/* param.c * * Copyright (c) 2003-2015 HandBrake Team * This file is part of the HandBrake source code * Homepage: . * It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2. * For full terms see the file COPYING file or visit * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ #include "param.h" #include "common.h" #include const char hb_filter_off[] = "off"; static hb_filter_param_t nlmeans_presets[] = { { 1, "Custom", "custom", NULL }, { 5, "Ultralight", "ultralight", NULL }, { 2, "Light", "light", NULL }, { 3, "Medium", "medium", NULL }, { 4, "Strong", "strong", NULL }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static hb_filter_param_t nlmeans_tunes[] = { { 0, "None", "none", NULL }, { 1, "Film", "film", NULL }, { 2, "Grain", "grain", NULL }, { 3, "High Motion", "highmotion", NULL }, { 4, "Animation", "animation", NULL }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static hb_filter_param_t hqdn3d_presets[] = { { 1, "Custom", "custom", NULL }, { 5, "Ultralight", "ultralight", "1:0.7:0.7:1:2:2" }, { 2, "Light", "light", "2:1:1:2:3:3" }, { 3, "Medium", "medium", "3:2:2:2:3:3" }, { 4, "Strong", "strong", "7:7:7:5:5:5" }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, // Legacy and aliases go below the NULL { 2, "Weak", "weak", "2:1:1:2:3:3" }, { 2, "Default", "default", "2:1:1:2:3:3" }, }; static hb_filter_param_t detelecine_presets[] = { { 0, "Off", "off", hb_filter_off }, { 1, "Custom", "custom", NULL }, { 2, "Default", "default", "" }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static hb_filter_param_t decomb_presets[] = { { 1, "Custom", "custom", NULL }, { 2, "Default", "default", "" }, { 3, "Fast", "fast", "7:2:6:9:1:80" }, { 4, "Bob", "bob", "455" }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static hb_filter_param_t deinterlace_presets[] = { { 1, "Custom", "custom", NULL }, { 2, "Fast", "fast", "0:-1:-1:0:1" }, { 3, "Slow", "slow", "1:-1:-1:0:1" }, { 4, "Slower", "slower", "3:-1:-1:0:1" }, { 5, "Bob", "bob", "15:-1:-1:0:1" }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { 2, "Default", "default", "0:-1:-1:0:1" } }; typedef struct { int filter_id; hb_filter_param_t *presets; hb_filter_param_t *tunes; int count; } filter_param_map_t; static filter_param_map_t param_map[] = { { HB_FILTER_NLMEANS, nlmeans_presets, nlmeans_tunes, sizeof(nlmeans_presets) / sizeof(hb_filter_param_t) }, { HB_FILTER_HQDN3D, hqdn3d_presets, NULL, sizeof(hqdn3d_presets) / sizeof(hb_filter_param_t) }, { HB_FILTER_DETELECINE, detelecine_presets, NULL, sizeof(detelecine_presets) / sizeof(hb_filter_param_t) }, { HB_FILTER_DECOMB, decomb_presets, NULL, sizeof(decomb_presets) / sizeof(hb_filter_param_t) }, { HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE, deinterlace_presets, NULL, sizeof(deinterlace_presets) / sizeof(hb_filter_param_t) }, { HB_FILTER_INVALID, NULL, NULL, 0 } }; /* NL-means presets and tunes * * Presets adjust strength: * ultralight - visually transparent * light * medium * strong * * Tunes adjust settings to the specified content type: * none * film - most content, live action * grain - like film but preserves luma grain * highmotion - like film but avoids color smearing with stronger settings * animation - cel animation such as cartoons, anime */ static char * generate_nlmeans_settings(const char *preset, const char *tune) { char *opt = NULL; if (preset == NULL) return NULL; if (!strcasecmp(preset, "custom") && tune != NULL) { return strdup(tune); } if (!strcasecmp(preset, "ultralight") || !strcasecmp(preset, "light") || !strcasecmp(preset, "medium") || !strcasecmp(preset, "strong")) { double strength[2], origin_tune[2]; int patch_size[2], range[2], frames[2], prefilter[2]; if (tune == NULL || !strcasecmp(tune, "none")) { strength[0] = strength[1] = 6; origin_tune[0] = origin_tune[1] = 1; patch_size[0] = patch_size[1] = 7; range[0] = range[1] = 3; frames[0] = frames[1] = 2; prefilter[0] = prefilter[1] = 0; if (!strcasecmp(preset, "ultralight")) { strength[0] = strength[1] = 1.5; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "light")) { strength[0] = strength[1] = 3; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "strong")) { strength[0] = strength[1] = 10; } } else if (!strcasecmp(tune, "film")) { strength[0] = 6; strength[1] = 8; origin_tune[0] = origin_tune[1] = 0.8; patch_size[0] = patch_size[1] = 7; range[0] = range[1] = 3; frames[0] = frames[1] = 2; prefilter[0] = prefilter[1] = 0; if (!strcasecmp(preset, "ultralight")) { strength[0] = 1.5; strength[1] = 2.4; origin_tune[0] = 0.9; origin_tune[1] = 0.9; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "light")) { strength[0] = 3; strength[1] = 4; origin_tune[0] = 0.9; origin_tune[1] = 0.9; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "strong")) { strength[0] = 8; strength[1] = 10; origin_tune[0] = 0.6; origin_tune[1] = 0.6; } } else if (!strcasecmp(tune, "grain")) { strength[0] = 0; strength[1] = 6; origin_tune[0] = origin_tune[1] = 0.8; patch_size[0] = patch_size[1] = 7; range[0] = range[1] = 3; frames[0] = frames[1] = 2; prefilter[0] = prefilter[1] = 0; if (!strcasecmp(preset, "ultralight")) { strength[0] = 0; strength[1] = 2.4; origin_tune[0] = 0.9; origin_tune[1] = 0.9; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "light")) { strength[0] = 0; strength[1] = 3.5; origin_tune[0] = 0.9; origin_tune[1] = 0.9; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "strong")) { strength[0] = 0; strength[1] = 8; origin_tune[0] = 0.6; origin_tune[1] = 0.6; } } else if (!strcasecmp(tune, "highmotion")) { strength[0] = 6; strength[1] = 6; origin_tune[0] = 0.8; origin_tune[1] = 0.7; patch_size[0] = 7; patch_size[1] = 7; range[0] = 3; range[1] = 5; frames[0] = 2; frames[1] = 1; prefilter[0] = 0; prefilter[1] = 0; if (!strcasecmp(preset, "ultralight")) { strength[0] = 1.5; strength[1] = 2.4; origin_tune[0] = 0.9; origin_tune[1] = 0.9; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "light")) { strength[0] = 3; strength[1] = 3.25; origin_tune[0] = 0.9; origin_tune[1] = 0.8; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "strong")) { strength[0] = 8; strength[1] = 6.75; origin_tune[0] = 0.6; origin_tune[1] = 0.5; } } else if (!strcasecmp(tune, "animation")) { strength[0] = 5; strength[1] = 4; origin_tune[0] = origin_tune[1] = 0.15; patch_size[0] = patch_size[1] = 5; range[0] = range[1] = 7; frames[0] = frames[1] = 4; prefilter[0] = prefilter[1] = 0; if (!strcasecmp(preset, "ultralight")) { strength[0] = 2.5; strength[1] = 2; frames[0] = 2; frames[1] = 2; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "light")) { strength[0] = 3; strength[1] = 2.25; frames[0] = 3; frames[1] = 3; } else if (!strcasecmp(preset, "strong")) { strength[0] = 10; strength[1] = 8; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized nlmeans tune (%s).\n", tune); return NULL; } opt = hb_strdup_printf("%lf:%lf:%d:%d:%d:%d:%lf:%lf:%d:%d:%d:%d", strength[0], origin_tune[0], patch_size[0], range[0], frames[0], prefilter[0], strength[1], origin_tune[1], patch_size[1], range[1], frames[1], prefilter[1]); } else { opt = strdup(preset); if (tune != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Custom nlmeans parameters specified; ignoring nlmeans tune (%s).\n", tune); } } return opt; } int hb_validate_param_string(const char *regex_pattern, const char *param_string) { regex_t regex_temp; if (regcomp(®ex_temp, regex_pattern, REG_EXTENDED) == 0) { if (regexec(®ex_temp, param_string, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) { regfree(®ex_temp); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "hb_validate_param_string: Error compiling regex for pattern (%s).\n", param_string); } regfree(®ex_temp); return 1; } int hb_validate_filter_settings(int filter_id, const char *filter_param) { if (filter_param == NULL) return 0; // Regex matches "number" followed by one or more ":number", where number is int or float const char *hb_colon_separated_params_regex = "^(((([\\-])?[0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?)|(([\\-])?[.,][0-9]+))((:((([\\-])?[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?)|(([\\-])?[,.][0-9]+)))+)?)$"; const char *regex_pattern = NULL; switch (filter_id) { case HB_FILTER_ROTATE: case HB_FILTER_DEBLOCK: case HB_FILTER_DETELECINE: case HB_FILTER_DECOMB: case HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE: case HB_FILTER_NLMEANS: case HB_FILTER_HQDN3D: if (filter_param[0] == 0) { return 0; } regex_pattern = hb_colon_separated_params_regex; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "hb_validate_filter_settings: Unrecognized filter (%d).\n", filter_id); return 1; break; } if (hb_validate_param_string(regex_pattern, filter_param) == 0) { return 0; } return 1; } static hb_filter_param_t* filter_param_get_presets_internal(int filter_id, int *count) { int ii; for (ii = 0; param_map[ii].filter_id != HB_FILTER_INVALID; ii++) { if (param_map[ii].filter_id == filter_id) { if (count != NULL) *count = param_map[ii].count; return param_map[ii].presets; } } return NULL; } static hb_filter_param_t* filter_param_get_tunes_internal(int filter_id, int *count) { int ii; for (ii = 0; param_map[ii].filter_id != HB_FILTER_INVALID; ii++) { if (param_map[ii].filter_id == filter_id) { if (count != NULL) *count = param_map[ii].count; return param_map[ii].tunes; } } return NULL; } static hb_filter_param_t* filter_param_get_entry(hb_filter_param_t *table, const char *name, int count) { if (table == NULL || name == NULL) return NULL; int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { if ((table[ii].name != NULL && !strcasecmp(name, table[ii].name)) || (table[ii].short_name != NULL && !strcasecmp(name, table[ii].short_name))) { return &table[ii]; } } return NULL; } static hb_filter_param_t* filter_param_get_entry_by_index(hb_filter_param_t *table, int index, int count) { if (table == NULL) return NULL; int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { if (table[ii].name != NULL && table[ii].index == index) { return &table[ii]; } } return NULL; } static char * generate_generic_settings(int filter_id, const char *preset, const char *tune) { char *opt = NULL; int preset_count, tune_count; hb_filter_param_t *preset_table, *tune_table; hb_filter_param_t *preset_entry, *tune_entry; preset_table = filter_param_get_presets_internal(filter_id, &preset_count); tune_table = filter_param_get_tunes_internal(filter_id, &tune_count); preset_entry = filter_param_get_entry(preset_table, preset, preset_count); tune_entry = filter_param_get_entry(tune_table, tune, tune_count); if (preset_entry != NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(preset, "custom") && tune != NULL) { opt = strdup(tune); } else if (preset_entry->settings == hb_filter_off) { return (char*)hb_filter_off; } else if (preset_entry->settings != NULL) { opt = hb_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", preset_entry->settings, tune_entry != NULL ? ":" : "", tune_entry != NULL ? tune_entry->settings : ""); } } else if (preset != NULL) { return strdup(preset); } return opt; } // Legacy: old presets store filter falues as indexes :( static char * generate_generic_settings_by_index(int filter_id, int preset, const char *custom) { char *opt = NULL; int preset_count; hb_filter_param_t *preset_table; hb_filter_param_t *preset_entry; preset_table = filter_param_get_presets_internal(filter_id, &preset_count); preset_entry = filter_param_get_entry_by_index(preset_table, preset, preset_count); if (preset_entry != NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(preset_entry->short_name, "custom") && custom != NULL) { opt = strdup(custom); } else if (preset_entry->settings == hb_filter_off) { return (char*)hb_filter_off; } else if (preset_entry->settings != NULL) { opt = hb_strdup_printf("%s", preset_entry->settings); } } return opt; } char * hb_generate_filter_settings_by_index(int filter_id, int preset, const char *custom) { char *filter_param = NULL; switch (filter_id) { case HB_FILTER_ROTATE: if (preset <= 0) filter_param = (char*)hb_filter_off; else filter_param = hb_strdup_printf("%d", preset); break; case HB_FILTER_DEBLOCK: if (preset < 5) filter_param = (char*)hb_filter_off; else filter_param = hb_strdup_printf("%d", preset); break; case HB_FILTER_DECOMB: case HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE: case HB_FILTER_DETELECINE: case HB_FILTER_HQDN3D: filter_param = generate_generic_settings_by_index(filter_id, preset, custom); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "hb_generate_filter_settings: Unrecognized filter (%d).\n", filter_id); break; } if (filter_param == hb_filter_off) return filter_param; if (filter_param != NULL && hb_validate_filter_settings(filter_id, filter_param) == 0) { return filter_param; } free(filter_param); return NULL; } char * hb_generate_filter_settings(int filter_id, const char *preset, const char *tune) { char *filter_param = NULL; switch (filter_id) { case HB_FILTER_NLMEANS: filter_param = generate_nlmeans_settings(preset, tune); break; case HB_FILTER_ROTATE: if (atoi(preset) == 0) filter_param = (char*)hb_filter_off; else filter_param = strdup(preset); break; case HB_FILTER_DEBLOCK: if (atoi(preset) < 5) filter_param = (char*)hb_filter_off; else filter_param = strdup(preset); break; case HB_FILTER_DECOMB: case HB_FILTER_DEINTERLACE: case HB_FILTER_DETELECINE: case HB_FILTER_HQDN3D: filter_param = generate_generic_settings(filter_id, preset, tune); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "hb_generate_filter_settings: Unrecognized filter (%d).\n", filter_id); break; } if (filter_param == hb_filter_off) return filter_param; if (filter_param != NULL && hb_validate_filter_settings(filter_id, filter_param) == 0) { return filter_param; } free(filter_param); return NULL; } int hb_validate_filter_preset(int filter_id, const char *preset, const char *tune) { if (preset == NULL && tune == NULL) return 1; int preset_count, tune_count; hb_filter_param_t *preset_table, *tune_table; hb_filter_param_t *preset_entry, *tune_entry; preset_table = filter_param_get_presets_internal(filter_id, &preset_count); preset_entry = filter_param_get_entry(preset_table, preset, preset_count); if (preset_entry == NULL || preset_entry->name == NULL) return 1; if (tune != NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(preset, "custom") && tune != NULL) { return hb_validate_filter_settings(filter_id, tune); } tune_table = filter_param_get_tunes_internal(filter_id, &tune_count); tune_entry = filter_param_get_entry(tune_table, tune, tune_count); if (tune_entry == NULL) return 1; } return 0; } int hb_validate_filter_preset_by_index(int filter_id, int preset, const char *tune) { int preset_count, tune_count; hb_filter_param_t *preset_table, *tune_table; hb_filter_param_t *preset_entry, *tune_entry; preset_table = filter_param_get_presets_internal(filter_id, &preset_count); preset_entry = filter_param_get_entry_by_index(preset_table, preset, preset_count); if (preset_entry == NULL || preset_entry->name == NULL) return 1; if (tune != NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(preset_entry->short_name, "custom") && tune != NULL) { return hb_validate_filter_settings(filter_id, tune); } tune_table = filter_param_get_tunes_internal(filter_id, &tune_count); tune_entry = filter_param_get_entry(tune_table, tune, tune_count); if (tune_entry == NULL) return 1; } return 0; } int hb_filter_preset_index(int filter_id, const char *preset) { if (preset == NULL) return -1; int preset_count; hb_filter_param_t *preset_table; hb_filter_param_t *preset_entry; preset_table = filter_param_get_presets_internal(filter_id, &preset_count); preset_entry = filter_param_get_entry(preset_table, preset, preset_count); if (preset_entry == NULL) return -1; return preset_entry->index; } int hb_filter_tune_index(int filter_id, const char *tune) { if (tune == NULL) return -1; int tune_count; hb_filter_param_t *tune_table; hb_filter_param_t *tune_entry; tune_table = filter_param_get_tunes_internal(filter_id, &tune_count); tune_entry = filter_param_get_entry(tune_table, tune, tune_count); if (tune_entry == NULL) { return -1; } return tune_entry->index; } hb_filter_param_t* hb_filter_param_get_presets(int filter_id) { return filter_param_get_presets_internal(filter_id, NULL); } hb_filter_param_t* hb_filter_param_get_tunes(int filter_id) { return filter_param_get_tunes_internal(filter_id, NULL); }