/* $Id: Controller.h,v 1.35 2005/08/01 14:29:50 titer Exp $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #include #include "hb.h" #include "ScanController.h" #include "PictureController.h" #include "QueueController.h" @interface HBController : NSObject { IBOutlet NSWindow * fWindow; /* Scan panel */ IBOutlet ScanController * fScanController; IBOutlet NSPanel * fScanPanel; /* Picture panel */ IBOutlet PictureController * fPictureController; IBOutlet NSPanel * fPicturePanel; /* Queue panel */ IBOutlet QueueController * fQueueController; IBOutlet NSPanel * fQueuePanel; IBOutlet NSButton * fQueueCheck; IBOutlet NSButton * fQueueAddButton; IBOutlet NSButton * fQueueShowButton; /* Source box */ IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcDVD1Field; IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcDVD2Field; IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcTitleField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fSrcTitlePopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcChapterField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fSrcChapterStartPopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcChapterToField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fSrcChapterEndPopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcDuration1Field; IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcDuration2Field; /* Destination box */ IBOutlet NSTextField * fDstFormatField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fDstFormatPopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fDstCodecsField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fDstCodecsPopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fDstFile1Field; IBOutlet NSTextField * fDstFile2Field; IBOutlet NSButton * fDstBrowseButton; IBOutlet NSButton * fCreateChapterMarkers; /* Video box */ IBOutlet NSTextField * fVidRateField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fVidRatePopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fVidEncoderField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fVidEncoderPopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fVidQualityField; IBOutlet NSMatrix * fVidQualityMatrix; IBOutlet NSButtonCell * fVidTargetCell; IBOutlet NSTextField * fVidTargetSizeField; IBOutlet NSButtonCell * fVidBitrateCell; IBOutlet NSTextField * fVidBitrateField; IBOutlet NSButtonCell * fVidConstantCell; IBOutlet NSSlider * fVidQualitySlider; IBOutlet NSButton * fVidGrayscaleCheck; IBOutlet NSButton * fVidTwoPassCheck; /* Picture Settings box */ IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelSettings; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelSrc; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelOutp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelAr; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelDeinter; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelSrcX; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelOutputX; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSrcWidth; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSrcHeight; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingWidth; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingHeight; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingARkeep; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingPAR; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingDeinterlace; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingARkeepDsply; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingPARDsply; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingDeinterlaceDsply; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelAnamorphic; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelPAROutp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicLabelPAROutputX; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingPARWidth; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPicSettingPARHeight; /* Subtitles box */ IBOutlet NSTextField * fSubField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fSubPopUp; /* Audio box */ IBOutlet NSTextField * fAudLang1Field; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fAudLang1PopUp; IBOutlet NSButton * fAudLang1SurroundCheck; IBOutlet NSTextField * fAudLang2Field; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fAudLang2PopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fAudRateField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fAudRatePopUp; IBOutlet NSTextField * fAudBitrateField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton * fAudBitratePopUp; /* Bottom */ IBOutlet NSButton * fPictureButton; IBOutlet NSTextField * fStatusField; IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator * fRipIndicator; IBOutlet NSButton * fShowQuButton; IBOutlet NSButton * fAddToQuButton; IBOutlet NSButton * fPauseButton; IBOutlet NSButton * fRipButton; /* User Preset variables here fPresetNewPicSettingsApply*/ IBOutlet NSDrawer * fPresetDrawer; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetNewName; IBOutlet NSButton * fPresetNewPicSettingsApply; IBOutlet NSTextField * fPresetSelectedDisplay; NSString * AppSupportDirectory; NSString * UserPresetsFile; NSString * x264ProfilesFile; NSMutableArray * UserPresets; NSMutableArray * x264Profiles; NSMutableArray *UserPresetssortedArray; NSMutableDictionary * chosenPreset; IBOutlet NSPanel * fAddPresetPanel; IBOutlet NSTableView * tableView; IBOutlet NSButton * fPresetsAdd; IBOutlet NSButton * fPresetsDelete; hb_handle_t * fHandle; hb_title_t * fTitle; } - (void) TranslateStrings; - (void) UpdateUI: (NSTimer *) timer; - (void) EnableUI: (bool) enable; - (IBAction) ShowScanPanel: (id) sender; - (IBAction) TitlePopUpChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) ChapterPopUpChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) FormatPopUpChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) CodecsPopUpChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) EncoderPopUpChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) Check6ChannelAACExtraction: (id) sender; - (IBAction) LanguagePopUpChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) BrowseFile: (id) sender; - (void) BrowseFileDone: (NSSavePanel *) sheet returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo; - (IBAction) VideoMatrixChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) QualitySliderChanged: (id) sender; - (IBAction) ShowPicturePanel: (id) sender; - (IBAction) CalculatePictureSizing: (id) sender; - (IBAction) EnableQueue: (id) sender; - (IBAction) AddToQueue: (id) sender; - (IBAction) ShowQueuePanel: (id) sender; - (IBAction) Rip: (id) sender; - (void) OverwriteAlertDone: (NSWindow *) sheet returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo; - (void) UpdateAlertDone: (NSWindow *) sheet returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo; - (void) _Rip; - (IBAction) Cancel: (id) sender; - (void) _Cancel: (NSWindow *) sheet returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo; - (IBAction) Pause: (id) sender; - (IBAction) CalculateBitrate: (id) sender; - (void) controlTextDidBeginEditing: (NSNotification *) notification; - (void) controlTextDidEndEditing: (NSNotification *) notification; - (void) controlTextDidChange: (NSNotification *) notification; - (IBAction) OpenHomepage: (id) sender; - (IBAction) OpenForums: (id) sender; // Preset Methods Here - (IBAction) ShowAddPresetPanel: (id) sender; - (IBAction) CloseAddPresetPanel: (id) sender; - (NSDictionary *)CreatePreset; - (NSDictionary *)CreateIpodPreset; - (NSDictionary *)CreateAppleTVPreset; - (void) savePreset; - (IBAction)AddFactoryPresets:(id)sender; - (IBAction)AddUserPreset:(id)sender; - (void)AddPreset; - (IBAction)InsertPreset:(id)sender; - (IBAction)DeletePreset:(id)sender; - (IBAction)tableViewSelected:(id)sender; // NSTableDataSource methods - (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView; - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex; - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView setObjectValue:(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex; @end