/* openclwrapper.h
Copyright (c) 2003-2012 HandBrake Team
This file is part of the HandBrake source code
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It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
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Authors: Peng Gao
Li Cao
#include "common.h"
//support AMD opencl
typedef struct _KernelEnv
cl_context context;
cl_command_queue command_queue;
cl_program program;
cl_kernel kernel;
char kernel_name[150];
int isAMD;
typedef struct _OpenCLEnv
cl_platform_id platform;
cl_context context;
cl_device_id devices;
cl_command_queue command_queue;
//user defined, this is function wrapper which is used to set the input parameters ,
//luanch kernel and copy data from GPU to CPU or CPU to GPU.
typedef int (*cl_kernel_function)( void **userdata, KernelEnv *kenv );
// registe a wapper for running the kernel specified by the kernel name
int hb_register_kernel_wrapper( const char *kernel_name, cl_kernel_function function );
// run kernel , user call this function to luanch kernel.
// kernel_name: this kernel name is used to find the kernel in opencl runtime environment
// userdata: this userdata is the all parameters for running the kernel specified by kernel name
int hb_run_kernel( const char *kernel_name, void **userdata );
// init the run time environment , this function must be called befor calling any function related to opencl
// the argc must be set zero , argv must be set NULL, build_option is the options for build the kernel.
int hb_init_opencl_run_env( int argc, char **argv, const char *build_option );
//relase all resource about the opencl , this function must be called after calling any functions related to opencl
int hb_release_opencl_run_env();
// get the opencl status , 0: not init ; 1, inited; this function is used the check whether or not the opencl run time has been created
int hb_opencl_stats();
// update opencl run time environments , such as commandqueue , platforme, context. program
int hb_init_opencl_attr( OpenCLEnv * env );
// create kernel object by a kernel name on the specified opencl run time indicated by env parameter
int hb_create_kernel( char * kernelname, KernelEnv * env );
// release kernel object which is generated by calling the hb_create_kernel api
int hb_release_kernel( KernelEnv * env );
void hb_opencl_init();
int hb_get_opencl_env();
int hb_create_buffer(cl_mem *cl_Buf,int flags,int size);
int hb_read_opencl_buffer(cl_mem cl_inBuf,unsigned char *outbuf,int size);
int hb_cl_create_mapped_buffer(cl_mem *mem, unsigned char **addr, int size);
int hb_cl_free_mapped_buffer(cl_mem mem, unsigned char *addr);
int hb_use_buffers();
int hb_confirm_gpu_type();