStatusString: NSLocalizedString( @"Encode Finished.", @"" )];
[fRipIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
[fRipIndicator stopAnimation: nil];
[fRipIndicator setDoubleValue: 0.0];
[[fWindow toolbar] validateVisibleItems];
/* Restore dock icon */
[self updateDockIcon:-1.0 withETA:@""];
dockIconProgress = 0;
if( fRipIndicatorShown )
NSRect frame = [fWindow frame];
if( frame.size.width <= 591 )
frame.size.width = 591;
frame.size.height += -36;
frame.origin.y -= -36;
[fWindow setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
fRipIndicatorShown = NO;
/* Since we are done with this encode, tell output to stop writing to the
* individual encode log
[outputPanel endEncodeLog];
/* Check to see if the encode state has not been cancelled
to determine if we should check for encode done notifications */
if( fEncodeState != 2 )
NSString *pathOfFinishedEncode;
/* Get the output file name for the finished encode */
pathOfFinishedEncode = [[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"DestinationPath"];
/* Both the Growl Alert and Sending to MetaX can be done as encodes roll off the queue */
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Growl Notification"] ||
[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Alert Window And Growl"])
/* If Play System Alert has been selected in Preferences */
if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AlertWhenDoneSound"] == YES )
[self showGrowlDoneNotification:pathOfFinishedEncode];
/* Send to MetaX */
[self sendToMetaX:pathOfFinishedEncode];
/* since we have successfully completed an encode, we increment the queue counter */
[self incrementQueueItemDone:currentQueueEncodeIndex];
[self getQueueStats];
// Finally after all UI updates, we look for a next dragDropItem to scan
// fWillScan will signal that a scan will be launched, so we need to wait
// the next idle cycle after the scan
hb_get_state( fHandle, &s );
if (s.state == HB_STATE_IDLE && !fWillScan)
// Continue to loop on the other drag & drop files if any
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:dragDropFiles])
NSMutableArray *filesList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:dragDropFiles]];
if (filesList.count > 0)
// We need to add the previous scan file into the queue (without doing the usual checks)
// Before scanning the new one
[self doAddToQueue];
id nextItem = [filesList objectAtIndex:0];
[filesList removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[browsedSourceDisplayName release];
browsedSourceDisplayName = [[((NSString*)nextItem) lastPathComponent] retain];
[self performScan:nextItem scanTitleNum:0];
if (filesList.count > 0)
// Updating the list in the user defaults
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:filesList forKey:dragDropFiles];
// Cleaning if last one was treated
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:dragDropFiles];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:dragDropFiles];
[filesList release];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Toolbar
// ============================================================
// NSToolbar Related Methods
// ============================================================
- (void) setupToolbar {
NSToolbar *toolbar = [[[NSToolbar alloc] initWithIdentifier: @"HandBrake Toolbar"] autorelease];
[toolbar setAllowsUserCustomization: YES];
[toolbar setAutosavesConfiguration: YES];
[toolbar setDisplayMode: NSToolbarDisplayModeIconAndLabel];
[toolbar setDelegate: self];
[fWindow setToolbar: toolbar];
- (NSToolbarItem *) toolbar: (NSToolbar *)toolbar itemForItemIdentifier:
(NSString *) itemIdent willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:(BOOL) willBeInserted {
NSToolbarItem * item = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc] initWithItemIdentifier: itemIdent] autorelease];
if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ToggleDrawerIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Toggle Presets"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Toggler Presets"];
[item setToolTip: @"Open/Close Preset Drawer"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"presets"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(toggleDrawer:)];
[item setAutovalidates: NO];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: StartEncodingIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Start"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Start Encoding"];
[item setToolTip: @"Start Encoding"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"encode"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(Rip:)];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ShowQueueIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Show Queue"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Show Queue"];
[item setToolTip: @"Show Queue"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"showqueue"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(showQueueWindow:)];
[item setAutovalidates: NO];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: AddToQueueIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Add to Queue"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Add to Queue"];
[item setToolTip: @"Add to Queue"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"addqueue"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(addToQueue:)];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: PauseEncodingIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Pause"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Pause Encoding"];
[item setToolTip: @"Pause Encoding"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"pauseencode"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(Pause:)];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ShowPictureIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Picture Settings"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Show Picture Settings"];
[item setToolTip: @"Show Picture Settings"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"picturesettings"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(showPicturePanel:)];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ShowPreviewIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Preview Window"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Show Preview"];
[item setToolTip: @"Show Preview"];
//[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"pref-picture"]];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"preview"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(showPreviewWindow:)];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ShowActivityIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Activity Window"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Show Activity Window"];
[item setToolTip: @"Show Activity Window"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"activity"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(showDebugOutputPanel:)];
[item setAutovalidates: NO];
else if ([itemIdent isEqualToString: ChooseSourceIdentifier])
[item setLabel: @"Source"];
[item setPaletteLabel: @"Source"];
[item setToolTip: @"Choose Video Source"];
[item setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"source"]];
[item setTarget: self];
[item setAction: @selector(browseSources:)];
return nil;
return item;
- (NSArray *) toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: ChooseSourceIdentifier, NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier, StartEncodingIdentifier,
PauseEncodingIdentifier, AddToQueueIdentifier, ShowQueueIdentifier, NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier,
NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier, ShowPictureIdentifier, ShowPreviewIdentifier, ShowActivityIdentifier, ToggleDrawerIdentifier, nil];
- (NSArray *) toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *) toolbar
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: StartEncodingIdentifier, PauseEncodingIdentifier, AddToQueueIdentifier,
ChooseSourceIdentifier, ShowQueueIdentifier, ShowPictureIdentifier, ShowPreviewIdentifier, ShowActivityIdentifier, ToggleDrawerIdentifier,
NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier, NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier,
NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier, NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier, nil];
- (BOOL) validateToolbarItem: (NSToolbarItem *) toolbarItem
NSString * ident = [toolbarItem itemIdentifier];
if (fHandle)
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state( fHandle, &s );
if (s.state == HB_STATE_SCANNING)
if ([ident isEqualToString: ChooseSourceIdentifier])
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"stopencode"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Cancel Scan"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Cancel Scanning"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Cancel Scanning Source"];
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: StartEncodingIdentifier] || [ident isEqualToString: AddToQueueIdentifier])
return NO;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ChooseSourceIdentifier])
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"source"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Source"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Source"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Choose Video Source"];
return YES;
hb_get_state2( fQueueEncodeLibhb, &s );
if (s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING || s.state == HB_STATE_SEARCHING || s.state == HB_STATE_MUXING)
if ([ident isEqualToString: StartEncodingIdentifier])
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"stopencode"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Stop"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Stop"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Stop Encoding"];
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: PauseEncodingIdentifier])
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"pauseencode"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Pause"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Pause Encoding"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Pause Encoding"];
return YES;
if (SuccessfulScan)
if ([ident isEqualToString: AddToQueueIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowPictureIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowPreviewIdentifier])
return YES;
else if (s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
if ([ident isEqualToString: PauseEncodingIdentifier])
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"encode"]];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Resume"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Resume Encoding"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Resume Encoding"];
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: StartEncodingIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: AddToQueueIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowPictureIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowPreviewIdentifier])
return YES;
else if (s.state == HB_STATE_SCANNING)
return NO;
else if (s.state == HB_STATE_WORKDONE || s.state == HB_STATE_SCANDONE || SuccessfulScan)
if ([ident isEqualToString: StartEncodingIdentifier])
[toolbarItem setImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"encode"]];
if (hb_count(fHandle) > 0)
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Start Queue"];
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Start"];
[toolbarItem setPaletteLabel: @"Start Encoding"];
[toolbarItem setToolTip: @"Start Encoding"];
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: AddToQueueIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowPictureIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowPreviewIdentifier])
return YES;
/* If there are any pending queue items, make sure the start/stop button is active */
if ([ident isEqualToString: StartEncodingIdentifier] && fPendingCount > 0)
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowQueueIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ToggleDrawerIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ChooseSourceIdentifier])
return YES;
if ([ident isEqualToString: ShowActivityIdentifier])
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *) menuItem
SEL action = [menuItem action];
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state2( fHandle, &s );
if (fHandle)
if (action == @selector(addToQueue:) || action == @selector(addAllTitlesToQueue:) || action == @selector(showPicturePanel:) || action == @selector(showAddPresetPanel:))
return SuccessfulScan && [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
if (action == @selector(browseSources:))
if (s.state == HB_STATE_SCANNING)
return NO;
return [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
if (action == @selector(selectDefaultPreset:))
return [fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow] >= 0 && [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
if (action == @selector(Pause:))
if (s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING)
if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Pause Encoding"])
[menuItem setTitle:@"Pause Encoding"];
return YES;
else if (s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Resume Encoding"])
[menuItem setTitle:@"Resume Encoding"];
return YES;
return NO;
if (action == @selector(Rip:))
if (s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING || s.state == HB_STATE_MUXING || s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Stop Encoding"])
[menuItem setTitle:@"Stop Encoding"];
return YES;
else if (SuccessfulScan)
if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Start Encoding"])
[menuItem setTitle:@"Start Encoding"];
return [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
return NO;
if( action == @selector(setDefaultPreset:) )
return [fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow] != -1;
return YES;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Encode Done Actions
// register a test notification and make
// it enabled by default
#define SERVICE_NAME @"Encode Done"
- (NSDictionary *)registrationDictionaryForGrowl
NSDictionary *registrationDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
return registrationDictionary;
-(void)showGrowlDoneNotification:(NSString *) filePath
/* This end of encode action is called as each encode rolls off of the queue */
/* Setup the Growl stuff */
NSString * finishedEncode = filePath;
/* strip off the path to just show the file name */
finishedEncode = [finishedEncode lastPathComponent];
NSString * growlMssg = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"your HandBrake encode %@ is done!",finishedEncode];
notifyWithTitle:@"Put down that cocktail…"
-(void)sendToMetaX:(NSString *) filePath
/* This end of encode action is called as each encode rolls off of the queue */
if([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey: @"sendToMetaX"] == YES)
NSString *sendToApp = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey: @"SendCompletedEncodeToApp"];
if (![sendToApp isEqualToString:@"None"])
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "trying to send encode to: %s", [sendToApp UTF8String]];
NSAppleScript *myScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@%@%@%@", @"tell application \"",sendToApp,@"\" to open (POSIX file \"", filePath, @"\")"]];
[myScript executeAndReturnError: nil];
[myScript release];
- (void) queueCompletedAlerts
/* If Play System Alert has been selected in Preferences */
if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AlertWhenDoneSound"] == YES )
/* If Alert Window or Window and Growl has been selected */
if( [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Alert Window"] ||
[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Alert Window And Growl"] )
/*On Screen Notification*/
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Put down that cocktail…",@"Your HandBrake queue is done!", @"OK", nil, nil);
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
/* If sleep has been selected */
if( [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Put Computer To Sleep"] )
/* Sleep */
NSDictionary *errorDict;
NSAppleScript *scriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:
@"tell application \"Finder\" to sleep"];
[scriptObject executeAndReturnError: &errorDict];
[scriptObject release];
/* If Shutdown has been selected */
if( [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Shut Down Computer"] )
/* Shut Down */
NSDictionary* errorDict;
NSAppleScript* scriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:
@"tell application \"Finder\" to shut down"];
[scriptObject executeAndReturnError: &errorDict];
[scriptObject release];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Get New Source
/*Opens the source browse window, called from Open Source widgets */
- (IBAction) browseSources: (id) sender
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state( fHandle, &s );
if (s.state == HB_STATE_SCANNING)
[self cancelScanning:nil];
NSOpenPanel * panel;
panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[panel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories: YES ];
NSURL *sourceDirectory;
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"LastSourceDirectoryURL"])
sourceDirectory = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"LastSourceDirectoryURL"];
sourceDirectory = [[NSURL fileURLWithPath:NSHomeDirectory()] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Desktop"];
/* we open up the browse sources sheet here and call for browseSourcesDone after the sheet is closed
* to evaluate whether we want to specify a title, we pass the sender in the contextInfo variable
[panel setDirectoryURL:sourceDirectory];
[panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler:
^(NSInteger result) {
[self browseSourcesDone:panel returnCode:(int)result contextInfo:sender];
- (void) browseSourcesDone: (NSOpenPanel *) sheet
returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
/* we convert the sender content of contextInfo back into a variable called sender
* mostly just for consistency for evaluation later
id sender = (id)contextInfo;
/* User selected a file to open */
if( returnCode == NSOKButton )
/* Free display name allocated previously by this code */
[browsedSourceDisplayName release];
NSURL *scanURL = [[sheet URLs] objectAtIndex: 0];
/* we set the last searched source directory in the prefs here */
NSURL *sourceDirectory = [scanURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:sourceDirectory forKey:@"LastSourceDirectoryURL"];
/* we order out sheet, which is the browse window as we need to open
* the title selection sheet right away
[sheet orderOut: self];
if (sender == fOpenSourceTitleMMenu || [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask)
/* We put the chosen source path in the source display text field for the
* source title selection sheet in which the user specifies the specific title to be
* scanned as well as the short source name in fSrcDsplyNameTitleScan just for display
* purposes in the title panel
/* Full Path */
[fScanSrcTitlePathField setStringValue:[scanURL path]];
NSString *displayTitlescanSourceName;
if ([[scanURL lastPathComponent] isEqualToString: @"VIDEO_TS"])
/* If VIDEO_TS Folder is chosen, choose its parent folder for the source display name
we have to use the title->path value so we get the proper name of the volume if a physical dvd is the source*/
displayTitlescanSourceName = [[scanURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent] lastPathComponent];
/* if not the VIDEO_TS Folder, we can assume the chosen folder is the source name */
displayTitlescanSourceName = [scanURL lastPathComponent];
/* we set the source display name in the title selection dialogue */
[fSrcDsplyNameTitleScan setStringValue:displayTitlescanSourceName];
/* we set the attempted scans display name for main window to displayTitlescanSourceName*/
browsedSourceDisplayName = [displayTitlescanSourceName retain];
/* We show the actual sheet where the user specifies the title to be scanned
* as we are going to do a title specific scan
[self showSourceTitleScanPanel:nil];
/* We are just doing a standard full source scan, so we specify "0" to libhb */
NSURL *url = [[sheet URLs] objectAtIndex: 0];
/* We check to see if the chosen file at path is a package */
if ([[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] isFilePackageAtPath:[url path]])
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "trying to open a package at: %s", [[url path] UTF8String]];
/* We check to see if this is an .eyetv package */
if ([[url pathExtension] isEqualToString: @"eyetv"])
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open eyetv package"];
/* We're looking at an EyeTV package - try to open its enclosed
.mpg media file */
browsedSourceDisplayName = [[[url URLByDeletingPathExtension] lastPathComponent] retain];
NSString *mpgname;
NSUInteger n = [[[url path] stringByAppendingString: @"/"]
completePathIntoString: &mpgname caseSensitive: YES
matchesIntoArray: nil
filterTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"mpg"]];
if (n > 0)
/* Found an mpeg inside the eyetv package, make it our scan path
and call performScan on the enclosed mpeg */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"found mpeg in eyetv package"];
[self performScan:mpgname scanTitleNum:0];
/* We did not find an mpeg file in our package, so we do not call performScan */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"no valid mpeg in eyetv package"];
/* We check to see if this is a .dvdmedia package */
else if ([[url pathExtension] isEqualToString: @"dvdmedia"])
/* path IS a package - but dvdmedia packages can be treaded like normal directories */
browsedSourceDisplayName = [[[url URLByDeletingPathExtension] lastPathComponent] retain];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open dvdmedia package"];
[self performScan:[url path] scanTitleNum:0];
/* The package is not an eyetv package, so we do not call performScan */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"unable to open package"];
else // path is not a package, so we treat it as a dvd parent folder or VIDEO_TS folder
/* path is not a package, so we call perform scan directly on our file */
if ([[url lastPathComponent] isEqualToString: @"VIDEO_TS"])
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open video_ts folder (video_ts folder chosen)"];
/* If VIDEO_TS Folder is chosen, choose its parent folder for the source display name*/
browsedSourceDisplayName = [[[url URLByDeletingLastPathComponent] lastPathComponent] retain];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open video_ts folder (parent directory chosen)"];
/* if not the VIDEO_TS Folder, we can assume the chosen folder is the source name */
/* make sure we remove any path extension as this can also be an '.mpg' file */
browsedSourceDisplayName = [[url lastPathComponent] retain];
applyQueueToScan = NO;
[self performScan:[url path] scanTitleNum:0];
- (IBAction)showAboutPanel:(id)sender
NSMutableDictionary* d = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
fApplicationIcon, @"ApplicationIcon",
nil ];
[NSApp orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:d];
[d release];
/* Here we open the title selection sheet where we can specify an exact title to be scanned */
- (IBAction) showSourceTitleScanPanel: (id) sender
/* We default the title number to be scanned to "0" which results in a full source scan, unless the
* user changes it
[fScanSrcTitleNumField setStringValue: @"0"];
/* Show the panel */
[NSApp beginSheet:fScanSrcTitlePanel modalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
- (IBAction) closeSourceTitleScanPanel: (id) sender
[NSApp endSheet: fScanSrcTitlePanel];
[fScanSrcTitlePanel orderOut: self];
if(sender == fScanSrcTitleOpenButton)
/* We setup the scan status in the main window to indicate a source title scan */
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue: @"Opening a new source title…"];
[fScanIndicator setHidden: NO];
[fScanHorizontalLine setHidden: YES];
[fScanIndicator setIndeterminate: YES];
[fScanIndicator startAnimation: nil];
/* We use the performScan method to actually perform the specified scan passing the path and the title
* to be scanned
applyQueueToScan = NO;
[self performScan:[fScanSrcTitlePathField stringValue] scanTitleNum:[fScanSrcTitleNumField intValue]];
/* Here we actually tell hb_scan to perform the source scan, using the path to source and title number*/
- (void) performScan:(NSString *) scanPath scanTitleNum: (NSInteger) scanTitleNum
/* use a bool to determine whether or not we can decrypt using vlc */
BOOL cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
NSString *path = scanPath;
HBDVDDetector *detector = [HBDVDDetector detectorForPath:path];
[fPictureController setTitle:NULL];
// Notify anyone interested (audio/subtitles/chapters controller) that there's no title
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:
[NSNotification notificationWithName: HBTitleChangedNotification
object: self
userInfo: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: &fTitle length: sizeof(fTitle) freeWhenDone: NO], keyTitleTag,
[self enableUI: NO];
if( [detector isVideoDVD] )
// The chosen path was actually on a DVD, so use the raw block
// device path instead.
path = [detector devicePath];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "trying to open a physical dvd at: %s", [scanPath UTF8String]];
NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSInteger suppressWarning = [prefs integerForKey:@"suppresslibdvdcss"];
/* Notify the user that we don't support removal of copy proteciton. */
void *dvdcss = dlopen("libdvdcss.2.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
if (dvdcss == NULL && suppressWarning != 1)
/* Only show the user this warning once. They may be using a solution we don't know about. Notifying them each time is annoying. */
[prefs setInteger:1 forKey:@"suppresslibdvdcss"];
/*compatible vlc not found, so we set the bool to cancel scanning to 1 */
cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "libdvdcss.2.dylib not found for decrypting physical dvd"];
NSInteger status;
status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Please note that HandBrake does not support the removal of copy-protection from DVD Discs. You can if you wish install libdvdcss or any other 3rd party software for this function.",
@"Videolan.org provides libdvdcss if you are not currently using another solution.", @"Get libdvdcss.pkg", @"Cancel Scan", @"Attempt Scan Anyway");
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
if (status == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
/* User chose to go download vlc (as they rightfully should) so we send them to the vlc site */
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://download.videolan.org/libdvdcss/1.2.12/macosx/"]];
else if (status == NSAlertAlternateReturn)
/* User chose to cancel the scan */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Cannot open physical dvd, scan cancelled"];
/* User chose to override our warning and scan the physical dvd anyway, at their own peril. on an encrypted dvd this produces massive log files and fails */
cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"User overrode copy-protection warning - trying to open physical dvd without decryption"];
else if (dvdcss != NULL)
/* VLC was found in /Applications so all is well, we can carry on using vlc's libdvdcss.dylib for decrypting if needed */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "libdvdcss.2.dylib found for decrypting physical dvd"];
/* User chose to override our warning and scan the physical dvd anyway, at their own peril. on an encrypted dvd this produces massive log files and fails */
cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"Copy-protection warning disabled in preferences - trying to open physical dvd without decryption"];
if (cancelScanDecrypt == 0)
/* We use our advanced pref to determine how many previews to scan */
int hb_num_previews = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"PreviewsNumber"] intValue];
/* We use our advanced pref to determine the minimum title length to use in seconds*/
int min_title_duration_seconds = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"MinTitleScanSeconds"] intValue];
uint64_t min_title_duration_ticks = 90000LL * min_title_duration_seconds;
/* set title to NULL */
fTitle = NULL;
/* We actually pass the scan off to libhb here.
* If there is no title number passed to scan, we use 0
* which causes the default behavior of a full source scan */
if (scanTitleNum < 0)
scanTitleNum = 0;
if (scanTitleNum > 0)
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "scanning specifically for title: %d", scanTitleNum];
// minimum title duration doesn't apply to title-specific scan
// it doesn't apply to batch scan either, but we can't tell it apart from DVD & BD folders here
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "scanning titles with a duration of %d seconds or more", min_title_duration_seconds];
hb_scan(fHandle, [path UTF8String], (int)scanTitleNum, hb_num_previews, 1 ,
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue:@"Scanning new source…"];
// After the scan process, we signal to enableUI loop that this scan process is now finished
// If remaining drag & drop files are in the UserDefaults array, they will then be processed
fWillScan = NO;
- (IBAction) cancelScanning:(id)sender
- (IBAction) showNewScan:(id)sender
hb_title_set_t * title_set;
hb_title_t * title = NULL;
int feature_title=0; // Used to store the main feature title
title_set = hb_get_title_set( fHandle );
if( !hb_list_count( title_set->list_title ) )
/* We display a message if a valid dvd source was not chosen */
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue: @"No Valid Source Found"];
SuccessfulScan = NO;
// Notify PictureController that there's no title
[fPictureController setTitle:NULL];
// Notify anyone interested (video/audio/subtitles/chapters controller) that there's no title
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:
[NSNotification notificationWithName: HBTitleChangedNotification
object: self
userInfo: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: &fTitle length: sizeof(fTitle) freeWhenDone: NO], keyTitleTag,
if (applyQueueToScan == YES)
/* we are a rescan of an existing queue item and need to apply the queued settings to the scan */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "showNewScan: This is a queued item rescan"];
else if (applyQueueToScan == NO)
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "showNewScan: This is a new source item scan"];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "showNewScan: cannot grok scan status"];
/* We increment the successful scancount here by one,
which we use at the end of this function to tell the gui
if this is the first successful scan since launch and whether
or not we should set all settings to the defaults */
[[fWindow toolbar] validateVisibleItems];
[fSrcTitlePopUp removeAllItems];
for( int i = 0; i < hb_list_count( title_set->list_title ); i++ )
title = (hb_title_t *) hb_list_item( title_set->list_title, i );
currentSource = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: title->name];
/*Set DVD Name at top of window with the browsedSourceDisplayName grokked right before -performScan */
if (!browsedSourceDisplayName)
browsedSourceDisplayName = @"NoNameDetected";
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue:browsedSourceDisplayName];
// use the correct extension based on the container
int videoContainer = (int)[[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag];
const char *ext = hb_container_get_default_extension(videoContainer);
/* If its a queue rescan for edit, get the queue item output path */
/* if not, its a new source scan. */
/* Check to see if the last destination has been set,use if so, if not, use Desktop */
if (applyQueueToScan == YES)
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:fqueueEditRescanItemNum] objectForKey:@"DestinationPath"]]];
else if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LastDestinationDirectory"])
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@/%@.%s", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LastDestinationDirectory"],[browsedSourceDisplayName stringByDeletingPathExtension],ext]];
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@/Desktop/%@.%s", NSHomeDirectory(),[browsedSourceDisplayName stringByDeletingPathExtension],ext]];
// set m4v extension if necessary - do not override user-specified .mp4 extension
if ((videoContainer & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4) && (applyQueueToScan != YES))
[self autoSetM4vExtension:sender];
/* See if this is the main feature according to libhb */
if (title->index == title_set->feature)
feature_title = i;
if( title->type == HB_BD_TYPE )
[fSrcTitlePopUp addItemWithTitle: [NSString
stringWithFormat: @"%@ %d (%05d.MPLS) - %02dh%02dm%02ds",
currentSource, title->index, title->playlist,
title->hours, title->minutes, title->seconds]];
[fSrcTitlePopUp addItemWithTitle: [NSString
stringWithFormat: @"%@ %d - %02dh%02dm%02ds",
currentSource, title->index,
title->hours, title->minutes, title->seconds]];
/* if we are a stream, select the first title */
if (title && (title->type == HB_STREAM_TYPE || title->type == HB_FF_STREAM_TYPE))
[fSrcTitlePopUp selectItemAtIndex: 0];
/* if not then select the main feature title */
[fSrcTitlePopUp selectItemAtIndex: feature_title];
[self titlePopUpChanged:nil];
SuccessfulScan = YES;
[self enableUI: YES];
/* if its the initial successful scan after awakeFromNib */
if (currentSuccessfulScanCount == 1)
[self encodeStartStopPopUpChanged:nil];
[self selectDefaultPreset:nil];
// Open preview window now if it was visible when HB was closed
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"PreviewWindowIsOpen"])
[self showPreviewWindow:nil];
// Open picture sizing window now if it was visible when HB was closed
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"PictureSizeWindowIsOpen"])
[self showPicturePanel:nil];
if (applyQueueToScan == YES)
/* we are a rescan of an existing queue item and need to apply the queued settings to the scan */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "showNewScan: calling applyQueueSettingsToMainWindow"];
[self applyQueueSettingsToMainWindow:nil];
/* Done scanning, allow system sleep for the scan handle */
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark New Output Destination
- (IBAction) browseFile: (id) sender
/* Open a panel to let the user choose and update the text field */
NSSavePanel * panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
/* We get the current file name and path from the destination field here */
NSString* destinationDirectory = [[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[panel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:destinationDirectory]];
[panel setNameFieldStringValue:[[fDstFile2Field stringValue] lastPathComponent]];
[panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
[self browseFileDone:panel returnCode:(int)result contextInfo:sender];
- (void) browseFileDone: (NSSavePanel *) sheet
returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
if( returnCode == NSOKButton )
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue: [[sheet URL] path]];
/* Save this path to the prefs so that on next browse destination window it opens there */
NSString *destinationDirectory = [[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:destinationDirectory forKey:@"LastDestinationDirectory"];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Main Window Control
- (IBAction) openMainWindow: (id) sender
[fWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
- (BOOL) windowShouldClose: (id) sender
return YES;
- (BOOL)applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)theApplication hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag
if( !flag ) {
[fWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
return YES;
- (NSSize) drawerWillResizeContents:(NSDrawer *) drawer toSize:(NSSize) contentSize {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:NSStringFromSize( contentSize ) forKey:@"Drawer Size"];
return contentSize;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Queue File
static void queueFSEventStreamCallback(
ConstFSEventStreamRef streamRef,
void *clientCallBackInfo,
size_t numEvents,
void *eventPaths,
const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[],
const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[])
HBController *hb = (HBController *)clientCallBackInfo;
[hb reloadQueue];
- (void)initQueueFSEvent
/* Define variables and create a CFArray object containing
CFString objects containing paths to watch.
CFStringRef mypath = (CFStringRef) [[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Queue"];
CFArrayRef pathsToWatch = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&mypath, 1, NULL);
FSEventStreamContext callbackCtx;
callbackCtx.version = 0;
callbackCtx.info = self;
callbackCtx.retain = NULL;
callbackCtx.release = NULL;
callbackCtx.copyDescription = NULL;
CFAbsoluteTime latency = 0.5; /* Latency in seconds */
/* Create the stream, passing in a callback */
QueueStream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL,
/* Create the stream before calling this. */
FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(QueueStream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- (void)closeQueueFSEvent
- (void)loadQueueFile
/* We declare the default NSFileManager into fileManager */
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *appSupportPath = [HBUtilities appSupportPath];
/* We define the location of the user presets file */
QueueFile = [[appSupportPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Queue/Queue.plist"] retain];
/* We check for the Queue.plist */
if( ![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:QueueFile] )
if( ![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:[appSupportPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Queue"]] )
[fileManager createDirectoryAtPath:[appSupportPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Queue"] withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:NULL];
[fileManager createFileAtPath:QueueFile contents:nil attributes:nil];
QueueFileArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:QueueFile];
/* lets check to see if there is anything in the queue file .plist */
if( QueueFileArray == nil )
/* if not, then lets initialize an empty array */
QueueFileArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* ONLY clear out encoded items if we are single instance */
if( hbInstanceNum == 1 )
[self clearQueueEncodedItems];
- (void)reloadQueue
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"Queue reloaded"];
NSMutableArray * tempQueueArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:QueueFile];
[QueueFileArray setArray:tempQueueArray];
[tempQueueArray release];
/* Send Fresh QueueFileArray to fQueueController to update queue window */
[fQueueController setQueueArray: QueueFileArray];
- (void)addQueueFileItem
[QueueFileArray addObject:[self createQueueFileItem]];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
- (void) removeQueueFileItem:(NSUInteger) queueItemToRemove
[QueueFileArray removeObjectAtIndex:queueItemToRemove];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
- (void)saveQueueFileItem
[QueueFileArray writeToFile:QueueFile atomically:YES];
[fQueueController setQueueArray: QueueFileArray];
[self getQueueStats];
- (void)getQueueStats
/* lets get the stats on the status of the queue array */
fEncodingQueueItem = 0;
fPendingCount = 0;
fCompletedCount = 0;
fCanceledCount = 0;
fWorkingCount = 0;
/* We use a number system to set the encode status of the queue item
* in controller.mm
* 0 == already encoded
* 1 == is being encoded
* 2 == is yet to be encoded
* 3 == cancelled
int i = 0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [QueueFileArray objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSDictionary *thisQueueDict = tempObject;
if ([[thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 0) // Completed
if ([[thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 1) // being encoded
fEncodingQueueItem = i;
/* check to see if we are the instance doing this encoding */
if ([thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"EncodingPID"] && [[thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"EncodingPID"] intValue] == pidNum)
currentQueueEncodeIndex = i;
if ([[thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 2) // pending
if ([[thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 3) // cancelled
/* Set the queue status field in the main window */
NSMutableString * string;
if (fPendingCount == 0)
string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString( @"No encode pending", @"" )];
else if (fPendingCount == 1)
string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString( @"%d encode pending", @"" ), fPendingCount];
string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString( @"%d encodes pending", @"" ), fPendingCount];
[fQueueStatus setStringValue:string];
/* Used to get the next pending queue item index and return it if found */
- (NSInteger)getNextPendingQueueIndex
/* initialize nextPendingIndex to -1, this value tells incrementQueueItemDone that there are no pending items in the queue */
NSInteger nextPendingIndex = -1;
BOOL nextPendingFound = NO;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [QueueFileArray objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
NSInteger i = 0;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSDictionary *thisQueueDict = tempObject;
if ([[thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 2 && nextPendingFound == NO) // pending
nextPendingFound = YES;
nextPendingIndex = [QueueFileArray indexOfObject: tempObject];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "getNextPendingQueueIndex next pending encode index is:%d", nextPendingIndex];
return nextPendingIndex;
/* This method will set any item marked as encoding back to pending
* currently used right after a queue reload
- (void) setQueueEncodingItemsAsPending
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [QueueFileArray objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
NSMutableArray *tempArray;
tempArray = [NSMutableArray array];
/* we look here to see if the preset is we move on to the next one */
while ( tempObject = [enumerator nextObject] )
/* We want to keep any queue item that is pending or was previously being encoded */
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 1 || [[tempObject objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 2)
/* If the queue item is marked as "encoding" (1)
* then change its status back to pending (2) which effectively
* puts it back into the queue to be encoded
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 1)
[tempObject setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 2] forKey:@"Status"];
[tempArray addObject:tempObject];
[QueueFileArray setArray:tempArray];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* This method will clear the queue of any encodes that are not still pending
* this includes both successfully completed encodes as well as cancelled encodes */
- (void) clearQueueEncodedItems
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [QueueFileArray objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
NSMutableArray *tempArray;
tempArray = [NSMutableArray array];
/* we look here to see if the preset is we move on to the next one */
while ( tempObject = [enumerator nextObject] )
/* If the queue item is either completed (0) or cancelled (3) from the
* last session, then we put it in tempArray to be deleted from QueueFileArray.
* NOTE: this means we retain pending (2) and also an item that is marked as
* still encoding (1). If the queue has an item that is still marked as encoding
* from a previous session, we can conlude that HB was either shutdown, or crashed
* during the encodes so we keep it and tell the user in the "Load Queue Alert"
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 0 || [[tempObject objectForKey:@"Status"] intValue] == 3)
[tempArray addObject:tempObject];
[QueueFileArray removeObjectsInArray:tempArray];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* This method will clear the queue of all encodes. effectively creating an empty queue */
- (void) clearQueueAllItems
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [QueueFileArray objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
NSMutableArray *tempArray;
tempArray = [NSMutableArray array];
/* we look here to see if the preset is we move on to the next one */
while ( tempObject = [enumerator nextObject] )
[tempArray addObject:tempObject];
[QueueFileArray removeObjectsInArray:tempArray];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* This method will duplicate prepareJob however into the
* queue .plist instead of into the job structure so it can
* be recalled later */
- (NSDictionary *)createQueueFileItem
NSMutableDictionary *queueFileJob = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fHandle );
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t *) hb_list_item( list,
(int)[fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
hb_job_t * job = title->job;
/* We use a number system to set the encode status of the queue item
* 0 == already encoded
* 1 == is being encoded
* 2 == is yet to be encoded
* 3 == cancelled
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:@"Status"];
/* Source and Destination Information */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String: title->path] forKey:@"SourcePath"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fSrcDVD2Field stringValue] forKey:@"SourceName"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:title->index] forKey:@"TitleNumber"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fSrcAnglePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"TitleAngle"];
/* Determine and set a variable to tell hb what start and stop times to use (chapters, seconds or frames) */
if( [fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 0 )
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"];
else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 1)
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"];
else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 2)
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"];
/* Chapter encode info */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"ChapterStart"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"ChapterEnd"];
/* Time (pts) encode info */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StartSeconds"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StopSeconds"];
/* Frame number encode info */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StartFrame"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StopFrame"];
/* The number of seek points equals the number of seconds announced in the title as that is our current granularity */
int title_duration_seconds = (title->hours * 3600) + (title->minutes * 60) + (title->seconds);
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:title_duration_seconds] forKey:@"SourceTotalSeconds"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fDstFile2Field stringValue] forKey:@"DestinationPath"];
/* Lets get the preset info if there is any */
[queueFileJob setObject:[fPresetSelectedDisplay stringValue] forKey:@"PresetName"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow]] forKey:@"PresetIndexNum"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fDstFormatPopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"FileFormat"];
/* Chapter Markers*/
/* If we are encoding by chapters and we have only one chapter or a title without chapters, set chapter markers to off.
Leave them on if we're doing point to point encoding, as libhb supports chapters when doing p2p. */
if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 0 &&
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == [fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem])
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"ChapterMarkers"];
[queueFileJob setObject:@(fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers) forKey:@"ChapterMarkers"];
/* We need to get the list of chapter names to put into an array and store
* in our queue, so they can be reapplied in prepareJob when this queue
* item comes up if Chapter Markers is set to on.
[queueFileJob setObject:fChapterTitlesController.chapterTitlesArray forKey:@"ChapterNames"];
/* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"];
/* Add iPod uuid atom */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4iPodCompatible"];
/* Codecs */
/* Video encoder */
[fVideoController prepareVideoForQueueFileJob:queueFileJob];
/* Picture Sizing */
/* Use Max Picture settings for whatever the dvd is.*/
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"UsesMaxPictureSettings"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->width] forKey:@"PictureWidth"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->height] forKey:@"PictureHeight"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.keep_display_aspect] forKey:@"PictureKeepRatio"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode] forKey:@"PicturePAR"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->modulus] forKey:@"PictureModulus"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.par_width] forKey:@"PicturePARPixelWidth"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.par_height] forKey:@"PicturePARPixelHeight"];
/* Text summaries of various settings */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithString:[self pictureSettingsSummary]]
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithString:[self pictureFiltersSummary]]
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithString:[self muxerOptionsSummary]]
/* Set crop settings here */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPictureController autoCrop]] forKey:@"PictureAutoCrop"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[0]] forKey:@"PictureTopCrop"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[1]] forKey:@"PictureBottomCrop"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[2]] forKey:@"PictureLeftCrop"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[3]] forKey:@"PictureRightCrop"];
/* Picture Filters */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController detelecine]] forKey:@"PictureDetelecine"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fPictureController detelecineCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDetelecineCustom"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController useDecomb]] forKey:@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController decomb]] forKey:@"PictureDecomb"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fPictureController decombCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDecombCustom"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController deinterlace]] forKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fPictureController deinterlaceCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController denoise]] forKey:@"PictureDenoise"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fPictureController denoiseCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDenoiseCustom"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld",(long)[fPictureController deblock]] forKey:@"PictureDeblock"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController grayscale]] forKey:@"VideoGrayScale"];
/* Auto Passthru */
[queueFileJob setObject:@(fAudioController.settings.allowAACPassthru) forKey: @"AudioAllowAACPass"];
[queueFileJob setObject:@(fAudioController.settings.allowAC3Passthru) forKey: @"AudioAllowAC3Pass"];
[queueFileJob setObject:@(fAudioController.settings.allowDTSHDPassthru) forKey: @"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"];
[queueFileJob setObject:@(fAudioController.settings.allowDTSPassthru) forKey: @"AudioAllowDTSPass"];
[queueFileJob setObject:@(fAudioController.settings.allowMP3Passthru) forKey: @"AudioAllowMP3Pass"];
// just in case we need it for display purposes
[queueFileJob setObject:@(hb_audio_encoder_get_name((int)fAudioController.settings.encoderFallback)) forKey: @"AudioEncoderFallback"];
// actual fallback encoder
[queueFileJob setObject:@(fAudioController.settings.encoderFallback) forKey: @"JobAudioEncoderFallback"];
/* Audio */
NSMutableArray *audioArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[fAudioController audioTracks] copyItems:YES];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray: audioArray] forKey:@"AudioList"];
[audioArray release];
/* Subtitles */
NSMutableArray *subtitlesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[fSubtitlesViewController subtitles] copyItems:YES];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray: subtitlesArray] forKey:@"SubtitleList"];
[subtitlesArray release];
/* Now we go ahead and set the "job->values in the plist for passing right to fQueueEncodeLibhb */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"JobChapterStart"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"JobChapterEnd"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag]] forKey:@"JobFileFormatMux"];
/* Codecs */
/* Framerate */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:title->rate] forKey:@"JobVrate"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:title->rate_base] forKey:@"JobVrateBase"];
/* we need to auto relase the queueFileJob and return it */
[queueFileJob autorelease];
return queueFileJob;
/* this is actually called from the queue controller to modify the queue array and return it back to the queue controller */
- (void)moveObjectsInQueueArray:(NSMutableArray *)array fromIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexSet toIndex:(NSUInteger)insertIndex
NSUInteger index = [indexSet lastIndex];
NSUInteger aboveInsertIndexCount = 0;
NSUInteger removeIndex;
if (index >= insertIndex)
removeIndex = index + aboveInsertIndexCount;
removeIndex = index;
id object = [[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:removeIndex] retain];
[QueueFileArray removeObjectAtIndex:removeIndex];
[QueueFileArray insertObject:object atIndex:insertIndex];
[object release];
/* We save all of the Queue data here
* and it also gets sent back to the queue controller*/
[self saveQueueFileItem];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Queue Job Processing
- (void) incrementQueueItemDone:(NSInteger) queueItemDoneIndexNum
/* Mark the encode just finished as done (status 0)*/
[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Status"];
/* We save all of the Queue data here */
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* Since we have now marked a queue item as done
* we can go ahead and increment currentQueueEncodeIndex
* so that if there is anything left in the queue we can
* go ahead and move to the next item if we want to */
NSInteger queueItems = [QueueFileArray count];
/* Check to see if there are any more pending items in the queue */
NSInteger newQueueItemIndex = [self getNextPendingQueueIndex];
/* If we still have more pending items in our queue, lets go to the next one */
if (newQueueItemIndex >= 0 && newQueueItemIndex < queueItems)
/*Set our currentQueueEncodeIndex now to the newly found Pending encode as we own it */
currentQueueEncodeIndex = newQueueItemIndex;
/* now we mark the queue item as Status = 1 ( being encoded ) so another instance can not come along and try to scan it while we are scanning */
[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"Status"];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "incrementQueueItemDone new pending items found: %d", currentQueueEncodeIndex];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* now we can go ahead and scan the new pending queue item */
[self performNewQueueScan:[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"SourcePath"] scanTitleNum:[[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"TitleNumber"]intValue]];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "incrementQueueItemDone there are no more pending encodes"];
/* Done encoding, allow system sleep for the encode handle */
* Since there are no more items to encode, go to queueCompletedAlerts
* for user specified alerts after queue completed
[self queueCompletedAlerts];
/* Here we actually tell hb_scan to perform the source scan, using the path to source and title number*/
- (void) performNewQueueScan:(NSString *) scanPath scanTitleNum: (NSInteger) scanTitleNum
/* Tell HB to output a new activity log file for this encode */
[outputPanel startEncodeLog:[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"DestinationPath"]];
/* We now flag the queue item as being owned by this instance of HB using the PID */
[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:pidNum] forKey:@"EncodingPID"];
/* Get the currentQueueEncodeNameString from the queue item to display in the status field */
currentQueueEncodeNameString = [[[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"DestinationPath"] lastPathComponent]retain];
/* We save all of the Queue data here */
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* use a bool to determine whether or not we can decrypt using vlc */
BOOL cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
/* set the bool so that showNewScan knows to apply the appropriate queue
* settings as this is a queue rescan
NSString *path = scanPath;
if (cancelScanDecrypt == 0)
/* We actually pass the scan off to libhb here.
* If there is no title number passed to scan, we use "0"
* which causes the default behavior of a full source scan */
if (scanTitleNum < 0)
scanTitleNum = 0;
if (scanTitleNum > 0)
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "scanning specifically for title: %d", scanTitleNum];
* Only scan 10 previews before an encode - additional previews are
* only useful for autocrop and static previews, which are already taken
* care of at this point
hb_scan(fQueueEncodeLibhb, [path UTF8String], (int)scanTitleNum, 10, 0, 0);
/* This assumes that we have re-scanned and loaded up a new queue item to send to libhb as fQueueEncodeLibhb */
- (void) processNewQueueEncode
hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fQueueEncodeLibhb );
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t *) hb_list_item( list,0 ); // is always zero since now its a single title scan
hb_job_t * job = title->job;
if( !hb_list_count( list ) )
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "processNewQueueEncode WARNING nothing found in the title list"];
NSMutableDictionary * queueToApply = [QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Preset: %s", [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PresetName"] UTF8String]];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "processNewQueueEncode number of passes expected is: %d", ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoTwoPass"] intValue] + 1)];
hb_job_set_file(job, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"DestinationPath"] UTF8String]);
[self prepareJob];
* If scanning we need to do some extra setup of the job.
if (job->indepth_scan == 1)
char *encoder_preset_tmp = job->encoder_preset != NULL ? strdup(job->encoder_preset) : NULL;
char *encoder_tune_tmp = job->encoder_tune != NULL ? strdup(job->encoder_tune) : NULL;
char *encoder_options_tmp = job->encoder_options != NULL ? strdup(job->encoder_options) : NULL;
char *encoder_profile_tmp = job->encoder_profile != NULL ? strdup(job->encoder_profile) : NULL;
char *encoder_level_tmp = job->encoder_level != NULL ? strdup(job->encoder_level) : NULL;
* When subtitle scan is enabled do a fast pre-scan job
* which will determine which subtitles to enable, if any.
hb_job_set_encoder_preset (job, NULL);
hb_job_set_encoder_tune (job, NULL);
hb_job_set_encoder_options(job, NULL);
hb_job_set_encoder_profile(job, NULL);
hb_job_set_encoder_level (job, NULL);
job->pass = -1;
hb_add(fQueueEncodeLibhb, job);
* reset the advanced settings
hb_job_set_encoder_preset (job, encoder_preset_tmp);
hb_job_set_encoder_tune (job, encoder_tune_tmp);
hb_job_set_encoder_options(job, encoder_options_tmp);
hb_job_set_encoder_profile(job, encoder_profile_tmp);
hb_job_set_encoder_level (job, encoder_level_tmp);
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoTwoPass"] intValue] == 1)
job->indepth_scan = 0;
job->pass = 1;
hb_add(fQueueEncodeLibhb, job);
job->pass = 2;
hb_add(fQueueEncodeLibhb, job);
job->indepth_scan = 0;
job->pass = 0;
hb_add(fQueueEncodeLibhb, job);
NSString *destinationDirectory = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"DestinationPath"] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:destinationDirectory forKey:@"LastDestinationDirectory"];
/* Lets mark our new encode as 1 or "Encoding" */
[queueToApply setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"Status"];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* libhb makes a copy of the job. So we need to free any resource
* that were allocated in construction of the job. This empties
* the audio, subtitle, and filter lists */
/* We should be all setup so let 'er rip */
[self doRip];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Queue Item Editing
/* Rescans the chosen queue item back into the main window */
- (void)rescanQueueItemToMainWindow:(NSString *) scanPath scanTitleNum: (NSUInteger) scanTitleNum selectedQueueItem: (NSUInteger) selectedQueueItem
fqueueEditRescanItemNum = selectedQueueItem;
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "rescanQueueItemToMainWindow: Re-scanning queue item at index:%d",fqueueEditRescanItemNum];
applyQueueToScan = YES;
/* Make sure we release the display name before reassigning it */
[browsedSourceDisplayName release];
/* Set the browsedSourceDisplayName for showNewScan */
browsedSourceDisplayName = [[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:fqueueEditRescanItemNum] objectForKey:@"SourceName"] retain];
[self performScan:scanPath scanTitleNum:scanTitleNum];
/* We use this method after a queue item rescan for edit.
* it largely mirrors -selectPreset in terms of structure.
* Assumes that a queue item has been reloaded into the main window.
- (IBAction)applyQueueSettingsToMainWindow:(id)sender
NSMutableDictionary * queueToApply = [QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:fqueueEditRescanItemNum];
hb_job_t * job = fTitle->job;
if (queueToApply)
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "applyQueueSettingsToMainWindow: queue item found"];
/* Set title number and chapters */
/* since the queue only scans a single title, its already been selected in showNewScan
so do not try to reset it here. However if we do decide to do full source scans on
a queue edit rescan, we would need it. So leaving in for now but commenting out. */
//[fSrcTitlePopUp selectItemAtIndex: [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"TitleNumber"] intValue] - 1];
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp selectItemAtIndex: [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterStart"] intValue] - 1];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp selectItemAtIndex: [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterEnd"] intValue] - 1];
/* File Format */
[fDstFormatPopUp selectItemWithTitle:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"FileFormat"]];
[self formatPopUpChanged:nil];
/* Chapter Markers*/
fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterMarkers"] boolValue];
[fChapterTitlesController addChaptersFromQueue:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterNames"]];
/* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setState:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"] intValue]];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setState:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] intValue]];
/* Set the state of ipod compatible with Mp4iPodCompatible. Only for x264*/
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setState:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] intValue]];
/* video encoder */
[fVideoController applyVideoSettingsFromQueue:queueToApply];
/* Auto Passthru */
fAudioController.settings.allowAACPassthru = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"AudioAllowAACPass"] boolValue];
fAudioController.settings.allowAC3Passthru = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] boolValue];
fAudioController.settings.allowDTSHDPassthru = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] boolValue];
fAudioController.settings.allowDTSPassthru = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"AudioAllowDTSPass"] boolValue];
fAudioController.settings.allowMP3Passthru = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] boolValue];
fAudioController.settings.encoderFallback = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"AudioEncoderFallback"];
/* Audio */
/* Now lets add our new tracks to the audio list here */
[fAudioController addTracksFromQueue: queueToApply];
/* Subtitles */
[fSubtitlesViewController addTracksFromQueue:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"SubtitleList"]];
/* Picture Settings */
/* If Cropping is set to custom, then recall all four crop values from
when the preset was created and apply them */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureAutoCrop"] intValue] == 0)
[fPictureController setAutoCrop:NO];
/* Here we use the custom crop values saved at the time the preset was saved */
job->crop[0] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureTopCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[1] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureBottomCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[2] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureLeftCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[3] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureRightCrop"] intValue];
else /* if auto crop has been saved in preset, set to auto and use post scan auto crop */
[fPictureController setAutoCrop:YES];
/* Here we use the auto crop values determined right after scan */
job->crop[0] = AutoCropTop;
job->crop[1] = AutoCropBottom;
job->crop[2] = AutoCropLeft;
job->crop[3] = AutoCropRight;
job->anamorphic.mode = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PicturePAR"] intValue];
job->modulus = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureModulus"] intValue];
job->maxWidth = job->maxHeight = 0;
job->anamorphic.keep_display_aspect = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureKeepRatio"] intValue];
job->width = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureWidth"] intValue];
job->height = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureHeight"] intValue];
/* Filters */
/* We only allow *either* Decomb or Deinterlace. So check for the PictureDecombDeinterlace key. */
[fPictureController setUseDecomb:1];
[fPictureController setDecomb:0];
[fPictureController setDeinterlace:0];
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] intValue] == 1)
/* we are using decomb */
/* Decomb */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setDecomb:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the decomb setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDecombCustomString:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecombCustom"]];
/* We are using Deinterlace */
/* Deinterlace */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setUseDecomb:0];
[fPictureController setDeinterlace:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the deinterlace setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDeinterlaceCustomString:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"]];
/* Detelecine */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setDetelecine:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the detelecine setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDetelecineCustomString:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecineCustom"]];
[fPictureController setDetelecine:0];
/* Denoise */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setDenoise:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the denoise setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDenoiseCustomString:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoiseCustom"]];
[fPictureController setDenoise:0];
/* Deblock */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeblock"] intValue] == 1)
/* if its a one, then its the old on/off deblock, set on to 5*/
[fPictureController setDeblock:5];
/* use the settings intValue */
[fPictureController setDeblock:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeblock"] intValue]];
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoGrayScale"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setGrayscale:1];
[fPictureController setGrayscale:0];
/* we call SetTitle: in fPictureController so we get an instant update in the Picture Settings window */
[fPictureController setTitle:fTitle];
[self pictureSettingsDidChange];
/* somehow we need to figure out a way to tie the queue item to a preset if it used one */
//[queueFileJob setObject:[fPresetSelectedDisplay stringValue] forKey:@"PresetName"];
//[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow]] forKey:@"PresetIndexNum"];
if ([queueToApply objectForKey:@"PresetIndexNum"]) // This item used a preset so insert that info
/* Deselect the currently selected Preset if there is one*/
//[fPresetsOutlineView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PresetIndexNum"] intValue]] byExtendingSelection:NO];
//[self selectPreset:nil];
//[fPresetsOutlineView selectRow:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PresetIndexNum"] intValue]];
/* Change UI to show "Custom" settings are being used */
//[fPresetSelectedDisplay setStringValue: [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PresetName"] stringValue]];
/* Deselect the currently selected Preset if there is one*/
[fPresetsOutlineView deselectRow:[fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow]];
/* Change UI to show "Custom" settings are being used */
[fPresetSelectedDisplay setStringValue: @"Custom"];
/* We need to set this bool back to NO, in case the user wants to do a scan */
//applyQueueToScan = NO;
/* Not that source is loaded and settings applied, delete the queue item from the queue */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "applyQueueSettingsToMainWindow: deleting queue item:%d",fqueueEditRescanItemNum];
[self removeQueueFileItem:fqueueEditRescanItemNum];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Live Preview
/* Note,this is much like prepareJob, but directly sets the job vars so Picture Preview
* can encode to its temp preview directory and playback. This is *not* used for any actual user
* encodes
- (void) prepareJobForPreview
hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fHandle );
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t *) hb_list_item( list,
(int)[fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
hb_job_t * job = title->job;
hb_filter_object_t * filter;
/* set job->angle for libdvdnav */
job->angle = (int)[fSrcAnglePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1;
/* Chapter selection */
job->chapter_start = (int)[fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1;
job->chapter_end = (int)[fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1;
/* Format (Muxer) and Video Encoder */
job->mux = (int)[[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag];
/* Video Encoder */
[fVideoController prepareVideoForJobPreview:job andTitle:title];
/* Subtitle settings */
BOOL one_burned = NO;
int i = 0;
for (id subtitleDict in fSubtitlesViewController.subtitles)
int subtitle = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackIndex] intValue];
int force = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackForced] intValue];
int burned = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackBurned] intValue];
int def = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackDefault] intValue];
// if i is 0, then we are in the first item of the subtitles which we need to
// check for the "Foreign Audio Search" which would be keySubTrackIndex of -1
/* if we are on the first track and using "Foreign Audio Search" */
if (i == 0 && subtitle == -1)
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Foreign Language Search: %d", 1];
job->indepth_scan = 1;
if (burned != 1)
job->select_subtitle_config.dest = PASSTHRUSUB;
job->select_subtitle_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
job->select_subtitle_config.force = force;
job->select_subtitle_config.default_track = def;
/* if we are getting the subtitles from an external srt file */
if ([subtitleDict[keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
hb_subtitle_config_t sub_config;
sub_config.offset = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtOffset] intValue];
/* we need to srncpy file name and codeset */
strncpy(sub_config.src_filename, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtFilePath] UTF8String], 255);
sub_config.src_filename[255] = 0;
strncpy(sub_config.src_codeset, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtCharCode] UTF8String], 39);
sub_config.src_codeset[39] = 0;
if( !burned && hb_subtitle_can_pass( SRTSUB, job->mux ) )
sub_config.dest = PASSTHRUSUB;
else if( hb_subtitle_can_burn( SRTSUB ) )
// Only allow one subtitle to be burned into the video
if( one_burned )
one_burned = TRUE;
sub_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
sub_config.force = 0;
sub_config.default_track = def;
hb_srt_add( job, &sub_config, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode] UTF8String]);
/* We are setting a source subtitle so access the source subtitle info */
hb_subtitle_t * subt = (hb_subtitle_t *) hb_list_item( title->list_subtitle, subtitle );
if( subt != NULL )
hb_subtitle_config_t sub_config = subt->config;
if( !burned && hb_subtitle_can_pass( subt->source, job->mux ) )
sub_config.dest = PASSTHRUSUB;
else if( hb_subtitle_can_burn( subt->source ) )
// Only allow one subtitle to be burned into the video
if( one_burned )
one_burned = TRUE;
sub_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
sub_config.force = force;
sub_config.default_track = def;
hb_subtitle_add( job, &sub_config, subtitle );
if( one_burned )
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_RENDER_SUB );
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%d:%d:%d",
job->crop[0], job->crop[1],
job->crop[2], job->crop[3]] UTF8String] );
/* Auto Passthru */
job->acodec_copy_mask = 0;
if (fAudioController.settings.allowAACPassthru)
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_FFAAC;
if (fAudioController.settings.allowAC3Passthru)
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_AC3;
if (fAudioController.settings.allowDTSHDPassthru)
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_DCA_HD;
if (fAudioController.settings.allowDTSPassthru)
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_DCA;
if (fAudioController.settings.allowMP3Passthru)
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_MP3;
job->acodec_fallback = fAudioController.settings.encoderFallback;
// First clear out any audio tracks in the job currently
int audiotrack_count = hb_list_count(job->list_audio);
for (i = 0; i < audiotrack_count; i++)
hb_audio_t *temp_audio = (hb_audio_t *) hb_list_item(job->list_audio, 0);
hb_list_rem(job->list_audio, temp_audio);
/* Audio tracks and mixdowns */
for (NSDictionary *audioDict in fAudioController.audioTracks)
hb_audio_config_t *audio = (hb_audio_config_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(*audio));
audio->in.track = [audioDict[@"Track"] intValue];
/* We go ahead and assign values to our audio->out. */
audio->out.track = audio->in.track;
audio->out.codec = [audioDict[@"JobEncoder"] intValue];
audio->out.compression_level = hb_audio_compression_get_default(audio->out.codec);
audio->out.mixdown = [audioDict[@"JobMixdown"] intValue];
audio->out.normalize_mix_level = 0;
audio->out.bitrate = [audioDict[@"JobBitrate"] intValue];
audio->out.samplerate = [audioDict[@"JobSamplerate"] intValue];
audio->out.dynamic_range_compression = [audioDict[@"TrackDRCSlider"] intValue];
audio->out.gain = [audioDict[@"TrackGainSlider"] intValue];
audio->out.dither_method = hb_audio_dither_get_default();
hb_audio_add(job, audio);
/* Filters */
/* Though Grayscale is not really a filter, per se
* we put it here since its in the filters panel
if ([fPictureController grayscale])
job->grayscale = 1;
job->grayscale = 0;
/* Now lets call the filters if applicable.
* The order of the filters is critical
/* Detelecine */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DETELECINE );
if ([fPictureController detelecine] == 1)
/* use a custom detelecine string */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[fPictureController detelecineCustomString] UTF8String] );
else if ([fPictureController detelecine] == 2)
/* Default */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, NULL );
if ([fPictureController useDecomb] == 1)
/* Decomb */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DECOMB );
if ([fPictureController decomb] == 1)
/* use a custom decomb string */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[fPictureController decombCustomString] UTF8String] );
else if ([fPictureController decomb] == 2)
/* use libhb defaults */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, NULL );
else if ([fPictureController decomb] == 3)
/* use old defaults (decomb fast) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "7:2:6:9:1:80" );
else if ([fPictureController decomb] == 4)
/* decomb 3 with bobbing enabled */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "455" );
/* Deinterlace */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE );
if ([fPictureController deinterlace] == 1)
/* we add the custom string if present */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[fPictureController deinterlaceCustomString] UTF8String] );
else if ([fPictureController deinterlace] == 2)
/* Run old deinterlacer fd by default */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "0" );
else if ([fPictureController deinterlace] == 3)
/* Yadif mode 0 (without spatial deinterlacing) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "1" );
else if ([fPictureController deinterlace] == 4)
/* Yadif (with spatial deinterlacing) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "3" );
else if ([fPictureController deinterlace] == 5)
/* Yadif (with spatial deinterlacing and bobbing) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "15" );
/* Denoise */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DENOISE );
if ([fPictureController denoise] == 1) // custom in popup
/* we add the custom string if present */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[fPictureController denoiseCustomString] UTF8String] );
else if ([fPictureController denoise] == 2) // Weak in popup
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "2:1:1:2:3:3" );
else if ([fPictureController denoise] == 3) // Medium in popup
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "3:2:2:2:3:3" );
else if ([fPictureController denoise] == 4) // Strong in popup
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "7:7:7:5:5:5" );
/* Deblock (uses pp7 default) */
/* NOTE: even though there is a valid deblock setting of 0 for the filter, for
* the macgui's purposes a value of 0 actually means to not even use the filter
* current hb_filter_deblock.settings valid ranges are from 5 - 15
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DEBLOCK );
if ([fPictureController deblock] != 0)
NSString *deblockStringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld",(long)[fPictureController deblock]];
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [deblockStringValue UTF8String] );
/* Add Crop/Scale filter */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_CROP_SCALE );
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d",
job->crop[0], job->crop[1],
job->crop[2], job->crop[3]] UTF8String] );
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Job Handling
- (void) prepareJob
NSDictionary * queueToApply = [QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex];
hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fQueueEncodeLibhb );
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t *) hb_list_item( list,0 ); // is always zero since now its a single title scan
hb_job_t * job = title->job;
hb_audio_config_t * audio;
hb_filter_object_t * filter;
/* Title Angle for dvdnav */
job->angle = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"TitleAngle"] intValue];
if([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"] intValue] == 0)
/* Chapter selection */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Start / Stop set to chapters"];
job->chapter_start = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobChapterStart"] intValue];
job->chapter_end = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobChapterEnd"] intValue];
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"] intValue] == 1)
/* we are pts based start / stop */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Start / Stop set to seconds…"];
/* Point A to Point B. Time to time in seconds.*/
/* get the start seconds from the start seconds field */
int start_seconds = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StartSeconds"] intValue];
job->pts_to_start = start_seconds * 90000LL;
/* Stop seconds is actually the duration of encode, so subtract the end seconds from the start seconds */
int stop_seconds = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StopSeconds"] intValue];
job->pts_to_stop = stop_seconds * 90000LL;
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"] intValue] == 2)
/* we are frame based start / stop */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Start / Stop set to frames…"];
/* Point A to Point B. Frame to frame */
/* get the start frame from the start frame field */
int start_frame = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StartFrame"] intValue];
job->frame_to_start = start_frame;
/* get the frame to stop on from the end frame field */
int stop_frame = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StopFrame"] intValue];
job->frame_to_stop = stop_frame;
/* Format (Muxer) and Video Encoder */
job->mux = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobFileFormatMux"] intValue];
job->vcodec = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobVideoEncoderVcodec"] intValue];
/* If mpeg-4, then set mpeg-4 specific options like chapters and > 4gb file sizes */
if( [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"] intValue] == 1)
job->largeFileSize = 1;
job->largeFileSize = 0;
/* We set http optimized mp4 here */
if( [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] intValue] == 1 )
job->mp4_optimize = 1;
job->mp4_optimize = 0;
/* We set the chapter marker extraction here based on the format being
mpeg4 or mkv and the checkbox being checked */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterMarkers"] intValue] == 1)
job->chapter_markers = 1;
/* now lets get our saved chapter names out the array in the queue file
* and insert them back into the title chapter list. We have it here,
* because unless we are inserting chapter markers there is no need to
* spend the overhead of iterating through the chapter names array imo
* Also, note that if for some reason we don't apply chapter names, the
* chapters just come out 001, 002, etc. etc.
NSMutableArray *ChapterNamesArray = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterNames"];
int i = 0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [ChapterNamesArray objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
hb_chapter_t *chapter = (hb_chapter_t *) hb_list_item( job->list_chapter, i );
if( chapter != NULL )
hb_chapter_set_title( chapter, [tempObject UTF8String] );
job->chapter_markers = 0;
if (job->vcodec == HB_VCODEC_X264)
/* iPod 5G atom */
job->ipod_atom = ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4iPodCompatible"]
intValue] == 1);
/* set fastfirstpass if 2-pass and Turbo are enabled */
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoTwoPass"] intValue] == 1)
job->fastfirstpass = ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoTurboTwoPass"]
intValue] == 1);
/* advanced x264 options */
NSString *tmpString;
// translate zero-length strings to NULL for libhb
const char *encoder_preset = NULL;
const char *encoder_tune = NULL;
const char *encoder_options = NULL;
const char *encoder_profile = NULL;
const char *encoder_level = NULL;
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] intValue])
// we are using the advanced panel
if ([(tmpString = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Option"]) length])
encoder_options = [tmpString UTF8String];
// we are using the x264 preset system
if ([(tmpString = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Tune"]) length])
encoder_tune = [tmpString UTF8String];
if ([(tmpString = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264OptionExtra"]) length])
encoder_options = [tmpString UTF8String];
if ([(tmpString = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"h264Profile"]) length])
encoder_profile = [tmpString UTF8String];
if ([(tmpString = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"h264Level"]) length])
encoder_level = [tmpString UTF8String];
encoder_preset = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Preset"] UTF8String];
hb_job_set_encoder_preset (job, encoder_preset);
hb_job_set_encoder_tune (job, encoder_tune);
hb_job_set_encoder_options(job, encoder_options);
hb_job_set_encoder_profile(job, encoder_profile);
hb_job_set_encoder_level (job, encoder_level);
else if (job->vcodec & HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MASK)
[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"lavcOption"]
/* Picture Size Settings */
job->width = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureWidth"] intValue];
job->height = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureHeight"] intValue];
job->anamorphic.keep_display_aspect = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureKeepRatio"] intValue];
job->anamorphic.mode = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PicturePAR"] intValue];
job->modulus = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureModulus"] intValue];
job->anamorphic.par_width = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PicturePARPixelWidth"] intValue];
job->anamorphic.par_height = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PicturePARPixelHeight"] intValue];
job->anamorphic.dar_width = job->anamorphic.dar_height = 0;
/* Here we use the crop values saved at the time the preset was saved */
job->crop[0] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureTopCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[1] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureBottomCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[2] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureLeftCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[3] = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureRightCrop"] intValue];
/* Video settings */
/* Framerate */
int fps_mode, fps_num, fps_den;
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobIndexVideoFramerate"] intValue] > 0)
/* a specific framerate has been chosen */
fps_num = 27000000;
fps_den = (int)[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobIndexVideoFramerate"] intValue];
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoFramerateMode"] isEqualToString:@"cfr"])
// CFR
fps_mode = 1;
// PFR
fps_mode = 2;
/* same as source */
fps_num = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobVrate"] intValue];
fps_den = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobVrateBase"] intValue];
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoFramerateMode"] isEqualToString:@"cfr"])
// CFR
fps_mode = 1;
// VFR
fps_mode = 0;
if ( [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoQualityType"] intValue] != 2 )
job->vquality = -1.0;
job->vbitrate = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoAvgBitrate"] intValue];
if ( [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoQualityType"] intValue] == 2 )
job->vquality = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoQualitySlider"] floatValue];
job->vbitrate = 0;
job->grayscale = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"VideoGrayScale"] intValue];
// Map the settings in the dictionaries for the SubtitleList array to match title->list_subtitle
BOOL one_burned = NO;
int i = 0;
NSArray *subtitles = [queueToApply objectForKey:@"SubtitleList"];
for (id subtitleDict in subtitles)
int subtitle = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackIndex] intValue];
int force = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackForced] intValue];
int burned = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackBurned] intValue];
int def = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackDefault] intValue];
// if i is 0, then we are in the first item of the subtitles which we need to
// check for the "Foreign Audio Search" which would be keySubTrackIndex of -1
// if we are on the first track and using "Foreign Audio Search"
if (i == 0 && subtitle == -1)
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Foreign Language Search: %d", 1];
job->indepth_scan = 1;
if (burned != 1)
job->select_subtitle_config.dest = PASSTHRUSUB;
job->select_subtitle_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
job->select_subtitle_config.force = force;
job->select_subtitle_config.default_track = def;
// if we are getting the subtitles from an external srt file
if ([subtitleDict[keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
hb_subtitle_config_t sub_config;
sub_config.offset = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtOffset] intValue];
// we need to srncpy file name and codeset
strncpy(sub_config.src_filename, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtFilePath] UTF8String], 255);
sub_config.src_filename[255] = 0;
strncpy(sub_config.src_codeset, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtCharCode] UTF8String], 39);
sub_config.src_codeset[39] = 0;
if( !burned && hb_subtitle_can_pass( SRTSUB, job->mux ) )
sub_config.dest = PASSTHRUSUB;
else if( hb_subtitle_can_burn( SRTSUB ) )
// Only allow one subtitle to be burned into the video
if( one_burned )
one_burned = TRUE;
sub_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
sub_config.force = 0;
sub_config.default_track = def;
hb_srt_add( job, &sub_config, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode] UTF8String]);
/* We are setting a source subtitle so access the source subtitle info */
hb_subtitle_t * subt = (hb_subtitle_t *) hb_list_item( title->list_subtitle, subtitle );
if( subt != NULL )
hb_subtitle_config_t sub_config = subt->config;
if( !burned && hb_subtitle_can_pass( subt->source, job->mux ) )
sub_config.dest = PASSTHRUSUB;
else if( hb_subtitle_can_burn( subt->source ) )
// Only allow one subtitle to be burned into the video
if( one_burned )
one_burned = TRUE;
sub_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
sub_config.force = force;
sub_config.default_track = def;
hb_subtitle_add( job, &sub_config, subtitle );
if( one_burned )
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_RENDER_SUB );
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%d:%d:%d",
job->crop[0], job->crop[1],
job->crop[2], job->crop[3]] UTF8String] );
/* Auto Passthru */
job->acodec_copy_mask = 0;
if( [[queueToApply objectForKey: @"AudioAllowAACPass"] intValue] == 1 )
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_FFAAC;
if( [[queueToApply objectForKey: @"AudioAllowAC3Pass"] intValue] == 1 )
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_AC3;
if( [[queueToApply objectForKey: @"AudioAllowDTSHDPass"] intValue] == 1 )
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_DCA_HD;
if( [[queueToApply objectForKey: @"AudioAllowDTSPass"] intValue] == 1 )
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_DCA;
if( [[queueToApply objectForKey: @"AudioAllowMP3Pass"] intValue] == 1 )
job->acodec_copy_mask |= HB_ACODEC_MP3;
job->acodec_fallback = [[queueToApply objectForKey: @"JobAudioEncoderFallback"] intValue];
/* Audio tracks and mixdowns */
/* Now lets add our new tracks to the audio list here */
for (NSDictionary *audioDict in [queueToApply objectForKey:@"AudioList"])
audio = (hb_audio_config_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(*audio));
audio->in.track = [audioDict[@"Track"] intValue];
/* We go ahead and assign values to our audio->out. */
audio->out.track = audio->in.track;
audio->out.codec = [audioDict[@"JobEncoder"] intValue];
audio->out.compression_level = hb_audio_compression_get_default(audio->out.codec);
audio->out.mixdown = [audioDict[@"JobMixdown"] intValue];
audio->out.normalize_mix_level = 0;
audio->out.bitrate = [audioDict[@"JobBitrate"] intValue];
audio->out.samplerate = [audioDict[@"JobSamplerate"] intValue];
audio->out.dynamic_range_compression = [audioDict[@"TrackDRCSlider"] intValue];
audio->out.gain = [audioDict[@"TrackGainSlider"] intValue];
audio->out.dither_method = hb_audio_dither_get_default();
hb_audio_add(job, audio);
/* Now lets call the filters if applicable.
* The order of the filters is critical
/* Detelecine */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DETELECINE );
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue] == 1)
/* use a custom detelecine string */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecineCustom"] UTF8String] );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue] == 2)
/* Use libhb's default values */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, NULL );
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] intValue] == 1)
/* Decomb */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DECOMB );
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] == 1)
/* use a custom decomb string */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecombCustom"] UTF8String] );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] == 2)
/* use libhb defaults */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, NULL );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] == 3)
/* use old defaults (decomb fast) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "7:2:6:9:1:80" );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] == 4)
/* decomb 3 with bobbing enabled */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "455" );
/* Deinterlace */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE );
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] == 1)
/* we add the custom string if present */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"] UTF8String] );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] == 2)
/* Run old deinterlacer fd by default */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "0" );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] == 3)
/* Yadif mode 0 (without spatial deinterlacing) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "1" );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] == 4)
/* Yadif (with spatial deinterlacing) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "3" );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] == 5)
/* Yadif (with spatial deinterlacing and bobbing) */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "15" );
/* Denoise */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DENOISE );
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] == 1) // Custom in popup
/* we add the custom string if present */
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoiseCustom"] UTF8String] );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] == 2) // Weak in popup
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "2:1:1:2:3:3" );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] == 3) // Medium in popup
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "3:2:2:2:3:3" );
else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] == 4) // Strong in popup
hb_add_filter( job, filter, "7:7:7:5:5:5" );
/* Deblock (uses pp7 default) */
/* NOTE: even though there is a valid deblock setting of 0 for the filter, for
* the macgui's purposes a value of 0 actually means to not even use the filter
* current hb_filter_deblock.settings valid ranges are from 5 - 15
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_DEBLOCK );
if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeblock"] intValue] != 0)
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"PictureDeblock"] UTF8String] );
/* Add Crop/Scale filter */
filter = hb_filter_init( HB_FILTER_CROP_SCALE );
hb_add_filter( job, filter, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d",
job->crop[0], job->crop[1],
job->crop[2], job->crop[3]] UTF8String] );
/* Add framerate shaping filter */
filter = hb_filter_init(HB_FILTER_VFR);
hb_add_filter(job, filter, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%d:%d",
fps_mode, fps_num, fps_den] UTF8String]);
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "prepareJob exiting"];
/* addToQueue: puts up an alert before ultimately calling doAddToQueue
- (IBAction) addToQueue: (id) sender
/* We get the destination directory from the destination field here */
NSString *destinationDirectory = [[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
/* We check for a valid destination here */
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:destinationDirectory] == 0)
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Warning!", @"This is not a valid destination directory!", @"OK", nil, nil);
BOOL fileExists;
fileExists = NO;
BOOL fileExistsInQueue;
fileExistsInQueue = NO;
/* We check for and existing file here */
if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath: [fDstFile2Field stringValue]])
fileExists = YES;
/* We now run through the queue and make sure we are not overwriting an exisiting queue item */
int i = 0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [QueueFileArray objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSDictionary *thisQueueDict = tempObject;
if ([[thisQueueDict objectForKey:@"DestinationPath"] isEqualToString: [fDstFile2Field stringValue]])
fileExistsInQueue = YES;
if(fileExists == YES)
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"File already exists."
informativeTextWithFormat:@"Do you want to overwrite %@?", [fDstFile2Field stringValue]];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector( overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ) contextInfo:NULL];
else if (fileExistsInQueue == YES)
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"There is already a queue item for this destination."
informativeTextWithFormat:@"Do you want to overwrite %@?", [fDstFile2Field stringValue]];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector( overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ) contextInfo:NULL];
[self doAddToQueue];
/* overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone: called from the alert posted by addToQueue that asks
the user if they want to overwrite an exiting movie file.
- (void) overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone: (NSWindow *) sheet
returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
if( returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn )
[self doAddToQueue];
- (void) doAddToQueue
[self addQueueFileItem ];
/* Rip: puts up an alert before ultimately calling doRip
- (IBAction) Rip: (id) sender
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Rip: Pending queue count is %d", fPendingCount];
/* Rip or Cancel ? */
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state2( fQueueEncodeLibhb, &s );
if(s.state == HB_STATE_WORKING || s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
[self Cancel: sender];
/* We check to see if we need to warn the user that the computer will go to sleep
or shut down when encoding is finished */
[self remindUserOfSleepOrShutdown];
// If there are pending jobs in the queue, then this is a rip the queue
if (fPendingCount > 0)
currentQueueEncodeIndex = [self getNextPendingQueueIndex];
/* here lets start the queue with the first pending item */
[self performNewQueueScan:[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"SourcePath"] scanTitleNum:[[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"TitleNumber"]intValue]];
// Before adding jobs to the queue, check for a valid destination.
NSString *destinationDirectory = [[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:destinationDirectory] == 0)
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Warning!", @"This is not a valid destination directory!", @"OK", nil, nil);
/* We check for duplicate name here */
if( [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[fDstFile2Field stringValue]] )
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"File already exists."
informativeTextWithFormat:@"Do you want to overwrite %@?", [fDstFile2Field stringValue]];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector( overWriteAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ) contextInfo:NULL];
// overWriteAlertDone: will be called when the alert is dismissed. It will call doRip.
/* if there are no pending jobs in the queue, then add this one to the queue and rip
otherwise, just rip the queue */
if(fPendingCount == 0)
[self doAddToQueue];
/* go right to processing the new queue encode */
currentQueueEncodeIndex = [self getNextPendingQueueIndex];
[self performNewQueueScan:[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"SourcePath"] scanTitleNum:[[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"TitleNumber"]intValue]];
/* overWriteAlertDone: called from the alert posted by Rip: that asks the user if they
want to overwrite an exiting movie file.
- (void) overWriteAlertDone: (NSWindow *) sheet
returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
if( returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn )
/* if there are no jobs in the queue, then add this one to the queue and rip
otherwise, just rip the queue */
if( fPendingCount == 0 )
[self doAddToQueue];
NSString *destinationDirectory = [[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:destinationDirectory forKey:@"LastDestinationDirectory"];
currentQueueEncodeIndex = [self getNextPendingQueueIndex];
[self performNewQueueScan:[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"SourcePath"] scanTitleNum:[[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"TitleNumber"]intValue]];
- (void) remindUserOfSleepOrShutdown
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Put Computer To Sleep"])
/*Warn that computer will sleep after encoding*/
NSInteger reminduser;
reminduser = NSRunAlertPanel(@"The computer will sleep after encoding is done.",@"You have selected to sleep the computer after encoding. To turn off sleeping, go to the HandBrake preferences.", @"OK", @"Preferences…", nil);
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
if ( reminduser == NSAlertAlternateReturn )
[self showPreferencesWindow:nil];
else if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AlertWhenDone"] isEqualToString: @"Shut Down Computer"])
/*Warn that computer will shut down after encoding*/
NSInteger reminduser;
reminduser = NSRunAlertPanel(@"The computer will shut down after encoding is done.",@"You have selected to shut down the computer after encoding. To turn off shut down, go to the HandBrake preferences.", @"OK", @"Preferences…", nil);
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
if ( reminduser == NSAlertAlternateReturn )
[self showPreferencesWindow:nil];
- (void) doRip
/* Let libhb do the job */
hb_start( fQueueEncodeLibhb );
/* set the fEncodeState State */
fEncodeState = 1;
// Displays an alert asking user if the want to cancel encoding of current job.
// Cancel: returns immediately after posting the alert. Later, when the user
// acknowledges the alert, doCancelCurrentJob is called.
- (IBAction)Cancel: (id)sender
if (!fQueueController) return;
* No need to allow system sleep here as we'll either call Cancel:
* (which will take care of it) or resume right away
NSString * alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"You are currently encoding. What would you like to do ?", nil)];
// Which window to attach the sheet to?
NSWindow * docWindow;
if ([sender respondsToSelector: @selector(window)])
docWindow = [sender window];
docWindow = fWindow;
NSLocalizedString(@"Continue Encoding", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel Current and Stop", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel Current and Continue", nil),
docWindow, self,
nil, @selector(didDimissCancel:returnCode:contextInfo:), nil,
NSLocalizedString(@"Your encode will be cancelled if you don't continue encoding.", nil));
// didDimissCancelCurrentJob:returnCode:contextInfo: will be called when the dialog is dismissed
- (void) didDimissCancel: (NSWindow *)sheet returnCode: (int)returnCode contextInfo: (void *)contextInfo
/* No need to prevent system sleep here as we didn't allow it in Cancel: */
if (returnCode == NSAlertOtherReturn)
[self doCancelCurrentJob]; // <- this also stops libhb
else if (returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn)
[self doCancelCurrentJobAndStop];
// Cancels and deletes the current job and stops libhb from processing the remaining
// encodes.
- (void) doCancelCurrentJob
// Stop the current job. hb_stop will only cancel the current pass and then set
// its state to HB_STATE_WORKDONE. It also does this asynchronously. So when we
// see the state has changed to HB_STATE_WORKDONE (in updateUI), we'll delete the
// remaining passes of the job and then start the queue back up if there are any
// remaining jobs.
// Delete all remaining jobs since libhb doesn't do this on its own.
hb_job_t * job;
while( ( job = hb_job(fQueueEncodeLibhb, 0) ) )
hb_rem( fQueueEncodeLibhb, job );
fEncodeState = 2; // don't alert at end of processing since this was a cancel
// now that we've stopped the currently encoding job, lets mark it as cancelled
[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:3] forKey:@"Status"];
// and as always, save it in Queue.plist
/* We save all of the Queue data here */
[self saveQueueFileItem];
// and see if there are more items left in our queue
NSInteger queueItems = [QueueFileArray count];
/* If we still have more items in our queue, lets go to the next one */
/* Check to see if there are any more pending items in the queue */
NSInteger newQueueItemIndex = [self getNextPendingQueueIndex];
/* If we still have more pending items in our queue, lets go to the next one */
if (newQueueItemIndex >= 0 && newQueueItemIndex < queueItems)
/*Set our currentQueueEncodeIndex now to the newly found Pending encode as we own it */
currentQueueEncodeIndex = newQueueItemIndex;
/* now we mark the queue item as Status = 1 ( being encoded ) so another instance can not come along and try to scan it while we are scanning */
[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"Status"];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "incrementQueueItemDone new pending items found: %d", currentQueueEncodeIndex];
[self saveQueueFileItem];
/* now we can go ahead and scan the new pending queue item */
[self performNewQueueScan:[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"SourcePath"] scanTitleNum:[[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] objectForKey:@"TitleNumber"]intValue]];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "incrementQueueItemDone there are no more pending encodes"];
- (void) doCancelCurrentJobAndStop
// Delete all remaining jobs since libhb doesn't do this on its own.
hb_job_t * job;
while( ( job = hb_job(fQueueEncodeLibhb, 0) ) )
hb_rem( fQueueEncodeLibhb, job );
fEncodeState = 2; // don't alert at end of processing since this was a cancel
// now that we've stopped the currently encoding job, lets mark it as cancelled
[[QueueFileArray objectAtIndex:currentQueueEncodeIndex] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:3] forKey:@"Status"];
// and as always, save it in Queue.plist
/* We save all of the Queue data here */
[self saveQueueFileItem];
// so now lets move to
currentQueueEncodeIndex++ ;
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "cancelling current job and stopping the queue"];
- (IBAction) Pause: (id) sender
hb_state_t s;
hb_get_state2(fQueueEncodeLibhb, &s);
if (s.state == HB_STATE_PAUSED)
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Batch Queue Titles Methods
- (IBAction) addAllTitlesToQueue: (id) sender
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"You are about to add ALL titles to the queue!"
alternateButton:@"Yes, I want to add all titles to the queue"
informativeTextWithFormat:@"Current settings will be applied to all %ld titles. Are you sure you want to do this?", (long)[fSrcTitlePopUp numberOfItems]];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector( addAllTitlesToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ) contextInfo:NULL];
- (void) addAllTitlesToQueueAlertDone: (NSWindow *) sheet
returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
if( returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn )
[self doAddAllTitlesToQueue];
- (void) doAddAllTitlesToQueue
/* first get the currently selected index so we can choose it again after cycling through the available titles. */
NSInteger currentlySelectedTitle = [fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem];
/* For each title in the fSrcTitlePopUp, select it */
for( int i = 0; i < [fSrcTitlePopUp numberOfItems]; i++ )
[fSrcTitlePopUp selectItemAtIndex:i];
/* Now call titlePopUpChanged to load it up */
[self titlePopUpChanged:nil];
/* now add the title to the queue */
[self addToQueue:nil];
/* Now that we are done, reselect the previously selected title.*/
[fSrcTitlePopUp selectItemAtIndex: currentlySelectedTitle];
/* Now call titlePopUpChanged to load it up */
[self titlePopUpChanged:nil];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark GUI Controls Changed Methods
- (void)updateFileName
if (!SuccessfulScan)
hb_list_t *list = hb_get_titles(fHandle);
hb_title_t *title = (hb_title_t *)
hb_list_item(list, (int)[fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem]);
// Generate a new file name
NSString *fileName = [HBUtilities automaticNameForSource:[browsedSourceDisplayName stringByDeletingPathExtension]
title: title->index
chapters:NSMakeRange([fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1, [fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1)
quality:fVideoController.selectedQualityType ? fVideoController.selectedQuality : 0
bitrate:!fVideoController.selectedQualityType ? fVideoController.selectedBitrate : 0
// Swap the old one with the new one
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.%@",
[[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent],
[[fDstFile2Field stringValue] pathExtension]]];
- (IBAction) titlePopUpChanged: (id) sender
hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fHandle );
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t*)
hb_list_item( list, (int)[fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
/* If we are a stream type and a batch scan, grok the output file name from title->name upon title change */
if ((title->type == HB_STREAM_TYPE || title->type == HB_FF_STREAM_TYPE) &&
hb_list_count( list ) > 1 )
/* we set the default name according to the new title->name */
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@/%@.%@", [[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent],
[NSString stringWithUTF8String: title->name],
[[fDstFile2Field stringValue] pathExtension]]];
/* Change the source to read out the parent folder also */
[fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", browsedSourceDisplayName,[NSString stringWithUTF8String: title->name]]];
/* For point a to point b pts encoding, set the start and end fields to 0 and the title duration in seconds respectively */
int duration = (title->hours * 3600) + (title->minutes * 60) + (title->seconds);
[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", 0]];
[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", duration]];
/* For point a to point b frame encoding, set the start and end fields to 0 and the title duration * announced fps in seconds respectively */
[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", 1]];
//[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", ((title->hours * 3600) + (title->minutes * 60) + (title->seconds)) * 24]];
[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", duration * (title->rate / title->rate_base)]];
/* Update encode start / stop variables */
/* Update chapter popups */
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp removeAllItems];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp removeAllItems];
for( int i = 0; i < hb_list_count( title->list_chapter ); i++ )
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp addItemWithTitle: [NSString
stringWithFormat: @"%d", i + 1]];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp addItemWithTitle: [NSString
stringWithFormat: @"%d", i + 1]];
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp selectItemAtIndex: 0];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp selectItemAtIndex:
hb_list_count( title->list_chapter ) - 1];
[self chapterPopUpChanged:nil];
/* if using dvd nav, show the angle widget */
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"UseDvdNav"] boolValue])
[fSrcAngleLabel setHidden:NO];
[fSrcAnglePopUp setHidden:NO];
[fSrcAnglePopUp removeAllItems];
for( int i = 0; i < title->angle_count; i++ )
[fSrcAnglePopUp addItemWithTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", i + 1]];
[fSrcAnglePopUp selectItemAtIndex: 0];
[fSrcAngleLabel setHidden:YES];
[fSrcAnglePopUp setHidden:YES];
/* Start Get and set the initial pic size for display */
fTitle = title;
/* Set Auto Crop to on upon selecting a new title */
[fPictureController setAutoCrop:YES];
/* We get the originial output picture width and height and put them
in variables for use with some presets later on */
AutoCropTop = title->crop[0];
AutoCropBottom = title->crop[1];
AutoCropLeft = title->crop[2];
AutoCropRight = title->crop[3];
/* Update the others views */
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:
[NSNotification notificationWithName: HBTitleChangedNotification
object: self
userInfo: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: &fTitle length: sizeof(fTitle) freeWhenDone: NO], keyTitleTag,
/* If Auto Naming is on. We create an output filename of dvd name - title number */
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"])
[self updateFileName];
/* lets call tableViewSelected to make sure that any preset we have selected is enforced after a title change */
[self selectPreset:nil];
- (IBAction) encodeStartStopPopUpChanged: (id) sender;
if( [fEncodeStartStopPopUp isEnabled] )
/* We are chapters */
if( [fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 0 )
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp setHidden: NO];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp setHidden: NO];
[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[self chapterPopUpChanged:nil];
/* We are time based (seconds) */
else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 1)
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp setHidden: YES];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp setHidden: YES];
[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setHidden: NO];
[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setHidden: NO];
[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[self startEndSecValueChanged:nil];
/* We are frame based */
else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 2)
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp setHidden: YES];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp setHidden: YES];
[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setHidden: NO];
[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setHidden: NO];
[self startEndFrameValueChanged:nil];
- (IBAction) chapterPopUpChanged: (id) sender
/* If start chapter popup is greater than end chapter popup,
we set the end chapter popup to the same as start chapter popup */
if ([fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] > [fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem])
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp selectItemAtIndex: [fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem]];
hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fHandle );
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t *)
hb_list_item( list, (int)[fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
hb_chapter_t * chapter;
int64_t duration = 0;
for( NSInteger i = [fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem];
i <= [fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem]; i++ )
chapter = (hb_chapter_t *) hb_list_item( title->list_chapter, (int)i );
duration += chapter->duration;
duration /= 90000; /* pts -> seconds */
[fSrcDuration2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", duration / 3600, ( duration / 60 ) % 60,
duration % 60]];
/* We're changing the chapter range - we may need to flip the m4v/mp4 extension */
if ([[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag] & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
[self autoSetM4vExtension:sender];
/* If Auto Naming is on it might need to be update if it includes the chapters range */
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"])
[self updateFileName];
- (IBAction) startEndSecValueChanged: (id) sender
int duration = [fSrcTimeEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField intValue];
[fSrcDuration2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%02d:%02d:%02d", duration / 3600, ( duration / 60 ) % 60,
duration % 60]];
- (IBAction) startEndFrameValueChanged: (id) sender
hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fHandle );
hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t*)
hb_list_item( list, (int)[fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
int duration = ([fSrcFrameEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField intValue]) / (title->rate / title->rate_base);
[fSrcDuration2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%02d:%02d:%02d", duration / 3600, ( duration / 60 ) % 60,
duration % 60]];
- (IBAction) formatPopUpChanged: (id) sender
NSString *string = [fDstFile2Field stringValue];
int videoContainer = (int)[[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag];
const char *ext = NULL;
/* Initially set the large file (64 bit formatting) output checkbox to hidden */
[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setHidden:YES];
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setHidden:YES];
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setHidden:YES];
// enable chapter markers and hide muxer-specific options
[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setHidden:YES];
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setHidden:YES];
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setHidden:YES];
switch (videoContainer)
case HB_MUX_MP4V2:
[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setHidden:NO];
case HB_MUX_AV_MP4:
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setHidden:NO];
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setHidden:NO];
// set the file extension
ext = hb_container_get_default_extension(videoContainer);
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%s",
[string stringByDeletingPathExtension],
if (videoContainer & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
[self autoSetM4vExtension:sender];
/* post a notification for any interested observers to indicate that our video container has changed */
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:
[NSNotification notificationWithName:HBContainerChangedNotification
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:videoContainer], keyContainerTag,
[self customSettingUsed:sender];
- (void) autoSetM4vExtension:(NSNotification *)notification
if (!([[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag] & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4))
NSString * extension = @"mp4";
BOOL anyCodecAC3 = [fAudioController anyCodecMatches: HB_ACODEC_AC3] || [fAudioController anyCodecMatches: HB_ACODEC_AC3_PASS];
/* Chapter markers are enabled if the checkbox is ticked and we are doing p2p or we have > 1 chapter */
BOOL chapterMarkers = (fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers) &&
([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0 ||
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] < [fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem]);
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"DefaultMpegExtension"] isEqualToString: @".m4v"] ||
((YES == anyCodecAC3 || YES == chapterMarkers) &&
[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"DefaultMpegExtension"] isEqualToString: @"Auto"] ))
extension = @"m4v";
if( [extension isEqualTo: [[fDstFile2Field stringValue] pathExtension]] )
[fDstFile2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@",
[[fDstFile2Field stringValue] stringByDeletingPathExtension], extension]];
- (void)updateMp4Checkboxes:(NSNotification *)notification
if (fVideoController.selectedCodec != HB_VCODEC_X264)
/* We set the iPod atom checkbox to disabled and uncheck it as its only for x264 in the mp4
* container. Format is taken care of in formatPopUpChanged method by hiding and unchecking
* anything other than MP4. */
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setEnabled: NO];
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setState: NSOffState];
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setEnabled: YES];
/* Method to determine if we should change the UI
To reflect whether or not a Preset is being used or if
the user is using "Custom" settings by determining the sender*/
- (IBAction) customSettingUsed: (id) sender
if ([sender stringValue])
/* Deselect the currently selected Preset if there is one*/
[fPresetsOutlineView deselectRow:[fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow]];
/* Change UI to show "Custom" settings are being used */
[fPresetSelectedDisplay setStringValue: @"Custom"];
/* If Auto Naming is on it might need to be update if it includes the quality token */
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"])
[self updateFileName];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - Picture
* Registers changes made in the Picture Settings Window.
- (void)pictureSettingsDidChange
// align picture settings and video filters in the UI using tabs
fVideoController.pictureSettingsField = [self pictureSettingsSummary];
fVideoController.pictureFiltersField = [self pictureFiltersSummary];
/* Store storage resolution for unparse */
if (fTitle)
fVideoController.fX264PresetsWidthForUnparse = fTitle->job->width;
fVideoController.fX264PresetsHeightForUnparse = fTitle->job->height;
// width or height may have changed, unparse
[fVideoController x264PresetsChangedDisplayExpandedOptions:nil];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - Text Summaries
- (NSString*) pictureSettingsSummary
NSMutableString *summary = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
if (fPictureController && fTitle && fTitle->job)
[summary appendString:[fPictureController pictureSizeInfoString]];
if (fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode != HB_ANAMORPHIC_STRICT)
// anamorphic is not Strict, show the modulus
[summary appendFormat:@", Modulus: %d", fTitle->job->modulus];
[summary appendFormat:@", Crop: %s %d/%d/%d/%d",
[fPictureController autoCrop] ? "Auto" : "Custom",
fTitle->job->crop[0], fTitle->job->crop[1],
fTitle->job->crop[2], fTitle->job->crop[3]];
return [NSString stringWithString:summary];
- (NSString*) pictureFiltersSummary
NSMutableString *summary = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
if (fPictureController)
/* Detelecine */
switch ([fPictureController detelecine])
case 1:
[summary appendFormat:@" - Detelecine (%@)",
[fPictureController detelecineCustomString]];
case 2:
[summary appendString:@" - Detelecine (Default)"];
if ([fPictureController useDecomb] == 1)
/* Decomb */
switch ([fPictureController decomb])
case 1:
[summary appendFormat:@" - Decomb (%@)",
[fPictureController decombCustomString]];
case 2:
[summary appendString:@" - Decomb (Default)"];
case 3:
[summary appendString:@" - Decomb (Fast)"];
case 4:
[summary appendString:@" - Decomb (Bob)"];
/* Deinterlace */
switch ([fPictureController deinterlace])
case 1:
[summary appendFormat:@" - Deinterlace (%@)",
[fPictureController deinterlaceCustomString]];
case 2:
[summary appendString:@" - Deinterlace (Fast)"];
case 3:
[summary appendString:@" - Deinterlace (Slow)"];
case 4:
[summary appendString:@" - Deinterlace (Slower)"];
case 5:
[summary appendString:@" - Deinterlace (Bob)"];
/* Deblock */
if ([fPictureController deblock] > 0)
[summary appendFormat:@" - Deblock (%ld)",
(long)[fPictureController deblock]];
/* Denoise */
switch ([fPictureController denoise])
case 1:
[summary appendFormat:@" - Denoise (%@)",
[fPictureController denoiseCustomString]];
case 2:
[summary appendString:@" - Denoise (Weak)"];
case 3:
[summary appendString:@" - Denoise (Medium)"];
case 4:
[summary appendString:@" - Denoise (Strong)"];
/* Grayscale */
if ([fPictureController grayscale])
[summary appendString:@" - Grayscale"];
if ([summary hasPrefix:@" - "])
[summary deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 3)];
return [NSString stringWithString:summary];
- (NSString*) muxerOptionsSummary
NSMutableString *summary = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
if ([fDstMp4LargeFileCheck isHidden] == NO &&
[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck isEnabled] == YES &&
[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck state] == NSOnState)
[summary appendString:@" - Large file size"];
if ([fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck isHidden] == NO &&
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck isEnabled] == YES &&
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck state] == NSOnState)
[summary appendString:@" - Web optimized"];
if ([fDstMp4iPodFileCheck isHidden] == NO &&
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck isEnabled] == YES &&
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck state] == NSOnState)
[summary appendString:@" - iPod 5G support"];
if ([summary hasPrefix:@" - "])
[summary deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 3)];
return [NSString stringWithString:summary];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Open New Windows
- (IBAction) openHomepage: (id) sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: [NSURL
- (IBAction) openForums: (id) sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: [NSURL
- (IBAction) openUserGuide: (id) sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: [NSURL
* Shows debug output window.
- (IBAction)showDebugOutputPanel:(id)sender
[outputPanel showOutputPanel:sender];
* Shows preferences window.
- (IBAction) showPreferencesWindow: (id) sender
NSWindow * window = [fPreferencesController window];
if (![window isVisible])
[window center];
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
* Shows queue window.
- (IBAction) showQueueWindow:(id)sender
[fQueueController showQueueWindow:sender];
- (IBAction) toggleDrawer:(id)sender
[fPresetDrawer toggle:self];
* Shows Picture Settings Window.
- (IBAction) showPicturePanel: (id) sender
[fPictureController showPictureWindow:sender];
- (IBAction) showPreviewWindow: (id) sender
[fPictureController showPreviewWindow:sender];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Preset Outline View Methods
#pragma mark - Required
/* These are required by the NSOutlineView Datasource Delegate */
/* used to specify the number of levels to show for each item */
- (NSInteger)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)fPresetsOutlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item
/* currently use no levels to test outline view viability */
if (item == nil) // for an outline view the root level of the hierarchy is always nil
return [UserPresets count];
/* we need to return the count of the array in ChildrenArray for this folder */
NSArray *children = nil;
children = [item objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"];
if ([children count] > 0)
return [children count];
return 0;
/* We use this to deterimine children of an item */
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)fPresetsOutlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item
/* we need to return the count of the array in ChildrenArray for this folder */
NSArray *children = nil;
if (item == nil)
children = UserPresets;
if ([item objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"])
children = [item objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"];
if ((children == nil) || ( [children count] <= (NSUInteger) index))
return nil;
return [children objectAtIndex:index];
// We are only one level deep, so we can't be asked about children
//NSAssert (NO, @"Presets View outlineView:child:ofItem: currently can't handle nested items.");
//return nil;
/* We use this to determine if an item should be expandable */
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)fPresetsOutlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item
/* To deterimine if an item should show a disclosure triangle
* we could do it by the children count as so:
* if ([children count] < 1)
* However, lets leave the triangle show even if there are no
* children to help indicate a folder, just like folder in the
* finder can show a disclosure triangle even when empty
/* We need to determine if the item is a folder */
if ([[item objectForKey:@"Folder"] intValue] == 1)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldExpandItem:(id)item
// Our outline view has no levels, but we can still expand every item. Doing so
// just makes the row taller. See heightOfRowByItem below.
//return ![(HBQueueOutlineView*)outlineView isDragging];
return YES;
/* Used to tell the outline view which information is to be displayed per item */
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)fPresetsOutlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
/* We have two columns right now, icon and PresetName */
if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"PresetName"])
return [item objectForKey:@"PresetName"];
//return @"";
return nil;
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView itemForPersistentObject:(id)object
return [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:object];
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView persistentObjectForItem:(id)item
return [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:item];
#pragma mark - Added Functionality (optional)
/* Use to customize the font and display characteristics of the title cell */
- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item
if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"PresetName"])
NSFont *txtFont;
NSColor *fontColor;
txtFont = [NSFont systemFontOfSize: [NSFont smallSystemFontSize]];
/*check to see if its a selected row */
if ([fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow] == [fPresetsOutlineView rowForItem:item])
fontColor = [NSColor blackColor];
if ([[item objectForKey:@"Type"] intValue] == 0)
fontColor = [NSColor blueColor];
else // User created preset, use a black font
fontColor = [NSColor blackColor];
/* check to see if its a folder */
//if ([[item objectForKey:@"Folder"] intValue] == 1)
//fontColor = [NSColor greenColor];
/* We use bold text for the default preset */
if (presetUserDefault == nil && // no User default found
[[item objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 1)// 1 is HB default
txtFont = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize: [NSFont smallSystemFontSize]];
if ([[item objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 2)// 2 is User default
txtFont = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize: [NSFont smallSystemFontSize]];
[cell setTextColor:fontColor];
[cell setFont:txtFont];
/* We use this to edit the name field in the outline view */
- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView setObjectValue:(id)object forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"PresetName"])
id theRecord;
theRecord = item;
[theRecord setObject:object forKey:@"PresetName"];
[self sortPresets];
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
/* We save all of the preset data here */
[self savePreset];
/* We use this to provide tooltips for the items in the presets outline view */
- (NSString *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)fPresetsOutlineView toolTipForCell:(NSCell *)cell rect:(NSRectPointer)rect tableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tc item:(id)item mouseLocation:(NSPoint)mouseLocation
//if ([[tc identifier] isEqualToString:@"PresetName"])
/* initialize the tooltip contents variable */
NSString *loc_tip;
/* if there is a description for the preset, we show it in the tooltip */
if ([item objectForKey:@"PresetDescription"])
loc_tip = [item objectForKey:@"PresetDescription"];
return (loc_tip);
loc_tip = @"No description available";
return (loc_tip);
- (void) outlineViewSelectionDidChange: (NSNotification *) ignored
[self willChangeValueForKey: @"hasValidPresetSelected"];
[self didChangeValueForKey: @"hasValidPresetSelected"];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Preset Outline View Methods (dragging related)
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView writeItems:(NSArray *)items toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
// Dragging is only allowed for custom presets.
//[[[self selectedPreset] objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] != 1
if ([[[self selectedPreset] objectForKey:@"Type"] intValue] == 0) // 0 is built in preset
return NO;
// Don't retain since this is just holding temporaral drag information, and it is
//only used during a drag! We could put this in the pboard actually.
fDraggedNodes = items;
// Provide data for our custom type, and simple NSStrings.
[pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: DragDropSimplePboardType, nil] owner:self];
// the actual data doesn't matter since DragDropSimplePboardType drags aren't recognized by anyone but us!.
[pboard setData:[NSData data] forType:DragDropSimplePboardType];
return YES;
- (NSDragOperation)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView validateDrop:(id )info proposedItem:(id)item proposedChildIndex:(NSInteger)index
// Don't allow dropping ONTO an item since they can't really contain any children.
BOOL isOnDropTypeProposal = index == NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex;
if (isOnDropTypeProposal)
return NSDragOperationNone;
// Don't allow dropping INTO an item since they can't really contain any children as of yet.
if (item != nil)
index = [fPresetsOutlineView rowForItem: item] + 1;
item = nil;
// Don't allow dropping into the Built In Presets.
if (index < presetCurrentBuiltInCount)
return NSDragOperationNone;
index = MAX (index, presetCurrentBuiltInCount);
[outlineView setDropItem:item dropChildIndex:index];
return NSDragOperationGeneric;
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView acceptDrop:(id )info item:(id)item childIndex:(NSInteger)index
/* first, lets see if we are dropping into a folder */
if ([[fPresetsOutlineView itemAtRow:index] objectForKey:@"Folder"] && [[[fPresetsOutlineView itemAtRow:index] objectForKey:@"Folder"] intValue] == 1) // if its a folder
NSMutableArray *childrenArray = [[fPresetsOutlineView itemAtRow:index] objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"];
[childrenArray addObject:item];
[[fPresetsOutlineView itemAtRow:index] setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: childrenArray] forKey:@"ChildrenArray"];
else // We are not, so we just move the preset into the existing array
NSMutableIndexSet *moveItems = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
id obj;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [fDraggedNodes objectEnumerator];
while (obj = [enumerator nextObject])
[moveItems addIndex:[UserPresets indexOfObject:obj]];
// Successful drop, lets rearrange the view and save it all
[self moveObjectsInPresetsArray:UserPresets fromIndexes:moveItems toIndex: index];
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
[self savePreset];
return YES;
- (void)moveObjectsInPresetsArray:(NSMutableArray *)array fromIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexSet toIndex:(NSUInteger)insertIndex
NSUInteger index = [indexSet lastIndex];
NSUInteger aboveInsertIndexCount = 0;
NSUInteger removeIndex;
if (index >= insertIndex)
removeIndex = index + aboveInsertIndexCount;
removeIndex = index;
id object = [[array objectAtIndex:removeIndex] retain];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:removeIndex];
[array insertObject:object atIndex:insertIndex];
[object release];
#pragma mark - Functional Preset NSOutlineView Methods
- (IBAction)selectPreset:(id)sender
if (YES == [self hasValidPresetSelected])
hb_job_t * job = fTitle->job;
// for mapping names via libhb
const char *strValue;
chosenPreset = [self selectedPreset];
[fPresetSelectedDisplay setStringValue:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PresetName"]];
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 1)
[fPresetSelectedDisplay setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (Default)", [chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PresetName"]]];
[fPresetSelectedDisplay setStringValue:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PresetName"]];
/* File Format */
/* map legacy container names via libhb */
strValue = hb_container_sanitize_name([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"FileFormat"] UTF8String]);
[fDstFormatPopUp selectItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", strValue]];
[self formatPopUpChanged:nil];
/* Chapter Markers*/
fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"ChapterMarkers"] boolValue];
/* check to see if we have only one chapter */
[self chapterPopUpChanged:nil];
/* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setState:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"] intValue]];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setState:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] intValue]];
/* Video encoder */
[fVideoController applySettingsFromPreset:chosenPreset];
if ([chosenPreset objectForKey:@"lavcOption"])
[fAdvancedOptions setLavcOptions:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"lavcOption"]];
[fAdvancedOptions setLavcOptions:@""];
/* Lets run through the following functions to get variables set there */
//[self videoEncoderPopUpChanged:nil];
/* Set the state of ipod compatible with Mp4iPodCompatible. Only for x264*/
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setState:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"Mp4iPodCompatible"] intValue]];
/* Audio */
[fAudioController applySettingsFromPreset: chosenPreset];
[fSubtitlesViewController applySettingsFromPreset:chosenPreset];
/* Picture Settings */
/* Note: objectForKey:@"UsesPictureSettings" refers to picture size, which encompasses:
* height, width, keep ar, anamorphic and crop settings.
* picture filters are handled separately below.
int maxWidth = fTitle->width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3];
int maxHeight = fTitle->height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1];
job->maxWidth = job->maxHeight = 0;
/* Check to see if the objectForKey:@"UsesPictureSettings is greater than 0, as 0 means use picture sizing "None"
* ( 2 is use max for source and 1 is use exact size when the preset was created ) and the
* preset completely ignores any picture sizing values in the preset.
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"UsesPictureSettings"] intValue] > 0)
/* If Cropping is set to custom, then recall all four crop values from
when the preset was created and apply them */
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureAutoCrop"] intValue] == 0)
[fPictureController setAutoCrop:NO];
/* Here we use the custom crop values saved at the time the preset was saved */
job->crop[0] = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureTopCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[1] = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureBottomCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[2] = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureLeftCrop"] intValue];
job->crop[3] = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureRightCrop"] intValue];
else /* if auto crop has been saved in preset, set to auto and use post scan auto crop */
[fPictureController setAutoCrop:YES];
/* Here we use the auto crop values determined right after scan */
job->crop[0] = AutoCropTop;
job->crop[1] = AutoCropBottom;
job->crop[2] = AutoCropLeft;
job->crop[3] = AutoCropRight;
/* crop may have changed, reset maxWidth/maxHeight */
maxWidth = fTitle->width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3];
maxHeight = fTitle->height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1];
/* Set modulus */
if ([chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureModulus"])
job->modulus = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureModulus"] intValue];
job->modulus = 16;
* Assume max picture settings initially
job->anamorphic.mode = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PicturePAR"] intValue];
job->width = fTitle->width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3];
job->height = fTitle->height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1];
job->anamorphic.keep_display_aspect = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureKeepRatio"] intValue];
/* Check to see if the objectForKey:@"UsesPictureSettings" is 2,
* which means "Use max. picture size for source"
* If not 2 it must be 1 here which means "Use the picture
* size specified in the preset"
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"UsesPictureSettings"] intValue] != 2 &&
[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"UsesMaxPictureSettings"] intValue] != 1)
* if the preset specifies neither max. width nor height
* (both are 0), use the max. picture size
* if the specified non-zero dimensions exceed those of the
* source, also use the max. picture size (no upscaling)
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureWidth"] intValue] > 0)
job->maxWidth = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureWidth"] intValue];
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureHeight"] intValue] > 0)
job->maxHeight = [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureHeight"] intValue];
/* Modulus added to maxWidth/maxHeight to allow a small amount of
* upscaling to the next mod boundary. This does not apply to
* explicit limits set for device compatibility. It only applies
* when limiting to cropped title dimensions.
maxWidth += job->modulus - 1;
maxHeight += job->modulus - 1;
if (job->maxWidth == 0 || job->maxWidth > maxWidth)
job->maxWidth = maxWidth;
if (job->maxHeight == 0 || job->maxHeight > maxHeight)
job->maxHeight = maxHeight;
int width, height, par_width, par_height;
hb_set_anamorphic_size(job, &width, &height, &par_width, &par_height);
job->width = width;
job->height = height;
job->anamorphic.par_width = par_width;
job->anamorphic.par_height = par_height;
/* If the preset has an objectForKey:@"UsesPictureFilters", and handle the filters here */
if ([chosenPreset objectForKey:@"UsesPictureFilters"] && [[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"UsesPictureFilters"] intValue] > 0)
/* Filters */
/* We only allow *either* Decomb or Deinterlace. So check for the PictureDecombDeinterlace key. */
[fPictureController setUseDecomb:1];
[fPictureController setDecomb:0];
[fPictureController setDeinterlace:0];
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"] intValue] == 1)
/* we are using decomb */
/* Decomb */
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setDecomb:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the decomb setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDecomb"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDecombCustomString:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDecombCustom"]];
/* We are using Deinterlace */
/* Deinterlace */
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setUseDecomb:0];
[fPictureController setDeinterlace:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the deinterlace setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDeinterlaceCustomString:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"]];
/* Detelecine */
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setDetelecine:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the detelecine setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecine"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDetelecineCustomString:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDetelecineCustom"]];
[fPictureController setDetelecine:0];
/* Denoise */
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] > 0)
[fPictureController setDenoise:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue]];
/* if we are using "Custom" in the denoise setting, also set the custom string*/
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDenoise"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setDenoiseCustomString:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDenoiseCustom"]];
[fPictureController setDenoise:0];
/* Deblock */
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDeblock"] intValue] == 1)
/* if its a one, then its the old on/off deblock, set on to 5*/
[fPictureController setDeblock:5];
/* use the settings intValue */
[fPictureController setDeblock:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"PictureDeblock"] intValue]];
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"VideoGrayScale"] intValue] == 1)
[fPictureController setGrayscale:1];
[fPictureController setGrayscale:0];
/* we call SetTitle: in fPictureController so we get an instant update in the Picture Settings window */
[fPictureController setTitle:fTitle];
[self pictureSettingsDidChange];
- (BOOL)hasValidPresetSelected
return ([fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow] >= 0 && [[[self selectedPreset] objectForKey:@"Folder"] intValue] != 1);
- (id)selectedPreset
return [fPresetsOutlineView itemAtRow:[fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow]];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Manage Presets
- (void) loadPresets {
/* We declare the default NSFileManager into fileManager */
NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
/* We define the location of the user presets file */
UserPresetsFile = [[[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"UserPresets.plist"] retain];
/* We check for the presets.plist */
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:UserPresetsFile] == 0)
[fileManager createFileAtPath:UserPresetsFile contents:nil attributes:nil];
UserPresets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:UserPresetsFile];
if (nil == UserPresets)
UserPresets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self addFactoryPresets:nil];
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
[self checkBuiltInsForUpdates];
- (void) checkBuiltInsForUpdates {
BOOL updateBuiltInPresets = NO;
int i = 0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [UserPresets objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
/* iterate through the built in presets to see if any have an old build number */
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDict = tempObject;
/*Key Type == 0 is built in, and key PresetBuildNumber is the build number it was created with */
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Type"] intValue] == 0)
if (![thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"PresetBuildNumber"] || [[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"PresetBuildNumber"] intValue] < [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue])
updateBuiltInPresets = YES;
/* if we have built in presets to update, then do so AlertBuiltInPresetUpdate*/
if ( updateBuiltInPresets == YES)
if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AlertBuiltInPresetUpdate"] == YES)
/* Show an alert window that built in presets will be updated */
/*On Screen Notification*/
NSRunAlertPanel(@"HandBrake has determined your built in presets are out of date…",@"HandBrake will now update your built-in presets.", @"OK", nil, nil);
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
/* when alert is dismissed, go ahead and update the built in presets */
[self addFactoryPresets:nil];
- (IBAction) addPresetPicDropdownChanged: (id) sender
if ([[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp selectedItem] tag] == 1)
[fPresetNewPicWidthHeightBox setHidden:NO];
[fPresetNewPicWidthHeightBox setHidden:YES];
- (IBAction) showAddPresetPanel: (id) sender
/* Deselect the currently selected Preset if there is one*/
[fPresetsOutlineView deselectRow:[fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow]];
* Populate the preset picture settings popup.
* Custom is not applicable when the anamorphic mode is Strict.
* Use [NSMenuItem tag] to store preset values for each option.
[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp removeAllItems];
[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:@"None"];
[[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 0];
if (fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode != HB_ANAMORPHIC_STRICT)
// not Strict, Custom is applicable
[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:@"Custom"];
[[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 1];
[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp addItemWithTitle:@"Source Maximum (post source scan)"];
[[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp lastItem] setTag: 2];
* Default to Source Maximum for anamorphic Strict
* Default to Custom for all other anamorphic modes
[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp selectItemWithTag: (1 + (fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode == HB_ANAMORPHIC_STRICT))];
/* Save the current filters in the preset by default */
[fPresetNewPicFiltersCheck setState:NSOnState];
// fPresetNewFolderCheck
[fPresetNewFolderCheck setState:NSOffState];
/* Erase info from the input fields*/
[fPresetNewName setStringValue: @""];
[fPresetNewDesc setStringValue: @""];
/* Initialize custom height and width settings to current values */
[fPresetNewPicWidth setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",fTitle->job->width]];
[fPresetNewPicHeight setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",fTitle->job->height]];
[self addPresetPicDropdownChanged:nil];
/* Show the panel */
[NSApp beginSheet:fAddPresetPanel modalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
- (IBAction) closeAddPresetPanel: (id) sender
[NSApp endSheet: fAddPresetPanel];
[fAddPresetPanel orderOut: self];
- (IBAction)addUserPreset:(id)sender
if (![[fPresetNewName stringValue] length])
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Warning!", @"You need to insert a name for the preset.", @"OK", nil , nil);
/* Here we create a custom user preset */
[UserPresets addObject:[self createPreset]];
[self addPreset];
[self closeAddPresetPanel:nil];
- (void)addPreset
/* We Reload the New Table data for presets */
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
/* We save all of the preset data here */
[self savePreset];
- (void)sortPresets
/* We Sort the Presets By Factory or Custom */
NSSortDescriptor * presetTypeDescriptor=[[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"Type"
ascending:YES] autorelease];
/* We Sort the Presets Alphabetically by name We do not use this now as we have drag and drop*/
NSSortDescriptor * presetNameDescriptor=[[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"PresetName"
ascending:YES selector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)] autorelease];
//NSArray *sortDescriptors=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:presetTypeDescriptor,presetNameDescriptor,nil];
/* Since we can drag and drop our custom presets, lets just sort by type and not name */
NSArray *sortDescriptors=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:presetTypeDescriptor,nil];
NSArray *sortedArray=[UserPresets sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
[UserPresets setArray:sortedArray];
- (IBAction)insertPreset:(id)sender
NSInteger index = [fPresetsOutlineView selectedRow];
[UserPresets insertObject:[self createPreset] atIndex:index];
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
[self savePreset];
- (NSDictionary *)createPreset
NSMutableDictionary *preset = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
/* Preset build number */
[preset setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue]] forKey:@"PresetBuildNumber"];
[preset setObject:[fPresetNewName stringValue] forKey:@"PresetName"];
/* Get the New Preset Name from the field in the AddPresetPanel */
[preset setObject:[fPresetNewName stringValue] forKey:@"PresetName"];
/* Set whether or not this is to be a folder fPresetNewFolderCheck*/
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[fPresetNewFolderCheck state]] forKey:@"Folder"];
/*Set whether or not this is a user preset or factory 0 is factory, 1 is user*/
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"Type"];
/*Set whether or not this is default, at creation set to 0*/
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Default"];
if ([fPresetNewFolderCheck state] == YES)
/* initialize and set an empty array for children here since we are a new folder */
NSMutableArray *childrenArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[preset setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: childrenArray] forKey:@"ChildrenArray"];
[childrenArray autorelease];
else // we are not creating a preset folder, so we go ahead with the rest of the preset info
/*Get the whether or not to apply pic Size and Cropping (includes Anamorphic)*/
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[fPresetNewPicSettingsPopUp selectedItem] tag]] forKey:@"UsesPictureSettings"];
/* Get whether or not to use the current Picture Filter settings for the preset */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPresetNewPicFiltersCheck state]] forKey:@"UsesPictureFilters"];
/* Get New Preset Description from the field in the AddPresetPanel*/
[preset setObject:[fPresetNewDesc stringValue] forKey:@"PresetDescription"];
/* File Format */
[preset setObject:[fDstFormatPopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"FileFormat"];
/* Chapter Markers fCreateChapterMarkers*/
[preset setObject:@(fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers) forKey:@"ChapterMarkers"];
/* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"];
/* Add iPod uuid atom */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4iPodCompatible"];
/* Codecs */
/* Video encoder */
[fVideoController prepareVideoForPreset:preset];
/*Picture Settings*/
hb_job_t * job = fTitle->job;
/* Picture Sizing */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"UsesMaxPictureSettings"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPresetNewPicWidth intValue]] forKey:@"PictureWidth"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPresetNewPicHeight intValue]] forKey:@"PictureHeight"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.keep_display_aspect] forKey:@"PictureKeepRatio"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode] forKey:@"PicturePAR"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fTitle->job->modulus] forKey:@"PictureModulus"];
/* Set crop settings here */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fPictureController autoCrop]] forKey:@"PictureAutoCrop"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[0]] forKey:@"PictureTopCrop"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[1]] forKey:@"PictureBottomCrop"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[2]] forKey:@"PictureLeftCrop"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:job->crop[3]] forKey:@"PictureRightCrop"];
/* Picture Filters */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController useDecomb]] forKey:@"PictureDecombDeinterlace"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController deinterlace]] forKey:@"PictureDeinterlace"];
[preset setObject:[fPictureController deinterlaceCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDeinterlaceCustom"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController detelecine]] forKey:@"PictureDetelecine"];
[preset setObject:[fPictureController detelecineCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDetelecineCustom"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController denoise]] forKey:@"PictureDenoise"];
[preset setObject:[fPictureController denoiseCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDenoiseCustom"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController deblock]] forKey:@"PictureDeblock"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController decomb]] forKey:@"PictureDecomb"];
[preset setObject:[fPictureController decombCustomString] forKey:@"PictureDecombCustom"];
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fPictureController grayscale]] forKey:@"VideoGrayScale"];
/* Audio */
[fAudioController.settings prepareAudioForPreset:preset];
/* Subtitles */
[fSubtitlesViewController prepareSubtitlesForPreset:preset];
[preset autorelease];
return preset;
- (void)savePreset
[UserPresets writeToFile:UserPresetsFile atomically:YES];
/* We get the default preset in case it changed */
[self getDefaultPresets:nil];
- (IBAction)deletePreset:(id)sender
if ( [fPresetsOutlineView numberOfSelectedRows] == 0 )
/* Alert user before deleting preset */
NSInteger status;
status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Warning!", @"Are you sure that you want to delete the selected preset?", @"OK", @"Cancel", nil);
if ( status == NSAlertDefaultReturn )
NSInteger presetToModLevel = [fPresetsOutlineView levelForItem: [self selectedPreset]];
NSDictionary *presetToMod = [self selectedPreset];
NSDictionary *presetToModParent = [fPresetsOutlineView parentForItem: presetToMod];
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSMutableArray *presetsArrayToMod;
NSMutableArray *tempArray;
id tempObject;
/* If we are a root level preset, we are modding the UserPresets array */
if (presetToModLevel == 0)
presetsArrayToMod = UserPresets;
else // We have a parent preset, so we modify the chidren array object for key
presetsArrayToMod = [presetToModParent objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"];
enumerator = [presetsArrayToMod objectEnumerator];
tempArray = [NSMutableArray array];
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSDictionary *thisPresetDict = tempObject;
if (thisPresetDict == presetToMod)
[tempArray addObject:tempObject];
[presetsArrayToMod removeObjectsInArray:tempArray];
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
[self savePreset];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Import Export Preset(s)
- (IBAction) browseExportPresetFile: (id) sender
/* Open a panel to let the user choose where and how to save the export file */
NSSavePanel * panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
/* We get the current file name and path from the destination field here */
NSString *defaultExportDirectory = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/Desktop/", NSHomeDirectory()];
[panel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:defaultExportDirectory]];
[panel setNameFieldStringValue:@"HB_Export.plist"];
[panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
[self browseExportPresetFileDone:panel returnCode: (int)result contextInfo:sender];
- (void) browseExportPresetFileDone: (NSSavePanel *) sheet
returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
if( returnCode == NSOKButton )
NSURL *exportPresetsFile = [sheet URL];
NSURL *presetExportDirectory = [exportPresetsFile URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:presetExportDirectory forKey:@"LastPresetExportDirectoryURL"];
/* We check for the presets.plist */
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[exportPresetsFile path]] == 0)
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:[exportPresetsFile path] contents:nil attributes:nil];
NSMutableArray *presetsToExport = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:exportPresetsFile] autorelease];
if (presetsToExport == nil)
presetsToExport = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* now get and add selected presets to export */
if ([self hasValidPresetSelected])
[presetsToExport addObject:[self selectedPreset]];
[presetsToExport writeToURL:exportPresetsFile atomically:YES];
- (IBAction) browseImportPresetFile: (id) sender
NSOpenPanel * panel;
panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[panel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories: NO ];
NSURL *sourceDirectory;
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"LastPresetImportDirectoryURL"])
sourceDirectory = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"LastPresetImportDirectoryURL"];
sourceDirectory = [[NSURL fileURLWithPath:NSHomeDirectory()] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Desktop"];
/* we open up the browse sources sheet here and call for browseSourcesDone after the sheet is closed
* to evaluate whether we want to specify a title, we pass the sender in the contextInfo variable
/* set this for allowed file types, not sure if we should allow xml or not */
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"plist", @"xml", nil];
[panel setDirectoryURL:sourceDirectory];
[panel setAllowedFileTypes:fileTypes];
[panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
[self browseImportPresetDone:panel returnCode:(int)result contextInfo:sender];
- (void) browseImportPresetDone: (NSSavePanel *) sheet
returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
if( returnCode == NSOKButton )
NSURL *importPresetsFile = [sheet URL];
NSURL *importPresetsDirectory = nil;//[importPresetsFile URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:importPresetsDirectory forKey:@"LastPresetImportDirectoryURL"];
/* NOTE: here we need to do some sanity checking to verify we do not hose up our presets file */
NSMutableArray * presetsToImport = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:importPresetsFile];
/* iterate though the new array of presets to import and add them to our presets array */
int i = 0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [presetsToImport objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
/* make any changes to the incoming preset we see fit */
/* make sure the incoming preset is not tagged as default */
[tempObject setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Default"];
/* prepend "(imported) to the name of the incoming preset for clarification since it can be changed */
NSString * prependedName = [@"(import) " stringByAppendingString:[tempObject objectForKey:@"PresetName"]] ;
[tempObject setObject:prependedName forKey:@"PresetName"];
/* actually add the new preset to our presets array */
[UserPresets addObject:tempObject];
[presetsToImport autorelease];
[self sortPresets];
[self addPreset];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Manage Default Preset
- (IBAction)getDefaultPresets:(id)sender
presetHbDefault = nil;
presetUserDefault = nil;
presetUserDefaultParent = nil;
presetUserDefaultParentParent = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *presetHbDefaultParent = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *presetHbDefaultParentParent = nil;
int i = 0;
BOOL userDefaultFound = NO;
presetCurrentBuiltInCount = 0;
/* First we iterate through the root UserPresets array to check for defaults */
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [UserPresets objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDict = tempObject;
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 1) // 1 is HB default
presetHbDefault = thisPresetDict;
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 2) // 2 is User specified default
presetUserDefault = thisPresetDict;
userDefaultFound = YES;
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Type"] intValue] == 0) // Type 0 is a built in preset
presetCurrentBuiltInCount++; // <--increment the current number of built in presets
/* if we run into a folder, go to level 1 and iterate through the children arrays for the default */
if ([thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"])
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDictParent = thisPresetDict;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"] objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDict = tempObject;
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 1) // 1 is HB default
presetHbDefault = thisPresetDict;
presetHbDefaultParent = thisPresetDictParent;
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 2) // 2 is User specified default
presetUserDefault = thisPresetDict;
presetUserDefaultParent = thisPresetDictParent;
userDefaultFound = YES;
/* if we run into a folder, go to level 2 and iterate through the children arrays for the default */
if ([thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"])
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDictParentParent = thisPresetDict;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"] objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDict = tempObject;
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 1) // 1 is HB default
presetHbDefault = thisPresetDict;
presetHbDefaultParent = thisPresetDictParent;
presetHbDefaultParentParent = thisPresetDictParentParent;
if ([[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] == 2) // 2 is User specified default
presetUserDefault = thisPresetDict;
presetUserDefaultParent = thisPresetDictParent;
presetUserDefaultParentParent = thisPresetDictParentParent;
userDefaultFound = YES;
/* check to see if a user specified preset was found, if not then assign the parents for
* the presetHbDefault so that we can open the parents for the nested presets
if (userDefaultFound == NO)
presetUserDefaultParent = presetHbDefaultParent;
presetUserDefaultParentParent = presetHbDefaultParentParent;
- (IBAction)setDefaultPreset:(id)sender
/* We need to determine if the item is a folder */
if ([[[self selectedPreset] objectForKey:@"Folder"] intValue] == 1)
int i = 0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [UserPresets objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
/* First make sure the old user specified default preset is removed */
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDict = tempObject;
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] != 1) // if not the default HB Preset, set to 0
[[UserPresets objectAtIndex:i] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Default"];
/* if we run into a folder, go to level 1 and iterate through the children arrays for the default */
if ([thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"])
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"] objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
int ii = 0;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSMutableDictionary *thisPresetDict1 = tempObject;
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] != 1) // if not the default HB Preset, set to 0
[[[thisPresetDict objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"] objectAtIndex:ii] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Default"];
/* if we run into a folder, go to level 2 and iterate through the children arrays for the default */
if ([thisPresetDict1 objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"])
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[thisPresetDict1 objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"] objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
int iii = 0;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] != 1) // if not the default HB Preset, set to 0
[[[thisPresetDict1 objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"] objectAtIndex:iii] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Default"];
NSInteger presetToModLevel = [fPresetsOutlineView levelForItem: [self selectedPreset]];
NSDictionary *presetToMod = [self selectedPreset];
NSDictionary *presetToModParent = [fPresetsOutlineView parentForItem: presetToMod];
NSMutableArray *presetsArrayToMod;
/* If we are a root level preset, we are modding the UserPresets array */
if (presetToModLevel == 0)
presetsArrayToMod = UserPresets;
else // We have a parent preset, so we modify the chidren array object for key
presetsArrayToMod = [presetToModParent objectForKey:@"ChildrenArray"];
enumerator = [presetsArrayToMod objectEnumerator];
int iiii = 0;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
NSDictionary *thisPresetDict = tempObject;
if (thisPresetDict == presetToMod)
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Default"] intValue] != 1) // if not the default HB Preset, set to 2
[[presetsArrayToMod objectAtIndex:iiii] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:@"Default"];
/* We save all of the preset data here */
[self savePreset];
/* We Reload the New Table data for presets */
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
- (IBAction)selectDefaultPreset:(id)sender
NSMutableDictionary *presetToMod;
/* if there is a user specified default, we use it */
if (presetUserDefault)
presetToMod = presetUserDefault;
else if (presetHbDefault) //else we use the built in default presetHbDefault
presetToMod = presetHbDefault;
if (presetUserDefaultParent != nil)
[fPresetsOutlineView expandItem:presetUserDefaultParent];
if (presetUserDefaultParentParent != nil)
[fPresetsOutlineView expandItem:presetUserDefaultParentParent];
[fPresetsOutlineView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[fPresetsOutlineView rowForItem: presetToMod]] byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self selectPreset:nil];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Manage Built In Presets
- (IBAction)deleteFactoryPresets:(id)sender
//int status;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [UserPresets objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
//NSNumber *index;
NSMutableArray *tempArray;
tempArray = [NSMutableArray array];
/* we look here to see if the preset is we move on to the next one */
while ( tempObject = [enumerator nextObject] )
/* if the preset is "Factory" then we put it in the array of
presets to delete */
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Type"] intValue] == 0)
[tempArray addObject:tempObject];
[UserPresets removeObjectsInArray:tempArray];
[fPresetsOutlineView reloadData];
[self savePreset];
/* We use this method to recreate new, updated factory presets */
- (IBAction)addFactoryPresets:(id)sender
/* First, we delete any existing built in presets */
[self deleteFactoryPresets: sender];
/* Then we generate new built in presets programmatically with fPresetsBuiltin
* which is all setup in HBPresets.h and HBPresets.m*/
[fPresetsBuiltin generateBuiltinPresets:UserPresets];
/* update build number for built in presets */
/* iterate though the new array of presets to import and add them to our presets array */
int i = 0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [UserPresets objectEnumerator];
id tempObject;
while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
/* Record the apps current build number in the PresetBuildNumber key */
if ([[tempObject objectForKey:@"Type"] intValue] == 0) // Type 0 is a built in preset
/* Preset build number */
[[UserPresets objectAtIndex:i] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue]] forKey:@"PresetBuildNumber"];
/* report the built in preset updating to the activity log */
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "built in presets updated to build number: %d", [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] intValue]];
[self sortPresets];
[self addPreset];
* Subclass of the HBPresetsOutlineView *
@implementation HBPresetsOutlineView
- (NSImage *)dragImageForRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)dragRows tableColumns:(NSArray *)tableColumns event:(NSEvent*)dragEvent offset:(NSPointPointer)dragImageOffset
fIsDragging = YES;
// By default, NSTableView only drags an image of the first column. Change this to
// drag an image of the queue's icon and PresetName columns.
NSArray * cols = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [self tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"PresetName"], nil];
return [super dragImageForRowsWithIndexes:dragRows tableColumns:cols event:dragEvent offset:dragImageOffset];
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
fIsDragging = NO;
- (BOOL) isDragging;
return fIsDragging;